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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 386x359, Reflective [Magic] (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490864 No.2490864 [Reply] [Original]

In college today we were studying: Language and Technology, and we were shown various opposites with the symbols "++" "+" "=" "-" "--" which marked columns, that laid between them; we then had to tick the relevant column, which was relevant to the given topic. For example:

"Voice Calls"
Spoken ++ + = - -- Written
(Obviously voice calls are 'spoken', so you would tick the '++' for it's mostly Spoken mode).

Now, in this list of opposites was 'technical' - and the opposite was 'non-technical' - which is bullshit, for the opposite of technical is 'natural'; this is an example of subliminal poisoning, please try to notice it in your education.

>> No.2490867

aether, you know full well that language is the form of thought and its confines as well. You can think things for which there is no language, but you cannot share them. Human epistemology is the extent of all human ability and all failure.

you are ill, or you are brilliant, but it doesn't matter to anyone which possibility is the truth.

>> No.2490875
File: 34 KB, 400x400, Reflective [Magic] (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can prove you're the ill one, it's just that your illness makes you mumble words and dribble on your keyword - it's like an extra word-orientated immune system. "Here's proof you're a retard," and then your system, "NO! YOU'RE WRONG, THAT'S OPINION, PROVE IT WITH ONES, YOUR INSANE. NO! STOP POSTING. SCIENCE IS REAL. MATHEMATICS IS THE ONLY TRUTH. I'M AN INDIVIDUAL. NO".

>> No.2490881

I'm just as schizo as you are, and I find it funny that you can imagine my supposed word-salad with such ease.

I'm your twin, your opposite. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm telling you that you can't speak a thought for which there are no words.

>> No.2490885


Schizo samefagging going on here.

>> No.2490888

nah, I'm not aether. I understand him a bit though. He seems to go away if you empathize with him, his mania is urgent and requires confirmation.

>> No.2490894
File: 42 KB, 500x411, Reflective [Magic] (0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, your system even tags me with 'mental illnesses'. You're the one who's current state of mind is unnatural, if anything, you're tagging me as 'scitzo' because I'm not submitting to be an unnatural abomination like you are. I don't find you funny at all, I find me funny, and you're not my twin either, you're nothing like me, you're just a walking concept, the number '1'; you don't believe in creation, yet, you were created, just by other humans and their mysticism. You're disgusting, ugly, you're an abstraction - the fact you don't care is a sign of your budding weakness. It took so long for them to control us like this, and that doesn't matter to you, because they used wizard in education and 'changed your mind'. I'm not weak, I'm human, don't tag me with things that apply to only '1's.

>> No.2490898

You don't know me, and if you did you'd find nothing to disagree with.

If the language corrupts, you are just as corrupt as I am for speaking it.

>> No.2490903
File: 203 KB, 563x1527, ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2490864 the opposite of technical is 'natural'
Pic related.

>> No.2490906
File: 66 KB, 318x318, Reflective [Magic] (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I do know you, you're a walking number '1', and you're a robot, and AI, and you have no control of yourself - you're not one of those cool aware robots, you're not made with quality programming, you're a walking retard that's been trained to do tricks for other peoples bidding. Now, fuck off, abomination. Woof woof.

>> No.2490909
File: 68 KB, 936x804, Reflective [Magic] (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology is Artificial you fucking retard.

>> No.2490913

spoiling for a fight tonight, huh?

you manage to give up masturbation yet? How are you feeling, proving me wrong? Good? Pleasure? Carry on then. Someday your demons are going to have to shut up.

>> No.2490921
File: 237 KB, 787x783, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when I never read any aether thread and all his posts below OP are hidden

>> No.2490918
File: 9 KB, 200x180, Reflective [Magic] (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, yes, I am having fun. Isn't this what science is about, proving shit? Well, I've proved my point, time and time again, so why aren't you doing something about this new gained knowledge? "Robotics"

>> No.2490927
File: 94 KB, 479x320, Reflective [Magic] (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not just gonna let you kill humanity, I'm not like you people - I was created by God, not by Man.

>> No.2490928

I had your knowledge before you were born son. You can't impose unstructured thought, there is no medium in which it can be carried. I do love watching you try though.

>> No.2490934
File: 11 KB, 259x194, Reflective [Magic] (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, don't lie, I hate liars, you're just weak like a mouse, a mouse-robot, that's a perfect example. You will never do anything good for us, only for you, so even if you are remembered, it will be short-lived, and the real people who are doing something for the world, will know you were never anything special.

>> No.2490945

truth, whether you're speaking of you or me.

do you think you're proving points for my benefit? I already agree with you...

is it for the benefit of those that don't understand? they won't understand. the words you hate are the same words they use.

is it for your pleasure? you admit you're having fun. again, I thought you were giving up masturbation... yet here you are again tossing pearls. Peace is the same as death, why would I wish you either?

>> No.2490960
File: 10 KB, 286x251, Reflective [Magic] (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I just don't like you, it's not you I'm trying to help, it's us, and luckily there are still some of us out there. Your kind fuel wars, your kind is responsible for most of the dead bodies found underground - your kind is the reason the air is so polluted, and the reason why there are so much hatred in society. We would be better off without your kind, so why are you still here?

>> No.2490977

and yet you give me the power to shape your actions. there are no words you can speak that will change anything. No symbols you can put on paper that will move anything. you are the mouse, screaming at the cat that'll eat you.
Sucks to be you right now, but you can't help it.

>> No.2490990
File: 5 KB, 256x196, Reflective [Magic] (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the persistence with your suppressing what I say? You choose to not ally with humanity, but rather, instead of being in the middle, not caring, you choose to be the enemy of humanity.

>> No.2491046

reported for SCIENCE!

>> No.2491051

I'm not suppressing a damn thing. I am your sounding board, your reason to keep talking.

talk on. empty your cup, pour your wisdom upon the board. you know how that goes already though. if it produces no results aside from your pleasure and the irritation of others, then it was time well spent. I'm off to stroke my cock, for exactly the same reasons.

>> No.2491060
File: 68 KB, 473x520, Reflective [Magic] (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not doing anything? So what exactly are you doing now then?

>> No.2491190
File: 107 KB, 1030x264, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one, like the cut of /tg/'s jib.