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2565791 No.2565791 [Reply] [Original]

Answering any questions on meditation.

>> No.2565826

The Beach Boys recommended that I try Transcendental Meditation.

I have partaken prolonged periods of intense concentration and stillness. It's very relaxing. It's like sleeping except without the lapse in consciousness. That's probably not what you'd call meditation though, I don't know.

>> No.2565842
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>implying you know jack shit about meditation

>> No.2565855
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>> No.2565886

how do I float with meditation?

>> No.2565888

First, you must become Dhalsim from Street Fighter.

>> No.2565893


>implying its not all bullshit

>> No.2565904

That what's all bullshit? IIRC, no claims have been made ITT.

>> No.2565925

ITT: look out for christ-fags trolling against meditation

there is a decent amount of scientific research on meditation and similar tachniques

i suggest you google jon kabat zinn or mindfullness based stress reduction

>> No.2565960
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You would have to see everything in a different way - so it's possible to understand things, with a different rhythm. By doing so these elements that you knew about become entwined with your sort of, essence/aura. It can seem strange, but only if strange is present (to this new structure) - otherwise it's normally positive. Freewill is the biggest factor, you should understand that doing it wrong is easily avoided, on terms of what's out there; and what you would do normally. This is balance/harmony, whatever, you become in full control. However, only in mind, for your spirit should be with humanity.

>> No.2565974

I can almost see through the line of information between me and OP and realizing he is a 13 year old weeaboo faggot who doesn't like people because people are bad, who spends a hell of a time in the computer and fools himself to be a genius at something and then he discovered meditation on wikipedia and thought it looked smart, so he tried for two weeks and got a placebo effect that he was a chinese monkey god achieving all kinds of nirvana shit and so he comes to this anonymous board, escaping from the kids in school and pretends to be this expert in something he read a few times, as if he was an advocate of meditation for 20 years, imagining some maturity and knowledge he doesn't actually have as he went through the possible reactions about his thread in his head, while on the shower, after fapping.

>> No.2565979

how do i not zZzzz....

>> No.2566024

Can you give me samatha techniques, ideas, things to go along with it etc.?

>> No.2566031

I am looking to meditate myself, however as a beginner I have no knowledge on the subject. Could you recommend a good book that is all encompassing for a beginner, such as techniques and mindset?

>> No.2566038

That's story is too long,

>> No.2566079

It depends what mood you're in really, if you want to meditate you usually pick the method beforehand, a sort of blueprint, and you fill in the gaps, like blood through veins - then you drift, within it, equipped with control and composure. You would need to manipulate the harmonics using your full-self to become essentially, aware of what's around you whilst travelling through 'time' so to speak, on that predetermined wave length. Learning becomes easier as you don't just think it, you feel it and experience it.

>> No.2567090

>blah blah impossibly vague bullshit that has no meaning but sounds flowery, mystical and condescending
You know, this persona is really annoying. But that's the point, isn't it?

>> No.2567118


google Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction if you want some western science proven adaptations of eastern meditation

if you want some eastern stuff, google Taoist Yoga