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2523559 No.2523559 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any representatives of intelligent religious people here? I'm sure 99% of the board isn't atheist.

>> No.2523567

pure math; christian here

>> No.2523573

pure neuroscience; muslim here

>> No.2523574
File: 53 KB, 729x650, 1290567289303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 99% of the board are athiest, there is no such thing as an intelligent religious person, and I reported you for rule violation

>> No.2523575

pure physics; hindu here

>> No.2523577

>Not a religion

Pick one

>> No.2523578

pure cock,slut here

>> No.2523580

>there is no such thing as an intelligent religious person


In the modern world and historically you would be hard-pressed to defend that statement.

>> No.2523585

pure orange juice,orange here

>> No.2523589
File: 549 KB, 832x550, 2011-01-22_1625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure bodily fluids; godless-atheist-commie-hating american here.

>> No.2523595
File: 139 KB, 473x640, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent religious people

two opposites in one person?

>> No.2523605

if you could argue with atheists, there wouldn't be atheists


>> No.2523615

pure cock; major assrape here

>> No.2523620

and not playing hockey is a sport

>> No.2523623

Georg Cantor founder of Set theory was a Christian; there is your counter example. So your statement is flawed.

Pascal & Newton were Christians, Godel was religious and so was Alanzo Church.

>> No.2523626

I don't know what you count as intelligent but I'm Christian and spend a great deal of time here.

>> No.2523632

Werhner Von Braun was a Christian

>> No.2523635

Deist here

Planning on going into aerospace engineering

But deism doesn't count as a religion so make of that what you will

>> No.2523641

It's a set of core beliefs about the nature of the universe, it's as much a religion as any.

You don't like that so you define yourselves away from it because anything to do with religion makes you sick because you had a bad experience as a child.

>> No.2523646

>Atheism: The belief there are no gods
>Implying they don't gather in groups to strengthen their beliefs
>Implying they aren't ruled by pope Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawkins on his holy crusade to rid the world of all other religions

>> No.2523650

OP is implying that all non-atheists are religious


>> No.2523656

>implying you're intelligent

>> No.2523658

Pseudo intellectual spotted

>> No.2523661

Euler the god of mathematics was religious as debated the atheists of his time

You conjecture that religious people are stupid is ill founded and implies hatred, bias, and a arrogant feeling of superiority

>> No.2523665
File: 24 KB, 353x450, wernher-von-braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man was more intelligent than anyone on this board, and he was a Christian. So to say religious people aren't intelligent is biased and flawed.

>> No.2523667

>implying im not

>> No.2523670

If you qualify atheism as a religion, then yes, I would consider myself an intelligent (I have a B.Sc and working om my M.Sc atm) religious person. I do however disagree with the notion that atheism is the belief there is no god. I do not believe there is no god, but I do not actively believe there is a god. There's a difference.

>> No.2523672

Even better in order to be correct they must believe that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has ever seen an angel, witnessed miracles, or spoken with God is a liar and that takes FAITH.

>> No.2523681

Intelligence precludes self deception. Intelligent people admit what they don't know and don't rationalize beliefs because they WANT them to be real. Therefore intelligence is not compatible with religious belief.

>> No.2523683

Jesus is your salvation.

>> No.2523701

Another retard spotted. Refer to:
I highly doubt you are more intelligent than Pascal, Newton, Cantor, Euler or Von Braun all of whom believed in God.

>> No.2523708


plenty of intelligent people are completely insane

john nash for example

>> No.2523730

All reputable dictionaries define atheism as the active belief there are no gods

>> No.2523734


>> No.2523744

Assuming what you are saying is true (which is a big assumption), how would you qualify my belief system?

>> No.2523748

lol. appeal to dictionaries. 15yr old detected

>> No.2523753

Pick one

>> No.2523767

definition of spiritual: you believe there is a lot more to reality than the sum of present day observations and science

if you don't believe this then you're not a scientist, maybe an engineer or mathematician, but definitely not a scientist

if you're religious then you're definitely not intelligent, and this is 100% true for mainstream religions

>> No.2523774

Werhner Von Braun
Your system is flawed

>> No.2523777


"nothing is so easy as deceiving oneself"

many mythologies out there, scientific, religious, and otherwise

>> No.2523778

Werhner Von Braun was an avid Christian, so he isn't intelligent?

>> No.2523781

more religious scientists:


>> No.2523784
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mfw trip 7s

>> No.2523791

Newton and pascal lived in a time when science could still be applied to religion without religion falling apart.
It was perfectly reasonable for them to be religious.
(pascal had some really flawed arguments for religion though, and only believed in Christianity as because of miscalculated mercenary bet)

>> No.2523792

von Braun
Finite man cannot begin to comprehend an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and infinite God . . . I find it best to accept God through faith, as an intelligent will, perfect in goodness and wisdom, revealing Himself through His creation . . ."

>> No.2523793

It's sad that my dubs go ignored. And by dubs I mean my question, actually. I was hoping the troll would actually provide an answer ;_;

>> No.2523797

Von Braun and Godel were alive in the 70's your argument fails

>> No.2523798

>he did science
>therefor intelligent
your system is flawed

>> No.2523800

First being technically proficient in an area of expertise doesn't equal being "intelligent". Second I doubt the people the fundies are listing as examples were really that religious...likely they were like most people meaning raised with something and identify with it even though they really don't "believe it" per se.

>> No.2523811

von Braun was the world expert in rock design. Also von Braun is quoted talking about his belief in God. He defected from Nazi Germany to US because the US was a "Christian nation"

>> No.2523814

I wasn't talking about Von Braun or Gödel.
If you pay close attention to my post, you'll notice that i was talking about Newton and Pascal.

>> No.2523818

>Implying that in out time, science cannot be applied to religion without religion falling apart.

>> No.2523824


he was captured from NAZI germany dumbass,

all that shit you are quoting is bullshit politics they made him say so the american scientists could stomach working with a nazi...deal with it

>> No.2523830

That is exactly what I am implying.

>> No.2523844

I'm actually, sincerely a Christian.
Not a Traditional Conservative (since you all seem to think those represent Christians). A Christian.

>> No.2523845

>lol appeal to dictionary, five year old!

only 2 year olds think dictionaries lie, I know this, and I'm 0 years old

>> No.2523853


plenty of scientists are religious these days, and vice versa

unless you want to have an argument with some redneck strawman; in which case leave us to converse with other reasonable adults

>> No.2523860

Ok buddy...just keep believing you are both SMART and that there is an invisible, all powerful man in the sky. I couldn't care less ;)

>> No.2523880

Ok, then please present to me the inconsistency of being a religious scientist.

>> No.2523881

The smarter you are, the better you are at self-delusion.

>> No.2523885


bullshit, scientists will tell regular people and occasionally other scientists "yea, i'm christian this that or the other" simply because they don't want to be stigmatized for their true beliefs or go to the trouble of explaining themselves to troglodyte rabble that won't understand anyway, and after an hour of explanation go "oh, so your christian"

>> No.2523892

Well at least I don't believe that I am SMART and that other people having different BELIEFS than I do make them STUPID.

>> No.2523897


Christian Universities.....

Check and Mate.

>> No.2523898


you're trying to hard....

and projecting your own extremism on others who are mostly reasonable, god-believing people

>> No.2523902


*too hard

>> No.2523903


So believing people who have stupid beliefs are being stupid is bad somehow? What a convenient little world you life in.

>> No.2523909


>> No.2523919


no, but arrogance and exclusive mentalism are the hallmarks of closed-mindedness; whether in science or in religion

you're guilty of what you're accusing religion of

>> No.2523926


So being rational is closed minded in your world? Again..how convenient.

>> No.2523930

No, defining stupid beliefs as those which you do not hold is stupid. That's what you're doing. Why don't you respond to this
if you're so clever?

>> No.2523936


there's more to life than rationalisation

>> No.2523940

The problem is that you are not being rational. Your claim (that religion is false) does not follow in any logically sound fashion from science.

>> No.2523944

hi, I'm a Christian astrophysics undergraduate

>> No.2523950


Ok I see how this is going to go. Godfags want to argue and will twist and redfine as it suits them. No thanks freaks.

And you can claim that I am running away or have no argument but the simple fact is I don't give enough of a shit about this topic to waste any more of my time. But...as usual I am sure your "beliefs" will not intersect with reality.

>> No.2523952

i'm minus three, and i know dictionaries condense complex ideas into short inadequate entries

>> No.2523953

Is it possible that an intelligent person thinks there might be a higher power?
Is it possible that an intelligent person believes all the bullshit written by religions?
I don't think so

>> No.2523960

I'm an atheist retard, just a rational one, unlike you.

>> No.2523965

>I'm an atheist, retard, just a rational one, unlike you.

>> No.2523966


your first problem is to think god and science are mutually exclusive

you're making the same closed minded logical fallacy rednecks make

run then

>> No.2523968

perhaps not from science, but from the philosphy of science we learn that the existence of religion is not so much false, as it is a meaningless proposition.

it then follows that if we admit religion, we must admit all kinds of nonsensical clutter

>> No.2523970


it's a history lesson if nothing else

also, lrn2metaphor

>> No.2523974

I don't need to claim anything, your actions speak louder than my words ever could.

For the record, I'm an atheist maths fag who's studied physics.

>> No.2523978
File: 217 KB, 570x506, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2523960 I'm an atheist retard

>> No.2523987

No, from philosophy of science we learn that religion is not science. That is all.

>> No.2523991


it's not meaningless

in fact, it's what gives us meaning

it regulates our social actions and gives us a sense of Greater Than Ourselves

wonder, reverence, faith, etc.

science gives us ideas, observation; not enough

>> No.2524004

Is that why you go to church?
To listen to metaphors that could be interpreted a million ways and boring stories about Jesus?

>> No.2524006

Don't use the words such as "us" in this context, I'm an atheist and I have plenty meaning in my life, thank you very much.

>> No.2524019




>> No.2524021

pure engineering; geniusfag here

>> No.2524028


>> No.2524041

lol wtf?
Religion is not science
Why do I have to explain this?

>> No.2524043


as a society

you don't live alone

also, less pissy

>> No.2524047

no. it's just our brain is designed to make up meaning from partial data in a quick and easy way.

religion is a side effect of that capability.

>> No.2524049


i don't go to church, but i do find there is more meaning to life than what we get out of reading the measurements from this or that

>> No.2524050

Christian biologist here...

>> No.2524061

if you attempt to speak for society.

and you get parts of that society wrong.

they are going to be pissy

>> No.2524073
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, °.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you may be onto something

but science isn't very good at transcendence, revelation

>> No.2524080


our society has been and still is generally religious

like it or not, it is what it is

>> No.2524100




>> No.2524114



>> No.2524131


mormons all simultaneously realized how much they love cock and are sucking each other off as we speak

they'll be back, just give them a minute to finish up

>> No.2524134

This is the absolute worst thread I've ever had the privilege of reading.

>> No.2524144


you protest too much, fag

>> No.2524157

well, idk where you live, but i'd guess america, not because you say your society is religious, but because you typically forget that the rest of the world exists.

my country is pretty disbelieving though, thank christ

>> No.2524169


This, pretty much.

And all those who are spouting nonsense about the incompatibility of mathematics and religion: You're a bunch of fucking downies.

Our last true and purely intuitive Mathematician was extremely religious.


>> No.2524179




>> No.2524182


nearly all people of the world follow religious traditions of one kind or another

inb4buddhism/taoism isn't a religion. that's why they have temples

western europe is increasingly non-religious but that is a very recent trend; the foundations are all religious

>> No.2524230

It's ok that you're religious and that your country is as well. Mine isn't. So stop saying it is. Thanks

>> No.2524233

history is irrelevant here, the discussion was about "society".

if you wish to exclude western europe in your discussion without telling anyone, go ahead, but it's a pretty hurr durr decision

the plurality of religion is pretty good evidence that it's hokem though

>> No.2524253

anyone with a quarter of a brain would realise temple is a translation of various words with various different meanings.

some schools of taoism and buddhism are categorically different than most religions, in that they have no gods. whether you want to call them religions anyway to help your sense of belonging to the biggest gang, i'll leave up to you.

>> No.2524282




>> No.2524455

Now that we've ascertained that not all scientists are atheists lol...
does someone mind explaining what the OP's picture is about?
inb4 google it.

>> No.2524458

>Implying /sci/ isn't just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2524462




>> No.2524474

looks like lie groups

>> No.2524483

>God does not play dice
I'll just leave that here