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2570220 No.2570220 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good poison that one can produce at home (assuming that I have a decent amount of apparatus, and most publicly-sourced chemicals) that produces painless death within 15 minutes?

>> No.2570239

I would imagine that there are several household solvents that injected intravenously would provide a quick death... painless, that's gonna be some "let me google that for yer" kind of a criterion

>> No.2570254

Well, see, it seems most of my options involve rather unsourceable chemicals or strange creatures that I could not lay my hands on. I figured I'd atleast give you guys a try.

>> No.2570257

buy a carton of cigarettes.
mash them all up in water and let it soak
distill that shit.

enjoy your poisonous sludge you can pour into whatever you like.

if a toddler eats a whole cig it can be fatal.

imagine a whole carton s worth of concentrated cigarette essence.

>> No.2570267

I wouldn't do it without hand/skin protection though.

>> No.2570273

Ethanol enema. Will kill you dead quick and painlessly, as long as you don't care about preserving your dignity as a corpse.

>> No.2570274

Ah... I'm not biochemist so hopefully you have better luck, then again, perhaps hopefully not? :D

>> No.2570286

I was looking up your suggestion. I take it that the main component there would be nicotine...and it sounds like a rather painful way to bump off...nausea, vomiting, tremors, etc.
I was thinking of some barium nitrate I have, and go with some ehavy metal poisoning, but from what I've read acute heavy-metal poisoning is very nasty.

>> No.2570292

And...what exactly do you mean by "preserving my dignity'?

>> No.2570310

oh yeah...it could be worse, though, pain wise.
Meh, I mainly listed it cause I'd use it to kill evil inmates who sit on my face should I ever get thrown into jail without a good reason.
I'm a pussy, so it's gonna be dirty fighting, and cigs are more or less a currency and thus available.

>> No.2570335

not the guy, but...a friggin alcohol enema isn't exactly the epitome of classy ways to go.
unless you're into macabre tragicomedy

>> No.2570352
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somehow I don't think OP was sayin' suicide...

>> No.2570359

Somehow I think I am...

>> No.2570361
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Consequences will never be the same for me...

>> No.2570375

I don't know lead poisoning properly applied to the brain takes only seconds at most.

>> No.2570382
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>> No.2570392

So I'm going to shank myself in the skull or neck, and inject a nice dose of lead? No thanks, the doctors have done enough fiddling with me.

>> No.2570397

well if you're going for suicide get a shitton of asprin and take as many as you can before you die

>> No.2570402

You'll be pouring liters of hard liquor into your ass and holding it there for as long as possible. Eventually you'll pass out from alcohol poisoning at which point you'll spew the entire contents of your bowels all over the room you're in (and remember, you put a lot of liquid in there so it's going to be very messy. Think goatse). You will then die very quickly after that as the parts of your brain responsible for breathing and heart rhythm are shut down, leaving your lifeless corpse face-down in a puddle of shit with your rear-end likely sticking up in the air so that whatever unfortunate person stumbles across your corpse can get a good look at the tube sticking out of your ass.

Like I said, it's not a great way to go out if you care at all about preserving your dignity.

>> No.2570414

cut your wrists, if your going to kill someone then grow some balls and stab them

>> No.2570421

pufferfish from the sketchiest part of chinatown

>> No.2570426

Hypoxia is a nice way to go, I would prefer hypoxic hypoxia but CO will work too.

>> No.2570430

Better yet, just order some TTX and inject that shit straight into your veins (or better yet, your brain although that will require drilling a hole through your skull). You'll be dead in seconds.

>> No.2570442


>> No.2570481 [DELETED] 


Have you ever tried a powerful snus and kept it under your lips for too long? I'ts NOT a pleasant feeling.

There's also a case told by my friend about a person at his workplace who obviously had never tried snus and did'nt know how it is supposed to be used. He was like "yeah, sure!", when asked if he wanted some. After rolling a neat ball of snus, he just threw it in his mouth and swallowed it...

Few minutes afterwards, my friend pictured him looking he was dying, and had to spend couple of hours in bathrooms to puke and shit.

So, nicotine overdose? Most likely, NOT painless.

>> No.2570488


Have you ever tried a powerful snus and kept it under your lips for too long? I'ts NOT a pleasant feeling.

There's also a case told by my friend about a person at his workplace who obviously had never tried snus and did'nt know how it is supposed to be used. He was like "yeah, sure!", when asked if he wanted some. After rolling a neat ball of snus, he just threw it in his mouth and swallowed it...

Few minutes afterwards, my friend pictured him looking like as he was dying, and had to spend couple of hours in bathrooms puking and shitting.

So, nicotine overdose? Most likely, NOT painless.

>> No.2570535

PROTIP: All poisons are painful. Trick is finding the fastest one.

potassium chloride salt is readily available at supermarkets, but you need to inject a good amount of concentrated soln

>> No.2570543

Mix bleach and something containing large amounts of ammonia in a small room with poor ventilation.

>> No.2570571

How painful it is isn't the issue.
The question is can you make the process irreversible before it becomes too painful to complete? For example, probably couldn't poison yourself with knife wounds. It would start to hurt and then you would stop before you finish killing yourself. But you could inject yourself with something and your part in the matter would be over and done with before you were incapacitated by pain and unable to save yourself.

>> No.2570634
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FBI is now aware of OP and this thread

>> No.2570653

I've heard concentrated nitrogen/helium gas are reasonably cheap and completely painless.

>> No.2570658

lips then face getting "tingly"/ irritable with a slight headache then tired, sleepiness gets to be too much, must lie down.

sleep tight...

>> No.2570677

I've seen nitrogen asphyxiation proposed as a humane form of execution.

>> No.2571530

just shoot heroin, 200mg should kill a first timer, but if you want to be sure take 3-4 valium

enjoy your blissful, transcendent drifting off to death