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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 115 KB, 1008x630, I painted this in a laboratory, you jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2521901 No.2521901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2521903

Because my wife would not approve, and I'm happy with her anyway.

>> No.2521907

I live a dangerous life.

>> No.2521914

INTJ reporting in, and not giving a fuck.

>> No.2521924
File: 239 KB, 1440x900, ZoroLinux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a few was fun. But going to another college that no one else in my school is going to so not really any point in finding one till get to college. Also Mac's FTW

>> No.2521925

they keep dying on me, like goldfish. Maybe I don't give them enough food.

>> No.2521944

i do. feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.2521955
File: 51 KB, 190x240, moonasgonnajoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mvq i woke up next to my gf this morning and thought of this thread

>> No.2521978

You? Because you own a mac.
I on the other hand do have a girlfriend.

>> No.2521994

I cannot into social.

>> No.2521998
File: 124 KB, 700x474, thisismegivingafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I couldn't give a fuck, even if I tried to.

Pic related: it's me giving a fuck.

>> No.2522005

I do

>> No.2522072

Because I have multiple girls who want my cock but I don't want to be a cheater and I can't decide which one to commit to and actually make my girlfriend. I fear once I make that commitment I will start to think the others would have been a better choice.

And so, I remain single while stringing them along. It actually sucks quite a bit.

>> No.2522121

because when i had a girlfreind i was possesive and when she had tantrums and control dramas i wouldnt take the shit and so we broke up

and basically after that i just realised that i cant have a decent relationship

it not you it me

yeah im that guy

I cared for a while and was so depressed but then I became a zen master and stopped caring

>> No.2522129

i'm a really, really terrible person.

>> No.2522133

Low sex drive.

>> No.2522151
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I was once sad that I was forever alone, so I went out and got one.

I got tired of having to fucking call her and talk to her and put up with her issues.

So I dumped her. Read a couple of pick up artist books about how to get chicks and now I just mess around without commiitment and having to deal with bullshit.

>> No.2522154

Because I don't like to be controlled by irrational emotions and primal instincts, so I actively supres and resist them.

At least I'm not a slave to my genes.

>> No.2522155

Commit to one, watch your life blossom into paradise.

Seriously, once you commit to one, the others will only want your cock that much more, then they'll all fight over you, then if you break up with your girl, you just move on to the next girl.

>> No.2522157


i had a similar situation once,...now i don't have it anymore and i'm a feel a lot better off actually

there's not much you can do about it unless you don't mind lying

>> No.2522158

I'm ugly

>> No.2522168


this is just your brain being doped into happiness

you become much less productive and original

just doing what your gf wants and shit to make her happy and then feeling happy your life is revolving around that

when really its just a bunch of chemicals designed to make you happy enough to make a baby

oh and after you make a baby, your life goes to extreme shit, so don't forget that

>> No.2522176

So... you're ugly, you've a terrible personality, and no girl likes you.

>> No.2522181
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Real alpha males have sex with whoever they want without having to be in a relationship.

>> No.2522183

I couldn't stand to be friends with such a emotional illogical creature.

>> No.2522186
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>Autistic beta
>Pretend you don't give a fuck

>> No.2522189


One night stands my friend, one night stands.

The nuclear family is dissolving into the welfare state anyways.

>> No.2522195
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>> No.2522202
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I don't want to be alone for valentines day
It may sound gay but its so freaking painful

>> No.2522205

Taking a break after two divorces. Also too busy with work for a meaningful relationship.

>> No.2522207

because I'm gay.

>> No.2522209


this is an interesting point...

but all the extra testosterone changes your brain, you become more like what CEO's and the apes on Jersey Shore have in common

so there is a serious downside there too

>> No.2522213

Because I only want sex, and the time and effort I have to put into a girl is too much compared to the price of a hooker.

Or maybe it's just because I've never been in love.

>> No.2522216

Like CEO's?
Are you kidding me?
Believe it or not CEO's are actually supposed to be smart

>> No.2522218

valentines day doesn't mean anything. it is purely comercial.

being forever alone on V-day will feel exactly the same as if it were any other day.

>> No.2522219



It is more because I of what this guy said:

I just find the idea that my body itself drugs me so that I cant think clearly, borderline horryfying. I don't want to be mesmerised by some hormones and be thrown in this dopamin loop that addicts me to other person. I want to be free.

>> No.2522224

I'm ugly and bad at not very good at socializing. I could be good at socializing if I tried, and was at one point, but I gave up on it because I had to put in so much effort that I would neglect my studies and still end up without any meaningful friendships or partners.

>> No.2522227


its far more than simple addiction, but that is part of it too

>> No.2522228 [DELETED] 

>I'm ugly and bad at not very good at socializing.
and stupid and illiterate as well?

yough break, brah!

>> No.2522231

>I'm ugly and bad at not very good at socializing.
and stupid and illiterate as well?

tough break, brah!

>> No.2522234

because I'm straight.

>> No.2522242

no girls om the internets
tits or GTFO

>> No.2522245


It should be quite clear that I had revised what I was saying and didn't remember to get rid of all of the original sentence. Given that I was only responding to the question in the OP I think that comment was pretty unnecessary.

>> No.2522250


And that part is already too much. I can't stand the idea of being lured in this trap you call love. To me it is slavery to your own genes. I am not a vessel to my genes that only exists to spread them further, only to be left to die and rot, when I am no longer useful for the purpose. I am me, and I am free.

>> No.2522256

oh! I forgot that I'm an extinct species! Sorry.

>> No.2522261


I agree with your sentiments, but we are certainly not free from our biology entirely.

>> No.2522280
File: 21 KB, 360x270, transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...not jet....

>> No.2522286


I like the idea, but right now it's a pipe dream. I wouldn't count on it happening in our lifetimes. You could always take some anaphrodisiacs though.

>> No.2522291

all femanons should at least be bisexual...

>> No.2522300
File: 51 KB, 600x592, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these shitty threads are we going to have? You know you're just projecting your own anxieties onto others.

>> No.2522309

because i'm not a lesbian..

>> No.2522312
File: 64 KB, 472x362, furever alone holding pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pic related.

Polite sage.

>> No.2522316

Because of the usual fat nerd reasons.

>> No.2522318

I enjoy maths and working out, and don't have any single girls in my circle of friends. If I wanted girls I'd pretty much have to spend months learning to act like someone I'm not, just to make girls that I don't know consider me. For what, sex with some girl I probably wouldn't see again? Meh, I'd rather stick with maths and weights.

>> No.2522326

Ok I was willing to believe there was one woman at /sci/
But three?
Seriously I wasn't born yesterday

>> No.2522328


While I agree with you that true transhumanism is still far in the future, I am catiosly oprimistic about all these new medical prosedures and studies towards life extencion methods. They might allow the people born in during the last vew decades to live long enough to acces better technologies in the future that will eventually lead humanity to posthuman godhood.

For example:

>> No.2522336

or you could call a hooker if were that desperate

>> No.2522339

i'm an intelligent femanon who enjoys science and math, is there a problem?

>> No.2522350


>> No.2522354

I'm first.
"not lesbian" second.
who is third?

>> No.2522357

second here, "not a lesbian" sounds so condescending .. sorry bout that !

>> No.2522360


I know of the project, but much like Aubrey De Gray it simplifies the problems. I don't mind that, the optimism is helpful in getting funding for it - but the solutions are not as simple as they suggest them to be. Aubrey for example breaks it down into 7 categories as you probably know, but each of them is HUGE.

>> No.2522361

>is there a problem?
yes! TITS or GTFO
/sci/ doesn't need femanons
/sci/ needs science and a fap folder

>> No.2522367

I want to date a female mathematician but I'm not a math major. It's quite problematic.

>> No.2522368

I wonder why men are afraid of inteligent women?

>> No.2522371

>>2522361 samefag
oh and if you're aether no tits just GTFO

>> No.2522372

Sorry, not into buying other people.

>> No.2522376
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>> No.2522380

My fiancee wouldn't like that too much.

>> No.2522378 [DELETED] 

nah, it's not your fault-- it was bad on my fault.
i think it's just hard to believe there's intelligent women out there..

>> No.2522387

nah, not your fault, it was bad on my part.
i guess it's just hard to believe that there's intelligent women out there..

>> No.2522388


Yes, you are correct, but that is why I said That I am catiously optimistic. I understand that the difficulties they are facing on that field are immense, but I still am hopeful about it. Humans have alvays eventually found a way to do things thought to be impossible before, and I am sure that immortality is no exception. The only question is if I live to see it.

>> No.2522396

it isnt buying other people, it is buying a service.
you are paying for the use of their time and skill.

>> No.2522402

>who's the third?


>> No.2522418


Yes. You are probably fat, or not very attractive, take very poor care of yourself or the more usual combination of the three. Make your choice.

>> No.2522422

More likely you'll be paying those who brought them to your country in the first place, to be used as sex slaves.

Newsflash: Most whores would rather not be whores.

>> No.2522424


I'd still date her.

>> No.2522432

men are not afraid of intelligent women
ok maybe just the thumb kind
usually they go for the pretty blond(stupid) girls because they work more about their looks

only serious guys go for the intelligent women
guys who want more than just the occasional fuck
or guys who want to children

the reason you are asking this tells me that you want the /b/ type guys
you want to just get fucked by a strong and handsome guy or a group of them
this doesn't mean that you are not intelligent woman
it just means that your primal instincts are going wild

i have the same problem sometimes i just want girls
and it bothers me fuck you nature for making me want do things i don't want to do

>> No.2522447

lol, man you have some growing up to do

>> No.2522456


But, considering people from my physics classes, you are either very skinny, or chubby-to-fat, have horrible reclusive antisocial personality, look like you'd stab anyone who looks at the the wrong way, have poor personal hygiene, your ego is higher than all your grades combined, and pretends to not give a fuck while secretly blaming the world for your problems.

Putting both of your together is like making a highly unstable fetid bomb of social failure--I'd think self-destruction would be imminent.

>> No.2522458

and most macdonalds workers would rather be CEO's.
the words a pretty fucked up place, brah. you gotta play to your strengths.

>> No.2522470

well, i happen to be thin, and have been accepted into modeling agencies, but turned down the offer.

>> No.2522472

Its enough for one woman to claim to be a sex slave for people to generalize and claim everyone else is
Seriously I don't see whats so hard to believe about some dumb whore wanting making a ton of money for having sex
Im a guy and I don't know how girls think but I'd totally do it if I could. I'm pretty sure there is some tomboy women out there who feel the same way.

>> No.2522479


I hate you with such a fiery passion.


Intelligent men aren't afraid of intelligent women. Sadly, however, the most I've seen are relatively stuck-up on themselves and they're ridiculously egotistical. I've yet to see a laid back intelligent girl who isn't trying to always usurp me, or some other smart/intelligent man, in a debate/argument or some contest. Furthermore, each female Mathematics professor I've had has been a supreme bitch. Well, there was one in my linear algebra course who was relatively nice, but the other ones have been bitchy beyond extremes.

My female Philosophy professor was awesome, though.

And no, I'm not confusing confidence with ego; they are really egotistical cunts. I can't stand it. I've seen the most laid back male Math students get aggravated by their counterparts consistently. I'm even aggravated by the majority of them.

>> No.2522481

>you want the /b/ type guys
>you want to just get fucked by a strong and handsome guy

Well, first off, being handsome =/= being retarded. Second, /b/tards do no fulfill that description at all on average, they are just more retarded than usual because most are 14. Third, you need to learn sentence structure, grammar and its proper application. But, oh wait, never mind, you are probably 14 yourself.

>> No.2522485

No, the /b/oys are definitly not in my type.
As so as occasional fuck.

but my experience tell me that men more intelligent than I are simply asexual. And it is so fucking ridiculous and irritating.

>> No.2522487 [DELETED] 

i'm in agreeing with this.

>> No.2522494

i'm agreeing with this.

>> No.2522507

Except those who work at macdonald's choose it, sexslaves from underdeveloped countries do not.

In either case, what you think of the subject matters little, as it is I who would have to go out and buy the prostitute. I would much rather masturbate myself, I don't find it hot to buy sex.

>> No.2522511
File: 350 KB, 461x424, wolfrofl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want the /b/ type guys
you want to just get fucked by a strong and handsome guy or a group of them
>/b/ type guys


lol, whatever your smoking, i want some!

>> No.2522516

actually no, it's just that english is not my native language
and i'm not 14.. more like 25

>> No.2522519

Kind of agree. The seriously smart women I've had the chance to meet often are major pretentious, holier-than-thou cunts. I think the fact that they are an example of an unusual sight makes them particularly prone to self-praise, and as a consequence, arrogance.

To be honest, I'd rather be friends with one of the more typical artsy-humanities types, than the square, head-up-their-ass math types. They are also <span class="math">10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10}}}}}}}}}[/spoiler] prettier on average, so I see no loss there.

>> No.2522520

because being a bitch sometimes is the only way to be treated seriously.

>> No.2522529

i am actually an artsy humanitarian, too. science and math are just two of my various interests.

>> No.2522532


>Modeling agencies
>Not shit-tier porn agencies hiring anything with a hole

Sure thing bro. What's next? You are a scholarship recipient with a full ride and next in line to a fellowship at some top school in pure mathematics? Sure thing bro.

>> No.2522537

so people like you exist? O_o

>> No.2522538

well i'm never in favour of slavery, but that isnt the issue here.
if people choose to be prostitutes, and arn't exploited, and are in a safe environment...then fine by me.
i just personally dont want to be one, but i dont wanna be a cleaner either, that isnt to say that neither of them should be career choices.

>> No.2522541


Ok, at least you are making more sense now. I thought you were a real science type woman (that is a science, non-biology-related, major) which would then everything else would apply nicely.

>> No.2522542

well before there was /sci/
i used to browse /b/ a bit
and i can tell you most of them are not 14
also in the "everyone posts pics, everyone rates them" threads you can see that most of the guys who post pics are not bad looking

>> No.2522546

300K starting. any job she wants. ;)

>> No.2522549


While I understand that, your work should speak for yourself. At the end of the day, what's on paper will stand out more so than your bitchy attitude.

I comprehend why intellectual women are the way they are. I get the concept that this is a man's world, have to be tougher than the average man to be understood/accepted, etc. However, I've also seen several women with their degrees in their respective fields who are not bitchy, not assholeish, etc. The ones who are bitchy usually have something to prove, and well .. given how integrated this society is, what you have to prove should be on paper.

Furthermore, there's a downside to that technique. If you're bitchy, then you push away any potential mates. One thing's for sure for all men, intellectual or not: We do not like bitchy cunts. Being fiery is fine, but full blown bitchiness is just a turn-off. It's the equivalent of a Jersey Shore type of personality, tbh.


Probably. Good point.

>> No.2522557

yes, we do exist .. haha.

>> No.2522558

>implying those fat lazy neckbeards actually post picture of themselves, and dont just google search 'male model' and then post the pic of whatever comes up.

>> No.2522568

timestamps on a piece of paper

>> No.2522572

I agree about free choice, the problem, though, is that what you just described doesn't exist. In the end it doesn't really matter, I'm not into buying sex.

If I wanted I could start going out new places every weekend and meet new people. At some point it is unavoidable that I would meet some chick who would be into me. It just seems like a lot of time and effort for me to put into something, time that I could instead spend with my friends, spend playing games, spend learning more maths or spend training.

>> No.2522575


Well, here are some tips since I do at least give you some props for getting your bilingual skills update:
a) Always capitalize the "I" subject pronoun.
b) Every time you start a sentence, at the beginning of a paragraph or after a period, the first letter is capitalized.
c) Know the distingshion between a comma, a period, a semi-colon etc. and its uses.
d) Avoid run-ons or comma splices and always write in full sentences (i.e. avoid fragments)
e) Read and write and repeat, repeat, repeat,...

Now, looking at those "rate me whateverthefuck" threads (go to /soc/) might lead to that perception, but you need to realize that peolple who percieve themselves to be better looking are on average more likely to "risk" themselves out there and post a picture. The uglier ones don't even try. A same phenomenon happens with IQ tests, penis sizes etc--it's called sampling bias.

>> No.2522581

alright guys, i have to go. nice discussion, though.

>> No.2522582


No it's much worse than that, I'm a political science major, but I have a strong appreciation for the sciences and wish politics would be more open to them. I'm quite fit, I don't think I look like I'd stab someone, my personality isn't reclusive but I do tend to be wrapped up in thoughts a lot of the time. I only blame myself for my problems, I have good hygiene and if any thing I have a bit of a low ego because I realize there are always better people out there. Then I realize that competition isn't the most important thing in life and simply learn for the sake of learning. My problem is that many people in political science are either brain-dead or pseudo-scientific. When I write my papers I likely lean a bit into the latter category, but with the understanding that I'm only doing it to get the grades. I'm hoping to do a math minor and then decide whether I am in fact going to go to law school or whether I might instead pursue a science career.

>> No.2522586

this works better on /g/ and /h/

>> No.2522590


The majority of those 'good looking' people on /b/ aren't really btards. A good portion of them have healthy social lives and they simply enjoy going on 4chan to mess around.

>> No.2522592

meh, sh00pable.

>is that what you just described doesn't exist.
yes it does. in places where it is legalised (nevada, holland, etc)

>> No.2522595


If "what's on paper will stand out more so than your bitchy attitud" was true I would be very happy woman, but sadly it works only in utopian realities.

>> No.2522598


Errata Section
f) Also, don't go full retard and type "distinction" as "distingshion", particularly when making a list of things to do for proper writing.

>> No.2522628


Then, why do I know respected female professors who aren't bitchy? Also,


Etc, etc.

There's a difference between being tough and bitchy. Tough=!bitchy. Both of those aforementioned women, especially Lisa, are tough as fucking nails and could destroy a man/woman in a debate. However, they don't convey a bitchy attitude from what I've seen. Well, Lisa doesn't; I don't know about Dana.

I've met TOUGH female professors and BITCHY female professors. There is a unique difference between them. It's just knowing that fine line.

>> No.2522629

Judging from your earlier replies, for instance
>and most macdonalds workers would rather be CEO's.
it seems that you are aware that most whores don't want to be whores. That applies in the countries that you named as well. In either case, even assuming that being a whore is a dream job in Holland, your entire argument for me buying a whore now rests on the assumption that I live in Holland or Nevada...

And as mentioned, it hardly matters, since buying sex isn't a turn-on for me.

>> No.2522636

i went to school with Lisa Randall

she was still bitchy back then

>> No.2522638


And yes, I'm aware that the argument
>Then, why do I know respected female professors who aren't bitchy?

is faulty in design. It lacks substance, logic, etc. My point is that they do exist, and you don't have to be bitchy. Tough, yes. I'd want you to be tough because academia is rigorous/tough as it is, and for females it's much tougher. However, there's no need for bitchiness.

That's all I have to say on the subject, though.

>> No.2522639

probably true, i bet most don't want to be whores.

and im not trying to persuade you to use them, i dont give a fuck. just go jack off, same end result, rite?

>> No.2522645


Oh, she was?

Damn. :( That sucks.

>captcha: For alonemen

>> No.2522651

i do

>> No.2522652

>Poli Sci.

Well, that's your problem there meine freundin. As far as I know, and judging from my chemistry classes experience, political science is the lazy-retard way out into medical school, or a college degree. At least Law makes more sense from a political science degree in my opinion, although this does not make up for the quality of the people there.

Glad you can appreciate the science but I don't think you debunked some of the arguments here. That is, that women in the science tend to be this and that, since, by definition, you are not doing science. Good luck with your career though. If you like both science and law maybe you look into patent law.

>> No.2522661

cause it was easier to talk my boyfrind in to anal! also no drama and we can play vids and wach porn and 4chan abit and go to the gym and play street hockey.... Basicly guys are superior in every thing but making babies, and i dont want one of those

>> No.2522675

Because I have my ass glued to the friend zone with just about every girl I know.

S'alright, though. They like to hug, sometimes randomly (and no, it's not just me), and atleast three have D cups. So...yeah.

>> No.2522676

thanks for the lesson but for me writing a message is not about following the grammar rules
it's my personal point of view but for me the language is just a way to transmit information
if the meaning is conveyed then there is no problem with the way i write
i know it's easier to read if you(i) follow the rules but it's not worth the effort for short messages like these
i don't even follow the grammar rules and punctuation in my native language(unless it's formal)

>> No.2522679

>just go jack off, same end result, rite?
That's pretty much my line of reasoning, yes.

>> No.2522686

except when you jack off using a womans vagina you might get baby

>> No.2522701

Yea, or your psycho girlfriend might decide that "she's pregnant" so you have to cancel your vacation plans only to find out that she was just attention whoring.

>> No.2522713

Does amount of facebook friends contribute to getting a girlfriend? How many friends you have in facebook?

>> No.2522719
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I cannot into intimacy. Friendship, fine, but beyond that I become as awkward as Data trying to navigate humanoid courting patterns.

I ain't even that huge into Star Trek but that's a decent comparison. I was slow to develop an interest in sexuality in general, so I'm kind of behind.

Oh well.

>> No.2522726

or all your dreams about making a family and being a father and setting the record straight are dashed to nothing as she methodically and cold bloodiness kills your unborn progeny by having metal shoved up her vag and the a chunk of flesh the size of the tip of your pinky finger is flushed away

only for her to then have a baby with some douche bag a year later


>> No.2522738


I considered it, but often you need an engineering degree to do it. I would be okay with that, but I can't go out of law school and become a patent lawyer, is what I mean. Also I haven't claimed girls in the sciences are 'this and that', but I'd like to meet a girl that has a passion for physics or chemistry, or math. I'd be absolutely fine with hearing someone talk for hours about their field of study and ask questions about it. The problem with being in political science is that you have the girls that a) are still more interested in just going out and getting wasted, or b) think they are already high power politicians and speak with a constant air of smugness, or c) are very set on their perception of what policy choices are correct, and are in the political extremes.

>> No.2522740

data fucked tasha yarr

fucked her good

>> No.2522749

condom use is madatory in places where prostitution is legal.

so? why would this give pause to any vacation plans?

>Does amount of facebook friends contribute to getting a girlfriend?
probably not...altho as amount of facebook friends increases...amount of sluts you are in contact with is likely to increase...so perhaps.


>> No.2522750
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>> No.2522751

Not to mention getting kinky with the Borg queen in First Contact. And I mean serious body-modification kinky.

>> No.2522752

toptip: before giving tips on english, learn2english

>> No.2522765

Wrong my friend. You can get <span class="math">some[/spoiler] of your message across most of the time, but it comes with a particular effort on the receiver end which most, including me, are really not up to doing, and particularly when "your originality" translates to butchering a language. As a result, your message will vary from person to person since everyone is forced to interpret the text in their own ways since you are not using the standard formal conventions. In fact, your "originality" argument seems like nothing more than a pathetic excuse not to learn the language properly, and your "laziness" is really just a different way of saying "I don't understand/it's difficult for me to follow the rules".

Make the effort or get out. At least good portion of the 14 year olds grow out of their shit-typing.

>> No.2522771

i bet data was used like the ships dildo for most of the female crew

hey data youre fully functional and can keep a secret right? SO LETS FUCK!!!

>> No.2522779


Sure my friend! Just one thing: can you tell me what parts are not "proper" English, or even "dysfunctional" English? Otherwise, 5/10, because you made me reply.

>> No.2522796


>> No.2522809


that isnt even a word, you fucking retard!
try reading a dictionary for once in you're worthless life!
you suck at english!

>> No.2522816

"proper" english is a myth. at best a naive one, at worst a perpetuation of power imbalance

>> No.2522817

dude you dont even know man

they basically stick a whisk in a girls vag and its supposed to feel like a bad period pain

it literally removes the flesh about the size of the tip of your fiinger like when a girl has her period right the flesh just disolves or whatever but they cut it out they cut the baby out of the vag and then flush is down a sterilized tube for human waste

women are cold blooded killers and like all cold blodded killer do it for selfish reasons and ALWAYS have a justification about why this thing needed to be killed.

then after all that they have a baby with some douche. i mean im no saint im not perfect but fuck.

icould have been a good father given half the chance. but i never had that chance because she saw that the life we created was an inconvenience in her life.

not for him though. and then he repeatably raped her mere weeks after she gave birth to his baby.

whil i am forever a dome

get it?

>> No.2522818


yep, he's retarded.

>> No.2522825

come on man get over it
most of the time no one will write the way you like
yeah i considered the option of some of them not reading my post but i'm fine with it

and no one will willingly change the way they write
would you for example start writing every new sentence with double space in front of the first word instead of with a capital letter

and yeah i'm lazy too

>> No.2522831


Proper English may be an artificial notion but Competent English is not.

>> No.2522832
File: 10 KB, 225x224, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2522834
File: 93 KB, 750x565, hahrharal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Ok bro. I'll still give you 5/10 as my final score but that's final.

>> No.2522858


<span class="math">PERSPIRED[/spoiler]


>> No.2522869

and to be quite honest, it didn't, because I called her out on it and ended the relationship.

>> No.2522906

what if she was for seriously?

>> No.2522914

competent english is a euphemism for proper english, which is nothing more than an excuse to make a power grab

for starters - competent in WHICH english?

interhuman languages are ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY in a process of negotiation and renegotiation, and each new language use changes the language being used

>> No.2522933

She wasn't, she admitted to lying when I called her out on it. All in all just a poor experience. At least it taught me not to end up in a relationship with a psycho. Just a sad fact I was too dumb to figure that out by myself beforehand.

>> No.2522935

its not really butthurt dude

but i sense through the force you have a vagina and are trying to disassociate yourself from people like this who do these things which isnt bad.

i have a large list of reasons why i can and am able to kill anything or anyone i want.

but this was my chance at a life and a dream.

i am a jedi like my father befor me and i will never join you

enjoy being thrown into a pit of electricity

>> No.2522936


As per current convention. All languages obviously vary from place to place, but this doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want and expect everyone to be fine with it.

>> No.2522938

lol, dumb bitch. what was she trying to prove?

>> No.2522950

I'm the nice guy, so I'm viewed as a wimpy pushover. Girls would rather go for the big, strong alpha male type guy.
Or that's how I rationalize not having one, anyway.

>> No.2522962

we want different things. girls arn't all the same.

>> No.2522977

a) I'm not a lesbian (though possibly bi with a lot of heterosexual tendencies)
b) I've never met anyone who I would like to spend that much time with
c) I've never met anyone interesting that would like to spend that much time with me
d) doesn't make sense since I'm going to uni this year (there'll be more people to choose from, better chances of finding someone worthwhile and no long distances)
e) I haven't even wanted to get one before

>> No.2522984


1: go to www.google.com
2: search date rules
4: profit

>> No.2522993

Indeed. It was some attention thing blown completely out of proportion.

>> No.2523002

From my experience, girls want those guys that are neither wimps nor arrogant douchebags. The good guys.

>> No.2523006

Why do you care?
More women for you.
Not your business why I don't want to spend my life appeasing and doting the vapid sprees of tepid whores.

>> No.2523013

It can't be that easy. Are you sure?

>> No.2523015


You don't seem to have a thorough understanding of what the words you're using mean. Namely, vapid, sprees and tepid.

>> No.2523019

Metaphors are disallowed.

>> No.2523033

Huh, they fit pretty well together as far as I can tell?

>> No.2523038 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 795x375, 1274314253552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

>Hallect beliefs

>> No.2523039

>though possibly bi
i already want you :)
in our long distance relationship i'll allow you to chat on me with women only(gays are not women)
and i'm not going to cheat on you
how does this sound?

if you agree all we have to do is exchange some more information over a(long/short) period of time to find out if we are compatible
you're posting on /sci/ so i guess you're interested in science that's one good common interest
awaiting your reply

>> No.2523048


While you might have thought this sounded good at the time. You should perhaps rethink your approach in the future.

>> No.2523050


Actually, it's more like:


>> No.2523052

And I also hate idiots like this.
How fucking dumb can you be.

>> No.2523055

lol no

>> No.2523056

those words, in that order, in that context, made perfect sense

this spree of tepid pedanticism does nothing more than foreground your own vapidity

>> No.2523060

>I also forgot to mention I have an 8 inch penis but I'm still bi.

>> No.2523066

Oh and I guess I should add that this is written by

>> No.2523071

<span class="math">\text{Don't pay attention to this post at all guys. I'm just being a newfag with certain bullshit nobody here seems to give a fuck about. So, ok, here goes nothing}[/spoiler]

>> No.2523082

girls have cooties eeeww

>> No.2523085

and why exactly is this a dumb thing?
please enlighten me dear anon

>> No.2523097

well ok i respect your decision.

>> No.2523099

i have no idea why i dont have a boyfriend.
i think, there is not much common ground with most guys. i am focused on studying, and if i now would fall in love i would be all emotional and not be able to focus on my science.
i dont fall in love fastly, i am too logical and not spontanious with those things.
and the most important factor, i am simply afraid of people, i am totally shy and horrible at flirting.
i am afraid to open up and get hurt.
need more reasons?

>> No.2523107 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 535x798, 1266704972000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does one 10^10^10^10 ?? ( ._.)

>> No.2523111

<span class="math">\Re \cap \Cap \uplus {\color{green}{what is this} } {\color{blue} \mathbb{asdfasfd\int_{sd}^{adfsdf\varpi \tau \infty }}}[/spoiler]

>> No.2523132
File: 1 KB, 179x45, You Are A Wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2523139 [DELETED] 


Well, las an example<span class="math">10^{10^{10}}}[/spoiler] would be <span class="math">10^{10}=10000000000[/spoiler] , so then <span class="math">10^{10^{10}}} = 10^{10000000000}[/spoiler].The process would be repeated from there...

Also, yes, I fucking love LaTex and I'm messing around with it, please don't hate.

>> No.2523160

forgot to say ugly
or at least not even cute

some guys are really persistent
if you were beautiful they would be all over you
you would be forced to be social even if it's just to make them go away
and this happens every day every where
(note: these guys are not worth your time, they'll just fuck you get bored with you and then move to the next girl they like)

>> No.2523167 [DELETED] 



>> No.2523173 [DELETED] 

It'd be something like, for example, <span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}}} [/spoiler], which can be broken down as follows: <span class="math"> 10^{10} = 10000000000[/spoiler],so <span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}}}=10^{10000000000} [/spoiler], and you'd repeat the process from there.

Fucked up the first time I typed that so I had to redo it.

>> No.2523180 [DELETED] 



>> No.2523187

I do :D

>> No.2523197

It'd be something like, for example,<span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}}[/spoiler] , which can be broken down as follows: <span class="math"> 10^{10}=10000000000 [/spoiler],so <span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}} = 10^{10000000000} [/spoiler], and so on.

I fucked up the second time. Sorry for the fucking failure.

>> No.2523205 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 264x300, 1275421492443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10^{10^{10}}} = 10^{10000000000}

>> No.2523209


You have to use [math.] LaTex code here [\math.] without the dots in the brackets.

>> No.2523217

>why don't you have a derpfriend?
>180 replies

Oh my goodness.

>> No.2523220

<span class="math">{\color{blue} Not sure whats going on since 4chan doesnt take all the code}[/spoiler].

>> No.2523249

<span class="math"> Why_is_this_retarded_so? \sinh \uplus \vee [/spoiler]

>> No.2523271

<span class="math"> 2H_2 + O_2 \xrightarrow{n,m}\bigcap_{i=1}\begin{pmatrix}x = a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1 + \frac{1}{a_2 + \frac{1}{a_3 + a_4}}}
a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}\\
a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}\\
a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}
\end{pmatrix}^{n}{X_i}2H_2Oqa [/spoiler]

>> No.2523280 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 1205x363, Dat Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2523300 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 465x619, 1275510749138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[\math 10^{10^{10}}}} ]

>> No.2523296


>> No.2523297

Oh man, a couple just passed my window. ;_;

>> No.2523321 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 333x500, Evil baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[\math] 10^{10^{10}}}}

>> No.2523329 [DELETED] 

Fuck, I give up ;_;

>> No.2523331

<span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}}[/spoiler]


>> No.2523352 [DELETED] 

[\math] 10^{10^{10}}

>> No.2523349


And I never even typed any code before. God I'm good.

>> No.2523362


It's [ math ] and then [ /math ]

>> No.2523364

<span class="math">10^{10^{10}}[/spoiler]

>> No.2523372 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 335x352, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="math"> 10^{10^{10}} [\math]

My god, I'm such a fucking idiot >.<

I think I finally got it...[/spoiler]

>> No.2523387

<div class="math"> 10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{

>> No.2523401 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

better fucking work[/spoiler]

>> No.2523414

I am the only one feeling kinda trolled about the capital f in friend?

>> No.2523410 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> 1 + 1 = 2 [\math][/spoiler]

>> No.2523425 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
}}}}}} [/spoiler]

better fucking work

>> No.2523432 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

better fucking work

>> No.2523440

<div class="math"> \newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{10}}}}}}}</div>

>> No.2523457
File: 18 KB, 292x302, 1264402076528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you /math/, you and your 'Unknown control sequence '\math.'' and 'no close bracket' etc

>> No.2523463

goddamnit now you've doen it

>> No.2523490

<div class="math"> \newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1~#1 \atop {#1~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{10}}}}}}}</div>

>> No.2523491

<span class="math"> 10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{
}}}}}}}}}} [/spoiler]

>> No.2523497

\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{10}}}}}}}

>> No.2523511


>> No.2523528

<span class="math"> 10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^{10^}
}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} [/spoiler]

>> No.2524218 [DELETED] 
File: 520 KB, 750x598, awsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy never had a girlfriend obviously.


>> No.2524229
File: 520 KB, 750x598, awsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy never had a girlfriend obviously.


>> No.2524249
File: 35 KB, 400x400, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2524260

I would have found that offensive if it wasnt true