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2559431 No.2559431 [Reply] [Original]

Do you support selective breeding?
Why or why not?

>> No.2559448

i do and always have done.

but i can understand why people dont.

personally id prefer for my children to not grow up thinking why cant i be like normal people if they even have thought past pissing themselves and smiling.

i think its a cruel punishment.

but im more a protagonist of gentic manipulations and transhumanism reather than selective breeding this is 1940 is fucking 2010

time to think about how we can make our babies NOT retarded ok

>> No.2559449

i only want to breed with the person that i select, so yes.

>> No.2559464

It depends what you mean. I support being selective about who you breed with. I do not support someone else selecting someone for me. Their priorities are not my own.

>> No.2559465

>implying selective breeding isn't natural and instinctual, making your question moot

Would you impregnate a 300lbs retard with a lazy eye and pattern baldness? No? Then you're doing selective breeding.

>> No.2559466

Selective breeding implies not letting your children breed, not killing them

>> No.2559462

Selective breeding can make a population more susceptible to disease since it'll lead to less variation in the gene pool.

>> No.2559468

imposible to control. peeps fuck. sterilaising babaies leads to people haveing babies at home. The only way to prevent the stuipification of the human race is to stop making shit so safe. also not gunna happen. the future is full of derp

>> No.2559476

Would women fuck and have babies with some aggressive sociopath? Yes, they're attracted to them.

>> No.2559485

I see why your babies are retarded.
Also, it's 2011.

>> No.2559490

its immoral to tell and individual they can't reproduce. Basic human rights here people.

>> No.2559495

yeah, to the point I would choose not to breed if found inferior. It's our duty to the future of man.

but, with the future of genetic modification and testing we might be able to have the best of both worlds. except for those retards who wouldn't mod their kids.

>> No.2559501

To have children is not a human right, retard.

>> No.2559506

Some qualities which are regarded as negative (most of the time) in the current environments are considered superior, such as aggressiveness.

>> No.2559509

woe woe i never said anything about killing anyone i just said we should let people wth known genetic imperfections breed and we should e amniulatng the DNA to stop shit like that from happening.

wtf man

>> No.2559508

>Would you impregnate a 300lbs retard with a lazy eye and pattern baldness?
No, but I'm glad my father did!

>> No.2559515

Aggressiveness is an advantage. Also, you don't seem to know what "sociopath" actually means. Not every douche is a sociopath.

>> No.2559520

i keep forgeting its 2011 by the time i remeber it will be 2012

shit man

and anyway your saying that selective breeding to stop people from growing up with severer retardation is wrong?

wtf man

>> No.2559523

I know what sociopath means - it's someone who's unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one's actions.

In most of the cases, aggressiveness is a big disadvantage, as it causes an increased homicide risk.

>> No.2559535

and not every sociopath is a douche whch is why they get laid.

then the stabing and rape happens but hey sociopath here ok

>> No.2559538

if two people mutually agree to have kids, It's immoral to tell them they can't.

>> No.2559553

We need it to counteract the poisoning of our children from jewish interests.

damn jews would love to see every other race favoring traits that would push them to docility.

>> No.2559556

but letting them have a retard baby that will grow up with learning problems and wonder why this cruel world let it happen is?

yup yup nice one there libitard

>> No.2559561

>it's someone who's unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one's actions.

Nope, that could also be someone delusional or even someone with paranoid schizophrenia.
Imagine you were a solipsist with no impulse control and who doesn't care what happens to him. That's more like a sociopath (though not 100% exactly the same).

>In most of the cases, aggressiveness is a big disadvantage

Nope, not at all. The vast majority of successful people is aggressive in one way or the other. It doesn't need to be purely physical.

>> No.2559569

>Would women fuck and have babies with some aggressive sociopath?
It's not like male sexual preferences are rational either. We will fuck anyone as long as they're reasonably attractive. It doesn't matter if she's crazy or stupid as long as she has tits & ass.

Women are equally irrational but are turned on by behavior instead of by looks. Dorks who don't understand what behavior they find attractive call it unfair and hope for a woman to someday love them for who they are. This makes about as much sense as a 300lb woman bitching about unfair male preferences and waiting for a man who loves her for who she is. Obviously she should get in better shape. And obviously you dorks should learn how to flirt and get over this idea that the human mating ritual is sociopathic behavior.

>> No.2559581

mental problems of not understanding somthing is not the same as just being able to lose some weight.

and anyway have you see how fat your mum is

fuck man shes like a bouncy castle.

>> No.2559594

Yeah? Yo momma's so fat, she gets stuck if she jumps in the air.

>> No.2559606

In adoption cases, there are (at least in my country) years of evaluations before a couple can be approved for adoption. While unemployed high-school dropouts with drug problems and mental disorders are procreating as we speak. Funny world.

>> No.2559607

you muma so fat nasa has to factor in her gravitational pull for a successful lift off.

>> No.2559618

>Nope, that could also be someone delusional or even someone with paranoid schizophrenia.

This is the definition of being a sociopath. This definition doesn't exclude the possibility of someone with, say, paranoid schizophrenia being a sociopath at all.

>Nope, not at all. The vast majority of successful people is aggressive in one way or the other. It doesn't need to be purely physical.

Personal success can be harmful to the society.

>> No.2559646

Your momma's so fat that I needed a roadmap to find her pussy.

>Personal success can be harmful to the society.
>implying biology cares about some arbitrary society

>> No.2559661

your muma so fat when she moves she is responsible for the earths axis wobble

>> No.2559671

When god said "let there be light" your momma got out of the way

>> No.2559673
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>> No.2559679

your muma so fat they have only explored 2% of her entire mass.

>> No.2559692

Yo momma's so fat, when she walks past the TV, your Dad misses the entire Superbowl.

Yo momma's so fat, your dad takes her to his work so he can avoid kissing her goodbye.

>> No.2559694


>> No.2559700

your muma so fat that when you slap her a tsunami of fat destroys an entire village.

>> No.2559713

>selective breeding
we have been selectively breeding our own species for hundreds of thousands of years.

"selective breeding" is almost like a synonym for "survival of the fittest"
when you try to find a mate who is of similar age, not dieing of a disease, not soo poor and in debt that they will always be a slave, attractive, intelligent, etc.

you are performing selective breeding based on the traits you desire w/r to modern human social and cultural conventions.
when you breed 2 species of wheat or cattle, then you are choosing them based on criteria that are related to their use as agricultural food stuffs.

even though the criteria selection may be different, the end result is the same:

you breed based on specific criteria.
Plants do not. Coral does not.

these organisms release spores or genetic material uncontrollably into the air and breed uncontrollably with every receptive member of their species.

human non-selective breeding would mean you put blinders on, went outside with a boner and fucked the first female you laid hands on.

>> No.2559715
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>> No.2559727
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Selective breeding may be helpful for humans in the future, especially against the encroachment of diseases, pollution, and environmental changes.

>> No.2559742

Read the thread before posting.
Cultural or natural norms of attraction DO NOT include the best qualities needed for the society! Our instincts are outdated, and it becomes very apparent when we start investigating issues like these.

>> No.2559749

So do mean you would fuck morbidly obese chicks?

>> No.2559758
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>> No.2559762

You completely failed to understand my statement. I tried to make it as simple as possible but not simpler, so that the anti-selective breeding retards would understand - seems like I overestimated their average potential.

>> No.2559829
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twisty kat™