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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 250x266, obamais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2479454 No.2479454 [Reply] [Original]


Ask someone to describe what the graph of 1/X looks like. Post results.

HARD MODE: ask them to integrate 1/x

>> No.2479465

1/x = y.

>> No.2479475


don't be a faggot

>> No.2479500

They don't even try, they just disconnect.

>> No.2479508


that's the point

>> No.2479530


>> No.2479535

integrating 1/x heh that is so easy. if they cant do it on omegle i give up in humanity ^__^

1/x = x^-1 .
Integration therefore is (x^-1+1)/0=(x^0)/0 = infinity.

Altho I'm quite surprised by the trickiness of OPs question :)

>> No.2479546


it's ln(x) + c but nice try

>> No.2479552

So, the area under that curve is unsolvable? I dont think so, Tim.

>> No.2479555

First person I asked, not too bad I guess.

You: I have to do a research for school how smart people are on the internet. So I am going to ask you a question, which is: Can you describe me how the graph of 1/X looks like?
Stranger: are you a maths teacher?
You: No, just a student.
Stranger: ok
You: So, what is it?
Stranger: curve
Stranger: starting from y-axis infinity and ending on x-axis infinity
Stranger: good enough for you?
You: Yes, thank you.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2479560


i've been doing it for half an hour now and still no one

>> No.2479565

You can integrate most functions
I can't believe you all still use Riemann Integration

>> No.2479566


Yes, obviously from my description area under 1/x-function diverges into infinity.

eZ pk, /sci/

>> No.2479571

Why are you people doing it?

>> No.2479574

>implying you can take indefinite Riemann integra

try harder

>> No.2479599

You: Describe the shape of the graph y = 1/x
Stranger: pointy
You: no it's actually a curve
Stranger: i disagree sir
You: well you've scored 0/3 marks
You have disconnected.

>> No.2479621

I asked the question and the Stranger replied "euclidean or non euclidean". I don't know what was he talking about. Looks like the joke was on me ...

>> No.2479623

Stranger: hi
Stranger: a curve
You: go on..
Stranger: starting high, going down, starting steep getting shallow
You: and what are the y and x axis intercepts?
Stranger: sorry but it doesn't it goes to infinity
You: now
You: integrate y = 1/x
Stranger: well x
Stranger: must be 1 as anyting raised to power of zero is 1
You: no, i'm sorry
You: it's actually ln(x) + c
Stranger: well that makes sense I suppose
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479637

You: can you tell me what the integral of 1/x dx is?
Stranger: ln (x) + c and yes i saw that thread faggot

>> No.2479643

it's ln|x| + c you goddamned idiots

>> No.2479648
File: 94 KB, 1756x840, lolwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2479655

Stranger: whats good
You: the integral of 1/x dx
You: what is it
Stranger: fuck if I know
You: that's what i thought
You have disconnected.

>> No.2479665


lol I'm choking from laughing

>> No.2479672

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hey 17 M
You: integrate y=1/x
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479681

You: what's the integral of 1/x dx
Stranger: log x
You have disconnected.

>> No.2479684

You: Hey
Stranger: i hate familu=y
You: integrate 1/x
Stranger: family*
You: I hate them too
You: fuck them
You: let's do integrals
Stranger: haha yes1

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479688


just had this conversation right afterwards

Stranger: hey
You: integrate y = 1/x
Stranger: lnx
You: yes
You: thank you
Stranger: you are welcome
You have disconnected.

>> No.2479698

Alright naw, we won't get anywhere with this. Ask them "If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens". /v/ were asking this earlier and it went well.

>> No.2479703

You forgot the Absolute value of x in the natrual log

>> No.2479704

this dude was ignoring the question and tried hooking up with me

>> No.2479707


it didn't go well at all, most of the replies were 'it floats' or 'idk xD'

>> No.2479713

You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
You: what is the integral of 1/x dx?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479722

You: hello
Stranger: hello beyotch
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it'll hit you on the face
Stranger: LOL
You: integrate 1/x dx
Stranger: k sure
Stranger: im guessing you're some kind of a nerd trying to get laid
Stranger: im just sayin
You: no
Stranger: im bored
Stranger: bye nerd

>> No.2479725


I think I made him upset

Stranger: hey
Stranger: hey
Stranger: hey
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: well
Stranger: not much
Stranger: is a pen even heavy enough
Stranger: to fall
Stranger: on the moon?
Stranger: well let´s assume it´s a badass titanium pen
Stranger: if it fell
Stranger: I guess it would still not do much
Stranger: probably not even raise any dust
You: It doesn't matter how heavy the pen is, it will still fall at the same speed
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: will it?
You: if it's 10 grams or 10 kgs
You: It will fall at the same speed
Stranger: OK I ovbiously suck at physics
Stranger: IDK just htought about some shit I had heard a long tima ago about mass of the object mattering when it comes to gravity
Stranger: (like when you say "your momma is so fat she has an awn orbit")
You: well yes, the more massive an object, the more gravity it has
You: but the mass of a pen compared to the moon is negligible
Stranger: sooooooo wouldnt the pen fall at least a 0.0000000000000000000001 second faster?
You: no
Stranger: OK I fail so hard I cant even believe
Stranger: I mean
Stranger: AAAH
Stranger: every kid knows that
You: nah its ok
Stranger: fml
Stranger: Im gonna go
Stranger: hit my head
Stranger: with a wall n
Stranger: now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479726

Why are people so bad at describing the graph? Save your self some time and embarassment with your "it goes to infinityz hurpee durp" and just say it's a hyperbola. If they probe further for fucks sake it has asymptotes, x,y=0

>> No.2479735

You: Hey
Stranger: Hey
You: What's the integrals of 1/x dx?
Stranger: 7
You: nope
You: Try again
Stranger: 7 and a half?
You: Do you know what an "integral" is
Stranger: That's a negative
You: State your age please.
Stranger: 15
You: ok
You: thank you

First try.

>> No.2479742

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi there
Stranger: hi
You: can I ask you a question
Stranger: sure
You: if one were to drop a pen, while standing on the moon, what would happen to the pen
Stranger: it would fall
Stranger: at a slower rate of course
You: what if one were to drop a sheet of paper and a pen at the same time, while on the moon
You: which would fall faster
Stranger: at the same rate
Stranger: lack of atmosphee
You: would you please, integrate ln(x)dx
Stranger: lol
You: I'll give you a cookie
Stranger: um....
Stranger: x*(logx-1)
You: how do you figure
Stranger: by parts
Stranger: took pen and paper though lol
You: goodie
You: here's your cookie
You: have a nice day
Stranger: lol
You have disconnected.

son of a bitch knew integration by parts

>> No.2479750

Stranger: hi
You: Hey
You: Can you tell me what the integral of 1/x dx is?
Stranger: ummm...... no i cant
Stranger: sorry
You: Do you know what an integral is?
Stranger: nooooo......
You: What's your age?
Stranger: 14
You: OK
You: Thank you!

Well, both were underagedb&ds so I can't really expect much. Maybe I should try a geometry question--at least they've had to take that in school!

>> No.2479761

I'm currently doing a different, slightly more difficult one.

"Define the function f(x) = x in terms of vector spaces."

>> No.2479767

You: Hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 16
You: Ok.
You: What's the area of a cylinder?
You: Surface area
You: Solid Cylinder
Stranger: 2 pie r
Stranger: pie r square
You: Ermm
You: I'm asking for surface area of a cylinder
You: not a circle
Stranger: m/f?
You: I'll tell you if you answer me correctly
Stranger: 2 pie r height
Stranger: 2xpiexrxheight
You: Ok, close, but you forgot the caps
You: It's a closed cylinder
Stranger: male or female....just answer me tht????
You: Ok
You: thanks for your answers

Meh, sort of dissapoint, but at least he was close.

>> No.2479768

What do you consider correct answer ?
Identity ? Identity with respect to composition ?

>> No.2479779

You: hi
Stranger: heyyy
You: can you integrate 1/x dx?
Stranger: yes logx
You: close
You: ln |x| +c
Stranger: constant is always assumed

finally some sort of answer

>> No.2479829


>> No.2479831

They seemed upset.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Hi
Stranger: heyy
You: Please describe the graph of y=1/x with as much detail as you can
Stranger: bitch
Stranger: shut uppp
You: Bonus points if you can provide an Integration
Stranger: wow r u challenging me to a maths dual
You: No I am simply guaging the average mathematical capacity of Omegle
You: The results so far have been underwhelming
Stranger: so posh boy
Stranger: im guessing ur a freak
You: Interesting hypothesis but you would be wrong
Stranger: ohhh well one has proven one wrong
You: I see..... So can you answer my question or not?
Stranger: please may one repeat ones question
You: What does the graph of y=1/x look like? Also, what is the Indefinite Integral of that graph?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479844

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: what's the integral of 1/x dx?
Stranger: 7 squared x the square root of 5
You: not even close
Stranger: i know init
Stranger: how big is your penis
Stranger: in inches
You: the length asymptotically approaches infinity
Stranger: seriously, im thinking about doing a 2-way strip.i strip, then u
You: wat
You: i assume you're a guy because there are no girls on the internet
You: and therefore i'm not interested
Stranger: in the bed of 69, 69, 69
Stranger: lets go and do a 69, 69, 69!
You: son i am disappoint
Stranger: me and johnny gettin bare tits;)
Stranger: LOLKINS
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2479849

>7 squared

>> No.2479852

>>You: the length asymptotically approaches infinity
Nigga you tryin' to troll people and make them look stupid, and you don't even know what you're doing.

>> No.2479873

You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: What does the graph of y=1/x look liek?
Stranger: hust a straight line from the origin that houe to 1,1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 and so on
Stranger: also goes to those negative numbers
You: Your solution set gives the result 2=1/2
You: o_O
Stranger: i have no idea them lol

>> No.2479878

That's why the question is good, since it's pretty open.

The answer I would be looking for, though, is something like this:
The subspace of the vector space R^2 defined as
S = {(v_1,v_1)| v_1 e R}

Which is basically just first year linear algebra.

>> No.2479898

You: hey can u solve this math for me?
You: im doin my hoework
Stranger: sure
You: the question is ; what is the graph of 1/x
You: describe it fuck i cant do this
Stranger: ok, wait
You: plz help describe the graphs to me so I can draw it XD
Stranger: o
Stranger: ok
You: ?\
Stranger: wai
Stranger: wait*
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: I dont know

>> No.2479899


LaTeX, which is basically learned the first few days of /sci/ browsing. Everyone should know it no probs.

>> No.2479937

I'll learn LaTeX in due time.
I've been too lately with courses as of yet,
so you'll need to deal with my crude print.

>> No.2479938

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hey, some german guy speaking here!
You: Gudentag
You: I spell that right?
Stranger: guten tag ;)
You: I see.
Stranger: but its okay
Stranger: :)
Stranger: where are you from? ;)
Stranger: yes thats spelled right!
Stranger: Oô
You: EIN What is the shape of the graph y = 1/x?
Stranger: I'm not a nazi or something like that Oô
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Goddamn Germans can't do math.

>> No.2479955

I have never ever seen anyone define identity in such obscure way. You'll never get that answer.

I immediately assumed that f(x) is the vector, not x.

>> No.2479960
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1275094471357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You: what's the integral of 1/x dx
>Stranger: log x
>You have disconnected.

mfw you don't know that log is the natural logarithm

>> No.2479963
File: 38 KB, 316x400, Gottfried_Wilhelm_von_Leibniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that shit back motherfucker

>> No.2479980


log is base 10 idiot

>> No.2479989
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>> No.2479990
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lol it's been more than half a century you faggot just leave the krauts alone already jesus

>> No.2479998

Well, I am just first year.
The question's composition is probably wrong.

Elaborate on what you would answer
or change with the question to make it more fitting.

>> No.2480006

integral of 1/x is neither ln(x) + c nor ln(|x|) + c.

Fucking idiots trying to feel smart.
see last post for an answer.

ITT: sad idiots.

>> No.2480007

Shut up dude and go to University.
Log and Ln can both represent the same thing
Just Log does not denote which base you want, although usually it is taken for the Natural Log or Log Base 10, however convention differs depending on where you are

>> No.2480021

looks like OP just started taking calculus
sage for fucking retarded

>> No.2480105
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wow ... people like you are so pathetic.
If you argue about minor things like this in that kind of manner you may be right eventually but you have proven that you are unable to have a civil conversation with another human being. Srsly, have fun being pathetic losers for the rest of your life.

>> No.2480128

That thing with characteristic function is bullshit as well if you want to be pedantic. Giving just an anti derivative isn't the same as solving integral, for you also have to give open interval where the derivation of anti-derivative of f(x) is f(x), thus the proper answer to "integral of 1/x" is ln|x| + a on (-inf, 0) and ln|x| + b on (0, inf), a,b from R.

>> No.2480208


no but i just started using omegle

>> No.2480281

Stranger: I am looking for a MILF with big tits.
You: sorry to disappoint you
You: but I am neither
Stranger: yes you are
Stranger: i have a pic
You: uhh, well maybe you should check your source
You: because I'm definitely not a MILF
You: not even female
Stranger: this is not true
Stranger: you are a woman
You: dude I can pull out my birth certificate right now and it says MALE on it in big bold letters
You: i know what I'm talkin about
You: plus you're a nigger, so I don't see how you can be capable of making any kind of judgement calls
Stranger: i have evidence, right here
Stranger: you are not a man
You: i too have evidence that you're a nigger
You: pictures, DNA samples, used KFC buckets...
You: the seeds of the watermelon you were eating last wednesday
You: trust me, the body of evidence against you is quite substantial
Stranger: its true. i am not really white.....
You: and now a confession
Stranger: i just washed this morning, and it came off
You: can't hide the truth
You: nigger
You have disconnected.

>> No.2480287

>ln|x| + a on (-inf, 0) and ln|x| + b on (0, inf)
That's what the char. function achieves.
I can write your above thing as

ln|x| + a + char(0,inf)(x)*(b-a)

you obviously are retarded, because you fucking repeated what I said, fucktard. Trying to feel smart because of chicken shit like this is fucking pathetic.

And if you're trying to be anal about something you yourself don't even get right, that makes it so much more pathetic. THAT was what I wanted to convey, fucking idiot.

>> No.2481017


Sorry to take away the last bit of dignity here but I didn't even take part in your childish argument. If anything it was a contest about who could be more anal about some mundane formalities. All I've done is read it, dislike it and tell you what I think about people acting that way. You spouting insults is prove of your pathetic way of arguing about N-O-T-H-I-N-G. You may now proceed to cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.2481085


the whole idea of this thread was to see how many people on the internet can answer a simple maths question, not to find the answer to it which should've been fucking obvious anyway

>> No.2482108


>> No.2482194

You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: do you know what the graph of 1/x looks like?
Stranger: let me think
Stranger: yes i do
You: describe it please. and don't cheat
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2482269

>That's what the char. function achieves.
>I can write your above thing as
>ln|x| + a + char(0,inf)(x)*(b-a)

The important thing there is that you write the intervals. You can write the anti-derivative in whatever way you'd like, but you can't say just integral f = F. You have to say where.
Also, 'where' should be an interval.

>> No.2482331

he was talking about the +C

>> No.2483181

You could just fucking say + a + b |x|/x, which would be accurate, goddamn.

>> No.2483217

You: Describe the graph of 1/x
Stranger: Ahh!!!
Stranger: Maths!!!
You: Hint: it's a curve
Stranger: Its a curve?
You: y=1/x
Stranger: Dont like maths!!
Stranger: :(
Stranger: :'(
You: Which math are you in?


>> No.2483288 [DELETED] 

its a curve that approaches infinity as x approaches 0 from the right

its asymptope is y=0

and its reflected at the origin

also I'm a history major

>> No.2483295

Stranger: hiii :D
You: hi
You: I've got a question
Stranger: female 18 im Ukraine
Stranger: how about u?
You: What does the graph of "y = 1/x" look like?
You: 17/m/south america
Stranger: how are u?? Xd
You: What does the graph of "y = 1/x" look like?
Stranger: ur name?
You: no names here, sorry
Stranger: here Marci
You: can you answer the question please?
Stranger: nic to meet you
You: do you understand the question?
Stranger: i'm bored
Stranger: wanna cam.?
You: i don't have cam
Stranger: here is my profile
Stranger: http://onprofiles.com/id=Fe59
Stranger: add mee there
Stranger: my id Marci55

i am 12 and what is this

>> No.2483335

You: What does the graph of "y = 1/x" look like?
Stranger: well I don't think I could show you over the web
Stranger: why do you ask?
You: just describe it
Stranger: well, if I'm not mistaken the graph points would be (1,1)
Stranger: Im a bit unsure of the x and y in that equation....
You: simply describe the form
Stranger: is it for homework or something?
You: I'm not gonna ask every number :P
You: nah, of course not
You: there are websites for that
Stranger: what's this for???
You: just a research here on omegle
Stranger: oh?.....do I have to answer it? or could we talk about non math related subjects?
You: yes please, it's just the form and nothing else
Stranger: fine....how would you like me to describe it??
You: I'll give you a hint, it's a curve
Stranger: is it a parabola?
You: nope
You: but it's still a curve
Stranger: but it's a simple rational function, no?
You: yup
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Shit, that took like 5 minutes and he/she still didn't answer. What the fuck, /sci/, it doesn't take more than mere seconds, A MINUTE AT MOST.

>> No.2483342

You: hello?
Stranger: ello
You: can you answer a question for me?
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: depends on the questioon
Stranger: and whether i actually have an answer for it
You: what is the integral of 1/x dx?
Stranger: YOUR MOM
Stranger: A LOG
Stranger: really?
You: LOL
Stranger: we meet again

>> No.2483353


I'll admit, the first time he answered "your mom", I admitted that she is a fucking log.

>> No.2483357

you: what does the graph of 1/x look like?
stranger: your mother

>> No.2483362

its a curve that approaches infinity as x approaches 0 from the right

its asymptope is y=0

and its reflected at the origin

also I'm a history major

>> No.2483391


Its 2 vertical lines at X=+-1

In b4 OP just learned about equations

>> No.2483398

You: Hi
Stranger: Hello
You: I have a question, a little research here on Omegle
Stranger: ok
You: What does the graph of "y = 1/x" look like?
Stranger: verticle line
You: nope, sorry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2483423

You: what is the limit of (sin x)/x as x approaches 0?
Stranger: 0
You: wrong
Stranger: 1
Stranger: -1
You: 1 -.-
You: noob
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: cuz x can't be 0!
Stranger: derp!

>> No.2483457

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi :)
Stranger: hey asl?
You: I am working with a research foundation that is trying to study the mathematical capabilities of Omegle.
You: May I have a moment of your time?
Stranger: yeah no probs
You: What does the graph of 1/x look like?
Stranger: flat.
You: Sorry, its a curve.
Stranger: oh, okay.
You: May I have your age (sex and location not required)?
Stranger: 14.
You: Thank you.
You: :)

Captcha: their lysae

>> No.2483492

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Hello, I am doing a research project that is trying to study the mathematical capabilities of Omegle users.
Stranger: hi
You: May I have a moment of your time?
Stranger: sure
You: What is the square of 5?
Stranger: i do know???
Stranger: were from??
You: I see. Thank you.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2483515

You: Hi
Stranger: Why is everyone on this site not older than 20..?
You: I have a question, little survey here on Omegle, that ok?
Stranger: Sure.
You: If you drop a pen on the Moon, what happens?
Stranger: I'd expect that it wouldn't hit the ground because of lack of gravity, other than that, no idea.
You: Actually, there is gravity, on the moon, about 1/6 that of the Earth
You: Alright, thank you.
Stranger: Thanks.
Stranger: : o
Stranger: I didn't know that.
Stranger: So, what would happen in your opinion?
You: Just fall like here in Earth
You: But slower
Stranger: Interesting.
You: The pen would have less weight
Stranger: Oh, yes.
Stranger: Of course.
You: Thanks for reading
Stranger: Just as with people on the moon, they don't float, so why should a pen.
You: Right
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: Bye
Stranger: ^ ^
You: Good luck
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Well, he didn't answer correctly, but he was a couth fellow, if only half of the "ignorant" people were like that...

>> No.2483538

You: Hi! I am working with a research foundation that is trying to study the mathematical capabilities of Omegle. May I have a moment of your time?
Stranger: yes
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: the pen is flying
You: Could you please clarify that?
Stranger: yeah because in the moon non garavity

fucking gold.

>> No.2483543

You: Hi
Stranger: Hi i represent justin bieber :)
You: That's nice
You I have a question, little survey here on Omegle, that ok?
Stranger: Uhh sure?
You: If you drop a pen on the Moon, what happens?
Stranger: It floats cuz theres no gravity?
You: I expected that. Thank you.

>> No.2483561

>use attached .gif in video chat
>tell them "if you can describe what the graph of 1/X looks like I will show you my tits"

>> No.2483570
File: 1.93 MB, 138x103, TROLLOLOLOLOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp forgot gif

>> No.2483609

Stranger: hi
You: ∫(1/x)dx?
Stranger: ?
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 15
You: do you know what in integral is?
Stranger: no?
You: then there's your problem
You: moving on
You: what would happen if you dropped a pen on the moon?
Stranger: jerk
Stranger: it wouldnt fall
You: why?
Stranger: no gravity dumb ass
You: there's no gravity on the moon?

I lol'd.

>> No.2483651

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: m/f?
You: I'm not sure. I've got a 50% chance of guessing it right, so I'm gonna go with..... male
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I don't even get the chance to ask people these questions..

>> No.2483680

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it bcoms droped pen

Um, I guess he's right?

>> No.2483682
File: 9 KB, 590x243, wolframalpha-20110205230632302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

log(x) is acceptable for ln(x).

>> No.2483702


>integrating 1/x heh that is so easy
>if they cant do it on omegle i give up in humanity

>Integrates incorrectly


>> No.2483725

Stranger: What confession would you like to make today?
You: what?
Stranger: What confession would you like to make today?
You: if you dropped a pen on the moon what would happen?
Stranger: it would drop slowly, because the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is only 4.9 m/s^2, unlike the earth which is 9.8 m/s^2
Stranger: i'm good at physics :P

>> No.2483739


>> No.2483749

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: question
You: do you know what the graph of 1/x looks like?
Stranger: answer
Stranger: no
You: care to venture a guess?
Stranger: no clue what it means
You: y=1/x
Stranger: so its a highschool math problem then?
You: yeah
You: do you know what it looks like?
Stranger: without knowing the form of math being performed cant guess broadly
You: algebra
You: just algebra
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

How odd, it's like he knew something but not enough.

>> No.2483767

You: if you dropped a pen on the moon what would happen?
Stranger: it wouls float
You: it would?
You: why?
Stranger: yeahh theres no gravity
You: really?
Stranger: yess look it upp
You: would you like a mulligan?
Stranger: whats a mulligan
You: what does the graph y=1/x look like?
Stranger: its a negative slope
You: care to elaborate?
Stranger: the slope the equation creates when grapehed is negative
You: could you tell me the antiderivative of that function?
Stranger: i dont know what a antiderivative is
You: would you like to try question 1 again?
Stranger: suree
You: if you dropped a pen on the moon what would happen?
Stranger: it would float due to the fact that there is no gravity on the monn
Stranger: *moon
You: i see
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 16
Stranger: how old are you
You: wizards do not age
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2483769
File: 18 KB, 500x313, dex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: Hey, can you describe the graph of the function y = 1/x?
Stranger: one thing for you
Stranger: ti 84 or 83 calc
You: That's cheating
You: u dumb
You have disconnected.

>> No.2483785
File: 138 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey I wasn't so bad at physics!

>> No.2483799

You: if you dropped a pen on the moon what would happen?
Stranger: it'd probably just drop
Stranger: into moon dust
You: oh ok lol
Stranger: fuck, moon dust on my pen.
Stranger: it will probably effect its ability to write then

erm... ok?

>> No.2483801

Bitch you best be trollin'

>> No.2483852

Technically this can be correct. In some asshat textbooks, just "log" is the natural log and you need to specify normal logarithms as log10.

>> No.2483861
File: 107 KB, 589x375, 1296965996291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: Hello there
Stranger: 18m
Stranger: and u
You: You're 18 meters tall? Amazing! I'm only 1,88 meters tall...
You: I envy you
You: Though, to be honest, it must be hard to find fitting clothes.
Stranger: nice joke
You: Oh wait
Stranger: i mean 18 male
You: You said 18m + u, but never specified that u>0. Hence, it could be that u=-16 and you'd end up being 2 meters tall (which is still quite a lot).
You: You're 18 people at the same time?
You: That's even crazier!

>> No.2483887

Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Hi
Stranger: how r u?
You: I have a question
You: I'm ok
Stranger: ask
You: Ok
You: Since there is no gravy on the moon, why are there shadows?
You: My theory is that God made the shadows on the moon defy the laws of physics
You: to show the humans an example of his powers
Stranger: there is no relation between gravity and shadow
You: Yes there is.
You: I've studied biology for 5 years
You: I think I know a few things, mmk?
Stranger: it is the projection of the object because of the light
You: And light is caused by gravy.
Stranger: no
You: I bet you were a slow child in school, weren't you? :(
Stranger: no
You: Get picked on a lot?
You: I know how it feels
Stranger: i am an engineering student
You: You're not alone
You: :(
You: Okay

it got p gay after that so i just cut it off

>> No.2483889

You: describe what the graph of 1/X looks like
Stranger: that is a hyperbola

I don't even

>> No.2483909

You: Hello
You: What does the graph of 1/x look like?
Stranger: I have no interest in your question.
You: Integrate 1/x then.
Stranger: I have no interest in your request.
You: What is the first law of thermodynamics?
Stranger: I have no interest in your question.
You: lol u so dum.
Stranger: Dream on.
Stranger: You still there?
Stranger: Your claim is unfounded and underpinned by mendacity, fantasy, negation and fallacy.
You: I'll keep rapidly moving my eyes, if you see what I mean.
Stranger: The nescience is on your side of the wire.
You: My claim?
You: which claim?
You: Fantasy?
You: I have talked about maths and science
Stranger: The on implicit in "u so dum".
Stranger: one*
You: u stil dum
Stranger: You are the only dumb one in this room.
Stranger: I was never dumb.
You: niga u hi?
You: ya
You: u hi.
Stranger: I do not consume drugs.
Stranger: De facto, I have never been drunk to boot.
You: What are you talking about.
You: high
You: do you know the definition?
You: Altitude?
You: you silly.
Stranger: Drugs and alcohol.
You: What about them
You: people on the internet are dum.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2483911

lol people in this thread think logx = lnx

>> No.2483916

but it is a hyperbola...

>> No.2483928

some people...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If I were on the moon and dropped a hammer and a feather which one would hit the surface first?
Stranger: neither due to lack of gravity, but my second guess would be a hammer
You: wow really?
You: Why wouldn't the moon have gravity?
Stranger: oh, i guess so but not as much as earth
You: So
You: they would both hit the surface at the same time
Stranger: um no, i still think a feather would take more time because it is really light and even on earth where there is a higher gravitational pull it takes longer for a feather to hit the ground then an object that weighs several pounds
You: Do you know why that is?
Stranger: fuck eh, lets go to the moon and test this shit out...
You: We have.
You: it has been tested
Stranger: haha so am i wrong?
You: Oh so very wrong.
Stranger: damn
You: The feather falls slower on Earth due to the air resistance
Stranger: yes thats what i was saying
You: Not because it is really light
You: Without the presence of an atmosphere, all objects regardless of weight would fall at the same rate
Stranger: hmm well maybe lighter objects have more air resistance ?
Stranger: and the moon has no atmosphere so therefore the hammer and feather would fall at the same rate
Stranger: interesting

>> No.2483943
File: 41 KB, 320x320, 522380_main[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2483968

>You: hellO
>You: Hello*
>Stranger: Hi
>You: What does the graph of 1/x look like?
>You: Hurry up, nigger.
>Stranger: Its a parabola with a vertical asymptote of x=0
>You: oh...
>You: I, didn't think you would answer
>You: Uh
>Stranger: Suck it

>> No.2483986


simple enough.

unknown constant C can be expressed as InA
so Inx + C can also = InAx

>> No.2484012

please stop responding to this thread its soooooo boring

>> No.2484018

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hii
Stranger: :)
You: Hello
Stranger: how's life?
You: Good
Stranger: that's good
You: Wanna know what I'm doing right now?
Stranger: what's ya name?
Stranger: uhmm sure whatcha doin?
You: I'm jerkin' off.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: kinky
You: Watchin porn, drinkin beer, jerkin off
Stranger: uh huh
Stranger: and on omegle, naturally
Stranger: how do you type so fast?
You: My name's Jeremiah McDwoth
You: Because I type fast
Stranger: uh huh
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you're pro
You: From typing in so much porn
Stranger: and you jerk off at the same time
Stranger: uh huh
You: Yes
You: I'm typing this with one hand
You: Jerking off with another
Stranger: that's crazy
You: What does the graph of 1/x look like?
Stranger: you type faster than i do with two hands
Stranger: uhmm
Stranger: it looks good
You: It does.
Stranger: can't really describe it for ya
You have disconnected.

>> No.2484076
File: 32 KB, 491x445, 1286167168583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know whats really sad, I tried this with 4 coworkers of mine on a slow day.

All of them failed 3 of them basically said the same as the guy in the omegle and one failed so spectacularly that I thought I should share it for lols.

didnt ask quite the same question but close enough, if anything my question was more simple "If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens to it?"
his answer
>well it would float away because the moon has no gravity.
>Ask him why the astronauts didnt float away then
and I quote
>"Well weren't they tethered down?"
He wasnt joking either.


>> No.2484080

fuuu I fucked up the wording, I meant to say, 3 of them failed, AND one failed spectacularly.

>> No.2484106
File: 82 KB, 800x600, f7944_ORIG-i_am_monitoring_this_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2484411

Log has base 10, Ln stands for the natural log and has base e, and btw logx is not equal to lnx.

>> No.2485520

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: Oi.
Stranger: m/f?
You: Nope.
Stranger: pardon?
You: I guess feet.
Stranger: and 'm' being?
You: Meters.
You: Duh.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: male or female?
You: So it's about 3
You: 3.28
Stranger: what is?
You: actually. That's more than I said, but I should've been able to get that. Why do you ask?
You: Feet in a meter.
You: About 3.28 feet in a meter.

>> No.2485534

but he really asked how many meters in a foot, didn't he? Shit.

>> No.2485536

I have no fucking idea how to integrate 1/x myself

what was that again?

>> No.2485551

Hooray, let's open up a shitty can of worms!

People said the most general form of it is ln |x| + C1 + |x|/x C2, but those people are dumb, because why does it fucking matter when you're integrating over the positive parts? We don't care about definition at all values because we only care about one segment at a time. Either you're working with ln x + C1, or you're working with ln -x + C2. That's probably why it doesn't matter one way or another.

>> No.2485569
File: 105 KB, 500x355, 1292700265282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is still alive

just let it die already

>> No.2485573

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Didn't deal with maths since highschool and even there I was horribad.

It's not like you'd ever need it. Unless you want to order |x| + C1 + |x|/x C2 breads at the bakery.

>> No.2485719

or want to build a building, or want to compute the entropy of a particular code that follows a well-known distribution, or any goddamn thing more complicated than the box-lifting and grunting you're content to call a job.

>> No.2485727

You build building with cement and steel, not maths. /sci/ so stupid

>> No.2485772


>> No.2485781

What does "integrate" means?

My english teacher never told me about this one.

>> No.2485838

That should've been in your history class. It means to tell the governor of Alabama where he can stick it.

>> No.2485855

second person I asked, pretty impressed they could differentiate it - despite them not answering the question

You: Integrate 1/x
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 1/x^2
Stranger: asl
You: a good try
Stranger: its with minus
You: that's the derivative
Stranger: name plz
Stranger: okk
Stranger: wanna chat or nt

>> No.2485869 [DELETED] 

Why is it ln|x| + c and not lnx + c?
If I were to take it between say -2 and -1, wouldn't it be -lnx?
The area there is clearly negative, but if you are using ln|x| then it gives it as ln2, rather than -ln2 which it should be.

In fact it seems to me you would have to define a new integral for the negatives, as -lnx.

>> No.2485876

Why is it ln|x| + c and not lnx + c?
I understand that ln of a negative is not defined, is that the only reason?

>> No.2485888

Also shouldn't you have to add some sort of extra bit to accomodate for it being undefined for x = 0.
integral of 1/x dx = ln|x| + c for all x =\= 0.

>> No.2485911


>> No.2485914

Yeah. The integral of the negative part is ln (-x) so it combines to be ln |x|

>> No.2485916

That's implied. 1/x is not defined at x = 0, and neither is ln |x|.

>> No.2485995

DOUCHE MODE: in the function z=xy^2 is z an increasing function of y?

>> No.2487584


>> No.2487691

asked several people what continent Africa is located on.
Nobody could answer