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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 598x427, 744376A140F676D450FEB9D620B055[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2534356 No.2534356 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or is it that there's no chance that these two characters could possibly pass for having IQs of 187 and 173?

Such minds would be far more complex than the ones portrayed in The Big Bang Theory.

>> No.2534363

The law of conservation of intelligence - characters cannot be more intelligent than the person writing them.

>> No.2534366

It's a show for retards who need a laughstrip to know when to laugh, they won't notice the difference between a real intellectual and these faggots.

>> No.2534369



>> No.2534372

implying that highly intelligent people are anything like in the BBT. It is just not fun seeing people be bitter about life and reading books while having serious intelectual debate about theoretical physics.

Actually I would enjoy that. Also implying that if sheldon was really intelligent he would not figure out the social construct and fit in a lot more.

>> No.2534374

duh, i have an IQ of 150 and as a writer i even have trouble coming up with behaviors of very intelligent and/or very ancient characters.

underpaid alcoholic sitcom writers for a poorly funded TV seinfeld rip off? yeah, they have no hope of accurately depicting a super genius.

>> No.2534376

Sheldon is depicted with aspergers syndrome. it's very difficult to figure it out for us though i have done it which is to say it would be possible for him. though i know many others with the same condition who do in fact struggle.

>> No.2534379

It's not a matter of "understanding" social conventions and having knowledge of what people look like when certain things happen, it's the fact that as someone with severe assburgers he doesn't have the benefit of the completely automatic detection and understanding of these things that normal people have.

I don't have to think to know what to do in social situations, it just happens. Totally autonomous. Even someone with a perfect understanding of this shit will struggle and seem awkward if this doesn't happen. Sheldon is full retard tho, and it's obviously exaggerated for TV.

>> No.2534380

On tv they always make "nerds" dress like hipsters.

>> No.2534381

"fun" is the key word.

Actually, the coolest scientists in my lab are closer to Ross Geller. You can't figure how boring are the average scientists.

>> No.2534382

When the fuck was OP implying that?

>> No.2534383


but this an an obstacle that can be surpassed by teaching yourself how to act in social situations.

sure it may make you awkward at the start of your life but once you got all the main rules down it would get better.

most people with aspergers that act like that do so beacuse they lack something to make them care.

they very literally don't give a fuck how over people see them, so they don't adjust their behavior.

there's a book written by as aspergers dude, forgot the name, but it has some very nice insight on the issue.

>> No.2534387

"The curious incident of the dog in the night-time"?

>> No.2534399

That book was absolutely ballin'

>> No.2534402


ye, that's the one.
sure that guy was full on retarded and had problems understanding emotions, but he also didn't care.

he's only real fear was failing a test, he didn't even care that much when he [spoiler]met his mom[\spoiler]

>> No.2534417

Everyone knows big bang theory is a piece of fucking shit OP

>> No.2534420

I can promise you that really smart people don't sit around crying about the world being so terribly unfair towards brilliance. They're out there having as much fun as anyone else would (and yes, for many people that does mean reading books), because sitting around moping when it doesn't change anything would definitely be an idiotic thing to do. But I'm sure it would be a comfort to think of your angst as indicative of genius.

>> No.2534423


that's not true, there are people like me that never watched it.

>> No.2534440

I like BBT but I honestly never saw much sense in the characters, especially Sheldon.

>> No.2534446

You must not be among the highly intelligent if you truly believe that propaganda.

>> No.2534463

Sidestepping the issue of whether "IQ of 187" even means anything, I agree that they don't act at all like extremely smart people, but rather what dumb people imagine extremely smart people to be like.

See also: every television show ever with "genius" characters.

>> No.2534467
File: 601 KB, 1191x703, 1297382887066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu aspie faggot. You are retarded for the following reasons:
1) You think that IQ is a reasonable intelligence measure
2) You expect seriousness and scientific accuracy from a sitcom
3) You watch The Big Bang Theory.

Point 3) alone is enough to conclusively prove that you are retarded. 1) and 2) serve just as a further evidence for the people who don't have time / are not interested in deriving your retardation from point 3) alone.

Now GTFO and never come back. Ideally die in fire.

>> No.2534468

Portaying real genius isn't funny. For most people, it's either confusing or depressing.

>> No.2534469

What shows have believably very smart characters? All I can think of is Breaking Bad.

>> No.2534479


>> No.2534481

its called acting. now gtfo.

>> No.2534482

FACT: Intelligence doesn't make people unhappy and bitter.
The only people who believe this are moody teenagers who believe they're better than everybody else and try to use their unhappiness as proof of such

>> No.2534485


I agree. I think that certain knowledge for an individual can make one feel unhappy, which is in almost all cases separate from intelligence.

>> No.2534505

No. If two persons had exactly the same knowledge one of them could be happy and the other one unhappy. Happiness is not bound to knowledge or intelligence.

>> No.2534508


Yowon Choi and Ruut Veenhoven
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Are smart people happier? In this study, the relation between intelligence and happiness is explored at two levels, at the micro-level of individuals and at the macro-level of nations.


One interpretation of these findings is that intelligence does not affect happiness; another is that its positive effects are counterbalanced by negative ones. Future research should look for such negative effects."

>> No.2534513


Hence the term "knowledge for an individual". I might be sad of the knowledge that my friend died but you may not.

>> No.2534535

I'm at a very prestigious physics graduate program and I've been suicidally depressed much of my life, but there are many in my program that are obviously genuinely cheerful.
I can't control my negative emotions, and I have no idea what that ability would have to do with general intelligence one way or the other.

>> No.2534543

There's medicine for that kind of problem

>> No.2534546

Damn right. All kinds of wonderful stuff

>> No.2534547

Been on Wellbutrin for the past year. Works wonders.

>> No.2534550

i find House to be an accurate protrayal

>> No.2534558

Of an immature asshole.

>> No.2534623
File: 20 KB, 285x281, 1287738368224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2534637

>Has never read Sherlock Holmes

>> No.2534850

Some shows and movies provide with rather accurate portrayals of "geniuses".
And if not entirely accurate, very close to home.

>> No.2534854

I know plenty of people like Sheldon.

>> No.2534858


>> No.2534870

just curious... how does house display immaturity?

>> No.2534893

>breaking rules
>drug addict who denies being an addict
>Picks on people below him for no reason whatsoever
>treats people like shit

>> No.2534897

He is needlessly petty and self-absorbed. Like a 3-year-old.

>> No.2534898

>"Picks on people below him for no reason whatsoever"
the reason is because they're stupid.
I'm INTJ just like House is, and I love it.

>> No.2534903


>> No.2534905


Enjoy your mental masturbation to justify your forever alonenness.

>> No.2534906

>pick on people because they're stupid.
And this is not immature.... how?
Not putting up with bullshit is one thing. But House does more than that.

For instance, refusing to use a cane instead of a wheelchair because he wants to beat another person out of eligibility for a handicapped parking space. One whole episode had that as a sub-plot. Really?

>> No.2534916

Assuming two people both have the opportunity to use their intelligence to accomplish talks, one does and the other doesn't. One becomes a doctor, and the other becomes an idiot. One did work to get far, the other just wasted taxpayer money and global resources. One deserves to insult the other to negatively affecting his/her life. QED

>> No.2534917

I'm sorry, but people should not be discounted for being stupid, you incessant leftist.

>> No.2534921

Dude he's always harping on about SpaceX and privatization of space.

>> No.2534922

are you me anon?

>> No.2534924


I'm sure he was referring to someone else.

That or he's derping.

>> No.2534925

>One deserves to insult the other to negatively affecting his/her life.
This does not follow.
Who pissed in your cheerios?

>> No.2534946


He thinks he gets to be a dick to everyone because when he was eight years old the psychiatrist they took him to told him his IQ was of 156.

>> No.2534947

Its supposed to be a comedy. It cant be funny if all the charcters on the show talked like stephen hawkings.

>> No.2534956

You'd know your argument to be bullshit had you known the full definition and not just the very narrow one of 'leftism'.

>> No.2534961

Enlighten us, oh lofty one.

>> No.2534963
File: 168 KB, 644x800, 1272166131872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is correct.

One has to be a bit of a sibbly-wibbly liberal to be a transhumanist. A luddite would be disgusted at pic related for example.

>> No.2534967

Just out of interest, why leopard girl and not some other anthropomorphic animal drawing?

>> No.2534971

How often do you exercise? My mood and sleeping disorders all but disappeared once I got on a good regiment.

>> No.2534972


Because that one's perfect, the other ones are not. They all have their little imperfections and mistakes, but not mai waifu.

>> No.2534974
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say.

>> No.2534981
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>> No.2534984
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>> No.2534986
File: 152 KB, 500x700, karkat_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2534988
File: 1 KB, 42x25, sci-trolling5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2534989
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>> No.2534993
File: 93 KB, 599x800, haters_gonna_hate_leopard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2534999
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>> No.2535001
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>> No.2535011
File: 110 KB, 1272x369, 1287848870509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this from aaaages ago

>> No.2535012
File: 4 KB, 145x130, 1266394377223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2535013

OH FFS you two get a room.

>> No.2535016
File: 97 KB, 639x850, 1293912511032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, yes, the furvolution of trollface.

>> No.2535044


Is that... Peaches?

>> No.2535049
File: 8 KB, 344x146, real genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Genius (1985) was probably closest to what us real high IQs are like. Big Bang Theory's not bad, I really enjoy the show, but it's TV... They have neither the time nor incentive to portray fully developed characters on sitcoms.

>> No.2535101

I find Sheldon very inconsistent in terms of how his intelligence manifests itself. Also, many of his compulsions and phobias are obviously just there to fit the nerd stereotype.

A person with an IQ of 187 could conceivably behave like Sheldon, but if I were to meet him in real life, I would have to point out the many inconsistencies in his opinions.

Mensafag btw, and yes I think IQ is a good approximation of general intelligence.

>> No.2535106
File: 43 KB, 400x400, coolface jig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>really enjoy
>big bang theory

Master troll status.

>> No.2535119
File: 7 KB, 231x162, michelle-meyrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michelle Meyrink is so fucking hot in that movie!

>> No.2535148

>It cant be funny if all the charcters on the show talked like stephen hawkings.

That would actually be quite funny.

>> No.2535165

I would shit myself from laughter if there was a sitcom with everyone talking through a wheelchair computer like Stephan Hawking.

>> No.2535277

i dont know about ridiculously high IQs like that, but i've heard that smart people are actually pretty well rounded and not nearly as neurotic or akward as they are portrayed. i have an IQ of 138 (from a school administered test, actually a WAIS-III test, which gave me a 95% confidence of IQ between 133-141(im looking at it right now)) and i am only slightly akward and i have a girlfriend, and im not a sociopath like the people on this show. also, im not very successful or even very smart, so maybe a few more standard deviations up the scale make you that much wierder.

>> No.2535404
File: 55 KB, 469x428, 1266227713235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to what us real high IQs are like
>real high IQs

>> No.2535419

just from the look of that picture I do not ever want to watch this show. It looks fucking retarded.

>> No.2535437

>the reason is because they're stupid.
>I'm INTJ just like House is, and I love it.

Hope you're a troll.

>> No.2535456



>> No.2535528

u jelly?

>> No.2535547

>lol u ever wach da big bang thery???
>lol! u shuld tttly wach it sum tiem haha dat sheldin guy remine me of u xD


>> No.2535557


House doesn't pick on people. Also, you are not House.

>> No.2535563


Goddamned THIS

>> No.2535568

>Implying I couldn't join Mensa if I were enough of a faggot to want to.

>> No.2535575

Do you possess gifted-level intelligence?

>> No.2535579


I've scored well above Mensa's requirement on other IQ tests, so sure, I guess so.

>> No.2535605

Sherlock Holmes is far and away more intelligent than Arthur Conan Doyle because Doyle was able to arrange his universe to perfectly demonstrate Holmes's intelligence, whereas the real universe allows no such perfect demonstrations.

>> No.2536269

Except no, you didn't.

>> No.2536273

except yes i did, and you are a nigga

>> No.2538251

[citation needed]

>> No.2538255


Well played, sir.

>> No.2538336

Fuck that gif, I spent five minutes trying to remove the dark spot down the bottem left corner, then I took a closer look and say it was actually the pixels in my screen and thought something was wrong with my monitor.

Fucking double trolls.

>> No.2538337

The law holds because all knowledge that holmes displayed was put there by Arthur. As you say, the world was rigged so that Holmes always came out on top and figured everything out, however this isn't actually higher intelligence being displayed, it's the illusion of it created by a good writer.

You can say "my character has an IQ of 1 billion and knows everything", but the character will never be able to actually display this. Information can't come from nowhere, the writer had to put it there. This is why the motivation reveal for many superhuman or alien agents in fiction often fall flat - as soon as they are required to actually explain a motivation or purpose that they were previously just hinting at, it has to be dreamed up by the writer, and thus ends up being shit 99% of the time because the writer under-delivers (LOOKING AT MASS EFFECT 2).

>> No.2538347

Its anti-intellectualism.


>> No.2538365


Well no shit, otherwise you wouldn't join them

>> No.2538383
File: 107 KB, 300x430, 20101005221835-Level-E-di-Yoshihiro-Togashi-animato-da-Pierrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Ouji from Level E behaves realistically for someone who's apparently the smartest person in the universe?

If you don't know of him, he's a complete jackass who spends nearly all his time devising complicated ways to make everyone around him miserable.

>> No.2538390

Too bad that it really is.

>> No.2538402

I dunno about that. I know one supposedly exceptionally smart person, in some gifted program at her school with an IQ of 180, and she just spends all her time playing videogames, watching movies and TV, and writing blistering criticism of every idiot she ever comes across on her blog - which isn't really hard for her as they're mostly obsessive anime fans who pair every character conceivable, or furries, etc.

No doubt she's very academically gifted, and holds her own in any debate, but can it really be said she's as intelligent as someone like Newton or Einstein?

>> No.2538417

protip: seeing as each character in the show is created by someone, their estimated IQ is probably about 110 top, deduced from my experience watching the show

yes this is written by a loon

>> No.2538440

i enjoy the show... bad choice of cast though. especially penny. wtf. i dont watch it to stimulate my mind or because its intelligent, because it dosnt and is not, i watch it for the same reasons i watch any other comedy like south park. i watch it to be entertained. i wont refuse to be entertained like most self proclaimed intellectuals.

the writing is bad ,but i enjoy sheldon's acting. though the rest of the cast seem lacking in comparison.

sheldon is played by a good actor,

howard has a good actor,

leonard has a bad actor

rajesh has a bad actor

penny has a bad, fat actor, worst of the lot. she must have slept her way in with a director desperate for fat retard.

>> No.2538445

I think he's the personification of /sci/

>> No.2538461

> implying anyone in here knows how real (good) physicists are like

Physicist here. I first didn´t like that show because it was too realistic and i wanted something more fictitious.

>> No.2538471

>penny has a bad, fat actor, worst of the lot. she must have slept her way in with a director desperate for fat retard.
Not that i care about the actress in any way, but.
She's far from fat.
If she was more slim, we would see her ribs.

>> No.2538528

>>2534374 i have an IQ of 150

No you don't.

>>2538402. I know one supposedly exceptionally smart person, in some gifted program at her school with an IQ of 180

No she doesn't.

High IQs are really rare. An IQ of 150 is probably around the highest anyone you've ever met has, and an IQ of 180 is getting into the one-in-a-million level.

>> No.2538554

God fucking shit...

> imypling IQ numbers are comparable
> implying there aren´t at least over 9000 different scales used in IQ tests
> implying IQ measures intelligence or the ability to do something well

Get educated and experience life.

>> No.2538556

They still exist, mind, and SOMEONE has to know them. Unlikeliness isn't the same as impossibility.

>> No.2538566

More like on-in-twenty-million.
I'm with this anon, although I only have a 142.

>> No.2538567


I forgot to add

> implying IQ measured in young ages stays just as high when growing up, when actually the deviations from average are far higher when the tested person is young. IQ number is age dependent.

>> No.2538611

>Implying that this is not well-over compensated for in modern batteries of IQ tests.

Don't make me laugh.

>> No.2538614

Why the fuck don't the mods just make "IQ" an autoban, much like certain other words?

>> No.2538633


It is not, at least not in most of the tests.

>> No.2538637


I can't even imagine what this place would be like if there were no IQ threads.

Maybe we'd actually talk about Science and Math.

>> No.2538649


stop defending your fat spokespeople you fat fuck



being able to see ones ribs is not a bad thing.

it by no means equate or imply malnutrition.

unless you are a sportsperson with muscles over the region, seeing your ribs is not unhealthy you fat fuck.

>> No.2538652

I think you mean religion, atheism, and philosophy.

>> No.2538662

Some examples of actual living geniuses for your perusal:
Kim Ung-yong. Highest IQ in the world (210), knew 4 languages by the age of 2 and had a PhD by the age of 12, currently works in hydraulics and has published nothing groundbreaking.

Christopher Langan, second highest IQ (195), grew up in an impoverished background and has had pretty much no chances to succeed in his life. Currently spends all his time detailing a bullshit religious theory of everything, while working as a bouncer.

Marilyn vos Savant probably doesn't have the third highest IQ of living people, but she's the third highest verified, clocking in at 186. She's just a columnist who writes about vaguely intellectual things.

>> No.2538691


>> No.2538703

>grew up in an impoverished background and has had pretty much no chances to succeed in his life

Libtard detected.

>> No.2538711

You must not be aware of the WISC and the WAIS.

>> No.2538721
File: 25 KB, 400x258, toco-toucan_1431160i..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we've established:

1) Although IQ is by no means a uniform measure of intelligence, it gives a pretty good approximation of the kind of intelligence needed for most higher-level tasks in our society.
2) House is Sherlock Holmes, improperly rendered in a modern-day setting.
3) Everybody has a different body type, and their own range of definitions for "too thin" and "too fat".

And now, here's a photograph of a baby toucan.

>> No.2538732
File: 42 KB, 493x402, 1292699837344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck /sci/ ? Seriously ? 120 responses in this ?
Is there any hope ? IS THERE ?

>> No.2538758
File: 19 KB, 300x264, toucan2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't know.

>> No.2538782
File: 404 KB, 680x569, big_bang_theory_penny[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all you unbelievers




and her acting implies that she has a below average intelligence. (opinion)


>> No.2538797


You have a pleasant natural rhythym of thought.

>> No.2538807


it takes intelligence to play dumb
>not implying she is smart

>> No.2538810

I just marathon'd season 1.

It's actually quite humorous if you look at it as the way mainstream people think a combination of scientist and bachelor acts and looks like.

>> No.2538825


To be fair, the show is pretty accurate. But, people on here don't want to admit it.

>> No.2538843


she plays dumb poorly.

>> No.2538886

Those are called triceps. You have them too, perhaps just smaller.

>> No.2538909


Its. Fat.

>> No.2538935


>implying that we all want our women to be skeletal.

>> No.2538958
File: 35 KB, 334x500, kaley-cuoco-20060304-113131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not. I'm not some Cuoco fanboy or something. She's about as mundane as they come. But you're an idiot (a forever-alone idiot too, I'm sure). She's "soft" and has triceps. Flab doesn't separate the way muscle does.

>> No.2538961

>has never seen a woman IRL

>> No.2538997


You've turned a stupid thread about a stupid show into a thread about a stupid fat chick on a stupid show.

>> No.2539007

listen bro...I don't think you've ever seen a truly fat woman before. That woman is not fat...at all. She is, at worse, slightly (as in 2-3) lbs overweight.

>> No.2539136

And your point being?

>> No.2539143

>implying she is overweight

>> No.2539178
File: 33 KB, 364x499, Kaley_Cuoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care how smart she is, i dont care how "fat" she is, words cannot express what i would do to her

>> No.2539192

I haven't watched the show, but basically all this talk above is about the girl in your picture being fat?

Must be some wicked camera angle.

>> No.2539206

No, just morons and trolls.

>> No.2539234

Shes just really "soft"
SHe has a pretty perfect physique really.

>> No.2539244

this show is utter crap.

>> No.2539249

I'm getting my PhD and my gf is getting her Masters.

We both enjoy watching TBBT because we're not aspie faggots and everything doesn't need to be herp derp sooper accurate to be enjoyable.

>> No.2539255

I bet you need that laugh track though don't you?

>> No.2539257

the laugh track doesn't bother me.

Plenty of good shows have had a laugh track or live audience that's told when to laugh.

>> No.2539259

Plenty of bad shows also have laugh tracks or audiences that are told when to laugh.

>> No.2539272


>> No.2539277

this show is trash and fuck the canned laughter that laughs at the most retarded jokes

>> No.2539278

Fucking hell. Pretty much every sitcom in existence uses canned laughter or a live audience.
Quit being a HURR DURRR anti-conformist rage against the machine 15 yearold and get over it.

>> No.2539280

shows that had a laugh track or live audience told to laugh.

Friends (fuck you this was good)
Andy Griffith show
Happy Days

do I need to list more?

>> No.2539285

>I'm getting my PhD in folklore and my gf is getting her Masters in womens studies.

>> No.2539289

Nope. PhD in genetics and Masters in middle childhood education.

stay jelly bro.

>> No.2539290
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1292335426496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ really is the largest groups of retards on earth...

Television shows are made to make money. They do this by pursuing the largest possible viewer base. By definition the majority of their possible audience is is of subgenius intelligence, hovering around average. THE SHOW SPECIFICALLY CATERS TO THE AVERAGE PERSONS IDEAL OF A GENIUS!
they don't care what asspie faggots like you think a genius is, because then they would abandon their largest demographic.

So stop being a dumb faggot and just enjoy shows for what they are...

>> No.2539292

No, BBT is just really not funny.
Now get off the hurr durr Its funny because they told me it is bandwagon would you kindly?

>> No.2539295

geniuses aren't so different from normal people. i've been to (but I'm not a genius, engineer here) and met math geniuses from top 5 unis in the US, and they're just regular guys, except when they're working.

>> No.2539298

All OP said was the "geniuses" in this show are full of shit.
Which you just kind of fucking admitted.
So you just agreed with OP. So WHAT
the FUCK is your post about?

>> No.2539299

I'm not on a bandwagon. I genuinely enjoy the show regardless of its faults.

>> No.2539302
File: 17 KB, 203x300, Alan Partidge 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly of what?

Your shit taste in comedy and indiscriminate taste?

>> No.2539306

In before 20 pubescent morons tell claim that real geniuses all act like House, and that they should know because they have an IQ of 2000.

>> No.2539307

And I'm not raging against any machine.
This show just doesn't make me laugh. It feels too forced and unoriginal.
Its like hearing someone tell an old joke then having to hear them explain it.

>> No.2539312

more like for your general lack of achievement and forever loneliness.

i'm sure you'll graduate hs some day soon though

>> No.2539315

Then more on and find something else to watch.
You are raging because you're spending your time in a thread posting about how terrible you think the show is, when you could easily go and do anything else.

>> No.2539320

Dude I'm watching something as we type.
What the fuck is it with you people!
Someone disagrees with you and you go "hurr durr why are you on 4chan then."
It takes me 30 seconds to type this and I dont really care all that much, so you can have your opinion and I can have mine.

>> No.2539322

>but can it really be said she's as intelligent as someone like Newton
>"Take a good dose of the powder of ripe Ivie berrys. After that the afores'd juice of horse dung"
>"What imployment is he fit for? What is hee good for?...No man understands me"
>"Calling Derothy Rose a jade...Punching my sister, Striking many...threatening my father and mother Smith to burne them and the house over them"

>> No.2539326

ITT: /sci/ complains about the characters in the show and how they are retarded, then proceeds to act exactly like the characters in the show

good job

>> No.2539334


>> No.2539389


lol agreed. Nice catch.

>> No.2539402

Its funny coz you're talking to yourself.

>> No.2539408

Its funny coz you pretend to be a pragmatical empiricist yet make baseless and incorrect assumptions :D

>> No.2539452

you would be surprised to learn that IQ doesnt measures intelligence/retardness but the capacity to associate schemes with exercises that are more and more well known by everyone :)

>> No.2539463

As a comedy, this is a slightly above average show.

But if you can ignore the laugh-track entirely; it is a brilliant, if depressing, show about living with a mental illness, or trying to live with someone who has a mental illness.

>> No.2539482


>> No.2540249

Can you please link me to her blog?
I'm interested in how a 180 IQ'd person would articulate his writings.

>> No.2540270

He does not have a mental illness.
Try having a brain which cannot stop rapidly over-analyzing everything around it without developing his strict preferences and histrionics.
(This is of course not to say that they accurately portrayed such a character with Sheldon, but in this facet it's very probable).

>> No.2540279

They probably based their IQs on some shitty internet test, in reality the main character probably has an IQ in the 120-130 range while the super-nerd has an IQ 140+.

>> No.2540316

The man has 2 PhDs, one of which is in theoretical physics, the first of which was done when he was 21.
I wouldn't pass him for any less than a solid 160.

>> No.2540335

16 actually

>> No.2540344

160 > 140, I'd put you in the 80-90 range.
Deal with it.

>> No.2540380

ITT: undergrads arguing about their 160 online IQ score

>> No.2540479

1) People with a low enough IQ to believe that people with high IQs must be completely unrelated superhumans that don't observe the normal laws of psychology.
2) People with a low enough IQ to believe that TBBT has a laugh track.
3) Trolls who claim since a sitcom doesn't work if you fuck with the audio and timing, it must be a bad sitcom.
4) Trolls who go on the internet just to call super-hot chicks on TV "fat".

Great thread. Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.2540647

Well, Mr. Pedantic, when someone is referring to the 140+, he is referring to that 140-150 range.
Otherwise you'd say 160+.
3/10 though.

>> No.2540655

Watch the movie "Fracture".

Anthony Hopkins is very good at playing the part of the "insane genius".

Movies usually have more intelligent / apt actors at playing those intricate parts. Very few sitcoms have actors that are even close to the level required to play the part of a "genius".

>> No.2541066

Watching it now.

>> No.2541080

>2) People with a low enough IQ to believe that TBBT has a laugh track.
Wait, what?

>> No.2541121


>> No.2541158

>1) People with a low enough IQ to believe that people with high IQs must be completely unrelated superhumans that don't observe the normal laws of psychology.

People with extremely high IQs really are superhumans.
We are nothing but drooling idiots to them.

>> No.2541184

their audience is people who like to THINK that they're smart. It would just piss them off to make them feel as dumb as they really are.

>> No.2541422

No OP they could never.