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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 71 KB, 498x767, Hilbert curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2512021 No.2512021 [Reply] [Original]

I hate to be the baron of bad news /sci/ but you are not smart, people like you are a diamond dozen, and for all intensive purposes you are just as dumb as /B/

>> No.2512034


>> No.2512028

it's /b/

>> No.2512041
File: 54 KB, 300x321, lookslikeatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>intensive purposes


not bad.

>> No.2512049

Diamond Dozen. So we're 12 of the hardest metal? Easy troll is easy.

>> No.2512056

>baron of bad news

This guy's good.

>> No.2512063

hey did you know hilbert curves are used in cache optimization techniques? Basically, if you have multi-dimensional data that you are trying to map to a 1 dimensional array, you should use the hilbert-curve ordering if you suspect you will touch your data spatially -- i.e. if you touch one point, you will probably touch points close by to it in space.

This reduces cache misses more than e.g. row/column major ordering!

>> No.2512072

he should of thrown in a "should of"

>> No.2512078
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>> No.2512083

So true OP. /sci/ just doesn't understand that it's a doggy dog world out there.

>> No.2512088

>doggy dog

that's not the real phrase. it's supposed to be "dog-eat-dog" world you fucking idiot

>> No.2512090

>Didn't get the joke.

>> No.2512091

Don't be such a spoilspore, let him have his fun.

>> No.2512093

your life is a joke.

>> No.2512097


>you should sage trolls

>> No.2512096

What's a /B?

>> No.2512095
File: 119 KB, 429x410, 1296201108016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this up. Funniest thread in /sci/.

>> No.2512104


So sorry to reign on your parade.

>> No.2512114

lol, i do that as well
(pretend to be trolled to troll ragefags)

>> No.2512130
File: 45 KB, 888x888, 1296929360206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentional malapropisms

>> No.2512147

This is a gregious, and for all intensive purposes, I could care less irregardless.

>> No.2512218

Jesus fuck what is wrong with you asshat? go fuck your shelf.

>> No.2512238

I just noticed the intensive purposes was supposed to be intents and purposes

>> No.2512240

It's a doggy dog world.

>> No.2512694

lulz, obviously /b/ is so much more knowledgeable.

>> No.2512746

I could careless

>> No.2512783

stop being such a pre-Madonna

>> No.2512792

>a diamond dozen

>> No.2512793

I think theirs quite a difference between the average /sci/entist and the average /b/tard.

>> No.2512802

bouncing this thread

captcha: Treg ancho

>> No.2512857

Pick one.

>> No.2512874


Astrophysicists (To start the post with a scientific word) classify the world in Hydrogen/Helium and Metals. Anything and everything that isn't Hydrogen or Helium is a metal to them.

Under Astrophysical terms Diamond (And therefore Carbon) is the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.2512915

Except any chemist would say carbon is not a metal, and is defined in all domains to not be a metal. The only metallic property it has is it's density, which is only present in the diamond allotrope.
>Anything and everything that isn't Hydrogen or Helium is a metal to them
Anyone who considers any halogen to be a metal is fucking retarded in my book. (117 hasn't been demonstrated to have halogen properties).

>> No.2512932

>implying it's the hardest metal known to man and not the hardest metal known THE man

>> No.2512936

>intensive purposes

It's intents and purposes. Oh god the dumb, it hurts.

>> No.2512941


>> No.2512976
File: 36 KB, 493x335, bored kiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2512979

and u didnt notice 'diamond dozen'?

>> No.2512990

conductivity oir graphite

>> No.2513014

Graphite doesn't conduct well. If you knew anything about the mechanics of metals you would know why.

>> No.2513093

Like you know anything about Graphite, your reprehension of chemistry is awful.

>> No.2513112

ITT: idiots

>> No.2513127

You're not much better, you and idiots are like two peas in a pot.

>> No.2513154
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1286581008556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2513165

I like /sci/. It seems a bit... naive. There's memes going everywhere in 4chan but /sci/ doesn't know, and then people come here spouting them and everyone is clueless.

>> No.2513194
File: 69 KB, 700x394, fukken-saved-700x394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic relevant to your pic.