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2527949 No.2527949 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we start colonizing space right now?
Space colonization would significantly increase the chances of our species' survival - even some of the most immoral people would want that.

>> No.2527961

I'm considering doing what the equivalent is for an individual. Namely, storing sperm long-term.

>> No.2527963


jesus is more important

>> No.2527975

Thanks for the idea

>> No.2527973

theres nothing in space for us just yet and theres lots of space on earth still. Until it actually becomes a good idea.

>> No.2527981

Most of the people are morons, that's why

>> No.2527986

because 4chan exists

>> No.2527993

possible solution to prohibitive cost of colonising using live humans - we just shoot off a bunch (like a couple of billion) of humans in a scatter pattern from earth. They wouldn't survive contact with the vacuum,but the essential life-enabling chemicals would.

Some of these bodies would eventually reach extra-solar systems, and one or two would probably, eventually, impact on comets/meteors/atmosphereless planetoids which would eventually impact on life-supporting atmosphered planet/oids, thus carrying the seeds of life to new environments. Eventually. But we're (as in the people alive today) not going to be around even if we use huge life-sustaining spaceships anyway,so we might as well use the dead instead.

>> No.2528062

Space colonization would significantly increase the chances of our species' survival - even some of the most immoral people would want that.

We aren't going to colonize it merely for some free space, but rather to save us from ourselves.
When we're spread all over the solar system, it's harder for us to destroy ourselves.

>> No.2528120
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and what is so great about the human race? why do we have to survive? You place yourself on the same level as a virus. survive at all costs but for no purpose besides survival itself.

What do you want to do after we populated the whole solar system? Travel to the next galaxy? populate the whole universe? and then?

The human race sucks. We are evil and we destroy this nice planet. I would rather like to see mankind extincted and not in outer space.

>> No.2528141


holy fuck

>> No.2528160

We follow the patterns of behavior of viruses, animals and other living creatures. We view most viruses as harmful because they do more damage than benefit to humans. (There are beneficial viruses such as bacteriophages which eat harmful-to-us bacteria)

There's nothing wrong with the fact that we behave as a virus. We can't do any harm or good to the planet or the universe, as it has no values of harm or good. And even if it did, harming it if it does more benefit to us isn't considered wrong by most of the people, including myself.

>> No.2528170


>> No.2528178

The future of space travel fully depends on the technological might of the British and Australian space agencies.

Don't worry OP they will have us building cities on Mars at the end of this century.

>> No.2528196

>implying Roskosmos isn't the leading space agency right now

>> No.2528246

Well technically it's Australia now...

>> No.2528296


Your writing style reaffirms my observation that people with your views are impotent retards.

>> No.2528321

There is something wrong with the fact that we behave like a virus. A virus is stupid, it reproduces until it has killed it´s host. A virus doesn´t enjoy life, doesn´t know what philosophy is and it can´t feel pleasure. We think that a virus is "bad" because it kills it´s host in most cases which also kills the virus; only the "children" of the virus survive. It does that until it can´t reproduce anymore.

>We can't do any harm or good to the planet or the universe, as it has no values of harm or good

yea, mother nature doesn´t give a fuck what we humans do, right. But WE should.

>more benefit to us
what benefit? what benefit do I and you have from humans in space? And to be honest, I don´t like humans. A world without us would be much nicer.

>> No.2528349

There has been talks about 4chan island or 4chan city or 4chan mansion. Why not 4chan space colony?

>> No.2528364

Nope, there's nothing wrong with the fact that I behave like a virus. We don't like viruses only because they do more harm than benefit to humans. Most of the time, the fact that they kill the host body of someone is viewed as harmful to humans. However, these viruses can also do benefit, by infecting and killing cancer cells and/or bacteria, for example.

At least from my viewpoint, you seem like a pseudo-intellectual person who follows the views of a movie character of a film like Matrix, to make yourself seem like you're above other humans by wanting your species to become extinct.

>> No.2528402

I don´t like your point of view so I´m simply a pseudo intellectual who copies his opinion from a movie? I gave you an honest answer and you simply insult me. If you don´t like to have a conversation about that topic don´t make a thread about it.

Also you didn´t answer why it is good that the human race spreads around the universe.

>> No.2528425


>Doing anything space related, ever

>> No.2528427

>Why don't we start colonizing space right now?
Too expensive.

>Space colonization would significantly increase the chances of our species' survival
I don't care about the survival of the human species.

>> No.2528430


in my opinion, its good because its cool, and should be done just because we can.
btw not the dude you're replying to.

>> No.2528457

I merely told you who I think you are.
I already told you why it is good that the human race spreads around the universe - because it will increase the probability of it's survival.

All values are subjective - if you don't share my values, it won't be a valid point for you. It's a perfectly valid point for me.

>> No.2528466

>too expensive
Go learn about the subject.
Or don't. Whatever.

>> No.2528470

Why do you think it's economically viable NOW, and not in a few hundred years?

>> No.2528477

Because it is economically viable now.

>> No.2528479

Can we colonize space?
Where would we get water?

>> No.2528480

Uhh, I'm pretty sure we could do it, but the phrase "too expensive" means "I'd rather we spend our limited resources on more valuable things", which means that there's no way you can say I'm wrong, as that would require knowing my value judgments, which you obviously cannot.

>> No.2528483

Oh of course, my apologies. I assumed you meant "too expensive to be possible".

>> No.2528489

Good day to you too sir anon.

>> No.2528490

Hello. Been lurking this thread for a while. I don't want to argue. I am intrigued by this - can you point me to some further reading on this? Preferably online...I don't have time to find books.

>> No.2528493

doo doo doo... I'm tired, but I'll look. While I'm looking, I'll recommend a book despite your protest, "The Case for Mars" by Robert whoeverthefuckheis.

>> No.2528503

Ahah, perfect. Found an article by the author that book.

Here's a much briefer, more direct, more objective look at the subject in general

>> No.2528504

The sad answer is because people don't care about something until its staring them right in the face.

See: the fight against alternative energy sources.

>> No.2528509

Well, look at this thread OP. It gives you the answer.

Because people are idiots, for the most part.

>> No.2528516

OP, not only does it "significantly increase the chances of our species' survival", but if we DON'T go, then we have NO chance of long-term survival. By not expanding and staying on Earth, we not only compound the problems that trouble the human race, but we force our fate to be tied to that of the planet (and our planetary problems).

That gives us a VERY limited time to exist, even in the most absolutely optimistic scenario possible.

By making even ONE extra-terrestrial colony, we allow ourselves to survive beyond whatever problems and disasters may befall the Earth.

>> No.2528525


>> No.2528541
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Fuck yeah.

>> No.2528545
File: 384 KB, 2000x710, valles_marineris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dood, dat some valles marineris I see?

/sci/ has the only good tripfags, I swear.

>> No.2528554
File: 87 KB, 1679x834, fuckyyearmars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, yes it is

Going into uni later on for aerospace engineering and astrophysics so I can be on the team when someone decides to go ahead with it

>> No.2528587

damnit, you're a better man than I, then.

I can't motivate myself enough to make uni worthwhile.

>> No.2528594

because the cost outweighs the profits to be made...

>> No.2528600


Because any colonisation we'd be able to do right now would only save humanity in the event of the Earth alone being destroyed, or not even that, given that any colonies would be entirely dependant on Earth for survival for a long time. However, consider the following:

Colonies on Mars and Venus wouldn't survive a supernova going off in our stellar neighbourhood.

Colonies on nearby stars wouldn't survive a concentrated gamma ray burst.

Even if we settled the entire galaxy, none of us will survive when the Milky Way galaxy collides with the Andromeda galaxy in a few billion years.

We're basically fucked. Space colonisation just prolongs the inevitable by spamming our worthless genes throughout the cosmos. Why does it matter? If I stay on Earth and Earth gets hit by a giant asteroid, I couldn't care any less whether or not there's some faggot on Mars who maintains the human species by spending the rest of his life living in pressurised tents. Your life is the entirety of your existance. There is no supernatural bond between humans that makes our species worth preserving in disregard for your own life. Your subjective experience is all that matters.

>> No.2528601

All great men were once normal men.

I am the laziest shit ever, I'm sure all my friends and family would attest to that fact, but damn, once I realized I could actually make an impact on the world...

Well yeah.

>> No.2528606

This is a stupid fucking philosophy. By this logic, why should we bother doing ANYTHING? IT DOESN'T MATTER, WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE INVENTED THE WHEEL WE'LL ALL JUST DIE ANYWAY


>> No.2528604


It is my subjective experience that you're a luddite faggot.

We're going to explore space and settle the places we explore BECAUSE WE CAN and because it's fucking awesome to LIVE ON ANOTHER PLANET, and nothing there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.2528607

>Even if we settled the entire galaxy, none of us will survive when the Milky Way galaxy collides with the Andromeda galaxy in a few billion years.

That's bullshit and you know it

>> No.2528612

I am certainly lazier. I can put off some simple tasks which are important for me for months.
In example: I am too lazy to put back my HDD in my PC which currently has my bro's HDD in it. I don't want to remove his data, so I only have 30 gigs of free place. It's been like this for EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS.
And yet, I also want to go for astronomy and aerospace engineering.

>> No.2528620

I have not yet emailed Scorptec about sending me a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium OEM instead of a 2.5" WD Scorpio Black hard drive.

It has been five months, and my laptop still needs a new hard drive.

>> No.2528622

So about space colonisation. I thought about this and came to the conclusion that launching rockets off the Earth would not be viable, considering the transportation needs. Wouldn't it be easier to construct a space platform above Earth, where larger space shuttles could be constructed and they wouldn't need massive amounts of fuel to counteract Earth's gravity?

But then, how would the fuel be transported to the space station?

>> No.2528623

Ha, in bad moods I become physically intimidated by the thought of just getting out of bed, or doing the dishes.
Hence, 4chan.

>> No.2528626


Does having invented the wheel contribute to my experience of life here, now? It does. Like most technological and scientifical innovations, it improves my quality of life in many direct and indirect ways.

But how does knowing there are space colonies that'll survive the destruction of the Earth change my subjective quality of life in any way? It doesn't. I don't care about them. And I wouldn't like to see money and effort wasted on them that could be spent on more directly improving the quality of life of people here, on Earth. I'd much rather have an Earth with a stable, well taken care for population than an overpopulated, poverty-stricken shithole that can only survive by shooting people into space with retarded colonisation "CONQUER SPACE, SURVIVE MANKIND" propaganda. Space exploration and colonisation encourages overpopulation and just presents a pathetic excuse to not do anything about the problems here, on Earth.

Now stop masturbating to science fiction and start contributing to humanity with actual science.

>> No.2528631
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Last time I did the dishes was when I was 7.

>> No.2528630

Space Elevator is ALWAYS a better alternative. Sure the energy costs to build it will be monstrous, but once its built it will pay for itself within decades.

Unfortunately, the technology for it is not quite there yet. Carbon Nanotubes could be the key, but we're still trying to perfect those.

>> No.2528634

>Implying that humanity going into space won't benefit Earth

Space mining motherfucker, do you know of it?

>> No.2528635

More likely it will pay for itself within a decade.


>> No.2528637

I'd love to go to university and I would be highly motivated taking it very seriously but I had a nervous breakdown when I was 16 as well as generally being bullied at the onset of teenagehood when I am supposed to get on board with an independent social life. So basically even though I'm intelligent and motivated I can't do a fucking thing except auto-didactically study riemannian tensors in a public library and I have a special hating (and jealousy) for douches who waste opportunities I should have.

>> No.2528642


Space elevators? Really?

ITT: retarded teenagers circlejerking to science fiction.

And no, I don't care that you're capable of posting over 9000 links to "reputable science websites" that claim to prove your retarded, fictional idea is scientifically feasible. It isn't, you know that, stop posting fiction on a science board.

>> No.2528646

I've had 13 4th grader boys chase me for 'allegedly' bending one of their friends' Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I've had my fair share of bullying as well.

Though perhaps you could do open universities? Like, do work and then just go in an sit exams.

>> No.2528659


It's too bad that most engineering jobs require you to be connected to the companies and corporations that are developing the latest tech and the ones that are well known.
Studying at home, and only going in for exams doesn't allow the social component to come into it.

>> No.2528658

go into space or colonize the oceans?

I'd think the latter is cheaper, but the problems are how much worse can humans fuck up things like the nitrogen cycle by saturating ocean floor, also living in a solvent

>> No.2528657

Man used to think powered flight was impossible, it's been done.
Man used to think going into space was impossible, it's been done.
Man used to think going to the moon was impossible, it's been done.

SPOILERS: Technology progresses, things that may not be possible with current technology may be possible in the future.

>> No.2528655

>Implying Space Elevators are purely science fiction

Keep trying buddy

>> No.2528653

Wish I had the numbers on this, it's one of the most debated issues in the subject.

>> No.2528651
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Science fiction.
You're right, it's crazy...
In fact, it's even worse than that, it's nuts.

You wanna hear something really nutty? I heard of a couple guys who wanna build something called an airplane, you know you get people to go in, and fly around like birds, it's ridiculous, right? And what about breaking the sound barrier, or rockets to the moon? Atomic energy, or a mission to Mars? Science fiction, right? Look, all I'm asking is for you to just have the tiniest bit of vision. You know, to just sit back for one minute and look at the big picture. To take a chance on something that just might end up being the most profoundly impactful moment for humanity, for the history... of history.

>> No.2528656


>evidence is wrong, everyone who disagrees with me is a retard

>> No.2528670


Also, enjoy unemployment if you don't know the right people.

>> No.2528673

>I have a special hating (and jealousy) for douches who waste opportunities I should have.

So, you wasted your opportunities and now you hate those who take initiative?

Grow a fucking spine, apply for a course somewhere.

>> No.2528677

I said eight months. Eight>five.
I win.

>> No.2528682

You mean "hatred".
And if you let fucking SOCIAL concerns defeat your ambitions, you're too much of a bitch to deserve them.
You SHOULDN'T have the chance to get into a university if you're that pathetic.

Life doesn't hand anything to anybody. Fuck your sense of entitlement.

>> No.2528683

I still haven't installed a DVD burner in my mums computer. It's been two years and she asks me nearly erry time.

>> No.2528688

Damt it, I have to admit defeat.

>> No.2528691

>Damn it

>> No.2528708

fun fact, "virus" has a misleading negative meaning, did you know that in a pregnant woman viruses are activated in the body that prevent the mothers immune system from killing the new foreign body; the baby.

>> No.2528751

Archive this thread

>> No.2528762


Freud Here. Hume is an ass.

>> No.2528769

never heard anything quite so stupid which was thought to be a good idea

>> No.2528804

>Why don't we start colonizing space right now?
No one want's to live their lives in a what is essentially a shitty tin can orbiting Jupiter.
No one but socially awkward rejects wants to live in a shitty tin can orbiting Jupiter .

I'll take sunrises and rain and shitty weather and all the other perils that come of living in my natural environment rather than choose to live my life like a Fallout vault-dweller.

>> No.2528835

Space exploration is a bad idea. It takes months just to get to Mars. And if something goes wrong, rescue is months away. When the engine breaks down, you don't stop. You drift endlessly into space. If there's a tiniest crack in anything on the ship, everyone dies. A space ship wouldn't be like a hotel, it would be like a submarine, only with instant death around it. Also, muscle athropy.

>> No.2528939 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2528955
File: 18 KB, 500x500, space1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a space colonization chatroom and website to promote space colonization on the Internet space. (Check the picture)

>> No.2529013
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>It takes months just to get to Mars.
>And if something goes wrong, rescue is months away.
Same thing could be said of early exploration of the Americas.
>When the engine breaks down, you don't stop. You drift endlessly into space.
After the inital acceleration from Earth to Mars there's not much chance of that, the more immediate problem is crashing into the Martian surface from a unstable elliptical orbit
>If there's a tiniest crack in anything on the ship, everyone dies.
Or you slap on a metal sticker with some welding equipment.
>A space ship wouldn't be like a hotel, it would be like a submarine, only with instant death around it.
...What difference is there between a spaceship and a submarine then? If you go from 1atm to 10atm instantly you're gonna be fucked.
>Also, muscle athropy.

>> No.2529078


So kill yourself.


You're a pussy.

>> No.2529664

i have run sevrer just telnet to and port numbr 17001