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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2487453 No.2487453 [Reply] [Original]

Close the door behind you, puny mortals.

>> No.2487467

law should be pushed down

>> No.2487487
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>> No.2487494

where does biology come in?

>> No.2487502

If you're not a medic, you're shit.

>> No.2487507

I will (hopefully) start om my Comp. Sci. MSc theisis next year.

>> No.2487514

What's it about?

>> No.2487554

Fuck off premed wanker. It has to be the height of arrogance to believe that the only practical use of biology is treating the sick.

Biology is a vastly complex field - the byproduct of billions of years of almost random chance. It doesn't get anything near the credit it deserves on /sci/.

>> No.2487557

You can't be a researcher? Personally, I think biofags who become medics are real fags.

>> No.2487563

GOD TIER: Natural sciences and Math

TOP TIER: Applied sciences

MID TIER: Computing / IT (If not considered applied sciences)

LOW TIER: Everything else

SHIT TIER: Humanities / Liberal arts

>> No.2487571 [DELETED] 

As an evolution and behavioral ecology student, I approve

>> No.2487577

Hey, we're not all that wanker you know...

Saging as I hate these 'derp major herp your one' threads

>> No.2487578

As an evolution and behavioral ecology student, I approve.

>> No.2487580

>Aerospace in God
>Mechanical in Mid
>implying Aero isn't a specialized subfield of Mech

>> No.2487598

>Elitism general

>porestu3 respect

>> No.2487615
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God Tier of God Tier. EE fuckyear

>> No.2487631

its funny that anyone i know in the "god tier" of careers is usually very book smart, yet with other aspects of life they fall short. i would rather have a so-called inferior career and my overall quality of life to be pretty damn cool.
balance is key.

>> No.2487639

Engineering of any kind is low tier.
The listed mid and low tiers should be switched places.
Psychology is top tier, together with Law.

>> No.2487656


Problem shit tier majors?

>> No.2487659

Top tier: Humanities
Shit tier: Everything else

deal with it

>> No.2487669


fuck you, medical students here are just stupid dimwits who never learn how to think like real scientists.
in my uni they get simple courses in chemistry while biologists and geologists have to attend to the first year courses in org chem and anorg chem.
also we do have to do maths, statistics and physics, eventually physical chemistry and programming as well.
so meh, they can enjoy learning latin bone names, and i enjoy my labwork.

>> No.2487671

I do IT because of MIS major.

Fuck you I make more money and puddi

>> No.2487689

ok, so you're an art major browsing /sci/

>> No.2487692
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Journalism for Awesome/Fuck, I'm high tier.

>> No.2487694

What if I'm studying in the God and Shit tier? Gods shit ?

>> No.2487712


>>2487631 here, i'm a bio major. just stating an observation.

>> No.2487710
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chem grad student reporting in.

enjoy your useless degrees social science fags

>> No.2487707

i don't know what do you guys have with social sciences, i mean, they're obviously more difficult than the exact ones cause it doesn't have clear limits or a unique answer.
don't get me wrong, i love science in all their incarnations, independet of it's difficulty.
and what's your fucking problem with arts? it gives as much knowledge and joy as psysics or math.

>> No.2487715
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good one.

>> No.2487721

Law and anything medical related is shit tier. The only reason anyone majors in one of them is to make money, the actual practice of each is of little concern to them.

Computer Science is top tier while geology is mid teir.

Psycology is shit while phsychiatry is low.

Kinseology is shit.

OP is either a tard or a troll. Not sure which.

>> No.2487724
File: 51 KB, 591x509, 11136_105010846176867_100000038557374_142185_2835820_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend is beautiful and is in university learning chemical engineering and im stupid as fuck, feels bad man, but perhaps i can create offspring with her and i will not be son i am disappoint. Pic related, its my beautiful genius

>> No.2487744

Similar situation; Doing physics Major as well as a Music Bachelors on the side.

>> No.2487762


This is my plan. Replace physics with chem or biochem, but there is nothing shit tier about creative arts if they are recreational. Music is awesome.

>> No.2487812

Well I was doing music first, then had a year off where I took up Physics, then I decided to get back into Music.

Possibly considering Art after I finish physics too so then i have all 3 things I enjoy.

>> No.2487839

Fucking wrong. I love law studies so far. Memorizing sucks but it has its own rules just like physics or math. First year of high school, I was going for natural sciences but then I took a civics course and saw it's a lot more than just empty rules.

I'm going to make a change. You'll be stuck in labs doing something of little significance.

>> No.2487844

>but there is nothing shit tier about creative arts if they are recreational
I think the stupid thing is to major in them. If you want to do modern music, all you need is training, there's too little to learn about it to major in it. And if you want to do classical, you need to either get in at a really high tier academy, or get a good private teacher.

>> No.2487858

Chemistry and Physics need to get knocked off their high horse, placed with Biology in Mid tier
Too many fucking engineers out there right now, so that shits gonna have to be bumped to Mid Tier. Actually engineering is gay as fuck, move it to Low Tier.
Business goes in God Tier. Economics goes in Top Tier.

>> No.2487853

God Tier: Formal sciences
Top Tier: Natural sciences
Mid Tier: Applied sciences
Low Tier: Social and behavioral sciences
Shit Tier: everything else

>> No.2487850
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>I'm going to make a change. You'll be stuck in labs doing something of little significance.

>> No.2487862
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>> No.2487867

That is actually a very true statement. Enjoy toiling in labs as a phd dude student then a postdoc for years for shit pay, before finally getting some trivial job performing inconsequential and tedious tasks repeatedly for the rest of your life.

>> No.2487876
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enjoy, well, no job.

>> No.2487878

Too many engineers? Must be a US only problem, over here in New Zealand, Aussie and as far as my Dad tells me (he's in England) if you go into physics and engineering you'll have 3 or 4 jobs lined up before you even finish 1 semester of study.

>> No.2487880

How's that denial taste?

>> No.2487890

>implying law doesn't shit all over you

>> No.2487912

...and what exactly does one do with a major in pure maths? Why the fuck is that in God tier.??

>> No.2487915
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>any job I want
>800k starting

>> No.2487935

Law at a top university should be in God Tier as far as jobs are concerned, whilst law that isn't at a top uni should be low/mid tier.

>> No.2487943


These days Lawyers either have no job, or sell out to some corporation, even if they went into law to "make change".

Didn't you listen to Obama? Scientists and engineers control the future of the country.In terms of human development, they are at the forefront.

>> No.2487938
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>> No.2487937


it would help if you could spell words that are actually spelt for you in OP's image...

psychology top tier

>> No.2487958
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>> No.2487961
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Ah, engineering

> where the noble semi-skilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream.

> top tier

>> No.2487960

Sure, in an ideal world scientists should be making the money, should have the future. But please note the lack of public investment in research. And please note how much fucking money and how much power lawyers (from good law schools that is) have.

>> No.2487985

Any top tier job, in terms of money made and in power of influence, will be in management. This usually requires an MBA.
Thus placing Business in the God Tier, and all your "pure sciences" in Shit Tier.


>> No.2488002


Please note that the way the masses perceive science doesn't alter its position as possibly the most fundamental areas of study.

Please note that all the money in the world can only do so much, and Bill Gates exemplifies that (his various education initiatives failed hard). Please note that power is subjective, and especially in law, depends upon what your area is. Also note that if you examines the extremes like all scientists and engineers going on strike versus all lawyers going on strike, the former can possibly cause apocalyptic situations.

>> No.2488006

You forgot the subset rankings of engineering. Fuck learn to troll to the max.

>> No.2488011

any job that you enjoy doing, you can reasonably get, and are happy to stick with is instantly god tier

any job that you don't really like but keep doing because you think it's the only job that matters or you're just in too deep to quit is shit tier

thus all jobs are both god and shit tier because it depends on your point of view. except women's studies. lol, who came up with that one?

>> No.2488016

That's USA for you. Let's just ignore the rest of the world even though USA is getting more and more screwed..

Also, politicians will rule for at least my lifetime, probably long after that. Law graduates aren't limited to just becoming lawyers, especially with the right kind of minors or double majors.

>> No.2488031

>Thinks minors or majors will impact a JD's career.

>> No.2488041


Oh really? That must be true! I mean, we all laud the famous powerful businessmen of the past centuries right? Oh wait...we don't. We celebrate the scientists, engineers and mathematicians like Newton, Edison, and Einstein.

You really think people like the Koch brothers will be remembered a hundred years from now, even though they run one of the largest oil companies in the world? Fuck no. People will remember even Sagan more than those fucks.

>> No.2488046

Uhhh remember rockefeller? There are plenty of examples, they're just not as close to the top of my mind as scientists are since science is what I do.

>> No.2488048

>is American.

>> No.2488056


Dagobert Duck!

>> No.2488057
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>Kock Brothers ran oil

Not so fast.

>> No.2488068


You're thinking too small my friend. Ideas are more powerful than a group of men will ever be. There time will pass, and they'll either never be remembered, or will be remembered for being corrupt fools.

>> No.2488069

Being remembered after you die is irrelevant. Wanting to be remembered after you die is a delusion, just like believing in god.

>> No.2488072
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>he believes politicians

>> No.2488073

Btw why is homeopathy not in there?

I am a Ph.D in homeopathy and I can prove that e= c^2.

>> No.2488081
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>Accountant not in God Tier
>80k starting.
>Jobs..Jobs everywhere
>can ascend to CFO
>later, CEO
>own the company
>1 million starting

lol gayfags [read: engiefags] and mathfags
sucks to be you huh?

>> No.2488090

Actually, my mistake.

>is American, Chinese, Japanese, Philippinean, Indian or Italian.
>world is so small

>> No.2488103


Power is the ability to make change, correct? Scientists, engineers, and mathematicians create technology and expand knowledge that will be in use centuries from now. Their discoveries decide the trajectory of human progress, as they can either fulfill great desires, or destroy humanity. That is real power, something some puny lawyer could never have.

>> No.2488106

Businessmen, men of management hire the scientists. Its just how our capitalist system is set up. Name dropping Newton and Darwin doesnt help your job prospects.

>> No.2488124

>Power is the ability to make change
you did not open your dictionary right?

>> No.2488129

Strange group to call out.

>itchave there

>> No.2488128
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>actually believes that.
Its just the inevitable stampede of human progress. One could the same argument for the essential nature of the working class, or lawyers. It dont mean shit

>> No.2488137

>except women's studies. lol, who came up with that one?

>> No.2488156

Being serious here, what the fuck kind of job do you get with an undergraduate degree in Math.
I can only see using that as a firm basis to go into something applied (read: useful) later.

..so could someone justify Math being in God Tier??

>> No.2488159

>believes it doesnt take one scientist to genetically engineer some fatal disease like HIV to by easily contagious and destroy humanity

>> No.2488170

God this board is full of faggots

>> No.2488190
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I am geology major and I agree with being in the top tear. Who the fuck else is going to supply you dumb fuck engineers with awesome mining jobs? Besides, we are the badasses of science. I see some Comp Sci fags thinking they are better then us I say fuck that shit. Comp sci fags are mid to low tier. In my career I can: become a CEO, fly anywhere, shoot bears in the face, handle explosives, and be totaly shitfaced drunk the whole time.

>> No.2488224

No one...??

For all the math-worship that goes on here, no one can tell what you fucking do with a degree in it??

>> No.2488237


It's because no one here is old enough to have a job.

>> No.2488262

Those poor misguided children....

>> No.2488299

I happen to be a geologist, and by odd chance also a CEO of a business that works in mining.

you're expectations are fairly accurate, but if you plan on going to work drunk I can promise you will be permanently prevented from working in mining, drilling, and probably construction.

MSHA, OSHA, and insurance companies track people that do that kind of thing, and make sure they work at McDonalds or some similar place where they won't risk the lives of others. If you don't get caught until you cause an accident, you'll likely go to prison... mining is the only profession I know of where negligence is a crime and punished as such.

>> No.2488306


>top tear

Fuck You man

>> No.2488337

Why does it matter?

I'm a shit tier fag, and that's cool. I get that it takes less academic smarts to do what I do. But it doesn't make me a bad person, and plenty of my friends are God and Top tier.

We should all do what we like and work as hard as we can.

Love you, /sci/. And you don't need to validate yourself by being being 'smarter' than anyone. You're already awesome.

>> No.2488373

I know I'm kidding about the drunk part... though I have worked with some functioning alcoholic Geo's. I'm still in my undergrad and hope to have an awesome future in mining and exploration, and yes it will be sober... at least till I get home from work. Most camp work I have done is dry, when it's not it usually turns out bad (diamond drillers...). Congrats on being a CEO hope to be joining you some day.

>> No.2488385
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Thank you anon

>> No.2488450

miners in general love to drink, and fight, and pull pranks. We just do it after work, because the job pays far too much to risk over some playtime crap.

also I'm the CEO of a business I started and grew, that's about the only way a geo is gonna be a CEO without an MBA. Just kinda a heads-up, if that's the way you plan on going then business certs are gonna be more valuable to you than industrial, engineering or any other degree. Probably true of any applied science, the money's in contracting or management.

>> No.2488470

A lot of scientists loved music, if you don't like music you don't know shit about science

>> No.2488477 [DELETED] 

The only good post in this thread and quite possibly the only good poster on this board.

>> No.2488478

Musician here. I love rolling in shit. Tons of interesting people and things.

>> No.2488491

The only good post in this thread and quite possibly the only good poster on this board.

>> No.2488492

>top tier

1L law student here. Law is shit tier. Taking questions if anyone is interested why.

>> No.2488529

Why is it shit tier?

>> No.2488568

My experience is only relevant to the US legal market.
1. It costs between $150K and $210K to attend for three years, which most students will finance with student loans. These loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.
2. There are ~45,000 new law graduates a year, and even in the boom times of 2007 there were only ~30,000 new jobs.
3. There is a bimodal distribution of first year salaries. Around 5,000 new jobs a year will pay $160K a year. Another 5000 will pay around $70K -$100K. The rest will pay $40K - $50K, which is barely enough to pay the interest on your loans.

Basically, it is a profession of haves and have-nots. If you can't get into a top 14 school, or a top 30 school with a significant scholarship, it is not worth attending.