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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2517202 No.2517202 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many scientists atheists? Isn't it a bit unscientific?

>> No.2517208

Many scientists don't give a fuck.

>> No.2517215

Sage for sparking another potential troll thread.

>> No.2517272

sage, reported

>> No.2517599

You have to present an actual argument to be taken seriously.


>> No.2517607

sage & reported so mods give a fuck

>> No.2517626

bump for knowledge

>> No.2517638

Atheists don't present an argument against God, so there is no reason to class Theism unscientific, humans seem to have got here without science before civilization and knowledge.

>> No.2517641
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One day, the faggot turned to Anonymous, and inquired, "Anon, can I have this thread?"

Anonymous, turning slowly as he removed his sunglasses, replied, "No."

>> No.2517650

most of us arent as long as theist = believeing in a more powerful lifeform

>> No.2517656

It's part of the culture of academia. The main mechanism in belief forming is the process of conforming to peers.

>> No.2517657
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>> No.2517670

I actually "believe" in shamanism. I think the idea of god / no god is primitive in all it's aspects, basically its just a bunch of words that don't explain reality very well.

>> No.2517709

Present an argument against the celestial teapot. If you get to use lack of evidence and Occam's Razor so do I.

>humans seem to have got here without science before civilization and knowledge.
Non sequitur.

And your words explain reality better? Your best bet for words that do a half decent job of explaining reality is probably whatever you can find on string theory.

>> No.2517728

I believe in all gods but the abrahamic one.

>> No.2517805

i know this is /sci/ but judging by my experiences there seems to be a lot of different perspectives

the problem with humans is that we think ours in the only one

and don't get me wrong, i love science, but there are things that you just can't reason out

thats why words can never explain the whole deal, no matter how hard you try

>> No.2517811

I'm not the one contemplating the existence of a celestial teapot, that's you.

>> No.2517827

yeah, the one true God doesn't appeal to you; but the many false ones do

and you think you're sooooooooooooo smart

>> No.2517830
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Heck, I'm not even contemplating the existence of God, or after-life,

>> No.2517858

And I'm not the one contemplating the existence of a god, that's you.

>> No.2518017

>argument against God

Many abilities attributed to most gods are impossible according to everything we know about the universe.

Gods are known to be fictional characters made up by men.

Gods are highly improbable. Complex intelligent beings show up late in the universe, not early.

Absolutely no positive evidence that gods do/can exist for which there isn't a better natural explanation.

>> No.2518022

Depends what you see God as,
Some people could see God as 'reality',

>> No.2518033


Pretty much any argument that Harry Potter doesn't exist applies equally well to God.

>> No.2518036
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mfw /sci/ knows how to sage

>> No.2518049


Most people don't. Most people see God as the specific being described in their favourite book who does all sorts of impossible and scientifically and historically inaccurate things.

Words have definitions. If you tell me you believe in "God", for some idiotic definition of God I'll call you an idiot for wasting my time with stupid semantic games.