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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 1280x1273, 1268899527598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2548695 No.2548695 [Reply] [Original]

>It's been over 40 years since we landed a man on the moon.
>No moon bases created or satellite arrays.
>No real topographical and expansive and detailed pictures or maps of the dark side of the moon
>No people visiting space and peering out into the endless void.

>Instead J.ews and celebrities purchase expensive pamphlets that say they own property on the moon.

Yea the human race isn't regressing at all these are tell tale signs of how great and intelligent our species is!

We are doomed to dwell on this planet and fight each other over nothing till the end of days.

>> No.2548721
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>> No.2548728

Sooo agree.

>> No.2548729
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>> No.2548734
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>> No.2548737

>No moon bases created or satellite arrays
>...or satellite arrays
Fuck, what is with that array of satellites we have, then?

>No people visiting space and peering out into the endless void
Fuck, I wonder what all them astronauts are doing in LEO?

>> No.2548739
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>> No.2548744


the human race has no goal or purpose... what do you expect?

even most of the derelicts on this board have some purpose, even if it makes no sense to those of us who can think.

>> No.2548749

>>It's been over 40 years since we landed a man on the moon.
Just over 38.

>No moon bases created or satellite arrays.
High cost for little gain.

>No real topographical and expansive and detailed pictures or maps of the dark side of the moon
Again, high cost for little gain.

>No people visiting space and peering out into the endless void.
Lots of people do this regularly.

Troll harder.

>> No.2548753

>moon bases

why would we need a moon base? there is no valid reason

>solar arrays

they would be useless when you consider how incredibly expensive they would be to manufacture, maintain and even get up to the moon in the first place.

>real topographical and expansive and detailed pictures or maps of the dark side of the moon

again, why would every even want this

>people visiting space and peering out into the endless void

it's fucking space, getting 384403 km isn't going to improve the picture quality.

>> No.2548756

>Fuck, I wonder what all them astronauts are doing in LEO?

How many astronauts have you met?

How many active astronauts do we have?

They make up less than a drop in the collective population.

>> No.2548767
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cheer up bro.

if your an optimist then you can believe in the singularity that should come in the next few decades which could lead to untold advancements such as immortality.

if your a pessimist then you can believe in peak oil and overpopulation which should be coming around in the next few decades. can you imagine witnessing the fall of man, i for one would like to enjoy seeing the world burn.

i have a feeling we are going to live in a very special time in the history of homo sapian

now a question to you. Do you think previous generations believed they too were in a special time of human development?

>> No.2548774

Op here

Everyone attacking what I said are delusional retards who will never know what is like to leave earth's gravity but think they will one day.

>> No.2548788

Yes to your question.

But they actually did something about it. Like landing on the moon.

>> No.2548794
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to realism bro

our grim hopeless reality

>> No.2548801

Fucking dead boards and their posters should stay dead.

>> No.2548804


this kind of thing is what pisses me off about people. do you understand the magnitude of leaving earths gravity? astronauts are literally the best possible people humanity has to offer, physically and intellectually, and they have to train for YEARS to venture into space. other than being able to say " i is in space lol" you would do nothing of value there. so why go?

>> No.2548815
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wrong pic, but good excuse for moar beer to sink your broken dreams

>> No.2548817

Have met one or two. I live in Florida.

Yeah, they're a small part of the population. They're there, though.

>> No.2548821

naw man you got it wrong. he thought technology would be badass enough so that we wouldnt all need to be astronauts to go into space. but i do agree space is hardmode and is nearly impossible. especially reproduction.

>> No.2548823

What the fuck are you talking about.

They fucking let niggers and women in space.

>> No.2548837


yeah, i'd agree with you but science is ideas. Most ideas, like about 99% of the crap found here, are bad ideas. But still, science has continued on in spite of the bad ideas over time.

Heck, there may be another good idea or two waiting to grace the pages of this fine chronicle.

Or probably, just continued stupidity.

that's the fun of science!

>> No.2548842

Russia is going to launch a manned mission to mars in 2020.

We can't even set up a moonbase.

>> No.2548847

gb2 /h/ you weaboo cunt

>> No.2548849


human technology<space. solar radiation is a fucking bitch. if he wants space cancer he can have it. i'll live on earth, the place our species is supposed live. because thats where we evolved.

you're a pretty edgy guy, i bet people at your high school all think you're hardcore.

>> No.2548877
File: 1.49 MB, 2145x1213, 1268901162135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have the capabilities to create a self sustaining moon base?


Do we have the capabilities to map out the moon and release it to the public?


Do we have the capabilities to creating self sustaining space stations the size of small cities?


Do we do any of these things?


>> No.2548896

yea but could you imagine the possibilities. like having a separate race of humans that are genetically engineered for space. guys would never experience the motherland but they would be on the final frontier

>> No.2548898


you're a hypocritical band-wagoning piece of shit and your pessimism is worthless. you are doomed to an inflated sense of intelligence.

>> No.2548903
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great, errybody itt thinks the op was saying that we do not have the technological means to push space exploration and colonization forward

but what can you expect from a board full of stormfag-randroid hybrids

>> No.2548913

Seriously, who gives a shit about the moon? It's just a useless fucking rock.

>> No.2548938


On what?

The personal distain I hold for the progression of the human race didn't come from a fad.

It's right in front of us. We live it everyday.

We are trapped in our own selfishness and ignorance. It was as if once we landed on the moon we acted that we were done with space and the beyond and the moon itself. As if the planting of the flag symbolized some sort of American superiority and the right to bask in it. We have been basking in it for over fucking forty years.

Our culture is blinded by our own piousness.

>> No.2548947


sure, sure. we also have the collective ability to explode mountains and wipe the country of honduras of the map. but why do it? because we can?

and you can make fun of paper money i guess, but economics is the glue that holds societies together. if you trivialize it, than you really are a immature moron.

>> No.2548950

Says you as if you went to the moon and mined it to see if it held any unknown materials.

I can fucking taste the ignorance in this thread.

>> No.2548958

>why would we need moon bases?





>> No.2548973

>sure, sure. we also have the collective ability to explode mountains and wipe the country of honduras of the map. but why do it? because we can?

What in the fuck does that have to do with taking the steps to conquering the vast unknown?

>you really are a immature moron.

Keep counting your stacks of tinder and leave the real thinking to men who dare to question.

>> No.2548986


except we already no exactly what the moon is composed of.

says you who barely thought about what you were writing.

>> No.2548992
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>> No.2549011

What we need is an idea of what to do. Kennedy said "go to the moon" and NASA pooled their resources to accomplish this goal. Even ancient cultures needed some kind of goal for growth to happen properly. Look at the pyramids or the Great Wall. (inb4 Ancient Aliens) If somebody like the sitting president declared a new goal, we could be building stuff on the moon.

>> No.2549016


we know what the moon is. literally everything in the op are things that we can do from earth, but have no reason to.

I'm willing to bet that you don't have a serious scientific job, and that everything you know about "conquering the vast unknown" has been gleaned off the internet, high school, or maybe a year of college.

>> No.2549017

People believe also believe the moon is hollow.

People believe that moon landing didn't even happen.

Have you been to the moon and composed a analysis of what it is?

How do you know then?

You get your information from the same organization that photo edits many of their photos.

>> No.2549022

He wants to build faster trains.

>> No.2549033

Fuck that. Amtrak is losing tons of money every year. It would probably be better for the federal government to privatize space travel and then invest heavily in it. Maybe they could use the imminent profits to pay off the debt.

And by sitting president I meant at any given time, not Barack Obama in particular.

>> No.2549034

Yeah and where do you work?


gtfo cunt

>> No.2549035


people believe the computer you're using is run by electrons and logic gates. have you tested it out to see for yourself?

see, i can do it too!


>> No.2549042


very close. I work at boeing. I am an aerospace engineer.

>> No.2549046

I can open my computer and test that theory right now.

How about you go to the moon and test out the theory of it being useless?

Oh wait you can't. I guess you'll just have to trust everything people tell you.

Fucking retard.

>> No.2549064

That's not close.

How come we are still using designs of planes created in the 1960's for commercial travel?

Are you engineers still stuck in that age too?

>> No.2549076
File: 118 KB, 580x435, falcon_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god the private sector is fixing that

>> No.2549087

>What in the fuck does that have to do with taking the steps to conquering the vast unknown?

different anon here
because at this stage we really have no reason to begin "taking steps to conquering the vast unknown" beyond "lolbecause we can"?
Why don't we map the ocean floor first?
Why don't we build a self sustaining deep sea mining colony first?
Why don't we build fucking Rapture?

All those are every bit as possible and would probably be a safer test bed to refine technologies that would allow us to expand into space. They're also a hell of a lot closer to home and cheaper to do but they're still too expensive to be practical.

Yet whiny impatient faggots like prefer to bitch about pie in the sky nonsense. "Waaaah! Waaah! but I want it now !" is all I hear when you Spaceward Ho! people start complaining about how stupid are for not going into space already.

Shit happens at the rate it's supposed to happen at and there's no sense in whining that it doesn't happen faster.

>> No.2549095


the blinding idiocy in that statement made me lol. if they're still using planes from the 60's why would they employ any engineers? boeing is a massive company, i don't work on commercial projects. my division is building high performance propulsion for the next generation of fighter planes.

and it is very close. i did all my post-grad internships at nasa's ames research center. my university was really close by. almost every thing they do is based on the same knowledge as what i do in my nine to five.

>> No.2549101

Because there are better designs for that SPECIFIC sector? I dont think so. There is a good general design, therefore I believe they'll go the way of the bicycle, small changes but basically the same thing

>> No.2549103


if you're seriously suggesting that no empirical evidence from an outside source can be trusted, then i don't understand how you're not a hermit living in the woods.

>> No.2549105

>Why don't we build a self sustaining deep sea mining colony first

OP here.

This should be done too.

>> No.2549165

Sounds like somebody believes too much in the invisible hand guiding everything.