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File: 20 KB, 224x210, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2523058 No.2523058 [Reply] [Original]


Cracked out pop singers
McDonalds assistant managers
Emotionally needy
Lack independence

Introverts are infinitely superior.


>> No.2523110

All people who blindly follow stereotypes are stupid. As it happens, I hate hypocrites.

>> No.2523104
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what is your problem, that you want to defend some side?
Also, I personally believe that you shouldn't imply that for example all scientists are extroverted, when this is only a cliche (even if it might be largely true)

>> No.2523115

introverted, that is

>> No.2523117
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>> No.2523120

By philosophers do you mean Plato or philosophy majors?
Because I find philosophy majors insufferable.
Also, Feynman was an extrovert.

>> No.2523134

Everybody knows philosophy majors are extroverted hipsters.

We're talking Sartre, Hume, Berkeley.

>> No.2523140
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Mad at the world

Have girlfriends
Lead a happy life
Love life in general

>> No.2523152
File: 19 KB, 346x374, monsvisage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extroverts are happy
>Drug addiction is 14 times higher in extroverts than introverts

>> No.2523154
File: 33 KB, 676x386, NOPE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish.
Scientists get all women they want.
Provided those women are also scientists.

>> No.2523162

I'll bet that's your gay lover.
Fucking engineer.

>> No.2523163

Sagan was an extrovert, as was Feynman.

>> No.2523165

Thats why there are so many introvert running the world right?

>> No.2523166

Seems about right.

>> No.2523175

Introverts recognize the inherent futility in "running" the world.

>> No.2523176
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>implying Sagan was relevant for anything but a few pop science videos

>> No.2523171

Philosophers are just men selling books. Most of their books are them showing off by playing with language. Creatively they are on a similar level to performing seals.

>> No.2523177
File: 63 KB, 500x396, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't realize you have to forsake all family and friends in order to become a CEO

>> No.2523182

I didn't even imply that.

>> No.2523188

Philosophy majors fail mostly because they don't understand the rigor, cruelty, and ambition that it takes to be an actual philosopher (of which only a few have existed throughout history). They think that if they mull over a single aspect "Justice" or "Phenomenology" or "Ethics", they have become philosophers. But the point of the philosopher is to have answers that EXPLAIN EVERYTHING, even if it the explanation is incomplete or has weaknesses that are exposed.

At this stage in history, "philosopher" is a term too many people use to associate themselves with the shining radiance of greater spirits without embodying that glory themselves. You might as well say "someone who fucks around with a few ideas and clumsily compares them to the fuck arounds of another person and then to the actual systemization of an actual philosopher without usually approaching any new insight or retreating back to imperatives that are born of an attachment to morality or a lack of nerves and in the process NEUTERING the merciless implications of said philosopher"

>> No.2523204

I'm an extrovert through practice, used to be very introverted but I was unhappy, way happier now.

>> No.2523207
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Introverts and extroverts both have inherent advantages and disadvantages.

>> No.2523225
File: 198 KB, 600x450, 1297452160017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I bet even the scientist females would rather have a cool, extroverted, funny and handsome boyfriend than some skinny nerd who enjoys to read books about her job.

Deal with it lol.

>> No.2523232


Till they start bitching about grants and funding.

>> No.2523234
File: 37 KB, 640x454, Oh_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks a bad case of social anxiety means he was an introvert

>> No.2523246

For a skinny introverted nerd, I have a fucking awesome personality when I feel like talking.

>> No.2523252

OP just tries to justify being an introvert by implying that all smart people are introverts too. That's not true, though. And if being an introvert is related to being smart at all then it's because introverts have no friends and spend their time with books instead. Not sure if that's a better life. It's a subjective thing, though.

>> No.2523258

myers briggs test is pseudo-science so obviously you're all "extroverts"

>> No.2523281

>thinks the introvert/extrovert dichotomy has anything to do with the MBTI
Obviously an extrovert.