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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2482997 No.2482997 [Reply] [Original]

Interesting thought about transhumanism's future and present. The anti-vaccine movement could well be a small taste of what's to come from neo-Luddites. Vaccines act as an artificial enhancement of the human immune system. The side effects are rare and generally mild, yet we see a huge movement in relatively developed and educated countries that's based almost entirely around quackery and superstition.

So /sci/, do you think that further human enhancements will see similarly vehement opponents in the future?

>> No.2483020

Wait until nootropics hit the mainstream media.
>OMG, iz cheating! It will killzor your childzen!

>> No.2483024

>So /sci/, do you think that further human enhancements will see similarly vehement opponents in the future?

>> No.2483040


>> No.2483038

Of course there will be opposition to it from the retards to society. You forget that these type of people will believe anything as long as it come from a guy wielding some kind of doctrine and are incapable of critical thought.

Society is going to split and large portions of the Muslim world and Southern U.S. will probably be blown away in the sands of time. (If they don't drive us into the ground first).

>> No.2483048
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>> No.2483057

Exactly this. It was big news that she had this. But was it big news that she faked it all? Did it receive as much attention? Did they apologise for spreading bullshit?

>> No.2483062

Look at the moral panic and rage that's related to adderall and other amphetamine based ADHD treatments being used to study. (Though I doubt their real efficacy for long-term retention. Nobody in my biochem program that I knew used them.)
Can I please sign up to leave Earth and all it's 'tards behind?

>> No.2483068

>Vaccines act as an artificial enhancement of the human immune system.
Not a bio but vaccines are just dead strains of a virus correct. It introduces the Immune system to it and teaches to kill it right? The immune systems does all the fighting correct?

"artificial enhancement" Wtf?

>> No.2483076

Yes, but I think overall they will generally be accepted.

I can't wait until we're all cyborgs with mechanical enhancements.

>> No.2483087

They are a modified/weakened version of the disease that has had it's ability to reproduce stunted.

There are many ways this can be accomplished, but that's the general idea.

>> No.2483094

Well, it is artificial, even if it's derived from a natural source. Your body wouldn't normally be inoculated with dead virus. Kinda like scuba diving; the air you breathe is natural but the delivery and storage systems for that air are completely artificial.

>> No.2483095

Anything learned on adderall has a pretty high chance of being lost once the drug clears your system.

So you either take the shit forever or its a complete waste of time.

>> No.2483097

There is nothing wrong with people not wanting to advance anymore. Seriously, if all technological and scientific advancement stopped today, I would care. You live, you die. Beyond a certain point of having your belly full and things, being satisfied with life is a mental state.

I think people who enjoy pushing the limits of science and technology should have fun doing it, but I don't think tax money should go into paying for it.

>> No.2483105

>Seriously, if all technological and scientific advancement stopped today, I would care.

WOULDN'T care I mean

>> No.2483109


Some vaccines use dead strains and others use live ones that have been altered to make them harmless. In either case, I think it's still accurate to refer to vaccination as an artificial enhancement, as the procedure itself is artificial even if the contents of the vaccine are not.

>> No.2483121

You say that now until you get into a car accident and loose a limb, or get a disease that needs modern science to cure.

Just because you don't care now doesn't mean you won't care. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean there aren't many people who can.

Another thing is that if science just stopped today, our way of life would deteriorate rapidly. The only reason we can even maintain what we have no is because research is constantly updating/improving current methods.

>> No.2483123


you're on the wrong board, take this back to >>>/lit/

>> No.2483130
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It's funny how people imagine neo-luddites to only be these red necks from the south or some crazy christians.

What about Ted Kaczysnki? Math genius and he still chose to fight technology instead of building it.
And the anti-vaccine movement is hardly a neoluddite movement, while they do espouse natural remedies, they still watch TV etc.
So I would rather term it that red necks will be against anything and everything, because that's their mechanism of coping with reality.
Neoluddites however are a different matter.

>> No.2483131

>Though I doubt their real efficacy for long-term retention.
Why would you believe that? Adderall simply causes more neurotransmitters to be released, speeding up signal transmission.

>> No.2483138

Transhumanism has been on /sci/ since before you were born. It's almost as /sci/ as Carl Sagan threads.

>> No.2483146
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The technologies that you interact with, your very WORLD, is a result of the pursuit of technological advancement. If it weren't for that, you'd be working on some shithole farm trying to make enough food just to scrape by. Would you honestly say that you would still be content if such advancements hadn't happened?

That's a very backwards way of thinking.

>> No.2483150

I've been on /sci/ since the day it was created

carl sagan talks about science and is a scientist

tranhumanists are not scientists and don't talk about science.

>> No.2483151

Here is the solution. Kill all luddites with weapon grade lasers. Everybody wins! Non-luddites get to live without luddites around and luddites get to be right!

>> No.2483162

Kaczysnki wasn't a luddite as much as he was simply a misanthrope, anti-sprawl and anti-population growth.

Technology was fine, just so long as it didn't bulldoze swaths through forests for no reason.

>> No.2483169

You're just mad about the gray area between legit futurism and utopian delusions.

>> No.2483172

Fuck the many people who can use it. I am going to live my life and enjoy it, then commit suicide around 50 or 60 years old.

Sure, if there was some technological advancement that could make me feel better if I was injured or something and I could afford it, and it wasn't to much of a hassle to get, sure I probably would use it. But I really don't care about the future of mankind or anything, living to around 50 or so is great for me.
I hate old people anyway.

>> No.2483178

there is no area between futurism and delusions

>> No.2483188

Best idea for a science fiction short story ever! Well, sorta. The machines revolt but they wind up only killing the humans they deem useless or counterproductive. 30 years later, it's the best thing that ever happened to our species.

>> No.2483185


Go back further than that. Motherfuckers would be hunting and gathering and getting eaten by fucking lions.

AgSci & CE represent.

>> No.2483195


/x/ is the first to go.

>> No.2483196

Ok thanks for clearing that up. I thought op meant artificial enhancement as in antibiotics, dialysis, or nanotech.

>So /sci/, do you think that further human enhancements will see similarly vehement opponents in the future?

People will complain if someone feels like they are getting the short end of the stick or it is detrimental to them. Also if it is a convenient way to shift blame from your poisonous womb and bad choices during pregnancy.

>> No.2483200


Way to blame your mom for your problems.

>> No.2483212

Might I suggest offing yourself now and saving us the resources of having to keep your sorry ass happy for the next few years.

>> No.2483219



>> No.2483221
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>> No.2483225

I was not blaming anyone.

>> No.2483229
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>> No.2483248
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>> No.2483257

I'm assuming that you want the benevolently murderous machines to go after the people behind this?

Also, a few suggestions for Google when their servers become one self-aware entity and start offing humans:

Jenny McCarthy
The cast of the Jersey Shore
Anyone ever on a "Real Housewives of _____" show
Sarah Palin
Bristol Palin
Everyone on Fox News except for Andrew Napolitano
Stephanie Meyer
Twilight fans
Anyone ever on a VH1 reality show... except Ron Jeremy
Nancy Grace
The Westboro Baptist Church
Anyone who is delusional enough to think Krystal is better than White Castle

More to come
Captcha: influenza misrte

>> No.2483274


The fuck is this?

The fuck is that?

>> No.2483271
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>> No.2483287

Krystal: (noun) 1.) a first name used by strippers 2.) a first name used by future strippers 3.) a first name often given to female offspring of strippers 4.) AN INSANELY SHITTY SOUTHERN KNOCKOFF OF WHITE CASTLE.

Seriously though, I should never have gone to grad school in the South, I hate it here.

>> No.2483293

well if it does not have all the toxins that a flu vac does then i see no problem with it.

also no monkey brain cells and mice lung cells in it ether

>> No.2483298
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>> No.2483304
File: 1.99 MB, 285x214, thefuckwasthat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2483308

Sounds like you are the one that needs to off yourself. You can't enjoy life without constantly trying to improve every damn thing. Who cares, fuck you. Your worthless and will never do anything worth anything anyway.

But yeah your sentiments sum up your idiotic views of life, a neverending pursuit of some idiotic fantasy world that you will never be satified with, and will always look for others to label the inferior. You side will win, but you will still be miserable.

>> No.2483318

I'd rather be miserable and see the majority be happy then be miserable along with everyone else.

The difference is that will never happen because I gain pleasure by helping others. It's hard to be miserable doing what you enjoy.

>> No.2483321

I, for one, welcome my future as the cyborg master race. All you Luddites better kill yourselves now because we're coming for ya!

>> No.2483328

>thread mentions luddites, especifically neo-luddites
>I miss it

Is it to late to start bashing Republicans? I got my zubrinface.jpg and leopardgirl.jpg ready.

>> No.2483339

OK well then get your ass off of 4chan and go do something of value with your life...

oh wait, you're just an internet smart guy...lol

In real life you will never make any new scientific or technological advancement, loser.

>> No.2483344


Oh this is good, imma steal it for my WIP.

>> No.2483346


It's never too late to bash Republicans!

>> No.2483361

Come on guys, ideologies are by definition unscientific. It isn't /sci/ to split people up amongst American political left and right. The last thing we need is for you to attract more /new/ refugees.

>> No.2483365
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Okay then.

Pic related, it would be fun if Michele Bachmann actually did this.

>> No.2483370
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We're not arguing ideologies, we're just bashing the future-shocked luddites. We're doing humanity a favour, even if it's merely PR.

>> No.2483377


>implying we aren't full to the brim with /new/ trolls

>> No.2483404

Well then call them luddites. As soon as you say the R word trolls swarm in from left and right.

There is always room in the tubes for more trolls.

>> No.2483401

>we're just bashing the future-shocked luddites

So are transhumanists present-shocked?

>> No.2483409

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.2483413



>> No.2483418

"I am a 21st century person who was accidentally launched in the 20th. I have a deep nostalgia for the future."

>> No.2483424


Nevermind, I misunderstood.

>> No.2483470

Well you call people future-shocked because you feel they are afraid of the future

So are transhumanists present-shocked because they are afraid of the present

>> No.2483474

OK, that makes sense. Carry on.

>> No.2483494


I think I would be past-shocked, because fear people who repeat the old habitsof our species.

>> No.2483495

So, the argument is between scientists who agree that vaccines are good, and that the paper linking MMR to autism was fatally flawed, and Jennifer McCarthy?

Well, Jennifer McCarthy is hot, has a great body, and is a celebrity. Also, I heard she's a Christian.

Besides, Scientists just use things like vaccines to get grant money.

So, Jennifer McCarthy and truth wins.

>> No.2483499


tripless colonel posting from kindle

>> No.2483526

>I fear people who repeat the old habits of our species.

So you fear every person on earth then.

I think the worst of those old habits is procreating

>> No.2483532

You can do that?

>> No.2483551


Stopped reading at hot.

>> No.2483566
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>> No.2483631
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I'm just going to leave some OC here.

>> No.2483691
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>Anything learned on adderall has a pretty high chance of being lost once the drug clears your system.

yea, no

amps are cns stimulants, they (wait for it) STIMULATE!

studying on dex is just like studying off dex, just with an artificially increased attention/concentration