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2563743 No.2563743 [Reply] [Original]

I loathe muslims.

I don't have a creative troll, I don't even give a shit, I just hate everything about them.

>> No.2563744
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>> No.2563766
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>> No.2563769

sure is new in here

also, sandniggers are as bad as they come, i think everyone agrees

>> No.2563771

But Colossus, you're a sensitive guy and generally non- confrontational! How could you say such things?

>> No.2563775

But this is not science related you fucking dimwit.

>> No.2563782

angry white boy up in hurrrr

>> No.2563798
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A new challenger appears

>> No.2563806


>> No.2563814

the worst part is their stench

>> No.2563821

Clearly, he's silver, not white. Use your eyes.

>> No.2563839

Why does he...

what wait

why? ...why? this... uhm... why man...

>> No.2563842

hey buddy, take that stuff to /int/!
or the chon of four, i suppose. they'd probably like it there too

>> No.2563843

Silver confirmed for Ubermensch

>> No.2563845

I find it stupid when people associate a religion to a certain group of people. It's like associating Christianity with white peop- oh wait.

>> No.2563856
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>> No.2563862

Christianity is more associated with Americans than white people specifically.

>> No.2563872

OP here, I am not associating muslims with anyone except muslims, I have no problem with sihks, hindus, any other belief originating in the east, but muslims man... if they had never existed, the world would be a better place.

>> No.2563879

Actually if Judaism never existed it would be better because than neither Christianity nor Islam would exist as well.

Three birds with one stone sort of deal.

>> No.2563881

You're likely confusing the religion with middle eastern zealotry like every American does. They're no more extreme or profane than any other major religion. There's even Jewish terrorists in Israel.

>> No.2563883


but still, I have never SEEN jews do bad things, just heard about it.

>> No.2563887
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>> No.2563890

Jews only make up about 2% of the world population, even if they did something gigantic hardly anybody will notice.

>> No.2563893

jewfag detected

>> No.2563894
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>> No.2563896

lol no.

>> No.2563898

What about the Sun religion before Jews? Or the cults, religions, and cultures the Jews have wiped out over history?

>> No.2563902
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Thats because they run the media.

>> No.2563903
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>> No.2563906

Granted the media is a good business to invest in, even during recessions or depressions.

>> No.2563907
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Murdoch is too fucking stupdi to be a jew.
He is a christian.

>> No.2563909

thanks bro, I set the bar pretty low didn't I?

>> No.2563918

His mother is Jewish, thus he's Jewish by the rule.

>> No.2563946


Lol Disney is run by a Jew

Even though Walt Disney was confirmed for anti-semitic good guy

>> No.2563962

yea, disney was a pretty cool guy, he hates the jews and dosent afraid of frivoulous lawsewts

>> No.2563966

Was he actually?