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2556358 No.2556358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have none of the assassins of presidents of the US gotten away with it? What are they, stupid? They're certainly incompetent.

You're smart /sci/. How would you get away with it?

>> No.2556366

inb4 v&

inb4 out of nowhere 404

>> No.2556374 [DELETED] 

you seem awfully certain that the people persecuted were the actual assassins

>> No.2556378

Get away with what?

>> No.2556379

I wouldn't shoot him, that's for sure. There are a million people around, dozens of whom are paid good money to make sure he's okay. If you manage to shoot him, you're instantly fucked.
I'd say poison. Not sure why no one has done it yet.

>> No.2556381

remote masers

>> No.2556384

Very true.

Assassinated the president and gotten away. All of the presidential assassins have been caught.

>> No.2556385

John Wilkes Booth.

>> No.2556387

To clarify, I'm not sure why no one has tried to poison any president, I'm not asking why someone hasn't tried to assassinate the current president.
Back off, party van.

>> No.2556392

What if we just vote them out of office?

>> No.2556393

They all acted alone. However it's not entirely clear how any group outside the US Government itself would manage to do it in a coordinated fashion, the Emper-I mean President's security entourage is huge, well equipped, well organized and has a formidable technological advantage. Any direct threat to the President's life would have to be someone within the Secret Service, or an outright military attack, possibly of nuclear scale.

>> No.2556406

It's on the History Channel right now which is what gave me the thought.

>> No.2556412 [DELETED] 

Lee Harvey Oswald was fucking assassinated as an innocent man. He never stood trial. so unless you are all willing to say that someone is guilty before proven innocent, rather than innocent until proven guilty, then remember that he died an innocent man

>> No.2556411

I hope OP is the kind of person that can enjoy federal prison.

>> No.2556417

you just need to have three names

>> No.2556425
File: 64 KB, 648x470, 1296616896808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose we never landed on the moon, either.

>> No.2556429

why no kill obama?

>> No.2556436

Oh ho ho, very true sir!

>> No.2556433

it was a sound stage on Mars

>> No.2556432

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.2556452 [DELETED] 

Ed Mitchell, the 6th man on the moon on the Apollo 14 mission says there are extraterrestrial structures on the far side of the moon, and a massive coverup to monopolize and capitalize on the technology and information.

expert testimony?

not if noone ever landed on the moon, apparently

>> No.2556450

>He died an innocent man in the eyes of the legal system.

>> No.2556490

Because the police have the resources to catch every fucking criminal. True story, it just depends on if they're willing to pull out all the stops to get you.

If you kill the most important person on earth (lolnotreally but to the masses it looks that way) they will catch you.

You'd have multiple organizations working against you and no matter how smart you are you're not going to be able to outwit the scores of geniuses trying to track you down

>> No.2556495

Well I dont live in America so if I was to assasinate my leader I'd just execute the two members of law enforcement that watch his property, and then I would simply gain entrance to his house and kill him at my leisure.
Of course I would not do this, I do not actually have any problems with the man and if I did I would simply vote against him.

If I were to kill the American president, I would [I have decided to censor this part of my post as I believe that submitting it would be extremely irresponsible] when he shook my hand.

Of course I would never do this either, he is a head of state of an allied country.

By the way, it is my understanding that in the United States any verbal threat towards the rpesident must be followed up upon by the secret service. Is this true of written word as well?

>> No.2556497 [DELETED] 

i think the point is that they WILL catch SOMEONE and whether they did it or not, they are really totally fucked.

>> No.2556496

The only thing people are disputing is the first landing, of which there is zero proof

>> No.2556505


nobody gives a shit about the maldives

go exploit some indonesians

>> No.2556531
File: 13 KB, 261x350, 70870871094645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assume bullshit, the asks why the bullshit is true

Kennedy, Garfield, McKinley and Lincoln were all assasinated....DURRRRR



>> No.2556536

...but none of the assassins got away with it.

>> No.2556542

>implying Kennedy's killers didn't get away with it

>> No.2556547


Best evidence for the moonlanding happening = the russians

at the time they had infiltrated most of our government, do you think that if they couldnt independently verify the moon landing they would have just been quiet about it? naw dude

there is a fucking video of it. there are thousands of engineers that worked on it. if you look at all the plans and calculations they did, the shit should have gotten us to the moon. If they had all the resources and the ability to do it..... why not just do it?

>> No.2556557

you can also see the moon landing sites, and shine lasers at the reflectors they put up there, if you have the right equipment.

>> No.2556554

Not to mention the fact that the Russians tracked the whole thing with their radars.

>> No.2556568

I don't rightly know, it'll certainly be interesting to see if the FBI show up, I doubt it though because I have no plans to kill someone I voted for either.
is also why there's no reason to kill the man.

I simply see the ineffectiveness of Lee Oswald or John Wilkes Booth to get away (nobody ever really talks about those other two guys) so I wondered, why were they so ineffectual?

>> No.2556592


lincoln was hated. they didnt really think they'd need to get away from very much. they wanted to be known, which is why they did it in such a dramatic fashion. They thought they'd be viewed as heroes