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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2545152 No.2545152 [Reply] [Original]

I have a masters in Mathematics and I want to work in Wall Street.

I have a Mathematics Masters from a respectable university in the UK and I don't want to start doing a PhD right away. I was speaking to a friend and he told me that one with my degree can go and work right away in Wall Street and make lots of money. How is that possible? Where should I apply?

>> No.2545169


>> No.2545171

>live in the UK and want to work on Wall Street

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2545175

Portals man, portals.

>> No.2545177
File: 72 KB, 600x700, capitalism illustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lend your money out to the guy in the suit and wait for the fruits of exploitation to roll in

>> No.2545183

OP here.

I received it from a university in the UK, but I don't live in the UK (I live in Egypt, lol). So, what can I do with my degree even if it doesn't involve working in Wall Street :D

>> No.2545186

source for this hotties?

>> No.2545187

why did you get the degree if you don't know what to do with it?

>> No.2545189


You work in the finance or securities...not in Wall Street. If you say that people will think you are a banker in New York.

>> No.2545191

OP here.

I love Mathematics, and I started studying it after high school. However, things didn't work out as I intended and I can't afford a PhD place in the UK anymore (and won't be able to apply for the US till next year). Thus, I want to work using my degree for a year till things change (either I get a place in the US or have enough money for one in the UK).

>> No.2545198

Dont know bout wall-street.

I'm doing Physics in Switzerland, the banks and financial foundations are VERY interested in everybody with a decent grade in math, physics and computer science. (Im sure there is more but these are the ones which I notice)

Math is needed everywhere.

Physics is vital for risk management, insurance and quantitative finance.

CS is needed for everything as well.

The pay is very high, being Switzerland and all, but its a demanding job.

I would rather go into science myself, less money but still quite enough.

If you want a job, contact them. We have recruiters from London down here trying to get ppl to the UK.

Qualified ppl are very sought after, my guess is because the best usually want to discovery the universe instead of getting a bonus, but as i said, very good pay.

In totum; just send your resume to a bank or a hedge-found group or whatever you wanna do..

I dont see why you have to do it on wallstreet tough.