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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2494446 No.2494446 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ describe a perfect society?

>> No.2494470
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One without you.

>> No.2494478
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No juice.

>> No.2494487


A society in which governmental coercion is limited to protection of life, liberty and property and everything is done by voluntary firms/companies/associations of individuals in a free market. Thus, maximizing the freedom of the individual and the well-being of the community.

Tl;dr: Libertarian-Minarchism.

Inb4 Neo-Communist, Neo-Malthusian & Eco-Fascist "Resource-Based Economy!" Zeitgeist bullshit.

>> No.2494494
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>> No.2494497

Judging by the amount of faggotry I've seen, I'm gonna go ahead and say one without women.

>> No.2494498

I would be very interested in seeing the results of such a society.

>> No.2494552

thread's aren't science related just because you asked the science board their opinion on something.

>> No.2494558

A post-scarcity economy with personal supercomputers where freely distributed entertainment is downloaded for matrix-like simulators.

It will be a triumph.

>> No.2494577

Everyone has the freedom to commit "crimes" but understands that they cause some sort of suffering to another being and so, does not commit them. There would be no purpose for a government other than to prevent/stop any natural suffering (Ex. fires, disease)

>> No.2494589


>in b4 your libertarian-minarchist government claims that to uphold your liberty to life, your liberity of property and actions must be curtailed

>> No.2494599


your wishes reek of obesity.

>> No.2494626


how about psychopaths? they would be quite unsullied by any consciousness of moral duty, and what's more, they would have the "freedom" to commit crimes without repurcussions.

unless you choose to classify their behaviour under "natural suffering", in which you must case extend the powers of the authorities to deal not just with forest fires and earthquakes, but people too.

>> No.2494635

Remove every single conspiracy theorist and religious person from this world, leaving only reasonably logical people behind. This is the closest to utopia the world would ever be.

>> No.2494648

A hyper-individualist free market society, basically anarcho-capitalism. I want DIY biology, where people are free to manipulate their genes in any way, and companies could design templates of body designs and various genes to augment ourselves.

>> No.2494658
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>> No.2494659


>> No.2494666

We are always dealing with problems and working our asses off to fix them. Just like the lion hunting the gazelle, just like the androids in the future taking care of us. Life is always like that and always will be.

Our society is perfect because it moves on.

>> No.2494681

> How does /sci/ describe a perfect society?
Population 0.

>> No.2494686
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I know, wouldn't it be the best?

>> No.2494685

>>2494446 How does /sci/ describe a perfect society?

>> No.2494690


What societal problems have been fixed?

>> No.2494703


>Implying that Objectivism isn't opposed to any form of agression or coercion, and thus Randian-Heroes "play by their own rules" and start killing each other.

>> No.2494706

There is no such thing as a perfect society, but what we have is the best possible society.

>> No.2494711

Me, alone.

>> No.2494716


it would be hell on earth.

>> No.2494727

>Unthinking robots manage everything.
>Limitless goods and services.
>Boundless experiences in simulators.
>Humans have complete freedom.

The Horror. the horror.

>> No.2494733

Deus Ex: Invisible War -> Denton/Helios ending:


>> No.2494734
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Good luck enforcing those wonderful moral precepts in a state of nature.

>> No.2494736
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In the interest of honesty, I must add that goods and services will be practically limitless, not literally limitless.

>> No.2494742


Not everyone's identity is a meta-physical, ego-driven fag-fest . Some of us enjoy engaging with the world

>> No.2494751
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You can still freely interact with the world. I am certain people will be naturally driven to your charm and wonderful personality.

>> No.2494763


That's okay, you'll die off soon enough.

>> No.2494765

Post-scarcity society, some for of pseudoimmortality (biological or mind uploading or both) and some form of human-like AIs are developed. Laws themselves are as minimalist as possible, they should ensure the freedom of the people, and would be meant to prevent natural disasters and crimes like murder, no jail, but some peaceful form of re-eduction where one's motives are for comitting a crime are understood and work should be done towards avoiding repeating the same crime again (if the person would be likely to do it again, if not, he should be released, although I'm not talking light psychological testing here - I'm talking about a state where our neuroscience and psychology is advanced enough to truly understand if a person is lieing, what are his motivations for the crime and so on); most crimes shouldn't exist as there would be no poverty, although crimes of passion could still exist, in which case we should work towards avoiding/reducing those harmful parts of ourselves which could cause it (for example: jealousy). Of course, in the event of mind uploading, murder itself would probably be meaningless as one could have remote backups and actually destroying someone would require massive global efforts. The other types of crimes which could be troublesome would be those whose goal is to destroy the system which assures everyone lives nicely, such cases should be analyzed and understood and progress should be made in a way that the individual would understand that the system is actually for their benefit too (of course, unless they just want to die and take everyone with them, in which case as sad as it is, they're free to terminate themselves). No silly laws against victimless crimes as well.

Everyone would be free to advance society at their own terms. Expanding into space should be one such goal after this system is stable enough.

tl;dr: Heaven where people cannot destroy anyone's existence (except their own) or the system's existence.

>> No.2494779
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>> No.2494785


seriously, why would you want everything handed to you like that? How is that living? Have you never noticed how quickly you get bored with things? Desire, anticipation and reward are basic elements of being human.

>> No.2494787


>Implying a Minarchist-Government wouldn't be able to protect those principles whit out interfering in the liberties of individuals or leaving the Laissez-Faire policy.

>> No.2494794


Post-Scarcity Libertarianism?

Do want.

>> No.2494797

If you don't want a post-scarcity society, impose your own set of personal handicaps.

>> No.2494799

We take showers. With soap. That's an incredible improvement. We can comunicate instantly even though we are very far away, that's also incredible. We have stuff like UN, human rights, democracy.

It's obvious that none of that is perfect, that UN is not as effective as it looks like, that hygiene is not acessible by all the people. But those are other problems of another era, just like ethical problems with scientific research, enviromental issue, freedom of press and so on. But at least we got press, you know what I mean.

The richest person on Earth in the 13th century didn't have something as cool as an instant hot shower, which is everywhere today.