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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 425x282, beautiful-scientist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2561734 No.2561734 [Reply] [Original]

How many femanons on /sci/? Are we all so trained by /b/ to never reveal ourselves for fear of attack?

>> No.2561747

nah, we have nothing to fear from /b/

they talk big, but actually have no authority whatsoever.

>> No.2561750
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Girls can't do science. They have inadequate female brains

>> No.2561756
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>> No.2561769
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>> No.2561771



capcha: get back in the fucking kitchen

>> No.2561774
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>> No.2561788
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>> No.2561797

Why are female scientists almost exclusively doing in field like biology, medicine, cell research?

>> No.2561801



>> No.2561802



>> No.2561805

ITT: 2 femanons and virgin neckbeards.

>> No.2561811


Firstfag here,

You've clearly never seen anchorman, or you'd know IDIFTL

>> No.2561819

If your gender is irrelevant to the subject, then insisting on shoehorning it in contributes nothing and can only serve to derail a topic.

You do not know my gender, nor do you need to know.

>> No.2561840

I actually totally agree. I mostly ask out of curiosity, and also to feel out this board, since I'm used to /b/'s and other's response of tits or GFTO, and was hoping this would be different.

I never identify my gender when posting, normally

>> No.2561842

Because biology is the easiest science.

>> No.2561857

i saw it ages ago, i dont remember the line.

i agree.

>> No.2561864

Understanding complex biological systems is a lot more difficult than solving for x.

>> No.2561867



>> No.2561869

My wife is a PhD biochemist. I'm working on a PhD in physics.

Deal with it, sexists.

>> No.2561870


>Implying females would come here

>> No.2561874

If you are female and on 4chan on a Friday evening then in all likelihood you are a giant whale, or a hideous monster.

>> No.2561879

Where did you two meet?

I'm a foreveralone sperg non-ugly hardworking undergraduate and I'm becoming afraid that I'll never be with someone academically oriented.

>> No.2561886


>Implying said stereotyping should only be applied to females, for some reason...

I'm average weight and can confidently say I'm better looking than the average person.
I also have homework to do. Hence. Home. Internet.

>> No.2561891



>> No.2561892

Average weight? Care to enlighten us?

>> No.2561896

There will be a trollfest if I tell you. But you can try anything were people get together and either talk, learn, or do something. If you're focused on finding someone academic, activities related to universities help. It doesn't have to funded or organized by a university - I'm just saying that academics are at and around universities, as a rule.

Finding *single* academics will get harder as you get older, of course.

>> No.2561902

Also, my wife is three years older than I am, and we met when I was starting grad school.

>> No.2561903


144 at 5'10.
12% body fat
Okay. A bit below average weight.
Oh and I'm a dude if you're wondering

>> No.2561910

>144 at 5'10
Huh. I'm 170 at the same height.

>> No.2561914



what kind of response are you probing for, here?

>> No.2561915

Mammary glands or exit the system

But seriously, masochism aside, why can't women take a joke? Why don't you make fun of us?

Suggested topics:
1. Size of glandular tissue
2. Size of reproductive tissue
3. Perceived femininity
4. Virginity
5. Uncivilized neanderthal behavior
6. Pictures of knicks fans/college fratboys behaving like idiots
7. "Why don't you go in the garage?"
8. Infidelity

I could go on for quite awhile

>> No.2561920

Just musing out loud about if you're skinny, if I'm getting slightly overweight, etc. I grew up on the skinny side of a healthy weight.

>> No.2561922

>If you are female
>I'm average weight and can confidently say I'm better looking than the average person.
>Oh and I'm a dude if you're wondering

Who let this happen?

>> No.2561924

There are no femanon on /sci/, or maleanon. Only anon.

Don't fag this place up with tripfag training wheels.

>> No.2561926

Small penis jabs would be hilarious. Doesn't matter if YOU care about it - many guys do. It's the male equivalent of "am I fat".

>> No.2561937


Without knowing your body fat content it's hard to say. An athlete body fat content is <10% but I would assum that's only for serious aerobic sports like soccer, swimming, ect... for a football or baseball player who needs a lot of upper body strength it's going to need moar fat.
I'm a soccerfag myself, so I need minimal body fat, so, like I said, I'm around 12% slightly underweight...
170 is fine if a fair amount of it is in muscle

>> No.2561940

Dear femanons in the lab.

Learn to fucking handle criticism, you make the entire lab tense. If you aren't being fucking catty all the time, you're being neurotic thinking "no one trusts me with anything".

>> No.2561949


>> No.2561953

I'm not weak. I'm probably fine. I should do more cardio though. Anyway, thanks for joining me in my random train of thought.

>> No.2561957


I'm anonymous. It's not like I'm looking to impress anyone. I just find it amusing that in order to be considered a "norm" on 4chan on a friday I'm automatically a candidate for a fatass.

>> No.2561964


Yes, catty. Do need a definition or do you think you can handle using urbandictionary.com on your own sweety?

>> No.2561977

im working towards my degree in biochem... my gf is fine arts....

>> No.2561978


o o o they can make fun of our farts.

>> No.2561981
File: 100 KB, 1277x481, whatIgotpsychology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't imagine there are many femanons here, but there's sure to be a handful at least. In my experience (picture related), girls are most likely to be doing (in descending order) psych, sociology, biology, and chemistry.

>> No.2561984

He's referring to taking criticism as a personal attack, rather than helpful. It's more stereotypical for males to hear "that's a bad idea" without taking it personally.

But again, that's stereotypes.

>> No.2561998

Tits or GTFO. Your gender is irrelevant on this board so STFU stupid feminist

>> No.2562001

kk i looked it up, i just hadnt heard it before.

...and it meant exactly what i guessed it might mean...hwierd.

>> No.2562008
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penis of GTFO

you chauvinistic prick.

>> No.2562013
File: 24 KB, 482x329, kitchen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate...Like me. OMG EK's in this thread.

>> No.2562016


Do you realllly want to see a pile of penises?

>> No.2562021


you sad fuck...you have at least 2 other kitchen images...

>> No.2562025

EK isn't a girl you retards.

That girl is http://www.youtube.com/user/ZOMGitsCriss

>> No.2562027

not particularly, and seeing as i am on the internet, it would not be difficult to find if i did desire to see it.

do you guys really wanna see tits all the time? whats so great about them, its not like they do anything...

>> No.2562029
File: 68 KB, 365x425, kitchen_01_02-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doin it right EK?

>> No.2562034

now post #2

>> No.2562044

It's purely hormonal. And men have it worse than women. Also, men tend to be more visual-focused. Ever notice how men don't buy "romance" novels, but women do?

That said, the special culture of 4chan exaggerates it.

>> No.2562045

>do you guys really wanna see tits all the time? whats so great about them, its not like they do anything...


>> No.2562046

Cause they've all been warned by their neurotic baby boomer parents that if they don't become doctors they'll be jobless

>> No.2562063

We should acknowledge cooking as a science in order to attract more females to this board.

>> No.2562068

You're welcome.

>> No.2562070

well i get the evolutionary reason... large breasted women are better equippedd to feed offspring, and so have better survival probability...but i really doubt you guys are thinking that far ahead...
...maybe just subconciously.

>> No.2562076
File: 44 KB, 600x601, female-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real male scientist are not nurtured by tits.

>> No.2562080

>large breasted women are better equippedd to feed offspring
This is actually not true. The correlation is poor.

Sexual selection is not always about survival fitness.

>> No.2562086

That said, the waist/hip ratio IS indicative of quite a few useful things. And that carries across almost all cultures, including very primitive isolated tribes.

>> No.2562091


I can't believe this thread is still alive.
Guys dont need to "think that far ahead" at least consciously. it's instinct.

Although myself, I prefer normal, or even slightly smaller than average sized tits over large ones.

>> No.2562092

but males with the genes for desiring women with wide hips and large breasts, are more likely to pass on these genes, as they will select women that are more likely to produce offspring that will survive.

are you saying that large breasts dont correlate to more milk being produced? I'm pretty sure they do.

>> No.2562093

For you it's not.

>> No.2562095



>> No.2562098

I regurgitated my dinner. Now I don't have enough energy to hunt tomorrow's dinner and I fear I will starve to death. You can expect to hear from my lawyers.

>> No.2562100

You mean that you try to make your sexual selections strictly rationally?

>> No.2562102

i meant instinct (and instinct is evolved)

>> No.2562105

Our genes subconsciously push us towards traits that enhance overall fitness of the species whether reproductively or survival. That is why most men will be attracted to a girl with a big rack, DAT ASS, and a pretty face.

>> No.2562115

how does a pretty face help survival?

>> No.2562127
File: 58 KB, 300x300, expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, the perfect hourglass shape does not carry over in all cultures. It is in fact, culturally speaking, not a norm in anything outside of those of european descent.

Typically fat quantity (including those allocated to breasts and tits) and the male sexual interest of said traits, is inversely proportional to food abundance. A culture or population which has a rich amount of resources will on average have less concern for the perfect hourglass shape, or, indeed, overly large breasts or hips because it is not an indication of richness and ability to care for young.
A culture or population which has scarce sources of food, in contrast, will much more readily value highly fatty hips and thighs because it is a good indicator that the female is well nourished and will thus provide good nourishment and care for her offspring.

This is becoming less and less defined in modern society, where a lot of population mixing is going on.

>> No.2562134
File: 221 KB, 1322x622, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Sin cannot into logic, stay with raising childrens

>> No.2562136

Because in the time before women could generally support themselves, a pretty face indicated youth and fertility, and thus were higher on the social status, is generally yielded to more babies being born with dispositions to have those traits. In short, a pretty face serves the dual purpose of enhancing a womans economic, social, and cultural status (if she so chooses to play it this way), and thus fascilitates greater babies being born.

A pretty force is only a small part of survival, but is generally favored when passed through the genetic line.

Inb4 check your grammar

>> No.2562137
File: 2 KB, 126x115, za1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>including those allocated to breasts and tits
are you aware that those are synonyms?

>> No.2562138

Symmetry for general genetic health.
A good jawline with a good bite means you are less likely to have impacted teeth, wear problems and jaw joint trouble.
A feminine or masculine chin signals your hormones.

>> No.2562140


no you're wrong

the hip to waist ratio as a measure for appeal carries over to all major cultures

>> No.2562147


I've had a beer or two in me, so I'm sorry my post may have had a few redundant statements in it, or otherwise unclear messages.

>> No.2562150

>are you saying that large breasts dont correlate to more milk being produced? I'm pretty sure they do.
Nope. It's all just extra fat. However, milk "storage" and the ease with which babies latch on might be affected by excessively small breasts.

Humans have very large breasts compared to other mammals, and HUGE penises compared to other primates.

>> No.2562151

>greater babies
>pretty force

..i lol'd

>> No.2562152

Hey, actually, I'm very interested.

How many femanons on here are majoring in Computer Science?

It always seems like there's a very low amount, there's more females even in the obscure Physics fields than in Computer Science.

>> No.2562154

I wasn't referring to "hourglass figure". Just hip/waist ratio.

>> No.2562156


>no you're wrong

>the hip to waist ratio as a measure for appeal carries over to all major cultures

The ratio might. the interest in breast and hip size overall, does not.

>> No.2562167

what is the evolutionary force that drives penises to grow larger through generations?

>> No.2562170

It's a mystery. Could be sexual selection.

But humans have massive dongs compared to other primates.
>For example, an adult gorilla's erect penis is about 4 cm (1.5 in) in length; an adult chimpanzee, significantly smaller (in body size) than a gorilla, has a penis size about double that of the gorilla. In comparison, the human penis is larger than that of any other primate, both in proportion to body size and in absolute terms.

>> No.2562172

sexual selection. women like em bigger, or they think other women like em bigger, so bigger ones get more use.

>> No.2562174
File: 63 KB, 722x597, 1292462193172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's been known for a long time men have bigger brains than women (there's a cool medieval experiment where they filled skulls with sand ( M & F ) and weighed the sand

>mfw men have a higher average IQ and this has been confirmed and documented for quite some time

>mfw women have no evolutionary need to be smart or creative and to claim otherwise is balderdash

>mfw bitches gonna bitch

>mfw I do have a face, but I'm not going to post a face cuz I'M A BOSS!

>> No.2562179

Or men actually assert their dominance partially by penis size, with more dominant males mating more often or with more partners. Unlikely, but possible. Anyway, we don't really know what social structures and sexual behaviors dominated over the long pre-history of human evolution.

>> No.2562187

>Could be sexual selection.
i doubt it.
by the time you see the size of it, the selection process has already been done. your already in the game...

>> No.2562189


>> No.2562192

yes, hypotheses interpreting morphology will be speculative.

doesn't hurt to speculate though, it's actually sorta fun.

>> No.2562195

implying we wore clothes at the time we evolved larger penises.

not sure that's true at all.

>> No.2562202

ah yes...sorry i was thinking in modern terms.

>> No.2562206

Or male genitalia was more visibly displayed in the past.

But the increased size is probably functional in some way besides looks or you wouldn't have growers, everyone would be a show-er.

>> No.2562212

>But the increased size is probably functional in some way besides looks or you wouldn't have growers, everyone would be a show-er.
You mean the wide variation in flaccid penis size, while erect penis size is more uniform?

Hmm. Good point.

>> No.2562214

as long as it is big enough to 'get the job done' isn't it a waste of resources to grow it unnecessarily large, so evolution should weed this trait out, and it will level off at an optimum sie, so it is useful without being wasteful, yes?

>> No.2562216


>> No.2562218

big breasts have nothing to do with lactating capacity

we've established this many times anon, large breasts are a form of sexual deception employed by females t attract males

>> No.2562220

lol, how is it deception? (keep in mind, we do not choose the size of our breasts)

>> No.2562221

Male peacock tails.

Selection is about whether your genes get passed on. Efficiency is only selected for when it's not overridden by something else.

>> No.2562225
File: 65 KB, 400x300, tony-ruta-peacock-with-its-tail-fanned-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messed up the captcha, ate my pic.

>> No.2562228

It probably has a uses in scooping out the sperm of competitors, so being as big as possible without causing her irritation and chance at infection is probably what you want.

>> No.2562230

intensity of sperm competition dictates the size of the penis, and because of our society today, there is little to no selection pressure against big cocks, in fact, men with little cocks may be harvesting energy elsewhere, thereby contributing more to their reproductive fitness

so i would expect male genitalia to shrink over time to a mere stub

>> No.2562232

It's not personal. And since the "thing" responsible is not a conscious entity, it's not actually deception.

But it could be misleading. And that's enough.

>> No.2562235

exactly, but how the male brain function correlates perfectly with the idea that bigger breasts means more breast milk, hence deception

>> No.2562240

>so i would expect male genitalia to shrink over time to a mere stub

>Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi (1884):
>“In the space of one hundred and seventy six years the Lower Mississippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. That is an average of a trifle over a mile and a third per year. Therefore, any calm person, who is not blind or idiotic, can see that in the Old Oölitic Silurian Period, just a million years ago next November, the Lower Mississippi was upwards of one million three hundred thousand miles long, and stuck out over the Gulf of Mexico like a fishing-pole. And by the same token any person can see that seven hundred and forty-two years from now the Lower Mississippi will be only a mile and three-quarters long, and Cairo [Illinois] and New Orleans will have joined their streets together and be plodding comfortably along under a single mayor and a mutual board of aldermen. There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.”

Besides, natural selection is now irrelevant. If anything, the question is whether men WANT larger penises, because soon we'll just alter our genes.

>> No.2562241

Breast require fat and female hormones, it is more advertisement of both of those than deception I suspect, and the best looking ones are the ones with less sage which implies youth and connective tissue health.

>> No.2562242

they scoop out sperm?
but its usually many hours/days between different guys (for me at least)
im pretty sure sperm would have worked in that time.

>> No.2562243

>selection pressure FOR* big cocks

fixd, apologies

>> No.2562247

I like teh "penis as agonistic display" hypothesis, but we would actually have some evidence for it if we engaged in penis battles... like bludgeoning submissive males with our organs, or perhaps some penile fencing matches.

ultimately I wonder if length isn't associated with better ability to scrape competitor's semen from the vagina... and girth related to the female experience of pleasure. Not sure if we've demonstrated yet that other female animals enjoy sex as orgasmically as humans do.

>> No.2562250

But larger breasts sag more. It's inevitable.

>> No.2562258

I've heard this theory in explaining penis head shape, but I don't know if it holds up. It assumes a sexual history where it was common for a female to have sex with multiple males in a short time period. We don't know anything about society and sexual behavior before written history.

>> No.2562261

thus useful displays of youth, health and fertility.

also they signal successful reproduction, a valuable thing when having kids tends to kill a fair number of women.

>> No.2562264

Penis as a aggressive display seems stupid.
Just club the fucker over the head and take his wife.
ravish her with your small dink.

>> No.2562266

no, women reach the peak of their sexual fertility levels from around ages 15-19, but her breasts reach the highest structural desirability from age 25-35

which suggest big breasts are merely a by-product of faulty gauge by males of reproductive attribution traits

>> No.2562269

Male characteristics in many species rely on features that are used to resolve dominance conflicts without serious harm to either party. This might be an example.

>> No.2562270

>assumes a sexual history where it was common for a female to have sex with multiple males in a short time period

what assumption needs to be made? You can observe this in a club over the weekend.

Also gang rape.

>> No.2562273

The tip makes a decent scraper, that is known.

the question isn't whether we have other evidence, but if we can think of another reason for the shape...

lacking a better explanation, the shape of the penis is evidence of past promiscuity, not the other way around.

>> No.2562275

>women reach the peak of their sexual fertility levels from around ages 15-19
By what measure?

>> No.2562281

>ut her breasts reach the highest structural desirability from age 25-35
then why are most nude models under 25?

>> No.2562287

It has to be sufficiently common to be a coherent selection pressure. If 95% or more of pregnancies occurred with sperm from only one male present in the vagina... hmm.

>> No.2562296

>The tip makes a decent scraper, that is known

but would it work?
if penis's are similar-ish in length, then the first one will be ejaculkating upwards from the tip, so sperm is deposited above the level of furthest penetration.

the second penis an only 'scrape' pto its own length, and so the semen will have shot too far, and can't be 'scraped'

>> No.2562301

The fashion industry has also been picking women who are often so skinny and malnourished that they no longer have menstrual periods, e.g., they are incapable of supporting a pregnancy even if they had menses.

>> No.2562306

yes, that's essentially what I said in an earlier comment.

length would be an advantage in this case, as would girth to lesser extent.

>> No.2562307

the big guy would be able to reach, his dick might even be longer than the vagina is deep.

>> No.2562309

You're assuming equal length. The shorter of two dicks would be selected against, in this scenario.

>> No.2562314

No, less want to see the tits on late twenties to thirties women.

>> No.2562318

This is uncommon, and is demonstrably selected against today. Sex with a male that hits the cervix is generally quite painful for women.

>> No.2562321

typo got the ages backwards

breast size 15-19, fertility 25 ish

>> No.2562325

I'm just saying that fashion is irrelevant to what is good for reproduction, and IMO, even for sexual selection.

>> No.2562328

but if the second guy arrives several hours later, then sperm from the 1st guy may have already migrated upwards to the fallopian tubes, and theres no way you are scraping anything outta there with your dick...

>> No.2562329

I've met a few women that enjoy getting their cervix pounded.

far more that hate it though.

>> No.2562333

By fertility do you mean ability to conceive or sex drive? A young woman may be more fertile but more guarded because she has better options.

>> No.2562334

true, but it doesn't have to work perfectly. Just often enough to provide some statistical advantage, even a minute one.

>> No.2562350
File: 14 KB, 336x229, 1294817062716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god... so many fucking retards...
so many things wrong it's not even funny.

especially you. THAT'S WRONG YOU FUCKING RETARD! you misconstrued what I said in another thread.

inb4 thx for nothing you can't just insult us with no evidence or facts. Yes I can, I just did. Plus, I'm not going to be goaded into writing paragraph upon paragraph of info I've accumulated just to have a group of uneducated trolls attempt to prove me wrong. Enjoy your ignorance.

>> No.2562351

Did the woman have to enjoy it? A lot of female animals don't seem too. It just has to work better.

>> No.2562352

That's why I'm skeptical of this entire argument. It seems like lots and lots of promiscuity is required to make it a significant selection pressure.

>> No.2562359

You're assuming a pre-history where women have no influence over choosing sexual partners. This is hollywood, and nothing more. We don't know.

>> No.2562361

but compare a 6 incher to a 5 incher... if the 5 incher goes first, the 6 incher is only scraping a maximum of 1 inches work of sperm out.
so the 5 incher just has to ejaculate further than 1 inch to be unreachable...probably not difficult.

>> No.2562366

Before agriculture was promiscuity a problem?

>> No.2562372

not many women in the western world stimulate sperm competition, that is coitus devoid of suppression of eggs or inhibition of sperm, so there is little to no selection pressure for bigger more clamorous features by way of cock

women conceal their ovulation anyway, and scarcely know when they are ovulating during menses, so there is no reason to believe sperm competition is a mode of sexual selection

what's more likely is the potency of seminal fluid is accruing selection pressure, ala drosophila

>> No.2562376
File: 19 KB, 389x437, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory 'umad'

>> No.2562382

How deep is the average vagina when aroused? Only 6 or so inches isn't it?

>> No.2562388

I didn't make any value-judgments about promiscuity. But there would have to be quite a bit of it, as a norm throughout human pre-history, to make a significant selection pressure out of this.

>> No.2562391

and it isnt a problem even after agriculture.
or what do you mean by 'problem'?

>> No.2562392

humans are by most measures highly promiscuous. Bonobos might have us beat, but I doubt it.

>> No.2562400

More like 4, it stretches to accommodate larger dicks though.

>> No.2562402

Humans do have fairly large testicles don't we? Doesn't that usually correlate with promiscuity in mammals?

>> No.2562404

>How deep is the average vagina when aroused?
It doesn't change in size...it doesnt matter whether you are aroused or not, it doesnt magically lengthen.

>> No.2562410

Pretty sure that any such stretching is a function of arousal, and not mechanical stretching by a penis. Hitting the cervix is both uncommon and uncomfortable.

>> No.2562412

lol ok guy

if alien species came down to earth to observe humans, they would think we are asexual

>> No.2562416

Well some say that is when women ended up chattel and fidelity and chastity were expected.

>> No.2562417

i thought most people were quite faithful to just one partner...especially if married.

>> No.2562423

yes it does.

>> No.2562424

humans are about as promiscuous as a button beetle

ITT: anthropocentric view of the world

>> No.2562426

You're either male or ignorant.
>Also, the uterus elevates, more vertically as time passes, and the inner two-thirds of the vagina expand, usually a total of 7 to 10 cm.

>> No.2562434

I can hit about 30% of cervixes in women I've taken from behind. (sample size 87)

smaller women tend to have shorter vaginas, though in my experience it's latina's that have the shortest, and also happen to often be quite short overall.

I am slightly longer than average though, and I tend to date smaller than average women.

>> No.2562435

We fuck constantly from adolescence on, in and out of fertile periods.

>> No.2562436
File: 1.36 MB, 478x357, 1292641584572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy here

pic related

>> No.2562442

...the fuck?
how have i not noticed this?

>> No.2562443

Not only are you wrong, but your logic is flawed too.
>The penis doesn't 'magically' lengthen when aroused, dumbass.

>> No.2562445
File: 139 KB, 443x417, CSB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2562447

We are at best serially monogamous. Some reports from hospitals show 10 - 30% of children may not be sired by the person who thinks they are their father.

>> No.2562448

Is that a lot, or not a lot?

I think human promiscuity is exaggerated.

>> No.2562461

Because you're not ramming dildos up your vagina until you're already aroused.

>> No.2562466

I don't expect anyone to believe me, just passing on some knowledge for the virgins on the board.

bottoming out in pussy feels good, and doggy style is the best way to do it. It's difficult to find a woman that likes it though.

>> No.2562469

that seems extremely high...citation please?

>> No.2562475

If we were promiscuous we would have bigger and more clamorous penis decor, but ours is boring and relatively small compared to our body, so take your cognitive biases and arrogance and GTFO

>Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society observed in captivity, being used as what some scientists perceive as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconciliation. Bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex . In scientific literature, the female-female behavior of touching genitals together is often referred to as GG rubbing or genital-genital rubbing. The sexual activity happens within the immediate family as well as outside it. Bonobos do not form permanent relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual intercourse between mothers and their adult sons; some observers believe these pairings are taboo. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and encouraging peaceful feeding.

Bonobo males occasionally engage in various forms of male-male genital behavior. In one form, two males hang from a tree limb face-to-face while "penis fencing". This also may occur when two males rub their penises together while in face-to-face position. Another form of genital interaction, called "rump rubbing", occurs to express reconciliation between two males after a conflict, when they stand back-to-back and rub their scrotal sacs together.

>> No.2562476

i'm not suprised..

>> No.2562478

Our culture definitely tries to promote monogamy, but historically the very upper class of people have typically had mistresses or multiple spouses (in cultures that permitted it). Biologically, the Coolidge (Or Coolige, never remember how you spell it) Effect seems to exist to promote infidelity and sewing wild oats, so to speak. Genetically, we are descended from twice as many women as men, implying that most of our male ancestors had multiple women, and a huge number of men never reproduced at all.

Humans are halfway between polygamous and monogamous, and individual differences mean it can easily go either way. We don't often think about this because our culture is a monogamous one, however.

>> No.2562483

button beetles can become so isolated, the females undergo parthenogenesis and mate with their haploid male offspring, and then eat them, all as a service to gene-replication

>> No.2562484
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bonobo's are gay as fuck!

>> No.2562491


>> No.2562495
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>gigantic honker
>pounds of make-up

>> No.2562497

we study them because their sexual behavior is in many ways like our own.

most primitive human tribes in existence seem to be pretty damn gay as well.

>> No.2562500

for their choice, god has sentenced them to an eternity in hell, oh yeah and also no bonobo gay marriage

>> No.2562511

10% infidelity rate is scarcely define as promiscuous, in fact it hardly registers on the promiscuity scale

>> No.2562513

like our own?
yeah rite.
how many guys do you see cock fencing other guys?

>> No.2562518

their sexual behavior in no way resemble ours

we study them because they share 98.4% of our DNA and can express empathy and a complex communication system, and some can "associate" with humans

>> No.2562519


>> No.2562520

the human cock is pretty small compared to some animals, but it's still gigantic when compared to other apes.

that counts for something I think. the difference isn't minor.

>> No.2562521

That is supposedly the successful cuckolding rate, not infidelity.

>> No.2562525

cock fencing, olympic sport coming 2014!!!!

>> No.2562530

Grade 10, all boy's school. Also every time I visit the engineering department to borrow their stapler.

>> No.2562534

>how many guys do you see cock fencing other guys?

that pretty much describes my 7th grade gym class.

>> No.2562537

Ancient Greece seem very Bonobo like

>> No.2562541
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>> No.2562542

well its gigantic compared to gorillas because they live in harems, male dominant regime with a group of subordinate females

we are obv more promiscuous than gorillas, but there is still little to no selection pressure on the various adornment measures of human genitalia, because money and bodily symmetry are the primary sources of sexual selection

>> No.2562548

This thread is a perfect example of why i've never been interested in females who are interested in science and technology. They always have a habit of coming off as naive boys.

>> No.2562551
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Maybe humans have big dicks because at times fat chicks were common.
I imagine that is why whales and walruses have them, fat chicks.

>> No.2562555
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wait a sec...if we all agree that humans are promiscuous, and its an accepted fact, then why all the drama over 'sluts'
should it not even be seen as a bad thing if it is just the norm?

>> No.2562556

which posters are female?

>> No.2562560

>If we were promiscuous we would have bigger and more clamorous penis decor, but ours is boring and relatively small compared to our body, so take your cognitive biases and arrogance and GTFO
>For example, an adult gorilla's erect penis is about 4 cm (1.5 in) in length; an adult chimpanzee, significantly smaller (in body size) than a gorilla, has a penis size about double that of the gorilla. In comparison, the human penis is larger than that of any other primate, both in proportion to body size and in absolute terms.

>> No.2562562

Humans also compete with chins, none of our relatives have manly chins.

>> No.2562566

why does it matter?

>> No.2562567

Is-ought problem. But I have no idea why women abuse each other over it.

>> No.2562572
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nobody but your gay ass has agreed on human promiscuity as being fact

>> No.2562576

I'm not really arguing your conclusions, this thread is mostly wild speculation.

just noting that our body mass:external penis length ratio is the largest of any great ape.

>> No.2562577

I read somewhere that the size of a primates penis was related to the fidelity of the species. IE gorillas have tiny penises because they mate for life, while an orangutan has a ginormous penis because they are polygamous. We're in the middle, with the occasional outlier.

>> No.2562579

sluts don't choose sexual partners on the basis of merit, they choose on the basis that they are horny at the moment - tl;dr no integrity

>> No.2562584

No male wants to raise a child that isn't his either from a previous relationship or being cheated on, it is a bad use of resources.

In a small tribe where everyone takes care of everyone this is less of an issue than a society that lets you have only one wife and you are expected to care for he rand her offspring alone.

>> No.2562586
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yeh, me neither.

except for the anon who posted the citation i asked for, and the other anon who agreed with him...

>> No.2562590

orangutans have extremely small penes.

humans have by far the largest of any ape when compared to body mass.

>> No.2562593

>Penis as a aggressive display seems stupid.
>Just club the fucker over the head and take his wife.
>ravish her with your small dink.

The problem here is that a larger penis is tightly correlated with higher testosterone levels, and by extension aggression, physical size, muscle mass, etc.

That bigger guy is not only more capable, but he's less likely of being attacked in the first place because sheer physical size instinctively registers as something to worry about.

It's much easier to say things online, than it is to approach them how they would actually transpire.

>> No.2562597


excluding intoxication and self-esteem issues, promiscuous women are more likely to chose someone who is "attractive" or has other desirable traits like fame, wealth, etc.

>> No.2562598
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lol, no idea why i chose that image...

>> No.2562601

But why do WOMEN care? They're abuse each other with the epithet "slut" all the time.

>> No.2562602

perhaps I named the wrong primate...anyways I wasn't commenting on the validity of the theory, just mentioning it for the sake of conversation.

>> No.2562604

I didn't think penis size correlated directly with test, you can be a large man and have a small dick.

>> No.2562610

No, we're far larger than any primate, both in absolute and relative terms.

>> No.2562611

wiki is misguided, for they fail to mention penile vasocongestion

not many women line men up to gauge an erect penis, which is double the size of a flaccid penis

so sperm competition still does not relate, learn to interpret data

>> No.2562613

EK, males maintain their dominance in society by making sure property is inherited by their children.

promiscuous women are a threat to this system, while promiscuous men are not...

just a result of men ruling the world.

>> No.2562614

sluts give away vagina too easy, it lowers the value of vagina for all females. If you can get a slut easily you don't need to work to impress a non slut.

>> No.2562616


why do you keep posting this bitch?

who is this bitch?

>> No.2562618

Ah, you're talking about FLACCID penis display.

>> No.2562620


you're confusing the issue

penis size is very highly correlated to testosterone levels

physical size is less so, because it also requires exercise

>> No.2562624
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most dont care i think.
but some are just bitches.

>> No.2562625

This thread is making me vaguely horny in a very intellectual way. It's... intriguing.

>> No.2562629

> then why all the drama over 'sluts'
>should it not even be seen as a bad thing if it is just the norm?

Guys who have trouble getting laid dislike sluts because they are an embodiment of something they cannot have.

There's also the element that because of their difficulty in obtaining a partner, they have to put more effort into the entire process, and thus put more value on monogamy.

>> No.2562633

makes sense...

>> No.2562634

monogamy would seem to benefit the less able, but ultimately it seems those that break societal rules are the winners- so long as society doesn't punish them with death or something.

>> No.2562636

>you can be a large man and have a small dick.

There's a big difference between being large(generalized), and being large in terms of muscle mass/bone structure.

>> No.2562641

then i would call that promiscuous woman a slut.

>> No.2562644

lol, me too ;)

shouldn't guys who have trouble getting laid LIKE sluts? i mean, they have a much better chance than with non-sluts, yes?

>> No.2562645

there's the common misconception that taking steroids shrinks the penis.

in fact it makes it bigger, at least so long as you're taking them. I suppose most people haven't tried it though.

>> No.2562646

you are now aware that something like 70% current population is descended from females, thus proving that females are much better at reproducing than men.

>> No.2562647

This should quell any controversy


>> No.2562649
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>How many femanons on /sci/? Are we all so trained by /b/ to never reveal ourselves for fear of attack?

nope you just devolve conversations into ridiculous circle-jerks of false information, shoddy sources, and ridiculous commentary about sluts...

>> No.2562650


this is bullshit

sluts are all over me, and i beat those ho's away with anti-slut stick, hell i even have a neckbeard just to avoid excessive anti-slut stick use

i hate sluts not because they carry disease or are promiscuous, i hate them because they are the most simple minded women and most likely to be completely brainwashed by MSM, social media, and this type of bullshit

>> No.2562651


>> No.2562654
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>but ultimately it seems those that break societal rules are the winners- so long as society doesn't punish them with death or something.
>are the winners

>> No.2562656

I think that is from the break down of testosterone into DHT giving better erections.

>> No.2562668
File: 19 KB, 518x422, wtfamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...everybody is decended from females, you retard.

>> No.2562674

>but ultimately it seems those that break societal rules are the winners- so long as society doesn't punish them with death or something.

You have to keep in mind that up to a certain point, society disproportionately punishes the less desirable members of said society more than those higher on the totem pole. And it must also be said that those higher up have more ability to break the rules in the first place.

>> No.2562678

Perhaps I said that wrong...genetically speaking male lines are more likely to die off. As in if I have 4 children, 2 are male, 2 are female the males are more likely to not produce any offspring, while the females are more likely to reproduce. get the gist of what i am saying?

>> No.2562680

yes, breaking rules can lead to social status, and status can buy ability to break rules.

doesn't matter which starts the cycle, there's a careful balance necessary and it isn't on the safe side of things.

>> No.2562698

>But why do WOMEN care? They're abuse each other with the epithet "slut" all the time

It's not a big leap in logic to figure out that a girl who's known as a slut will reduce her worth as a long term partner.

>> No.2562700
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>233 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>1 of 47

>> No.2562705

>breaking rules can lead to social status

That wasn't the point of what was being said at all.

>> No.2562712

so explain it to me, I clearly didn't get it.

>> No.2562713
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>sluts are all over me

>> No.2562724

>get the gist of what i am saying?
yeh, its what this guy said. >>2562478

lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.2562743


to be fair, i live in a slut dense, man sparse city

>> No.2564016

this reply didnt get enough appreciation. About the only right thing in this thread.

>> No.2564021

where is this magical place?

>> No.2564222


we're all aware of the vaginal economy, and mostly we resent it while pretending our disenfranchisement is actually a voluntary boycott. fuck those bitches.

>> No.2564245

but females don't exist

>> No.2564382
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>But the increased size is probably functional in some way besides looks or you wouldn't have growers, everyone would be a show-er.

Might be the other way, decreased size has a functionality that increased size lacks.

Perhaps - smaller target, harder to injure. Particularly for those situations where you have many grown men stabbing each other with pointy things. Seems like a fairly intense selective pressure to me, especially considering the amount of raping that armies do. Can't rape if you got your dick knifed off in a fight.

Combine with selective pressure outside of combat - for dicks that aren't 2 inches long, and combined together you get 'growers'.

Anyways, pure conjecture, probably nonsense.

>> No.2564410

>i agree.
And that's the reason why you are attention whoring here as a bitch you are ?