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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2502730 No.2502730 [Reply] [Original]

So anyway, why haven't you banged somebody that looks like this (18 year old) girl?

>> No.2502732

Why am I 26 male never been kissed? Because I spend my time arguing with trolls on the internet, like you.

>> No.2502738

Because her jaw is a bit too large for my refined tastes.

>> No.2502740
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That's depressing.

>> No.2502745
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There are very few women who think like me.

And nonexistent in my area.

Still, not science

>> No.2502747

Because I prefer females that look like females.

>> No.2502754

Also because nice guys finish last, women don't want the nice guy, and I'm (too) smart, and I'm socially awkward, and because I don't leave the house, and because my interests are extremely rare among females due to cultural and/or genetic causes, and because I hate smalltalking and other cultural things which are almost required for meeting females, that I'm too arrogant but not confident, that I'm not willing to be "alpha" aka a dick, and so on.

>> No.2502758

She's a boy, ain't she?

>> No.2502764

True story: I had a girl from Korea who was extremely short, couldn't speak English very well, and had lived such a sheltered life she was scared of the dark and strangers. She was 26 but could have passed for 12.

Punchline: Her name was Soh Yung.

>> No.2502766

tl;dr: you're just kind of a pussy.

>> No.2502767
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>> No.2502768


>> No.2502771

>tl;dr: you're just kind of a pussy.
That's nice. Whatever I am, most women don't like it, and I don't get out of my apartment so I won't meet the few who do like it.

>> No.2502773

That's a good story.

>> No.2502779
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>> No.2502785

Because I'm banging a 21 year old Korean girl with an insatiable libido.

>> No.2502789

Also /jealous

>> No.2502792

posted this in /k/ as well
reported for spamming

>> No.2502805

Because 18 years old is about 10 years too old for my tastes.

>> No.2502818
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>nice guys finish last

>> No.2502816

Show working

>> No.2502822

I'm fifteen and I'm proud to say I've made out with 3 different woman
and felt a boob
not even trolling

>> No.2502828


>> No.2502843

you know the douchebags in high school?

Yeah, it's likely that they're more successful than you.

>> No.2502852

privileged ≠ successful

Succeeding in the circle-jerk those kinds of people flock to isn't even an area I'd like to find myself successful in.

There is such thing as nice people touching bewbs. Heck! I touched one just a few minutes ago, and I'm way nicer than you.

>> No.2502854

Nice guys finish last only if they're stupid about it.

>> No.2502859

Man boobs don't count, bro.

If only they did count...

>> No.2502861
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You've obviously yet to leave high school.

>> No.2502863

>Implying that you can be nice and successful with women
>Implying that so called "nice people" are actually just stupid
I hate you so much right now.

>> No.2502864

nice guys don't finish last
ugly guys do
does the truth hurt

>> No.2502886

i'm an engineer, so...

>> No.2502896
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>> No.2502901
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I bet you do.
I've always been thought of as one of the nicest guys people know and I've been married twice.

Being nice doesn't mean you should bend over backwards under pressure. For me it just means I push back no more than is required and be polite while doing so. Making enemies just because is counterproductive.

>> No.2502902

there are so many things you guys don't know about...

u don't need to be a bad ass to be confident.
u don't need good looks to get laid with beautiful women.

in fact, when u have learned these things, u might not even want what is commonly known as a good looking girl, but someone with personality and looks that u find attractive.

/ 25 male

>> No.2502930

You lose money chasing women, but you'll never lose women chasing money.

Get degrees, get high-paying jobs, get stupid floozies to be your little fuck toy or hire a prostitute. Don't get married, it's retarded.

>> No.2502932

>Get degrees, get high-paying jobs, get stupid floozies to be your little fuck toy or hire a prostitute. Don't get married, it's retarded.

I do have 100k/yr job, but I don't want (just) sex. I want companionship, and love, and cuddling, and basically marriage.

>> No.2502938


>> No.2502941

Basically, yeah. Forgot my sage too. Sorry about that.

>> No.2502952


After you get it, you won't.

Get a body pillow instead.

>> No.2502965
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>I do have 100k/year jon
Stopped reading there.

Just to recap tonight's episode.

>Boy claims to earn 100k/yr
>still hangs out on ./sci/
>fellow browsers of /sci/ witness this anomaly, stop reading at this junction believing it to be regular troll bullshit and award the post an enormous 0/10.
>the end, see you next week.

>> No.2502967

and you call your self a scientist...

>> No.2502970

Women are for sex. Men are for companionship.

Get your facts right.

>> No.2502971

Thinks 4chan stops being fun when you've got a good job.

>> No.2502972


>> No.2502975
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Oh, what, we can't hang out on /sci/ if we make more than 100k?

>> No.2502983
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>thinks 4chan is funny

>> No.2502985

be rational
why would someone with money, who has possibly good opportunities to be with beautiful women or among real scientists post in a thread like this...

>> No.2502987

just because you said we can't.

>> No.2502990
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>thinks people on 4chan tell the truth about their employment or lack there of.
>thinks mouth wash and dental floss will fool others into believing that you didn't wake up with a wealth of smegma remains in your mouth, largely due to a variety of oral sexual activity with other homosexual male's.

>> No.2502995

I don't know what you think being a successful scientist is, but its not 18 hours a day of fucking women and stroking beards with other scientists.

>> No.2502998

you can if you're not rational
and how would you make 100k/y if you are not

the only other logical conclusion would be that he looks like a freak so that even money can't help his case

>> No.2503000
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By virtue of their good employment, they are socially awkward, and so hang out here.

Also, duty calls.

>> No.2503005

I'll admit I didn't actually read the thread.

I just saw the claim that people making 100k don't hang out on /sci/, and being aware that I:

1. hang out on /sci/,
2. make far more than 100k/year

decided to step in and argue.

I'd probably agree with you if you're saying the thread is balls and OP is a faggot, those aren't points of contention.

>> No.2503017
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>> No.2503041

to answer you question OP
- i'm not good looking
- i can't settle for a second class woman/women
- i don't have money
- i don't go out very often
- i've stopped drinking 4-5 years ago(and since i haven't had sex)

and there's this sometimes even the most beautiful women look to me like men, and i don't like men
i can't stand being touched by a woman i don't like
and finally even if i find a girl that i like i won't just go to her and start talking shit, like i usually do with other women when i'm drunk
it has to be mutual or there is no point in doing anything
and i (usually) don't need to go and talk to her to find out whether she likes me
i don't like whores(though i fucked some in my time), i find them disgusting

>> No.2503047

Oh, that's another problem I have. I don't drink nor do recreational drugs. That doesn't help me at parties or the bar, when I am rarely dragged to such things by friends.

>> No.2503238

Trust me. Once you start figuring out how to get women (and it is something you figure out, once I got it I realized it was pretty damn easy), you'll then have to figure out how to keep relationships from ending for bullshit reasons. Once you figure that out, there will be yet another thing you need to figure out.

So, don't think guys who get women are that free-living; there's always some shit going on.

My advice to getting women? FUCKING TALK TO THEM. Show interest, and if you're 300lbs, don't go for some hot chick, know your limits. And don't be a douchebag; women aren't interested in assholes, they're interested in aggressive men, men that won't be all like: "You know..I kinda..um..well, I...really..um..like..you."

I've seen far too many pansies try to get women. Be clear in your interest with them (hell, sometimes I just tell them). Be direct in your actions ("Let's grab a bite to eat."). And start conversations, make them laugh.

Shit ain't hard.

>> No.2503247
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Word man.
I work in geek squad, I'm a freshman (21 though) doing computer science. Yesterday I got a girls phone number. Without asking, she just handed it me.
But I admit that I've been working out for a few month, working ony social skills too, but I didn't know the effect was this pronounced.

>> No.2503278

Wait, you're 21, and digits surprise you?

>> No.2503288

His situation is pretty abnormal. I'm 22, and I've only ever gotten one (cute) girl's phone number without asking.

>> No.2503292
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Because I've devoted a great deal of my life to science I am a success, because I am a success I have developed confidence, status, classy social skills and meet a lot of people, I have more respect and friends than most people who devote their lives to hedonism.

>banged somebody that looks like this (18 year old) girl
>18 year old
Obviously your view on real people's sex lives is based on internet porn and your own subjective fetishes. I can see right through you.

>> No.2503318


>implying shes attractive


Pretty accurate, IMO. It also helps to have a sense of style; Work out regularly (or at least run 2 miles a day); and have some wit to match whatever topics you converse with these women about.

If you do have money though, you'll be leagues ahead of others because you can potentially get wild card shit that would be too expensive for others like helicopter rides to x place for a valentines day yacht dinner.

Like the man says - scoring with women isnt hard, its more like a chemistry equation! You gotta figure out which chemical you gotta act like to get them to trust you and you're in, then you gotta try to maintain it which is another beast entirely, women constantly go through changes like monthly and it can be cumbersome but rewarding at times.

>> No.2503341

Why not OP?
Because I dont want to waste my time, I would rather post on 4chan or study.
Like a diffrent anon said, your never going to lose bitches chasing money.

>> No.2503342

because im into milfs

>> No.2503353

You're still in the first stage of acceptance.

>> No.2503364

>I have more respect and friends than most people who devote their lives to hedonism.

This is not germane but, out of a personal curiosity, do you condemn/dislike hedonism?

>> No.2503400

And everyone else who's lost their virginity?
Condemn? I never even said "condemn". You're projecting your own beliefs onto me, this is a common trait among bigots and bullies, all of which I am familiar with. Like I said, I've seen straight through you, and as long as you don't retreat into back into your delusions I will continue to inform you that you are mentally sick.

>> No.2503404

Did you flunk out of Troll Community College?

>> No.2503418

You projected your own anxieties onto /sci/ and you were calmly informed that you are a mentally sick bigot, that's all. If you weren't pathologically obsessed with denying this fact you would have stopped posting by now, so if anything I'm trolling you.

>> No.2503422
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Let's see how long I can keep you responding.

>> No.2503428

>>2503418 here
I'm going to stop responding now, for the record here is a tripcode.

Well, bye, bigot.

>> No.2503435

>You're projecting your own beliefs onto me, this is a common trait among bigots and bullies, all of which I am familiar with.


>> No.2503436
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Be seeing you.

>> No.2503453

i was 19 and had a 15 yo chick which is legal where im from, she had cute emo hair, lots of piercings but was as fucked as one could be, anyway i now have a chick that does engineering and cooks :]