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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 217 KB, 1000x771, 1296445039687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2464569 No.2464569 [Reply] [Original]

troll science?

>> No.2464595

This would be fucking hilarious.

>> No.2464609


>> No.2464612

In case you haven't already done so, show /sp/.

>> No.2464620

Then the other team uses the offside trap and you can't score any goals...

>> No.2464622

OMG such win OP

>> No.2464627

The other team forms an even bigger circle around you.

>> No.2464657

would not work, lol.

>> No.2464661

not possible
11 people cant stretch around 10 people...
...or 10 around 9... if goal keepers stay put.

>> No.2464666
File: 79 KB, 517x720, pix_plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EK is here! Derail thread immediatedly!

>> No.2464675

he's not passing the ball to anyone

>> No.2464676

sup devil. you know you love me really...

>> No.2464678

as long as the other team stays in front, they can't just charge and push them.

>> No.2464683


And you love me. I know you do, after that library card joke the other day.

>> No.2464695

>And you love me. I know you do, after that library card joke the other day.
what library card joke?

>> No.2464698

grammar fail.

>> No.2464701


"Good thing I have a library card, cause I am checking you out."

>> No.2464704

its not legal.You cant use your body to avoid someone getting the ball from where he cannot reach it.

gotta love this non brazillian trolls...

>> No.2464716

OMG that was you??

>> No.2464726
File: 171 KB, 799x1340, Infinity sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah? Is that so surprising?

>> No.2464732

As a trainer soccer ref, I can tell you that any team that tried this would immediately get called for obstruction. Unless you're close enough to the ball to directly play it, you're not allowed to block other players from getting to it.

>> No.2464739

As a prick, I can tell you that it was already pointed in this thread previously.

>> No.2464743


...why would you're pic not work??

>> No.2464746
File: 27 KB, 367x451, 1269163173818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2464747

>has something to do with soccer


>> No.2464755
File: 19 KB, 300x100, Tripcodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2464756


Which pic? Both pictures I've posted in this thread work fine for me.

>> No.2464759


>you're pic
>you are a pic

>> No.2464767

trolled :D
i mean why would that not be physically possible?

>> No.2464774


Reported for being a tripcunt.

>> No.2464786


Because there's a limit to how much volume you can get from a megaphone? At least if it's an electronic one. If it's an old-fashioned one, I don't know enough audiodynamics to say why, short of citing the first law of thermodynamics. You can't get an infinite amount of energy (here in the form of soundwaves) from a smaller amount (the original sound). A non-electronic megaphone doesn't make the sound louder anyway, it just redirects it.

>> No.2464790

reported for being a wanker.

>> No.2464796

what if it is an electric megaphone?

>> No.2464804


Then you're limited by the amount of energy in their batteries and how powerful their speakers are, I suppose. You can't get something for nothing, though.

>> No.2464805

reported for frivilous reporting

>> No.2464800


Why do you use a Tripcode?

>> No.2464807

Reported for reporting on frivolous reporting

>> No.2464811

>implying any one gives a fuck beyond the initial troll

>> No.2464812

because he wants to gain recognition on a anonymous image board; what a jerk.

>> No.2464825


Reported for reporting of reporting on frivolous reporting.

>> No.2464826

Holy shit.

Thread = proof all triptards are fucking retarded.

Seriously, stop posting and get the fuck out.

>> No.2464839

reported for Reporting on reporting of reporting on frivolous reporting.

>> No.2464847

Fuck off. No-one likes you.

>> No.2464855

kindly fuck off.

>> No.2464865


I deplore such attacks in a reasoned forum. Consider yourself chided.

>> No.2464881

>>2464865 = WINRAR
>>2464855 = losZAR

>> No.2464887
File: 67 KB, 800x643, RSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bickering, have some more troll science

>> No.2465409

OP here, started this thread so everyone would post troll science lol, so can we?

>> No.2465418
File: 231 KB, 1024x768, zeppelin_troll copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2465450


>> No.2465457
File: 94 KB, 1022x768, 1296692795902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2465465
File: 106 KB, 504x1023, 1289232595167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2465473


Vacuum bags could actually work if we could synthesize diamond and such things.

>> No.2465490
File: 154 KB, 873x688, 1289232748347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2465491

OP's pic

its called offside

>> No.2465504

no idiot
if you dont pass the ball, there is no offside

>> No.2465528

we will never make hollow shells of diamond I believe...
Ive made some calculations once for iron...I remember it wasnt feasible

>> No.2465541
File: 353 KB, 800x998, 1289231685075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2465548

>if we could synthesize diamond

Good news everybody!

>> No.2465570

But we can synthesize diamond.

>> No.2465589

this is for the most part, how rebreathers work.

>> No.2465611

in low production runs, yes. Also, fun fact: diamond could potentially be used to make and store metallic hydrogen, ONE THE MOST ENERGY DENSE FUELS KNOWN TO MAN, if hydrogen didn't LEAK through the diamond at such high pressures!

>> No.2465635

We can synthesize large quantities for diamonds

What do you think drill bits are coated with?