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2459885 No.2459885 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder what it feels like to die.

Word on the streets is as your body shuts down for the final time, it gives you a freebie high of all sorts of feel good shit to mask the fact that you're on your way out. THIS TRUE?

>> No.2459904

The closer you get to death, the more your perception of the passing of time slows, approaching an asymptote at the moment you die. Each second will feel progressively longer -- first every second will be a minute to you, then an hour, a day, a year, ten years.

And then finally in that one instant, the instant which you expire, you will hit that brick wall and live for an eternity, never moving, experiencing nothing but the agony of that final, unmoving, unpassing moment.

Death is forever.

>> No.2459902

I know someone who was temporarily dead from a heroin overdose. He said his perception of time slowed to zero.

>> No.2459905



>> No.2459926

anectdotal evidence- I've had two near almost fatal experiences, once drowning and once comming very close to sliding off a cliff. Both happened slowly enough for me to be aware of my impending doom.

I didn't experience any high at all. Perhaps a moment of relaxation when I realized there's nothing more I can do. no high though.

the time I almost fell off the cliff I saw my life flash before my eyes, (and my nose and ears too). It's strange the things you remember... they aren't memories you can recall under normal circumstances. They're extremely vivid and compelling, but not of important events for the most part. an interesting thing.

>> No.2459930

feels good man

>> No.2459932

Inner peace, higher self, you can't and won't know what happens until shit hits you. Just be sure not to be slept when it happens if you want to know.

>> No.2459938



>> No.2459947

That's awesome but it's not verifiable :'(.

>> No.2459953

smoke dmt, that's the funnest way to find up.

you're a pussy if you're scared.

>> No.2459956


Woah man.

>> No.2459959

I died once in a dream and woke up here. Maybe when you die here you wake up in another reality. Seems just as likely as anything else.

>> No.2459981

well, how do u know that you are alive right now? Could it be that you are dying right now, but your mind is so supremely overclocked that it recites your whole history in a matter of seconds making it feel like a life time.

>> No.2459995

possible, but then why am I wasting time in this anus of a website reading word-turds puked up by racist cockgobblers?

>> No.2459996

I need some weed to properly enjoy this thread.

>> No.2460002

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.

-Mark Twain

>> No.2460008

nice quote

>> No.2460019

"To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?"

- Socrates

>> No.2460025
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>billions and billions

>> No.2460034

antiquated quote whose only modern application is a study of how barren verbiage can produce syntactically correct sentences

>> No.2460069


Unless you get a blast of feel good chems, then you'll spend an eternity feeling high as fuck :0

>> No.2460095


He talking about when your neurons in your brain begin to miss-fire from lack of oxygen after 5 minutes. You have to be dead, not experiencing shock from ALMOST dying, to get the high of your dying brain's hiccups

>> No.2460104

Why am I laughing?

>> No.2460112


who says you won't experience your brains neural hiccups? You ARE your brain after all, or at least your consciousness is directly related to what your brain experiences. Just because your heart stops doesn't mean your mind has to.

>> No.2460113
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So you get the hiccups when you die?

>> No.2460124

i'm still not sure if it was ironic or he was just agreeing

>> No.2460129

I know death is a totally natural process of life and all, but it freaks me the fuck out to know that one day I'll just not exist anymore.

I guess I wouldn't know either way since it's just like a gigantic "off" switch, but... still weird to know that's it. You're done. Out.

>> No.2460137

and maybe that's why people who understand we are insignificant don't kill themselves

>> No.2460148


Why would that matter?

Obviously you're an organism designed to make conscious choices. Killing yourself is one of them.

Just as natural of a death as anything else. Sometimes cells self destruct for no reason, so why can't complex organisms do the same?

>> No.2460154

Oh god. I'm going to die. I won't be alive. I won't be experiencing. Everything was for nothing. I won't even get to EXPERIENCE anymore. FOREVER. I'M GOING TO DIE


... and now it's over. I can't feel it anymore. No matter how hard I think about not existing, I can only manage to be indifferent. No fear, and no discernible reason for this change.

Why does this happen? Why can I only get a specific dosage of dread?

>> No.2460157

from more of a philosophical perspective death is simply the end of your stream of consciousness.
In my experience it feels like getting knocked unconscious, or blacking out on drugs/alcohol. Only you don't ever come out of the blackout so you can't look back and realized you don't have any memory/experience of the time period. I'd say you can feel dieing, up until you're dead you're still experiencing living of some sort. Once you're dead you don't experience anything. How you experience the last few moments of life is dependent on how you die. If you're instantly vaporized by an unexpected atomic bomb I doubt you get a blast of feel good chems.

>> No.2460163

Oh yeah, this junkie friend of mine dies all the time to get high, that must be where the word on the street came from.

>> No.2460172

I'd rather die than live forever, because eternity, my friend, is a long fucking time.

>> No.2460175

Same thing happens to me, not sure if I'm accepting death or blocking out the dread.

>> No.2460174


I die at least TWICE a day, your friend is nowhere near as hardcore as me.

>> No.2460179

Sentience, in the sense of not being a philosophical zombie, will probably never be explained by science, the only evidence of it's existence arein the minds of sentient beings themselves.

>> No.2460199


>> No.2460209

dying is the worst thing that can ever happen. never knowing what comes after you die, the eternity that follows is just a mystery forever. and you are nothing again.

>> No.2460211

Fuck I would get dubs when i say that.
guess I'll have to do it, I'll post results in a couple minutes

>> No.2460215



>> No.2460219

and again 4chan want's me dead obviously

>> No.2460224


Same thing here. I can't really be scared of something that I won't feel.

However, the worst thing possible would be to know the time you would die, because a) it would take away your choice in the matter and b) knowing you are about to die sucks ass because it means some kind of pain is imminent.

>> No.2460229



>> No.2460239

Isn't DXM one of the things it releases? Or some other dissociative hallucinogen?

>> No.2460257


>> No.2460264
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>what happens if you're already dead and then... you die?

>> No.2460269

DXM is cough syrup.
DMT is what it releases. It's the chemical that makes us dream, as far as I understand. Interestingly enough, it's also found in every living organism on earth.

>> No.2460282

Yeah, OP. I died the other day, it wasn't very bad. Maybe I'll do it later today after I fap if I'm bored.

>> No.2460309

DXM(dextromethorphan) is processed into dextrorphan it's a dissociative it affects opiod and ndma recetors and is pretty much unrelated to DMT N,N-Dimethyltryptamine which affects serotonin receptors the D doesn't even stand for the same thing

>> No.2460330
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well I did it, everything slowly went black like if you stand up to fast, it became harder and harder to think, my brain just wouldn't cooperate, lost all feeling in my extremities which then spread to the rest of my body, it wasn't so much numb as it just felt like they weren't connected anymore.
Then these works scrolled into my field of vision...

>> No.2460333

>DMT is what it releases.
It's fun to listen to people who think they know what they're talking about but really don't.

DXM blocks NMDA receptors. That's all.

>> No.2460340

Has anybody ever conducted any studies of giving DMT to people who had had near death experiences and asking if that was what it was like?

>> No.2460341

double negative so you're alive again, or undead
i think you've just discovered the secret to eternal life, just make sure if you're about to die do it an even number of times

>> No.2460349

yeah, what i meant was that DMT is what your brain releases before you die.
DXM and DMT are unrelated. i should have clarified that, my bad.

>> No.2460358



>> No.2462674

Where exactly do you get DMT?

>> No.2462696
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>> No.2462715

Hell yes. Damn weird when it happens, I have to stop myself and take a breather sometimes... then a minute later I'm almost laughing at what I've just felt.

>> No.2462732


Not me, I've had many sleepless nights pondering my own mortality and the very fact that I'll no longer exist.

Shit gives me panic attacks.

>> No.2462742

I'm going to commit suicide soon (seriously), and should the opportunity to browse 4chan present itself where I end up, I'll be sure to post about it.

I'm thinking of killing myself in June/July, but I want it to look like an accident. Any ideas?

>> No.2462746
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>> No.2462752

Similar to what some of the earlier posts said and some reading I've don on lucid dreaming, I propose a theory.

What if, when we die, we enter a state of extreme time dillation? In dream terms of course.
This one man claimed to have extended time in his dream to such an extent that he lived through 2 years of dream time in one night. He did this by saying "1 earth minute is equal to x dream minutes".
Now since numbers are infinite, wouldn't it be possible to be stuck in a dream forever without a single minute of Earth time passing by?
What if this is the very thing that happens when we die? We are stuck in a state of dream, forever.

You know what nevermind, sounds stupid. I know I'm wrong, but it's something cool to think about.

>> No.2462768


this is like entering another dimension

maybe its possible, but it aint gonna be easy

>> No.2462779


Like others I accepted i was going to die a long time ago. It happens, and you won't know any better after the fact, and you didn't beforehand.
If we were mean't to live forever we'd be made that way.