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2487713 No.2487713 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is with this piece of shit channel?

And History channel.

Every fucking time I turn it on, "American Pickers" or "Gold Rush: Alaska"

While we're at it: Syfy showing "Ghost Hunters". I fucking give up. The only good channels left are turning into nonsensical bullshit that doesn't belong.


>> No.2487720

The only good television is on the internet now. It's unfortunate

>> No.2487717

PROTIP: don't watch TV

>> No.2487728

discovery science is really good

>> No.2487725
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>science channel
>mfw survivorman marathon

>> No.2487735

discovery canada is still decent

>> No.2487758

Not as bad as over here in Europe.

'And this conclueds WW II battles, up next WW II in colour and HD!. After that we travel back in time to the industrial revolution and bore you to death with trains!'

All day every day.

>> No.2487759

OP is retarded.

50% of the shows on Discovery Networks (TLC, History, Discovery, Military) is shit designed for unemployed blue-color men who have been decimated by the recession. They have no jobs, and if they are employed their prospects suck. So the sit around, drink Keystone and touch themselves while watching equally macho and uneducated men chopping down trees or fishing next to icebergs or digging for shiny rocks.

The Alaska mining one is hilarious. The redneck miners think they can produce gold ore more cheaply than Chinese slave laborers with no overhead spent bullshit like "safety precautions" or "holidays",

>> No.2487833


How does that imply OP is retarded? I don't find it amusing to watch rednecks on channels that are supposed to be for other more important topics. Save the redneck shit for TBS, USA, or MTV.

>> No.2487845

I like the shows that are obviously designed specifically to scare old folks.

>> No.2487854

>blue-color men
Fucking smurfs

>> No.2488699

Just checked History channel...

"Pawn Stars" "Pawn Stars" "Pawn Stars" "Pawn Stars" "Pawn Stars"


"Destroyed" "Destroyed" "Destroyed" "Destroyed" "Destroyed" "Destroyed"
...what the fuck.

>> No.2488735

Holy crap, are you me?

The thing that gets me with Gold Rush, is that they piss and moan into the camera, "How will ah feed mah keeds naow", yet the producers are paying them to keep this charade up. This is why I stopped watching television.

>> No.2488772

The discovery science channel is pretty good. Check out An Idiot Abroad.

>> No.2488821
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> science channel
> tell's me to check out a non-science related program
> mfw

>> No.2488818

The worst are "Ice Road Truckers" and "Deadliest Catch".Who the fuck wants to know about truck drivers and fishers? Fucking hillbilly show...

>> No.2488836

>don't have cable at home
>go to parents to watch their dogs while they're away
>check history channel hoping for some stimulating TV
>some shit about food technology

Seriously, every time I have checked the history channel, it's fucking ALWAYS about food tech. What the fuck?

>> No.2488858

I thought everybody in america ABSOLUTELY LOVED food ?

Don't deny :)

>> No.2488873


How can studying a retard not make for entertaining science?

>> No.2488883
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This reminds me of the thread I did yesterday.

>> No.2488893

I'm denying.

I remember watching the history channel as I was getting ready to head off to class during to high school, they talked about fucking HISTORY.

Now whenever I check it it's about fucking pizza or soda or candy. Fucking retarded.

>> No.2488917

It's the MTV2 effect - if you want actual "history", watch the History International channel

>> No.2488926

But you can't look away, you must HAVE that pizza, soda or candy don't you ?


>> No.2488929


>> No.2488938

So you guys wanted a less "elitist" science channel? Now you have it. Discovery channel is a good example of why science should keep away the masses.

>> No.2488950

I'll take that as a compliment,

Thank you :)

>> No.2488977

The '90s ended over 10 years ago. Cancer set in. What do you want OP?

>> No.2488975

What? I never asked for a less elitist science channel. I wanted more elitist science programming.

>> No.2488987


This guy looks legit.
I think I can trust him.

>> No.2488988

/o/ here. Top Gear on History? yeeeeee boyyyyyyyy

>> No.2489005

The "History" channel hasn't really been about history for a while. The closest they get nowadays are "documentaries" that try to scare you into thinking that the antichrist will come in the next few weeks, which usually have some historical content in between the interviews with conspiracy nuts and religious extremists.

When Cartoon Network started showing live action TV and Comedy Central started showing Tosh.0, I just fucking gave up on there ever being any correlation between a network's name and its content.

>> No.2489019

Theres a fucking transformer in the "I love the whole world" commercial

>> No.2489020
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I used to watch discovery and (especially) history channel because of ww2 related documentaries and since I was interested in anything war and strategy related stuff, it was feelsgoodman.jpg

Now it mostly complete bullshit shows like motherfucking truckers or lumberjacks or other low paying jobs. If it is not that it is conspiracy or some custom car/choppers/whatever.

I want detailed strategic/tactical analysis of battles and technical specification of different weapon platforms and how does it compare against other similar designs not motherfucking Nostradamus.

Only redeeming quality and worth to watch on history is universe series (and even that is mostly watered down for mass appeal, fuck your idiotic analogies)

Pic fucking related, bring back the nazis.

>> No.2489042
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History: Pawn Stars, Pawns Stars, Nazis, Pawn Stars
Discovery: Better drink my own piss.
MTV: Everything but music.

>> No.2489077

Looking at history channel schedule right now. The only shows which DO somehow relate to history coming up are:

Tomorrow 6AM: Real West
Tomorrow 8AM&2PM: Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked
Tuesday 6AM: Civil War Journal
Tuesday 7AM&1PM: Jesse James' Hidden Treasure
Tuesday8PM&10PM&12AM&2AM: Only in America With Larry the Cable Guy

other than that, pretty much nothing except Pawn Stars and infomercials.

>> No.2489079

Discovery isn't a science channel, they have a science channel for being a science channel.

The History channel used to be about nothing but Hitler, when that got boring they went to more mass appeal shows that talk about some Hisotry. The items they feature on Pawn Stars usually have some sort of historical signifigance. US Top Gear strains to add automotive history.

Ghiost Hunters is fiction with fictional science backing it up.

But the point you are missing is that there are speciality channels by the same people who make these channels that focus on specific areas. The flagship channels go for a more mass appeal.

Except for TLC. It used to be The Learning Channel, now it is the women's learning channel, meaning it contains no content of any substance on any level.

>> No.2489089

Holy fucking fuck.

>> No.2489115

discovery science and military channel are really the only channels i watch whenever i flip it on anymore.

i haet tv these days. its so fucking pathetic. really makes me have doubts about the future of the human race.

adult swim is ok though.

>> No.2489121
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>> No.2489135

Television is seriously the most depressing media you will ever witness.

>> No.2489138
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National Geographic channel is alright.
>Animal Planet
>domesticated or house hold pets everywhere
>no actual wild animals

>Travel channel
>just shows about food

I miss the days when stuff like Planet Earth came out like every week.

>The Universe
>on History Channel

>> No.2489142

>History, formerly known as The History Channel, is an international satellite and cable TV channel that broadcasts programs regarding blue collar Americana, occult, pseudoscientific, and paranormal phenomena

oh god wikipedia oh god

>> No.2489150

I like jeopardy and wheel of fortune.

>> No.2489181

>get on-demand
>watch Research Channel

>> No.2489204

>get library card
>go to university library

>grab remote
>sit down in front of TV

>> No.2489212

wikipedia wins again.

>> No.2489250
File: 599 KB, 1280x1024, HIstory Channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its on the internet forever

>> No.2489364


>> No.2489383

Ah, the FOX News of the internet

>> No.2489387

TV broadcasters are shiting their pants because they are becoming less and less relevant.

The main ISPs in Canada are trying to force Netflix and other services out because they also own TV networks and they don't want to change.

>> No.2489401

are ou fapping to .gifs?

>> No.2489454

You got something against GIFs?

>> No.2489471

Even NOVA has gone full retard.

>> No.2489514

ITT: Elitists and hipsters! Elitists and hipsters everywhere!

>> No.2489525
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The American TopGear is aweful.
This coming from an American.

Anyway, at least we still have History International, Nat Geo Wild, and Smithsonian. I agree with the general premise of the thread that American TV is getting worse (prime example: The American script for 'Life'... oh god, I can't blame it all on Oprah...)

>> No.2489532

Most parts of US Top Gear are awful, but it was acceptable filler waiting for the new season of Proper Top Gear to start.

Better than the Australian version, in any case.

>> No.2489535

it shouldn't be surprising that tv is getting worse. now that all the smart people use the internet to get media, tv has to cater to the stupidest part of society.

>> No.2489540

Oh wow, I didn't even know there was an Australian version.
I'll have to look that up one day.

>> No.2489545

Funny, when TV was first invented the aim of it was to provide education to all the masses you had it, and then it just descended into people wanting entertainment over education. And that's pretty much the rule with TV, entertainment over education. Hell, that's basically the mindset your average American has: entertainment over education.

>> No.2489558

Actually it's the stupidest parts of society that are now opting to get their media online, instead of the actual smart people.

>> No.2489578
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your last statement there reminded me of this
(I'd post it but "Image Resolution too large"):


>> No.2489595
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>> No.2489597

Discovery about 5 years ago used to be mostly Earth Science. (Geology, Tectonic plates, that sort for thing) or something with aliens.

OH and How it's Made is like the Siren of TV shows. You think you'll only watch it once and suddenly 9 and a half hours have passed.

>> No.2489643

Does anyone know when these channels started degrading and why? Maybe we can try to fix this.

>> No.2489648
File: 344 KB, 1024x681, transcendence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, 'How It's Made' is the single best 'background noise' show on the planet. I used to pop that on and do whatever (homework, housework, etc.). It's awesome.

(Too bad I don't get Science Channel in my apartment with my basic cable)

>> No.2489651

Like I said when I was in high school I remember the history channel actually playing history shows and I'm only 21 now. But I'd say television has been degrading since at least when MTV stopped playing music.

>> No.2489652

Because ratings and money.

Really, your only hope is change the people who watch TV. But nope - everyone who doesn't fit the bill has already bailed out and doesn't watch anymore.

>> No.2489680

>everyone who doesn't fit the bill has already bailed out and doesn't watch anymore.

which exacerbates the problem. smart people leave, they create stupider shows, less smart people leave, they create even stupider shows, and the cycle continues.

>> No.2489696

... until marketers realize that the total viewing audience is getting small compared to the total population, and they go find the new niche market (where the smart people went) and start producing for them as well.

>> No.2489716

actually, if the marketers are smart they will just stop at the middle of the bell-curve where the majority of the population is.

but i think they've already gone below that.

>> No.2489727

I called it a niche market for a reason.
Where there's people, there's money.

>> No.2489729

>i think they've already gone below that

you overestimate the average american. that too was described by dunning and kruger.

>> No.2489732

I don't think that will ever happen. TV is HUGE. It's insane how much some people watch TV every week. There are just too many retards out there who cling to celebrity gossip, shitty rehash sitcoms, Judge Judy, spinoffs, all the other retarded shit on TV. It's fucking staggering to know how much shit there is for people to watch.

>> No.2489745

... and if that number drops below 50% of adults?
Hell, I don't even know what the numbers are like now.

>> No.2489749

The networks are there to sell commercials. Full Stop.

When cable was still somewhat optional, these networks offered "niche" programming. Now that most people get a huge bundle of stations, there is less revenue derived from selling the rights to broadcast.

Hence, every one of these stations attempt to get high ratings so they can sell more commercials. Americans, and I'm assuming people around the world, have responded to "Reality TV", and now that is all you have.

Blame MTV. I remember when I was a fucking kid, MTV actually played music videos, had television shows about music, bands, etc.

Once "The Real World" came out, that was basically the fall of intelligent television. Now you just show people having shit happen to em, and the masses cheer because they are voyeurs, and because it didn't just happen to them.

tl;dr: Reality TV is what happened and is happening to TV to make it shit. History, Discovery, TLC, are all reality tv networks now, and even Science is going that way.

>> No.2489775


maybe we have a real bias in viewership. Normal americans work 9-5, and might have time to watch tv for only a couple hours in the evening. thus most viewers during other hours are not normal americans, but are the unemployable or lazy or handicapped. tv would be expected to cater to these less intelligent viewers, and even make them feel comfortable with being less intelligent.

weekends are for the kids, late evenings are pure entertainment for adults. The rest of the time is all for the retards and/or housewives.

>> No.2489803

I have had stable fulltime jobs in the past and I didn't plop down in front of the fucking tele from the time I got off to work to when I went to bed.

I got on the net same as I do now or got drunk as fuck or played some vidya. DAMN STRAIGHT SON.

>> No.2489820


I don't have cable tv or any other regular programming. I watch dvd's sometimes, but television bores the shit out of me. Seems pretty dang interesting to everyone else though. We're a tiny minority.

>> No.2489838

I think Larry the cable guy was right when he said that "there was nothing good on TV." But I don't think he should of made his own show to "fix" the problem...

>> No.2489844

im pretty sure we're not a tiny minority. the internet is simply a supirior form of entertainment. i've seen stats and most young adults spend more time on the internet then watching tv.

>> No.2489863

glad to hear it.
I've been alive longer than the internet, and it wasn't always like that. sounds like an improvement to me.

>> No.2490278
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>> No.2490307

Stop bitching, become a /mu/tant.

>> No.2490323

Modern Marvels is God Tier and it shows on History Channel.

>> No.2490355

>Watch Science Channel
>How It's Made all day every day

Fuck yes this show is great.

>> No.2490378
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> mfw emo/goth/punk bookmark

>> No.2490404

Yeah that got stuck on my quick bookmarks somehow. Despite the title, its an awesome video. Look it up on youjizz.

>> No.2490433

Pawn Stars is a bit like Antiques Roadshow if Antiques Roadshow had any entertainment value so it at least makes some level of sense.

>> No.2490460

why do you people watch tv?
haven't you discovered EZTV?
or blinx...

>> No.2490471
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>> No.2490515

>get up at 6 AM
>turn on History
>bum bum, ba bum bummmm!
>sorrowful reflection quote from some Indian chief
>And now, The Wild West
>fuck yeah

>> No.2490522

Science channel and Military channel is pretty bomb OP. Check those out. Also, I love when Animal Planet does the "Things Inside me"/weird diseases.