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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 800x789, richard-dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2534762 No.2534762 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much the best science video/song I've ever seen. A real consciousness raiser.
I guess science/religion general.
What are your thoughts?

>> No.2534765

This video is superior: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOLAGYmUQV0&feature=related

>> No.2534768


This isn't new, but I still love it. I put it on my ipod a long time ago.

>> No.2534769
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>> No.2534776


>> No.2534805


Sound like Ape Escape.

>> No.2534814

It doesn't hold the same melodic elegance that the symphony of science videos have. This just sounds like the voice-overs put into a beat. I'm not a huge fan of electronic music myself. I love house music (particularly Daft Punk), and all the people I know always just assume I love trance, techno, and dubstep (a poor excuse for music imo inb4 wubwubwubwub).

>> No.2534816
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Never heard it.


>> No.2534821

wtf is that shit ?????

>> No.2534822

Fuck yeah Daft Punk


>> No.2534825

Something I pulled out of my ass that I listened to a lot during space-related threads on /sci/

>> No.2534849

It's interesting that you would choose Human After All. I love that song, yet many don't. Haha, to be honest I thought you were going to pull out Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger like 99% of people do when they find out I enjoy Daft Punk.

>> No.2534863

Fuck no. My favorite is Verdis Quo.

>> No.2534864
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1281283441639s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fuck no. My favorite is Verdis Quo."
mfw are you me Inurdaes?

>> No.2534867
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>> No.2534873

So I see you post often on /sci/, are you in college? graduated? what did you major in etc. I'm curious because I'm in a senior in high school, and I would like to pursue a degree in physics later in life.

>> No.2534874

Second favorite would probably be the second half of Short Circuit.

>> No.2534877
File: 64 KB, 500x375, 1259328267537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently completed my SACE (Sth. Australian Certificate of Education) and am now looking for some way to make some money without working much that I can live off (currently looking at doing freelance 3D modelling)

In a few years I plan to go for a double major in astrophysics and aerospace engineering.

>> No.2534885

nice. I'm going to a college that doesn't even have a physics program (minor, but no major), so I'm double majoring in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, and minoring in Physics. But in order to get a masters in Physics later in life I'll have to teach myself many things I would miss in a proper program over the first few years of college. Yet I don't see this as difficult because I've been teaching myself most of AP Physics and AP Calculus this year (not implying I'm genius).

>> No.2534888
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Sounds like a plan. I wish you the best of luck and successes in your studies.

>> No.2534890

final question, what does your name stand for?

>> No.2534894

same to your future endeavors.

>> No.2534895
File: 49 KB, 336x302, 1296780098227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in any current language, but a friend told me I should tell everyone it means 'fire of life.'

>> No.2534901

Well with that in mind, how do you prefer it be pronounced?

>> No.2534908

Many make the mistake of pronouncing it inyerdayes or Inyourdays

It seems only American Xbox Live players pronounce the latter.

>> No.2534911

Hah, just the way I assumed your answer would play out. What Xbox360(I'm assuming) games do you play online?

>> No.2534914
File: 38 KB, 268x265, 1282321090234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard casual shit, MW2, WaW, BlOps, and used to be Halo 3. I do the majority of my not-casual-shit gaming on PC.

>> No.2534920

>All CoD
Nigger you best be trollin.
I prefer Halo: Reach to be honest. It's the only game I find to be fairly balanced.

>> No.2534927
File: 30 KB, 452x339, 1274436174377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played it.

My Xbox 360 doesn't get as much use as my PC, and I only use it to play with my friends. Bloody quickscopers, though I do like the feeling of seeing two deaths and a headshot from a quickscope from across the map.

>> No.2534929

Would you mind if I pronounced it the slavic way?
(similar to http://translate.google.com/#ru|sr|%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%8D%D1%81%0A - I'm not croatian, but it was the simplest way to make google translate pronounce it how I wanted)

>> No.2534931

wrong link

>> No.2534936

>chance, chance, chance, it happens, "SKILL BRO SUCK MY DICK"
^ is why I hate CoDfags (not implying you are on of them)

>> No.2534940

lol that's the exact pronunciation he dislikes.

>> No.2534944

No, I get consistent kills with my Intervention.
But there is nothing more infuriating then some dipshit with 7 kills and 22 deaths called XxScOpEzx get a headshot on me FINALLY and then parade with his 13 y/o voice over the Xbox mic about how fucking hardcore he is.

>> No.2534941

Inurdaes gonna Inurdae

>> No.2534948
File: 13 KB, 250x265, 1295509184644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Google Translate from Russian to Croatian perfectly pronounces my name

>> No.2534949

Which is basically my point.

>> No.2534952

You mean Russian --> Croatian

>> No.2534955

...Isn't that the same thing?

>> No.2534957

>ITT: Inurdaes discovers that idiots exist on /sci/

>> No.2534958

I know they do, but I also recognize many people can have brainfarts.

>> No.2534960

I better throw my OP tag back up so I don't get confused to be said idiot.
inb4 that idiot was me

>> No.2534966

It was you.

>> No.2534968
File: 2 KB, 126x87, 1281286144936s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you make me lol

>> No.2534973


>> No.2534980


Inurdaes or Edin?

>> No.2534985


>> No.2534991


>> No.2534997
File: 76 KB, 581x492, 1272480601917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch this, you're gonna love my nuts
I still think Vince should voiceover Scout in TF2.

>> No.2535000

I've had the same thought many times. Wait...you play tf2?

>> No.2535005
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>> No.2535006

also the required followup.

>> No.2535024


>> No.2535088

aaaand on the other side of the spectrum

>> No.2535659

Q: How do you know this board is filled with nothing but pseudointellectual scienticionists?
A: This hasn't been posted yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQEaX3MiDow

>> No.2535672

How about some actual science-songs instead of bullshit daftpunk? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM

>> No.2535679
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Hit it Tom


>> No.2535681

>song composed from old videos
>shitty instrumental

Nope. Only nerds and faggots like you could listen to shit like this.

>> No.2535684

I still think "A Glorious Dawn" is the best by symphony of science. It's so catchy

>> No.2535692

The sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLkGSV9WDMA

>> No.2535694


Works great as ambient music

>> No.2535701

Holy shit Inurdaes stop having my taste in music. You can't have it, it's mine.

>> No.2535770

Ha, I saw this Slap-Chop remix as an actual commercial on TV once.
I was so confused.