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2487014 No.2487014 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't anyone created software to replace engineers?
Is there any reason why a computer couldn't do their job?

>> No.2487024

> Is there any reason why a computer couldn't do their job?

Computers cost more than $10 an hour.

>> No.2487046

There are many software packages that can do lots of engineering problems. But understanding all the jargon and tons of variables involves requires a degree basically. So the software just supplements, doesn't replace.

>> No.2487065

It's called MATLAB OP

>> No.2487092

Computers cannot design and control physical systems. So no.

>> No.2487094

So couldn't it be done by technicians then?

>> No.2487097

Engineering is a creative process. Creative processes can never be replaced by computers.

>> No.2487106

>Engineering is a creative process.
Seems like just calculating to me

>> No.2487110

The degree of understanding for many of the problems means by definition someone who can manipulate this stuff is beyond a technician.

>> No.2487116



By the time the computers are capable of doing the engineer's job, most other professions will already be completely computerized anyway. In fact, none of us would work, we'd just be like the fatties in Wall-E.

>> No.2487119

You can dumb down any technical area into just "calculations" if you don't really give a crap.

>> No.2487129


If this were true, the engineers would already be out of jobs, dumbass.

>> No.2487133

Yes. Or physicists/chemists/mathematicians/anyone with half a brain. Engineers are by and large useless... I don't understand why it's a four (or five in someplace) year program when the outcome is the simple ability to use software packages designed by actual smart people

>> No.2487145

>designed by actual smart people
Uhh designed by engineers often times. Nice job being retarded.

>> No.2487148

A four year program in physics/chemistry basically qualifies you to push buttons on analytical machines.

See? See how I can make retarded generalizations like you?

>> No.2487172

A four year program in physics/chemistry prepares you for a PhD in which you can actually discover new knowledge about our universe that nobody else has ever done before.

>> No.2487178

I'm really interested in what you think PhD engineering programs accomplish. Do tell.

>> No.2487205

engineers try to find the best (most efficient) possible solution to a given problem

>> No.2487206


In a few years, they won't even need to have human pilots remotely controlling the predator drones bombing the taliban.

That's one, terrifying example.

>> No.2487230

Current member of the USAF here, that's actually not true. Drones can now take off and land themselves, find and identify targets, etc;
To keep the US military somewhat accountable, however, they are required to get human operator permission to engage said targets with lethal force. There are operators assigned to each drone so that in the case one has a problem, it *can* be manually flown, but it's not a necessity anymore.

>> No.2487232

Oh, some bullshit like "Oh hey we improved efficiency on this engine by 0.4% hurr durr" or something like that. Just improving things that already exist... no real new knowledge.

>> No.2487233

That would be computer science
I have no idea what idea what engineering doctorates do
All the technological breakthroughs and materials are being researched by either physicists or chemists

>> No.2487253


>you will never know what it's like to improve the efficiency of an engine by .4%

>> No.2487271


>doesn't bother to ask a professor what they're working on.
>"i dunno what they do lol"

>> No.2487277


Nigga you best be trollin' or you're just really really stupid. Some of the biggest developments ever were done by engineers.

>> No.2487296

I think most engineering professors are Asian people that wanted to an easy way to get a VISA and a good salary

>> No.2487314

>>Why hasn't anyone created software to replace scientists?
>>Is there any reason why a computer couldn't do their job?

>> No.2487345

Not even close dude
Science requires way more creativity than knowing what kind of gears you need to use to reduce friction or how many steel bars you need so a building won't fall

>> No.2487353

See there's like a 50% chance of troll, 50% chance of actual dipshit highschooler. I'm an engineer and I mix chemicals and play with photolithography all day, the black and white line you seem to have drawn only exists in your own mind.

>> No.2487360


troll. you just changed the argument to scientists vs. engineers.

>> No.2487369

>I'm an engineer and I mix chemicals and play with photolithography all day
Cool story bros
You're still following someone else's instructions on how to do stuff

>> No.2487370

What use is pure knowledge, if somebody doesn't apply it to solve problems?

Face it - scientists need engineers and vice-versa...

>> No.2487378

1. nobody would ever trust it - any company in their right mind would need engineers anyways to double check it
2. no engineers = no one for management to blame when their project is fucked.
3. it would take forever to develop such a program and even longer to debug it. the costs would be enormous.
4. after you made such a program, you'd have no guarantee that the next day there would not be some paradigm shift that made your program completely useless. computers are quick, but people are smart - they can learn more easily.
5. you'd need engineers to develop it anyways, so what's the point? why not cut out the middleman?
6. you could probably replace anyone's job with a computer. the issue is whether or not it's cost efficient. in this case, it's not.

>> No.2487391
File: 117 KB, 600x400, tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is buthurt because we, engineers, have the third most respected profession in the world and can actually apply most of the scientific concept we learn, while also helping in pure scientific fields and of course doing something useful for society.
Because I know that you, OP, don't give a fuck about practical applications (while using a pc, sitting on industrially developed furniture and enjoying artificial illumination)(because it's not real knowledge, hurr durr), yet something based on simple mechanics like the tractors you can see in my pic, is helping to feed the damn world population.


>> No.2487478
File: 60 KB, 480x640, sarah Herdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bump because I hate being the last one to post

>> No.2487641

It's kind of like a victory. Kind of.

>> No.2489148

so why did everyone stopped posting?

>> No.2489151
File: 89 KB, 477x361, 1296680471658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2489174

The software already exists, however the only people able to use it are engineers.

>> No.2489203

Jesus Christ her lab bench is nice. I wish our lab bench was that nice