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2549761 No.2549761 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, we've all been through this, help a fellow /sci/entist out

What's the best way you guys have found to treat/ get rid of facial acne?

>> No.2549765

Wash my face and not give a fuck about it.

Try it.

>> No.2549778

It's a skin infection, so any antiseptic will reduce it. Take your pick. Even the "woo" sounding Tea Tree Oil works. The problem is that antiseptics tend to be pretty harsh on the skin themselves.

>> No.2549779

Eat better. No joke. Try going on a fast for 4 days and most of it will disappear.

>> No.2549780
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Are you this guy?:


If not, find my post in that thread and read it.

>> No.2549800

i say clear by eating clean

rice, beef, chicken, fish, veggies, and some fruit.
random grape juice now and then

thats about it, try adding in foods to test them once you're fairly clear

i react bad to dairy, peanuts, and soy

eggs im still experimenting with

also good to take adicophilus, vit A & D, C, zinc, calcium, minerals..etcc

don't overwash face, use something gentle, and Benzoyl Peroxide gel for your bad areas, leave it on at night with a moisturizer, etc

>> No.2549821

None of that dietary bullshit is proven to do a fucking thing, and nobody in a developed country who doesn't have an eating disorder or a severely restricted diet is in danger of any vitamin or mineral deficiency. Supplements are a waste of time and money.

>> No.2549845

My roommate went on a 4-day fast and acne disappeared. That is direct evidence.

>> No.2549846

what about getting rid of acne scars

>> No.2549853

Wash your your pillow. Or, alternatively, put a clean towel down over your pillow when you go to sleep.

I guaran-fucking-tee you, you will see results within a week if you combine this with washing your face and not touching face too much.

>> No.2549856

Go out moar.

>> No.2549881

no that isn't me, but strangely enough I DID make a thread on /sci/ the at same time as this one

you recommend shaving often, but I've heard the opposite advice many times. Do you shave over breakouts/trouble zone as well?

>> No.2549897

That is flimsy anecdotal evidence at best. Many people's acne comes and goes. Count me unimpressed that one time and with one subject its waning happened to coincide with a fast.

>> No.2549913

Yeah, but I think it's because I sweat a lot (I'm an ecology guy; I'm outside a lot) and the hair traps the sweat, so I'm better off shaving. It might not work as well for people who are able to, well, stay cleaner than me.

>> No.2549944

I really wish there was a magic bullet for that shit. In my experience, the only thing that worked was time. I'm 20, and I went from mild acne to almost nothing over the past couple years as puberty wound down. None of the regimens I tried seemed to make any difference, even not showering for a few days didn't make me break out worse. I've heard Accutane is awesome, but I think they save that for the really bad cases.

>> No.2549969

10% Benzoyl Peroxide