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File: 33 KB, 400x500, bill-gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2548016 No.2548016 [Reply] [Original]

>Corporations will be the first to colonize a planet.
>They will mine all of the resources for the funding of colonization of other planets.
>Eventually they start imposing taxes on anyone who travels into space.
>Corporations will eventually own space.

>> No.2548023

That is a government.

>> No.2548029
File: 51 KB, 400x500, communism,cute,girl,communisim,soviet,poster-0cdc14e7ce32ec5a34a8297dd844d981_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks capitalism

we need comunism

>> No.2548038

Yeah, no.

Besides, if you're unhappy with the increasing rich-poor gap, what's wrong with social democracy? Capitalism with extensive public support systems like free education and universal healthcare? Paid for by progressive taxes, of course.

>> No.2548035
File: 255 KB, 2560x1600, 1279483463873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This faggot doesn't even know the most efficient way to colonize space

>> No.2548061

>Implying the government would put any money into colonizing planets when they could simply circlejerk money around in bureaucracies.

>> No.2548069

Not if they only exist to make a profi... Oh wait!

>> No.2548080

>Mars renamed Coke-Cola

>> No.2548086

Good, it would be better than bureaucracies controlling space.

>> No.2548099

my god we can't have corporations being all corporationy IN FUCKING SPACE.

>> No.2548131

I don't see a problem. A corporation can't tax people for going into space. Just like a corporation can't tax someone for walking outside their house. They can charge a price for taking someone into space, thats not taxing.
It would also be way more efficient than the government doing anything in space.

>> No.2548143
File: 35 KB, 180x200, 1295354368087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking what ?

>> No.2548144

That's not how it works. The military will control space first, then it will be commercialized.

>> No.2548148

>implying I won't just download Space through my internet connection and pirate it

>> No.2548149

Yeah, corporations don't demand taxes. They have prices for goods and services they offer.

>> No.2548154

Babby's first economic views.

>> No.2548159
File: 49 KB, 198x198, 1297875144181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government add taxes over the goods and services corporations offer.
I have to admit I don't understand your point.

>> No.2548162

yet no refutations.

lol u mad bro?

>> No.2548170

that any taxing would come from the government, not corporations. I think thats his point.

>> No.2548194

No company will even try without government subsidies.

>> No.2548202

New civilisations have been established around the earth, often companied by corporations to mine the new settled land.

The first steps at another planet hopefully will be a person who represents the human race/earth and... not them fucky moneytards.

An eventual expansion to for example Mars should be done so with curiosity in our minds, not capitalistic goals..
Any corporation doing something actually useful on another planet is not a problem with me, as long there is some soul in what they're doing.

>> No.2548197 [DELETED] 

Bill Gates is admired by randroids and other right-wing simpletons who don't realize that he has been hugely stifling progress for its own benefit, and besides he's nothing of the programming genius he's usually portrayed.

>Eventually they start imposing taxes on anyone who travels into space.
That sounds familiar.. oh bad alert nevermind. Windows iz the bestte computer, Linux doesn't real is a commie lie

>> No.2548203

Bill Gates is admired by randroids and other right-wing simpletons who don't realize that he has been hugely stifling progress for its own benefit, and besides he's nothing of the programming genius he's usually portrayed.

>Eventually they start imposing taxes on anyone who travels into space.
That sounds familiar.. oh false alarm nevermind. Windows iz the bestte computer, Linux doesn't real is a commie lie

>> No.2548209


bullshit, corporate taxes are called "profits" idiot

lrn2 econ101

>> No.2548214

>implying a corporation can impose taxes on anything
>implying your hatred of freedom and capitalism isn't only surpassed by your love of the state

>> No.2548222

paying money to a corporation is an individual choice, and optional.
Paying taxes to your government is not.


>> No.2548235

this was meant for this guy

>> No.2548241

OP's been playing too much Dead Space 2

>> No.2548242


Goals such as using mined / harvested material for purposes concerning the actual settling onto the planet - or expanding even further.

>> No.2548279

any and every expansion/exploration in history, was due to economic reasons.

>> No.2548312

Good luck having any sort of reasonable quality of life without engaging in some sort of economic relationship with corporations.

>> No.2548330

Itt: Corporatocracy IN SPACE

>> No.2548353
File: 56 KB, 429x599, 429px-John_D._Rockefeller_aged_18_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_17090-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the space Rockefeller?

>> No.2548365

>he doesn't understand you don't have to deal with just one corporation
>he doesn't understand competition
>he never took an economics course

>> No.2548391

Congratulations, you have no reading comprehension. You should be receiving your prize in the mail in two to four weeks.

>> No.2548398

Who cares if they colonize a planet? Space real estate is not scarce. "Resources" accessed through mining planetoids are not scarce. In other words, there's no reason to be upset unless out of pure spite. As for corporations "imposing taxes" they have no authority. Anyone could just ignore their demands for taxes. This kind of "imposition" is empty - I hereby impose that anyone who reads this post must remit a $100 tax to me post haste.

>> No.2548415
File: 10 KB, 125x180, mfwthisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are already laws against this

>> No.2548439

"When space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything..."

OP just watched Fight Club.

>> No.2548446

Space real estate is somewhat scarce for its proximity

>> No.2548452
File: 16 KB, 399x291, 1285423036326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone would be able to enforce them.

>> No.2548465

I agree with OP. Its not going to be called taxes, it'll be called a 'travel fee' or something like that. No terran justice has jurisdiction in space, so it'll be a randroid paradise until their underpaid labourers find out where the munitions are stored...

>> No.2548466

>implying you aren't retarded

>> No.2548481
File: 47 KB, 487x354, 1282534816435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice counterargument, bro

>> No.2548515

>i could say the same
>because you provided no counterpoint to mine except for "lol implying they would be able to hurr durrr"

>> No.2548533

Okay, what specific laws would you be referring to?

>> No.2548561


>> No.2548586
File: 25 KB, 300x250, eve_online_logo_5677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2548604

The United Nations has a horrible track record when it comes to dealing with organizations with more power than a third-world nation, You can see this in the form of how little pirates fear international water laws.


>> No.2548644


also... government has military
and since when do corporations just go around freely breaking laws

>> No.2548641


inb4 Helghan Co. emerges

>> No.2548646

>Eventually they start imposing taxes on anyone who travels into space.
logical leap

>> No.2548653

also, i don't care about your anecdotal evidence

>> No.2548672

That is until lobbyist do what they do and convince the senate that corporations in American should be allowed to colonize other planets.

And don't tell me about the UN stopping them. They are basically useless, and almost never punish powerful members for breaking rules.
i.e. The Iraq war was in direct contradiction with the UN ruling and we still went to war.

>> No.2548683

The case of American not being punished is another example and quite a bit less anecdotal.

>> No.2548703

it should have stopped there
but some people think corporations are stronger than most of the 1st world's governments

>> No.2548724

How much of role do you think corporations play in modern American politics?

>> No.2548735


100% control

>> No.2548841

That is an exaggeration.

>> No.2548971

Not who you are talking to but corporations control an absolutely tremendous amount of power and sway in the US government. They're the new high priests. Especially since the Supreme Court ruled that they can give as much money as they want to a campaign AND not have to tell anyone about it. (Justice Clarence Thompson and Justice Scalia are both in special interest's pocket)

>> No.2549013

It's not the Supreme Court's job to keep people from making stupid decisions based on campaign advertising financed by corporations. Believe it or not, they're actually supposed to uphold the law on principle. They did just that, and everyone condemns them for it rather than looking inward. Nobody is forcing the American electorate to pay heed to campaign advertising. If American voters ignore the issues, that's their own fucking problem. Stop blaming the Supreme Court. "X is in the pocket of special interests." is an incredibly facile claim that can be used against pretty much anyone or anything.

>> No.2549036


wrong. its the supreme courts job to stop the rule of democracy from being subverted

they can see as plain as anyone else that big corps are buying all out elections

they failed to stop this subversion
supreme court FAIL

>> No.2549037

This makes OP's case entirely feasible if not for China.

>> No.2549047

No, it is not. The Supreme Court's duty above all else is to interpret law already established. It has no obligations to endorse a more democratic society.

>> No.2549078

The U.S. system is not a pure democracy and was never designed to be one. The role of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution, including its guarantee of freedom of speech, not to kowtow to your mush-headed censorious liberal agenda.

The Constitution is not subverted by political speech but rather safeguards that speech.

>big corps are buying all out elections
Courts can only consider cases and controversies brought before them. Citizens United did not involve an election that had been "bought out" (an unproven allegation) but rather a prior restraint being placed on the speech of an advocacy organization by an unconstitutional campaign finance law.

>> No.2549226

You idiots. You're all missing the point.
Why would they tax people going to colonize other planets. More people means more money for these corporations or the international government agency that regulate colonization. Taxing people would be counterproductive for them.