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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2517239 No.2517239 [Reply] [Original]

Even Hollywood acknowledges how much of a failure engineers are.

>> No.2517266

It's more likely the writers of BBT troll /sci/, and duplicate our idiocy. Did you see the one with Sheldon bawing that he was born to soon to see the singularity and achieve transhumanist immortality?

tldr; BBT=/sci/

>> No.2517363

It's funny because I was thinking that BBT reminds of sci so much.

Also who would have slept with that woman for a research grant we are talking millions here. I definetely would.

>> No.2517379


I would even be her pet since I know she would take care of me.

>> No.2517393

Bill Nye was on BBT. He was trained as a mechanical engineer.

>> No.2517444


After I saw that episode I went on to make a trans humanist troll thread.

>> No.2517482

I'm 24 and my older cousins (29 & 27 year olds) watch this show. I feel like only the older generation can really get this one. I've never heard of anybody in their teens or early twenties watch BBT. It feels like this show is for the some what older geeks.

Sorry to share that. It was just something I was thinking about, and I had to get it off my chest.

>> No.2517484


source needed. He wasn't on BBT

>> No.2517486

This just in: Sitcom writers, in an attempt to appeal to the unwashed masses, portray engineers and scientists as socially awkward aspies.
More at 11.

>> No.2517499


32 year old academic year. I watch BBT

>> No.2517504


Yes but if you watch the show, the only engineer is the biggest failure of them all.

>> No.2517537

I think you're right. It has Chuck Lorre's personality written all over it, who's 58, and I just imagine that all the writers are overgrown scifi fanboy geeks in their 40's or 50's.

>> No.2517542

I'm 28, and I hate the fucking pretentious bullshit put forth by this retarded show.

the only thing that is any realism to it is the math on the boards.
the characters suck, imo. the story lines suck, imo. and the dialogues are even worse, imo.

Their version of super-genius is nothing more than a neurotic mess with habits and... "thought processes" more suited for a psychopath/serial-killer than a physicist, whose statements of pointing out superfluities in others hold no weight as he fails to analyze his own, such as allowing illness to inhibit any type of normalcy or demanding to sit in a certain area due to his own selfish interests, none of which result in showing any type of character other than that of a weak minded and petty fool.

Watched the 1st season, and didn't like it, forced myself through the 2nd after being promised that it got better, and it just kept getting more presumptuous and pretentious.

it felt like the writers read a few summaries of a few "popular" sub-categories of "geekdom" and based everything they write off those, adding a few popular-nerdy items or subjects here and again without doing any research, and then added in the hot chick to "spice things up," which it doessssss noooooottt...

But these are simply MY opinions on the show. I don't blame any one for liking it. It has good enough jokes here and there.

>> No.2517568

That's not true. He gets mocked by sheldon for being an engineer and therefore lower subspecies than physicists, but sheldon also thinks that experimental physicists are a lower subspecies than theoretical physicists, and all fields except physics are a lower supspecies than physics. But that's his incredibly huge aspie OCD ego that's the biggest part of what's funny. He NEEDS to feel superior to everyone in order to function. But in reality, he's rarely making any real breakthroughs, other people commonly come along and find errors in his work, and the engineer is the only one who's doing real significant things, like helping build mars rovers, and building robots and toilets for the IIS (although he fucked up the toilet and let a chick crash the robot into a ditch).

>> No.2517771

im 18 and it's been my favorite show since it came out

>> No.2517930


>> No.2517965

engineers have always been looked down upon in society for various reasons, but they are not snubbed as much by scientists in academia or industry because they if they didn't exist, nothing would work, to put it flatly. They are drivers of technology. the 'engineers suck' joke was just a little thought scientists kept in the backs of their minds and would be brought out once in a while during happy hour or some other trivial shit like that.

the mockery of engineering on /sci/, though, definitely comes from probably either/both 1) a hatred of how the fratboys take engineering and think they're super smart because they passed linear algebra or/and 2) big bang theory. so basically, the /sci/ joke for engineering was started by a bunch of BBT fanboys who don't know shit about science or technology.

>> No.2520789


>> No.2520795

*audience bursts into treats*

>> No.2522574

I like this show.

>> No.2522615

oh, look, it's that faggot that got rejected by engineering school

>> No.2522650

>engineers have always been looked down upon in society for various reasons

/sci is literally the only place i've ever heard anyone talk down to engineers.

>> No.2522659

>passing linear algebra
I don't think so Tim.

>> No.2522705


>implying linear algebra is in anyway, hard.

>> No.2522721

It's not about the difficulty...

>> No.2522754

realy? almost everyone I know who study any kind of science (and people who study biology) look down on engineers (I am one btw)

>> No.2522758

>study any kind of science (and people who study biology)


>> No.2522783


At my university engineers are huge loudmouthed idiots and everyone think they are retards.

>> No.2522804

I'm an engineer and even I look down on other engineers. "you dot need to understand why, just use the formula." "I don't see where we will ever use linear algebra for something practical." "I don't know haw to do that, just type it into matlab"

they piss me off. so. much.

>> No.2522814

Jebus, the butthurt in this thread is intense.

I'm a physicist, and I fuckin' love BBT.

>> No.2522821
File: 58 KB, 400x304, 1297134981241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the reason why.

>> No.2522829
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It's how you use it, amirite?

>> No.2522857

> Engineers looked down upon?

Maybe in America.
Engineering is one of the most respected professions in most parts of Europe.

>> No.2522874

I work with engineers. They are damn smart, smarter than me in creating solutions with fixed pieces.

But... The seem absolutely incapable of seeing the big picture or the very small picture. The pieces fit together but what is between them? When the pieces are united into a whole what do they make?

>> No.2522875


where do you go to school? not trying to sound like a dick but this doesn't sound like the engineers at my school at all, at all. my school isn't a particularly great for engineering, either.

i'm an EE by the way.

>> No.2522895

It's the INTx vs ISTx paradigm.

>> No.2522900

To most people, engineers are like doctors, except that they aren't good-looking. They're considered smart and rich, and that's enough to make regular people think highly of them.

As far as science people go, you have those that value engineers for putting science into practice, and then you have those that think engineers have had all the scientific thinking done for them, and that all they do is plug n' chug formulas.

>> No.2522923
File: 140 KB, 468x939, engineer lycanthropy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no gay engineer jokes in the thread?

>> No.2522940
File: 260 KB, 360x552, Simon_Helberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the equivalent of black face for nerds.

>> No.2522943

> Difference between a scientist and an engineer

One of the two is incapable of applying knowledge

>> No.2522959

> Difference between a scientist and an engineer

One of the two is incapable of discovering knowledge

>> No.2522965
File: 756 KB, 1680x1050, 1285551321935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm almost as if Zach Weiner browsed /sci/.

>> No.2522968

> Difference between a scientist and an engineer
One of the two is incapable of developing new formulae.

>> No.2522970

Any of you watch the latest episode where they make fun of liberal arts and the humanities?

I am convinced the producers browse /sci/.

>> No.2522975


...And people wonder why engineers have such a bad reputation.

>> No.2522979
File: 206 KB, 504x1004, engineering conferences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2522997

The worst part about being an engineer is telling your parents that you're gay.

>> No.2523017
File: 105 KB, 372x414, shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks legit.

>> No.2523045

The engineering conference is the only one that looks like it's fun.

>> No.2523069

Implying you like sausage fests.

>> No.2523092

go watch Dilbert

>> No.2523095

You know on mainland Europe, lots of countries have an engineer prefix for names, like doctor for medical doctors. So you might be Engineer Wilson for example, which is a mark of respect.

Most of China's government are engineers.

>> No.2523101
File: 102 KB, 339x360, VLADTHEIMPLIER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you don't know how to greentext

>> No.2523114

Engineers get all the respect that scientists want. That's why scientists don't like them.

>> No.2523131

I find it odd that /sci/ thinks themselves to be highly evolved and intelligent people, but their lack of tolerance makes them no more than poo-flinging monkeys.

Maybe engineers aren't as intelligent as physicists or whatever it is that you people approve of, but that's no reason to look down upon them. I want to be an engineer because I'm not very intelligent and I feel that that is a career path that will provide me with a comfortable lifestyle and may have enough math involved to keep me happy but not frustrated. Is that really so wrong? Should I really kill myself because I wasn't born with the intelligence of Einstein?

Besides, if you highly intelligent Gods are out discovering new things all the time, who will make use of your discoveries? Should these discoveries be left untouched because you feel that only those who can make discoveries are allowed to use them? That doesn't seem very helpful.

>> No.2523278

>you highly intelligent Gods

Also, your logic doesn't follow. If people are making fun of engineering's general lack of intelligence, it has absolutely nothing to do with the implementation of scientific discovery. Hell, nobody would complain if the apes were replaced with scientist-tier intellectual gods.

>> No.2523405
File: 613 KB, 400x300, Bieber-Deal-with-it[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Checking required courses to attain a degree in mathematics. mfw i realise a significant subset of engineers would easily pull that off. I'm thinking of it myself.

>> No.2523415

Even Hollywood acknowledges that PhDs are not real doctors.