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2549136 No.2549136 [Reply] [Original]

Every now and then I forget I have acne and try to do something but then I remember how much I hate myself. 22 years old now.

>> No.2549148

well then just kill yourself because their are worst things in life than acne and you can even handle that.

>> No.2549159

What's your past history with dermatologists like?

>> No.2549161


You are right, there are far more worse things in life -- if you're an American you'll never know, realistically. And I can't even get to deal with them because of this condition.

>> No.2549162

It's like listening to myself.

Except I'm awesome.

Still lonely though.

>> No.2549182


Absolutely horrible. Complete hacks who are overpaid to prescribe salicylic acid over and over again and then play dumb when I tell them it's only making my skin more sensitive and worsening my problems. I tried accutane, it worked for a horrible year in which it fucked up my liver. It helped a lot in terms of acne, but a year later it came back like I never took it. I've heard this might happen but I hoped it wouldn't. Well.

>> No.2549191

How bad is it? Sounds like it's pretty bad.

>> No.2549216

Totally not scientific OP but I'd say to just start living healthier. Work out some and stay active and eat healthy food. Probably won't get rid of the acne but at least you'll feel better.

>> No.2549231
File: 97 KB, 720x540, 166434_10150094848316185_604691184_6212781_562609_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA! I'm there with you sometimes. Also 22. Also have acne.

FUN FACT: I was an acutane for a while. It fucked my joints and my doctor at least partially blames it for being a factor in me dislocating my shoulder a few years ago. Highly not recommended for acne treatment.

*Wash your pillow case often
*Shave often. Do not slack off on this (see my pic; I look like shit)
*BUY ONE OF THOSE STUPID SULFUR MASK PRODUCTS. You will look like an idiot, but they work SO well.

Pic related, it's me when I haven't shaved in a week.
(Also, that was the longest my hair had ever been. It's usually, as it is now, a few inches shorter. This is from about 1 month ago.)

>> No.2549248


Less bad than it used to be, but I got a lot of scarring. Also, it's always there. It gets less for a period and then returns again. I can also cause it to get worse whenever I want by touching my face or eating certain foods. I find hard, forced breathing helps in making it slightly weaker, but whenever I forget to consciously breathe, it gets worse. The hard part is that to breathe properly, I need to be 100% relaxed, but if you're under pressure to *consciously breathe* all the time, you really can't be properly relaxed.

My diet boils down to about three kinds of food. Anything outside of it is more breakouts. I experimented a lot and this is what keeps it stabilized at a lower level. I absolutely hate every bite I take and I'm thoroughly sick of this tasteless gunk, but it beats the alternative. Not like I can enjoy food with guilt involved.

Some of the hardest shit about it is how 'unromantic' the whole thing is. You a cripple? You're a fucking hero. Hell, fucking mongoloids are heroes. Fucking burn victims are heroes. Struggling with life and all that. You get a similar thing and because it's 'just acne', people expect of you to be like everyone else, but look at you with disgust. I'm beyond caring about that though, and what really fucks with me is not what they think, it's that I can't stand myself at this point. I can get far with people by character alone -- it's not like I'm a woman. Women with acne don't exist in the eyes of society. Men get a bit of a pass. Anyway, I get that bit of a pass, but I really don't care about it anymore. I think I'd be happiest in some sort of worldwide postapocalyptic anarchy where you're an edge of your life and tomorrow and everything outside of survival has no meaning.

>> No.2549261

*on accutane


>> No.2549285


1) I change my pillowcase every day.
2) I find NOT shaving helps. Besides, I can't get a noncomagedonic shaving cream, I looked everywhere. Getting that cream on my face is murder. And shaving without the cream is murder as well. My face is just extremely sensitive to a remote amount of touch. Stronger fucking winds results in breakouts.
3) I tried every sort of product and it only makes it worse, really. I had some negligible success with I-don't-even-remember-what-it-was, but whenever I wasn't taking it, it got even worse than before. And after a while, the effect just stopped and it just kept making my face worse so I stopped.

And what the fuck are you talking about, you don't have acne. You have like, two zits. Where's your scars?

>> No.2549295


Yeah, yeah, I do all that and I hate every moment of it. And you wanna know the worst thing? If I work out too much, I get stronger breakouts. So I'm kind of restricted to stretching.

I pretty much hate everything. Then I remember how irrational my hatred is and then I hate everything even more. Life is a hilarious lie for everyone. We're all gonna die, gonna lose our teeth and youth and... Some are just forced to be aware of it every day and don't ever get respite. Fuck it.

>> No.2549298


Shit. You are what I don't want to become.

I have maybe 4 random acne scars and fairly light acne, which seems to be gradually fading (though it should have years ago, I don't know why it's still here) and yet I let myself get real worked up about it. I don't think I could handle your shit.

>I think I'd be happiest in some sort of worldwide postapocalyptic anarchy where you're an edge of your life and tomorrow and everything outside of survival has no meaning.

I think I understand what you mean, though it's hard to explain exactly how.

Good luck, in any case. It's going to take balls to deal with all that.

>> No.2549315
File: 23 KB, 296x360, kenshiro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, bro. If I were you I'd want to like, go become a monk and commit existential suicide. Better than hating everything and yourself.

>> No.2549318
File: 724 KB, 800x708, Saluki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be worse.
I guess I should be thankful it's actually gotten better over the past couple of years. The scars and pitting are there, but they're not that big. Lucky I guess, but it's still frustrating sometimes.

Good luck, by the way.

>> No.2549323


Unless the camera is hiding it that's not bad at all. Hardly worth complaining about.

>> No.2549342


Well thanks, but I'm really not dealing with it at all. I can't deal with it. I dealt with it when I was younger, buying all those lies that my acne would go away by the time I'm 20. Never happened. My brother's acne went away, no scars, no nothing. Jealous as fuck and I really don't give a shit. I don't get worked up over anything, I'm just stuck in my routine and I don't feel anything anymore at all. And I'm really not stupid enough to think some suicide sniper bullshit would make me feel better either, so that's out of the question too.

I think this must be how that poor sod God feels. Pretty much nothing, but existing. It doesn't matter when you're an all-powerful entity that knows *everything*, what matters is that you know everything you're ever gonna know from your perspective. There's no new horizons, no possibilities.