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File: 23 KB, 500x333, IBM-Watson-Jeopardy-2-500x333[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2547854 No.2547854 [Reply] [Original]

Watson wins by $50,000

>> No.2547861

Great, now I'll just have to watch the video later.

Does he flub the Final Jeopardy question again?

>> No.2547859

haha did he really beat jennings? awesome

>> No.2547867

Do we know the delay that Watson has before he rings in? Human reaction speed is only so fast.

>> No.2547869

Ken has been losing to Brad anyway.

I wonder what would happen in an alternate version of Jeopardy where each of them gets to answer independently, rather than just the first to the buzzer.

>> No.2547874

I'm not sure of the exact mechanism for Jeopardy. But I know that Watson has a mechanical button to "press", and that you can't successfully buzz in until the question has been completely read.

>> No.2547881


He got it right and bet a lot of money

>> No.2547886


It's zero.

The contestants were bitching about that, since they said they had the answer, but the robot rung in before they could move.

They were visibly frustrated.

>> No.2547897


Who cares if they're butthurt? Clearly Watson knew the answer and knew it before them.

>> No.2547912

Wait, I thought it was an hour from now?

>> No.2547913

I'll take some butthurt if losing netted me 100K (3nd place) 200K (2nd place)

>> No.2547927


We seem to get it earlier in Minnesota

>> No.2547944

They must have known they were going to lose. There's no way a company like IBM would brodcast their allegedly intelligent supercomputer if they ever had any doubt it could win. No way. Ken and Brad would be naive to think they ever stood a chance.

>> No.2547959

they got 100 and 200 thousand dollars each, respectively

>> No.2547963



>> No.2547958

It only won on reaction time.

>> No.2547954

I agree that they wouldn't go forward if they thought they would lose miserably, but I hope you're not suggesting this was staged or illegitimate somehow.

>> No.2547964

I think he was propsing the exact opposite

>> No.2547967

I have to think that ken and brad are rusty. Didn't ken talk about how he and his family would train extensively before jeopardy runs? Maybe IBM didn't give him enough prep time.

Oh well. I hate this machine for how wall street is going to implement it. A machine that can process all of the info on the internet and hand it to greedy capitalists? Fucking great.

>> No.2547969


Not "only"

It knew a similar amount of the correct answers.

>> No.2547983

Vote for more progressive taxes. Write your congressman.

>> No.2547985

>I hate this machine for how wall street is going to implement it. A machine that can process all of the info on the internet and hand it to greedy capitalists?

Using machines on wall street? You're about thirty years too late, buddy.

>> No.2547994


You shouldn't look up high frequency trading then, for one.

Also, can anyone help me put this sentence into stricter English?

If anybody loves Betty, then Betty loves him/her.

∀x ((F(xB) → F(Bx))

>> No.2548002


"Although Kasparov wanted another rematch, IBM declined and ended their Deep Blue program."

IBM confirmed for scared faggots tier

>> No.2548007

you mad?

>> No.2548011

People over 14 generally stop responding to "are you CHICKEN?!?!?!"

>> No.2548017


I know they use machines now. But they don't have ones that can read the internet. Goldman Sachs will probably buy 5 alone just so they can find new ways of cheating.

I bet they'll get tax payers to float the bill.

>> No.2548027


go to bed, kasparov

>> No.2548251

If one loves betty, betty loves back.