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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 424 KB, 548x356, ponytrek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2544695 No.2544695 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we live in a peaceful world such as Equestria and the United Federation of Planets?

>> No.2544704

because peace is stagnation and death.

ponies taste good.

a rancher in Utah

>> No.2544703

Because conservatives are still aloud to live.

>> No.2544708

Because of religion.

>> No.2544706

i'm moving to courascant when i can hitch a ride.

>> No.2544710

>implying Ponies don't have religion.
>it's illegal to kill and consume ponies.
Reported, you little shit.

>> No.2544716

not illegal on a private ranch, though a permit is required.

report away, ponies are still yummy.

>> No.2544718

because of atheism and liberals

>> No.2544723

I never even watched that pony show so for all I know that's just a random name of a world and some pony picture. It should've said that the picture was related.

>> No.2544729

Hurr durr, this troll is retardo.
>implying Star Trek isn't atheist infested.
Private or not, it's still illegal, doofus.
I already called my authorities.

>> No.2544730
File: 41 KB, 396x360, t208684_kill everyone in this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2544734

I'd prefer to live in the Culture, although it isn't quite so peaceful.

>> No.2544738



>> No.2544741


we round em up and sell em for dog food.

>> No.2544742

u mad?

>> No.2544744

So just because you own your own land means you're above the law? lolwut You can still be arrested because it's still illegal. I really doubt you don't do what you say you do, but better hope you don't get animal abuse charges.

>> No.2544747

In Asia?

>> No.2544751

I bet you slaughter cats too, aye faggot.
Nobody is above the law so it's still illegal.

>> No.2544750

I can drive without a driver's license in my own backyard and it'd be legal. It's basicly the same thing.

>> No.2544753

no seriously.

wild ponies eat grass clear to the roots and then starve to death after ruining the land for cattle and sheep.

we round them up, keep some, sell some, adopt some out, eat a few, and sell the rest for pet food and glue.

actually doesn't taste that bad, though I prefer sheep.

>> No.2544754

If I own my own property. Does this mean I am exempt from all laws?

>> No.2544755

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.2544756


>> No.2544760


>> No.2544762
File: 3 KB, 126x123, keitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2544769

Not science, GTFO!

>> No.2544773


It's not illegal, but that dude is probably trolling since it says the consumption of horse meat is a rare taboo in the country of the United States. So those asking if the poster is Asia has a very good chance of being correct.

>> No.2544777

>science fiction

Get fucked by a horse, Mr. Hands.

>> No.2544787

it's not really taboo on the ranches in the Western US where wild ponies live. We eat anything we can shoot. I don't actually live on a ranch anymore, and I haven't eaten horse in over 20 years, but I'm sure it still happens.

>> No.2544800
File: 64 KB, 336x218, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks science fiction is scientifically valid.

>science fiction

>> No.2544810
File: 64 KB, 675x600, stfu + gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lrn2distinguish fantasy from reality.

>> No.2544817

>he doesn't realize that without science fiction they'll be no science.

Smug logical fallacy, troll.
Cry more.

>> No.2544820

This is what idiots actually believe.

>> No.2544827

lrn2scientific method, dipshit.

>> No.2544829


That is one very angry samefag.

Sage to watch him mad.

>> No.2544834

I know that without sci-fi they'd be no scientific imagination and without sci-imagination they're be no goals to achieve.

>> No.2544841

>implying you know what fiction actually is
>implying the science isn't more important.

You are a stupid lameass.

>> No.2544848

Hardly, in fact many scientists hate science fiction including Einstein.

"It distorts science, and gives people the illusion of understanding science."
- A. Einstein

>> No.2544853

>he thinks Albert Einstein was actually a scientific genius when in reality only his theories and ideas were the work of a genius. He was a complete fool otherwise.

>> No.2544855

Fiction is not factual narratives, that is all.
>implying science fiction always makes the effort to be scientifically valid.

Try harder, dumbass.

>> No.2544857

Go ahead and hide behind some hack of a scientists, brah.

>> No.2544862

You're the dumbass here, bro; every great work of fiction has some truth behind it.
He supplies a quote from a hack of a scientists who will be invulnerably wrong on all accounts.

>> No.2544874

Some truth, not necessarily. And that doesn't make it scientifically valid, in fact it makes it invalid, retard.

As for Einstein, his theories are still valid unlike your stupid pony show.

>> No.2544878
File: 31 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A. Einstein

He chooses a hack out of all of the brilliant sciences in the world past, present, and future.

>> No.2544880 [DELETED] 

Go back to /b/.

>> No.2544882

Kiss his dead balls, kike, because there are much better scientists than he was. Also, I don't watch girl cartoons.

>> No.2544886

This better include yourself as well since you clearly can't science either.

>> No.2544887

Galileo > Einstein

Eat it, fags.

>> No.2544888

Galileo didn't waste his time with scifi, btw.

>> No.2544889

Einstein is in the shit tier of scientists.
Next time choose someone who's words are meaningful.

>> No.2544891

>implying I care.

But either way, modern scientists are better than any of the shitty ancient ones.

>> No.2544893

Science fiction didn't exist in Galileo's time, dumbass.

>> No.2544897

NO duh, Hurr Durr.

>> No.2544898 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 576x923, Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This area is in throbbing pain and I don't know why. I haven't gone on long walks in a couple of days, I haven't exercised since then either, and I haven't struck or been struck by any blunt objects.

Why might it be hurting?

>> No.2544901

Wrong thread, sorry.

>> No.2544902

Then why state such an ignorant statement?