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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2501633 No.2501633 [Reply] [Original]

Very short thread.

Just wanted to say that everything has been said about religion and comparable ridiculous ideas.

Any further conversation is useless. All the necessary information is out there. Nobody can say anything original about this nonsense anymore. This failure of thought is a dead end - we will never get any further. Thus debating it is a waste of time.

If you are a person who believes despite being familiar with all the arguments against your believe then there is simply nothing more to say. Nothing will ever change your mind.

If you are not familiar with all the arguments out there then, again, I don't have to say anything. Just look them up.

The only persons who are worth talking to on this subject are people who don't have access to the Internet or libraries etc.

Does everybody agree?

>> No.2501639

No, because the Bible says to spread the Word.

Can't stop doin' it.

>> No.2501650

They won't look them up.

>> No.2501655
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Too bad.

I'm not going to rest until I reveal to all monotheists that they are being trolled hard.

>> No.2501808


I was like you when I was young. Guess you are in your twenties?

I am 36 now and I can tell you: It's the same shit over and over and over again and again and over and again over again.

Now I am so frustrated that I simply tell people who talk about religion to fuck off. Really - I am one of these "oh he is so rude - you can't argue with him."

But I don't care "fuck off" is shortest and best answer because they are too dumb to understand anything else anyway.

>> No.2501815
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>Just wanted to say that everything has been said about religion
stopped reading

>> No.2502047
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You just need to find clever ways to tell them the truth. Find ways to turn their whole world upside down.

Ie. Tell them that satan wrote the bible and is tricking them to this day. That one fucking works I guarantee it

Troll math related

>> No.2502065

You're on /sci/ talking about religion?

A board comprised of, surprisingly, scientists.

A field in which 99% of individuals are either athiest or agnostic.

Why are you here?

>> No.2502096

I'm afraid that I'd have to disagree with you to some extent, OP. I too was once a self-proclaimed "Christfag," and it was only through those that would bother to spread these arguments that I ever found out about them. At the time, I took them with much chagrin as most any religious person would, an "offense upon their faith" so to speak, but in the end I am glad that individuals such as those went out of their way to do so, because I almost certainly NEVER would have ventured out on my own. I now lead a much more content life.

Not really science, sadly.