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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 500x400, moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2512807 No.2512807 [Reply] [Original]

>Having family dinner
>Rape somehow comes up
>Aunt says that women can't rape men, since if the man didn't want it, he wouldn't get hard.


>> No.2512814

Because women can't put on strap-ons and pound a man's ass.

>> No.2512817

You are correct in raging.

You are incorrect in sharing with it. This is not about science.

>> No.2512820

>She forgot about da butthole.
>This is not science

>> No.2512821

they did an episode of SVU on this

>> No.2512827

Fun fact:

The consequences of a man being falsely accused of rape are far worse than the consequences of a woman actually being raped.

For one thing, the woman will have gained all kinds of sympathy while the man's reputation is ruined forever.

Two, a single rape is temporary and a person can move past it. A man accused of rape is likely to go to prison, where he will probably be raped on a regular basis.

>> No.2512828

as many as half of female victims of violent rape report experiencing orgasm during the rape.

bodies gonna do what bodies do.

>> No.2512834

nice misogyny

>> No.2512843
File: 20 KB, 300x333, 300px-Julian_Assange_26C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats why this rapists, isn't in jail getting raped.

>> No.2512851


No conviction. But go ahead and participate in the public distruction of this man's reputation without any facts whatsoever.

Reactionary tards gunna tard like fuck.

>> No.2512855

the internet is for adults, please stop posting

>> No.2512860


Reality doesn't care about sexism.

>> No.2512862

Are you talking?

>> No.2512884


Right since every other rape case has proof.

Conspiracy theorists gonna conspiracy theorize

>> No.2512900

Yeah, most rape cases are he-said, she-said, and a woman has a lot to gain from accusing a man she dislikes of rape.

>> No.2512907


9/11 was a military demolition...deal with it

>> No.2512912

and you dont care about reality

>> No.2512914

I personally know three men who have been falsely accused of rape. I also know the stories behind all three so I can verify their innocence. No joke. This stuff happens and it's scary.

>> No.2512928

I personally have raped at least three women and gotten away with it.

I'm better looking than your friends though. and nicer.

>> No.2512934

>innocent until proven guilty

>> No.2512949


I remember when the law used to work that way. Those were better days.

>> No.2512951
File: 94 KB, 800x594, Amanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell that to her.


>9/11 was a military demolition

source needed faggot

>> No.2512952

>women brought up to think they should be princesses provided for by perfect princes
>they have to settle for lesser men than the Ubermensch
>they get bored and divorce, claiming some sort of abuse
>they get to continue neglecting the children, while keeping the father away but still raking in child support from him

While far from the norm, these stories are way too common. Society has an emotional bias toward females. This cannot be avoided. If you are not aware enough to have realized this for yourself, a bunch of Anons have been passing this link around for a while now.

>> No.2512968

It's like how, if two siblings fight, the parents will take the side of whichever one runs to them, crying. It's an emotional response. Many women do the same thing with the law.

>> No.2512971


....deal with it....military thermite nanoparticles found all over ground zero.

its called forensics, ass-hat...deal with it

>> No.2512978

>throws fancy chemistry words out and thinks that makes his argument right

>> No.2512980


>military thermite nanoparticles found all over ground zero.

source needed.

Also infowars or prison planet isn't a source.

>> No.2512982

thermite reactions occur when petroleum fuel burns aluminum.

Also, using anything other than a plane to take it down would be adding needless complication.

>> No.2512983


it was a real scientific publication...get over your sand niggur conspiracy threory and deal with the truth jabroni

>> No.2512984

....deal with it....videos/parts/eyewitness testimonies of commercial planes hitting towers found all over ground zero.

its called proof, ass-hat...deal with it

>> No.2512985

Thermite is a reaction between two metals (one oxide). Petroleum isn't involved.

But along with that I add I'm hardly supporting the thermite nanoparticle retard.

>> No.2512991

>it was a real scientific publication

nice citation retard.

>> No.2512996


If it was REAL, then fucking SOURCE it.

Also, thermite occurs naturally in chemical reactions involving metal.

Go back to grade 10 science.

>> No.2512997


>implying planes could have knocked down towers, implying i said planes didn't hit towers

>> No.2512999

Anybody who understands a little physics and chemistry knows that what happened to those buildings is exactly what anybody would expect to happen if a plane of that kind crashed into them. Gas fires flooded a floor or two, causing a uniform weakening of the steel supports. This is why the top collapsed straight down. In a planned demolition, it is impossible to fully synchronize the charges, so there is always tumbling.

>> No.2513003

>military thermite nanoparticles

>> No.2513006

>thermite occurs naturally

lol's were had

not only was it the highly un-natural thermite reaction, but it was specifically the military grade thermite which contains barium

>> No.2513009


inb4 building 7, learn 2 falling depris,

>> No.2513010

>implying planes couldn't knock down towers
>implying thermite could knock down towers
>implying the government would even use thermite if they used planes

>> No.2513011

No lawl if you knew what you were talking about it was lanthanum.

Honestly faggot, saying shit doesn't make it true.

>> No.2513012

No, USING a fucking plane to take down a building when you have access to the building to plant bombs would be a needless complication. As would using fucking THERMITE in a fucking DEMOLITION. Ignorants gonna ignorant.

>> No.2513017


You still haven't given a source faggot.

I'm starting to think infowars is your only "source"

>> No.2513019


>implying random explosions and fires are more likely to be a smooth demolition than actual planned demolition

seriously you sand niggur conspiracy theorists are hilarious

>> No.2513024

Exploding shit is a pretty well understood science, we can take into account that lag and do with it as we see fit.

Not the conspiracy fag, just sayin.

>> No.2513029

basic science and thousands of architects and engineers have said it was a controlled demolition, but i guess 70 "experts" from popular science magazine are better sources

>> No.2513030

Lol don't troll so obviously, now it's no fun.

>> No.2513034

>not only was it the highly un-natural thermite reaction
iron oxide from supports+ aluminum from other parts of building or plane= Thermite add in barium from random sources, and all your components would be there
>but it was specifically the military grade thermite which contains barium
Implying this couldn't be made by anything other than the government.

>> No.2513035

>office building with fairly open floors.
>gas fires burn down walls separating the floor
>gas pools evenly across the floor
>fire burns on the surface, in the same concentration and same heat everywhere
>this causes the steel at that level to weaken at essentially the same rate

Pretty simple.

>> No.2513036


Atleast our theory is backed by fact.

Something that you have yet to give.

>> No.2513044


Do you know how easy it is to get an architects or engineer degree?

>> No.2513047


Then explain building 7 faggot. A plane never hit it.

>> No.2513048

Do you know how much easier it is to get a basic science degree? Not really the place for degree trolling.

>> No.2513049

thousands of popes, bishops, and priests have said god is realz, so i guess these scientists who want proff are just rong.

See, I can appeal to authority too.

>> No.2513055

Lots of debris fell in that area, also lots of jet fuel probably spilled into the street.

>> No.2513059

basic religion and thousands of priests and bishops have said it god was real, but i guess 70 "experts" from popular science magazine are better sources

>> No.2513062

are you sand niggur conspiracy theorists still pretending jet fuel melts steel?

that really needs a citation

>> No.2513065


Not a conspiracy theorists, and I believe the official story, but mind going into more depths? I fail to see how just falling debris, and jet fuel on the ground can cause it to collapse.

Forgive my ignorance.

>> No.2513067


yea see, religion and priests aren't architects and engineers, so, FAIL

>> No.2513071


It doesn't fucking melt it.


>> No.2513072

Honestly? Without even looking at the science of the explanation, it's enough for me to realize there's no way something so big could be kept under wraps. More than 2 people would need to have insider knowledge, and someone would spill the beans.

>> No.2513100


Don't forget the hundres of people it would take to plant explosives secretly, without anyone finding out

And the people who shoot the missile at the pentagon

Or the people who shoot down the plane over the field.

>> No.2513101


thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513114


RAPE --> 9/11 TROOF

That takes talent.

>> No.2513116

fires and falling debris are good at knocking buildings down. also, why would they bother with building seven if it was a conspiracy?

>> No.2513128

Fact is, it was a conspiracy because three different planes hit three different but related targets all around the same time. The conspirators were terrorists.

>> No.2513132

oh gawd this thread

plz never change /sci/

>> No.2513136

Well I don't think the building consented to getting penetrated by the plane.

>> No.2513137


>> No.2513142

check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513149

OP is a fucking genius.

He started it off as a rape troll thread, and then it turned into 9/11 truth.

Fucking genius.

>> No.2513157

>thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers

because americans are smart.

Also just because THEY say something doesn't make it true. You need to provide facts.

>> No.2513169
File: 1.27 MB, 2108x2944, MichibbledyStibbledy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obvibbledy, the one mibbledy who fibbledy against the Jewibbledy/lizardy overlibbledy was in that bibbledy.

>> No.2513171

Because europeans/what have you are any smarter.

Don't you realize? OP/truther is a fucking professional troll. I'm in awe.

>> No.2513178


all the facts our on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513183

9/11 was caused by sandniggers, duh. But please stop feeding the troll.

>> No.2513188

Tell her you agree, and then say "it's just like how any woman who gets wet secretly wants it and thus is not being raped."

Then smile and turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.2513193


Just because you slap the word America in it doesn't make it so.

Also you have yet to provide any evidence.


>> No.2513211


the facts are all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513220


There are no facts on their website.

>> No.2513231

let me google that for you:


>> No.2513261


Again there are no LEGITIMATE FACTS on their website.

Also OP has proven trolling is an art form

>> No.2513303

>Michael Moore picture
>Starts out as rape
>Goes to 9/11 truthers retards.

Is /sci/ dumb, or is OP a genius?

>> No.2513311

deal with it
the facts are all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513328


Then who piloted the planes retards?

>> No.2513329

lmao, i thought the same thing. i had to double take to make sure i read the OP correctly.

>> No.2513336

thousands vs millions

>> No.2513349


wait a second let me google that for you:


>> No.2513362


the only reputable experts ever to come forward and support the sand niggur conspiracy theory were gov't workers and 70 "experts" in popular science magazine....that far short of hundreds, sorry FAIL

>> No.2513364


let me google a pdf file of the bible.

Does that prove god exists?

>> No.2513370

the facts are all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

thousands of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513378


Again, there are no fucking FACTS on their website.

Hearsay is not facts.

>> No.2513382


Ya know, I have hard time taking Assange seriously when so many of his supporters are 9/11 truthers or similar lunatics.

>> No.2513385

are...are you kidding dude?
for the record, i'm a fucking civil engineer
i personally know 100's of other civil engineers who support the sand nigger theory.
quit now

>> No.2513389



the facts are all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513399


oh...really i know hundreds of physicists that say your an idiot....rofl

>> No.2513411

haha ok dude
if that makes you feel better

>> No.2513417


the bible is wrong

>> No.2513426

hold on a second let me google that for you:


>> No.2513431


Resorting to ad hominem. Every 9/11 truther does this.

Also, ever notice how every 9/11 truther calls everyone from the middle east, sand niggers?

Just shows their ignorance, and lack of education.

>> No.2513433


if you can find two scientists outside of christian universities that believe in the word of the bible, that would be sooo win....sorry, FAIL

>> No.2513438



Everyone of those architect or engineer is a fucking retard.

inb4 Americans are incapable of being retarded.

>> No.2513443

the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513445

First thing on their list; free fall fallacy
Other then that, there isn't a single equation I can find on that entire site. The entire thing is just an appeal to authority "I KNOW THIS CAUSE I'M QUALIFIED" but why are you qualified and how do you know tis?

>> No.2513448

just a second let me google that for you:


>> No.2513452

Please reply to this truther because the free fall is one of the most critical elements of your argument

>> No.2513456


See evidence refuting your claims
Link the same source over and over again.

What is the medical term for this?

>> No.2513459

are we still arguing with trufers ITT?

who's more retarded, the retard or the genius trying to teach him?

>> No.2513461

stupid i believe

>> No.2513466


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513475
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2513479

hang on let me google that for you:


>> No.2513491


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513496
File: 31 KB, 400x300, contagious-laughter-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he uses links from a biased outlets as sources for his arguments

>> No.2513500

i love how the propagandists only argue in the prime chan hours

>> No.2513506


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513514

Stop arguing with a fucking truther, dude. You know he's crazy, I know he's crazy, everyone who reads this thread knows he's crazy. It just bumps this stupid thread.

>> No.2513518


>implying the government pays people to spread 9/11 propaganda on 4chan.

Fuck, I am a conspiracy theorists, but even I think thats retarded.

>> No.2513530


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513535
File: 10 KB, 194x252, FAGGOTRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>my face

>> No.2513537


you guys really know your target demo of retards.....fuck it can i come work for you?

>> No.2513542

you kids ignore homework questions but you wont ignore morons who think 9/11 was some US government: james bond in mission impossible plan? a decade later and its still giving people erectile dysfunction on sight. you know just as much as anyone else (speaking politically of course. science has proven every detail to be consistent with a terrorist attack) on the issue, get over it.

and to those who live in constant fear of impending doom or a big brother reality, you're not completely wrong, but youre no less a sheep than the kids who grew up on the disney channel. you're only perpetuating your own doom (assuming you're the type who rambles about shit you've never been a part of, 24/7).

>> No.2513543


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513548


>> No.2513556

just a moment let me google that for you:


>> No.2513565


see this


>> No.2513566


have you guys ever seen the BBC broadcast where they reported building 7 fell 20 minutes before it actually happened?


>> No.2513569

I still don't understand how ops aunt's argument is incorrect.

the only way i can see rape happening is if it is a woman and a young boy.

>> No.2513571


the evidence is all on their website:
check it out, it will help you deal with the fact that sand niggurs did not knock down anything of ours......

THOUSANDS of AMERICAN architects and engineers have tried to "spill the beans" by presenting the mountain of basic scientific evidence....
google architects engineers 9/11 truth

>> No.2513592

just a sandniggur? let me google that for you:


>> No.2513599


Doesn't prove anything.

Shit like this happens all the time. CNN was 5 seconds away from saying the White House was bombed on 9/11. So much shit happened that day, it's hard to filter what happened and what didn't.

>> No.2513604


>> No.2513607


>> No.2513668

Hey douchebag, guess what happens to generate metallic oxide nanoparticles? Guess what happens to be a great way to remove waste steel?

If you guessed thermal lance you're correct!

>> No.2513674
File: 60 KB, 268x265, 1289681367988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thread about pounding a man's asshole derails into 9/11 conspiracy arguments

>> No.2513691

So your saying that in the chaos of that day, a tower that was HEAVILY damaged and everyone knew was gonna come down, got accidentally reported as having fell down before it really did and this this proves a gigantic government conspiracy that is so vast with so many people , that even FOREIGN media is in on it, and not only the plan make it to the day with out any single person spilling the beans watergate style?(or wikileaks style)


>> No.2513696

How do you explain all of the nanoparticles in my couch cushions then! Huh? Huh??!?

>> No.2516128
File: 147 KB, 430x539, bump15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]