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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2495275 No.2495275 [Reply] [Original]

Bachelors in International Relations from UBA
Masters in International Relations from John Hopkins
Masters in Business Admin from Harvard
PhD in Politics, Economics and Philosophy from Harvard.

How much money can I realistically make

>> No.2495284

I don't know, how much does manager at Mickey d's pay?

>> No.2495299
File: 23 KB, 292x509, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in Politics/Philosophy

>> No.2495300


UBC*. Lol UBA is a shit school.

>> No.2495308

>dem degrees
lol wat

>> No.2495310


With those degrees he could probably be a regional manager.

>> No.2495315

Well, considering jobs for those degrees aren't really in demand, probably next to nothing.

Should've just stayed home and taught yourself programming. At least programmers are making $50-90k a year (without degrees)

>> No.2495318

what the fuck!? You must have been in school for at least 20 years.

professional student

>> No.2495333

ITT: People who have never heard of think tanks and other Academic instituations like the CFR and trilateral commission, Carnegie institute, etc etc.

Also you can teach at some top tier schools with those degrees.

>> No.2495339

>from UBA
>University of Buenos Aires


>> No.2495342

you're right we've never heard of such instituations. you fucking retard. i hope you die

>> No.2495345


>four degrees.
>20 years.

What the fuck is wrong with you retard.

>> No.2495349

As if anyone with those qualifications would care about money, blatant troll.

>> No.2495350


If people have never heard of them, thats why they suggested manager position at Mcdicks right?

>> No.2495354


>Not care about money.


>> No.2495357
File: 71 KB, 729x729, 1265282553740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least programmers are making $50-90k a year (without degrees)

>> No.2495361


50-90k a year.

>implying I want chump change.

>> No.2495362

get those degrees first, bitch

>> No.2495367

u shud b president lawl

>> No.2495366

>implying they don't

Sounds like someone is out of touch with reality! :0

>> No.2495371
File: 20 KB, 378x358, 1287223452115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harvard MBAs don't care about money

>> No.2495373




>> No.2495378

>people saying that Harvard MBAs aren't in demand or that they manage mcdonalds
>shows how out of touch /sci/ is with the real world

Someone with those degrees can get any non-technical job that they want.

>> No.2495382

Actually programmers tend to make the most money.

I know way too many pure science and engineering students who are stuck working shit jobs with degrees they can't do anything with, meanwhile anyone with a good solid mind and experience in serious programming is doing extremely well.

Most of the people in IT making this money don't have degrees, either.

>> No.2495384


I enjoy how well you mastered the English language.

>> No.2495397

>implying a typo means any form of intellectual error

>weak and depseratefag detected

Enjoy bottomfeeding and looking for grammatical errors as your means to justify your shit existence.

>> No.2495399


How the fuck did you get 3 PhD's in that?

You have heard of tri-disciplinary PhDs right?

Incase you are too stupid to realize, despite it have three different disciples it's all one PhD.

>> No.2495409


Confirmed for someone who hates academics. And people who succeed in school. Nice insecurities you got there.

>> No.2495418


Well when you don't capitalize a single letter, I wouldn't consider that a "typo".

You must be in elementary school.

Also you shouldn't go around calling people retards, when you yourself, is unable to formulate proper sentences.

>> No.2495423
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>> No.2495425

I have a friend with a Bachelor's in international relations that got hired straight out of college by the FBI. It helped that he knew a foreign language fluently because he lived overseas for a couple years.

Goddamn with those degrees you can do practically anything you want that isn't science or engineering and make $200,000 a year easy. Fucking hell you can become a US Senator for those degrees then spend your retired years giving lectures for millions of dollars. If you fail at becoming a senator (there's only 100 of them at a time) you can be a top manager or CEO of most companies.

People in this thread are stupid as fuck thinking only science and engineering earn you money.

>> No.2495427


PhD in Politics, Economics and Philosophy from Harvard.


Phd in Politics
Phd in economics
Phd in philosophy.

There is a fucking difference.

>> No.2495428

faggots complaining about grammer on 4chan, the armpit of the internet

>> No.2495430

Easily 6 figures


>> No.2495437


Unable to come up with a logical response.
Call two different people samefags.

You really don't belong here. Get back to /b/

>> No.2495431

>programmers tend to make the most money
>as compared to Harvard MBAs

>> No.2495440

>Any thinktank you want
>300k starting

>> No.2495449


Have you seen the amount of independent programmers making great money?

Zuckerberg, the independent people who develop apps, other random stuff here and there.

Doesn't have to be a corporate job brah

>> No.2495456


>implying it was two different people


>> No.2495468


Aw, another person out of touch with reality.

Look, I know people feel entitled that their $100k+ degrees should entitle them to a job making as much per year, but that's not at allllll how the real world works.

Sorry, brah. You'll learn soon enough :3

>> No.2495471

Again you are unable to formulate a logic response, so you resort to 4chan rhetoric.

Do you just come here to troll /sci/?

Now do you understand what rhetoric means or do I need to explain it to you?

>> No.2495487

>lol, majoring in Accounting? have you seen how much pro athletes make?

>Lebron, Tiger Woods, Federer, other random players here and there

An incredibly few people making some money does not make programming a good career.

>> No.2495498


I think it's pretty cute that you think you can formulate a real response.

I'll just smile and nod at you :3

Especially since you're off in the corner talking to yourself.

>> No.2495499


Have you seen how much authors make?

JK rowling, Stephen king, Dan brown.

tl;dr: a few minorities does not mean that, that career is lucrative.

OP can get any non science/non engineering related job with those degrees.

>> No.2495511


That doesn't necessarily mean he personally cared about money.
If he was a PhD in philosophy, i'm sure he would care more for the greater good than for himself.

Nice try and being closed minded and ignorant though.

>> No.2495513

>tl;dr: a few minorities does not mean that, that career is lucrative.

Um, you're saying the same thing about this dude. We're talking practical real life jobs, not some "get lucky and make millions as a senator" easy way paycheck. Not gonna happen.

Dude is better off teaching himself programming since your average self-taught and experienced programmer is still making more than your run-of-the-mill college grade.

>> No.2495525


>run-of-the-mill college grade.
>OP's degrees.


>not some "get lucky and make millions as a senator" easy way paycheck

With those degrees if OP wanted to become a US senator, he will become a US senator.

>> No.2495536


It's time to stop posting.

>> No.2495538


why would 1 PhD be offered in 3 subjects combined? To get those three would take, on average, 15 years.

>> No.2495548

I was working as a manager. My store manager probably brought home about 70k when it was all said and done. not bad for running a fucking mcdonalds.

>> No.2495566


Instead of spending two years learning one discipline, you spend two years learning a bit of all three.

How is this concept to hard for you to understand?

>> No.2495580


It's time you stop being retarded, and jealous at other people who have more degrees than you.

Or you can just face up to your insecurities

>> No.2495602


PhD's generally take 5 years for each subject and are focused on learning research skills as well as developing familiarity with cutting-edge developments in your field.

I am a student in the AB econ program at harvard, and I can say with absolute certainty that no combination degrees exist at the PhD level like that. You would need to complete three separate programs at about 5 years each.

>> No.2495625


Or you can go do some research on the subject at hand.

A quick google search within the first three links comes up with this


Granted it's York university, so it's LOL worthy, but the PHDs do exist.

>> No.2495647


You see instead of focusing on one, you focus on all three.

Some people are smart, and is able to do rigorous academic work. If you can't comprehend this, then that means you most likely can't do a tri-disciplinary PHD.

>> No.2495688


the rigors of a good PhD program are such that you just can't focus on 3 separate disciplines with the required depth. Graduation standards must otherwise be MUCH lower to accommodate all three, particularly in such a short time span.

Such a combination would invariably be a bullshit degree.

>> No.2495704


Can't comprehend the idea of some people being so successful and motivated that they can do 3 different subjects in one.

It's ok, just because you are dumb doesn't mean everyone else.

>> No.2495753


In my time in college I have had two professors holding Nobel Prizes and I am currently doing research with a Clark medal winner. Only one completed their PhD in less then 4 years, and all have relayed that it was the most difficult thing they ever did. In short, either you are full of shit or British Universities are so backwards that they don't attempt to teach their students anything significant.

>> No.2495780


>British university

Confirmed for retard.

>> No.2495798


had you read the earlier posts you would have realized that harvard does not have any such program.

>> No.2495804

Oh come on, a tri-focus PhD is obviously going to be less rigorous in each subject than a Math PhD for example. Don't be a stupid [Neil Degrasse Tyson]

>> No.2495831


Actually it does. The post of a person of 4chan doesn't make it different.

If it doesn't then explain why I have a piece of paper from Harvard stating that I have that degree.

>> No.2495839


Photoshop perhaps?

link me to the degree description:

>> No.2495911

>tri-focus PhD

why even do that though
why even offer it at universities

a triforce phd isn't going to be as comprehensive as a regular phd

>> No.2495916

>triforce PhD


>> No.2495928

more breadth, less depth. Would probaby be better for the job market as well, with more varied skills.

>> No.2495975

I'm not so sure. I'm on a search committee right now for a tenure-track professorship position and we've all but eliminated the Ivy League applicants. They're brilliant and they're driven, but they're just not grounded.

>> No.2498023


>> No.2498068


the point of a phd is depth though.

>> No.2498078


becoming a senator has more to do with who you know than what you know.