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2484436 No.2484436 [Reply] [Original]

I smoked weed from the ages of 15-19. In terms of mental development am I fucked? Am I now unable to get a masters or a PhD from a respective university? Am I now unable to reach critical levels of critical thinking?

I am 19 now, what can I do, to try to reserve everything I did the past 5 years. I didn't study, I didn't do school or anything.

Should I just off myself now?

tl;dr: What can a 19 year old do to expand his mental thinking skills. If anything

>> No.2484446

Nothing wrong with it, however killing yourself would prove your own stupidity.

>> No.2484443

I should clarify. I smoked a lot of WEED.

However I have done hardly any amounts of alcohol. Does that give me an advantage over other people my own age?

>> No.2484447

Yes, you're fucked.
Go die.

>> No.2484463

You can learn anything you want as long as you have the interest in it. All is take is studying and understanding what you're studying. Repeat until understanding is gain.

>> No.2484470

>However I have done hardly any amounts of alcohol

Alcohol isn't something you "do".

Your grasp of the lanugage is awful. This is an indicator that your mental capacity isn't sufficient to reach your goals.

But take solice in the fact that WEED had nothing to do with it.

>> No.2484477


But I've always looked up to other intelligent people such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, and it depresses me that I will never be that intelligent.

>> No.2484481


My English grades have always been shit, but I did Calculus in grade 10, and I got an A in it.

>> No.2484483

All skills can be acquired given enough time and interest.
You'll be slightly limited by your genetics, but as long as you're not a total retard, most people are on a level playing field.

>> No.2484486


And I am doing second year Calc in my first year of University.

>> No.2484491

The brain stops developing around the age of 20-22.

>> No.2484492

from 14-20, i did a lot of weed, meth, morphine, cocaine, mushrooms, and dxm

now i'm a math phd student at a top ten school

so i wouldn't worry too much

>> No.2484520

Your fucked.

Henry Kissinger never smoked weed.

>> No.2484538

actually there are new neurons created every day in your brain it's a slow process but if you stop smoking and drinking there is a chance you'll become normal again(in terms of brain power)

>> No.2484540

all intelligence is, is recognition.

recognizing problems through study than applying whatever you have to in order to solve that problem.

study is key, which requires will power.

as for being able to study and learn efficiently, you have to have control over your brain. if your head races during reading, like if you have to read a few sentences repeatedly before you understand what the fuck is going on than you haven't mastered your brain at all.

the conclusion is that patience is vital to learning, to becoming intelligent, to reaping the rewards of your studying.

a patient mind can read, problem solve, and is anything BUT distracted in thought.

some people have this ability turned on at all times which will cause you to believe that they are smarter than you.

its not the case.

intelligence is NOT limited to certain people. its an ability earned for being patient and not a selfish consciousness that is obsessed with quick stimulation and self gratification.

>> No.2484555


See that's my problem. I have ADHD, and whenever I read an article, after I finish reading it feels like I am unable to remember everything I read, and then I get depressed by it.

I always severely lack willpower. While I don't want to blame my ADHD, I'm sure it's part of it.

Is it just a matter of gaining that willpower, and repetition of studying and reading?

Are there any scientifically backed brain exercises I can do, to help keep me focus, and improved my reading/thinking skills?

>. if your head races during reading, like if you have to read a few sentences repeatedly before you understand what the fuck is going on than you haven't mastered your brain at all.

Pretty much this, I've been blaming my ADHD on that though. Is there anything I can do it fix this?

>> No.2484562
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Marijuana actually helps create new brain cells (not a lot, but still.) It does slightly affect parts of your brain but only while you're smoking errday, not after. No, you have nothing to worry about, OP.

>> No.2484575

not op but thanks

>> No.2484585

>all intelligence is, is recognition.
why would i read the rest of your post?

>> No.2484584

I smoked weed heavily for these years, then stopped, though I continue to drink quite heavily and on occasion take harder drugs. I am 25 now and hold a senior technical role in a large company while studying for my MBA.

>> No.2484606


you sound like me a long time ago, played too much video games and watched too much tv while high?

all that instant stimulation has you programmed to only process information/studies briefly which is why you cant sit still and read something without having to re-read it over and over. you're so used to being immediately stimulated, you're used to an immediate reward, or gratification. life and studying in general does NOT work like that.

so again, i cant stress how important patience is. i mean look up the definition of patience, it literally means "long suffering."

to have your brain become efficient like it was designed for, like it's easily capable of becoming, you have to just switch up your life style. its gonna take patience, baby steps. you're not gonna be a genius over night and if your motivation is for vain reasons like becoming the next omgsupergeniousssss, you're not going to get anywhere.

honestly eating healthy and treating your body right will make it a lot easier to progress. stay away from smoking and drinking (for now), or just smoke and drink less and only at reasonable times, and spend a lot of time in thought when you can. try to quiet the consciousness to the point where you have no care in the world. to the point you realize and RECOGNIZE that there is TRULY nothing to worry about as long as you are humble and at peace.

once you get there you'll feel what patience feels like. you'll start to realize that a lot of things dont just happen over night and that effort and will power are key to any change. the effort will be supported by your RECOGNITION that being humble and patient is what the true masters recognize when they decide to build. your will power will be supported by a healthy body, you wont tire or feel fatigued, and it will be supported by you're personal desire to build whatever it is you want to.

all this stems from just having a patient and realistic mind.

>> No.2484621

i'm ok OP, in fact now i smoke weed and am inspired with most excellent ideas that fuels my independent work. start smoking again, opens your mind mannn

>> No.2484623

Spoiler: Don't tell them you smoked weed.

Spoiler: Yes, you're fucked, though not because you smoked weed.

>> No.2484631


dumbest thing i have ever read

consciousness isn't limited to genetics. its limited only by the personal will power to improve.

when you really reach the pinnacle of thought and consciousness you'll realize your true desire on what you want to be. that goes for anyone and everyone.

>> No.2484653

Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger are both Ashkenazi Jews, so they have a huge advantage in brain power.

>> No.2484679

OP, stop whining like a little bitch and do whatever the fuck you want. When I decided I wanted to be a math major, I stopped smoking weed and drinking at home and bumped my test scores up from 50 - 60% to 85 - 100%. Just try.

>> No.2484681



>> No.2484724


>> No.2484727


>Your grasp of the lanugage is awful. This is an indicator that your mental capacity isn't sufficient to reach your goals.

>But take solice in the fact that WEED had nothing to do with it.

>But take solice


The irony!

>> No.2484739

Smoked weed erry day all day, and am planning to go for double major in astrophysics and aerospace engineering.

Just hit the books and lay off the joint for a few weeks. Khanacademy would be a good place to start.

>> No.2484766
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>double major in astrophysics and aerospace engineering
PHAHAHAHA good luck buddy

>> No.2484767
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I know, it's gonna be a bitch.

>> No.2484849


>> No.2484972


>> No.2486960

nope your fucked

>> No.2487548

lawl henry kissinger

>> No.2487572
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