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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 477x358, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2459601 No.2459601 [Reply] [Original]

Any interest in an Econ/Finance board?

>> No.2459604

No. Fuck off.

Also, reported.

>> No.2459615


suck it

>> No.2459635


>> No.2459631

No, but I often wondered what would happen if moot added a board dedicated to law and lawyerism (not a word, I know). And by "what would happen" I mean what kind of community and trolls would it end up harboring. Like how /new/ ended up harboring conspiracy theorists and white supremacists, /r9k/ harbored whiners, /sci/ harbors religious trolling, etc.

>> No.2459641

given recent econ threads on /sci/ getting hundreds of responses and lasting days talking about pretty much everything but science and math, I'd have to say yes.

may the lord bless and keep you... far away from us.

>> No.2459647

Yes, I wish there was one because it would keep it out of /sci/ and /int/. And I would go to /econ/ too, when I was in that kind of a mood. And this could be the theme song.


>> No.2459650



>> No.2459653 [DELETED] 


>> No.2459670


Along the lines of what I was thinking.

Econ loosely fits in /sci/, but the econ threads seem to get lost with all the trolling. Finance doesnt really fit in /sci/, but is connected to econ.

And yes, for you /sci/fags, it would get the econ threads out of /sci/.

>> No.2459673
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did somebody say economics/Finance ?

>> No.2459691
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Sure did

>> No.2459700

economics can already be discussed on sci. good economics is based loosely on math (sometimes not so loosely), and in that way, it belongs here. Atleast its more academic than those religious trolling boards.

>> No.2459705




Would ask if you think it's gong to be/is useful. Damn required language courses that I procrastinated taking. "Hurrrr, i'll take Chinese!!"... Well there goes a good 200 hours of my study time. (econ honours major here)

>> No.2459712

It would be like autoadmit, except even stupider

>> No.2459713

With all the trolls, retards, and underage here, do you really want a board about managing money and investments?

I can already tell you that the majority of posts would be about buying gold, guns, and canned food instead of the stock market

>> No.2459715

we need an econ board :(

>> No.2459716

There are worse uses of time

>> No.2459720



>> No.2459728

I'd be all for an Econ/Finance board specifically because it'd be stupid as fuck and I could probably manipulate anonymous into making me money somehow.

>> No.2459732


>> No.2459730

I'm tired of going to crappy finance sites to know what to invest in

>> No.2459741

I'm part of a group paying for a subscription to The Motley Fool online. It's been serving me pretty well - I've made about $3,000 on about $27,500 invested gradually over about a year.

>> No.2459753

I pity the fools who waste their time learning Chinese instead of the more accessible and close to home Spanish
The Chinese will learn English if they want to do business with us anyways

>> No.2459768


Honors econ as well, though I am early in my major courses. BBA, so a foreign language isnt required. I used a translator. If I need to learn a foreign language for my job, I'll learn it. Id rather take more econ than learn to speak chinese (though it would be nice to understand all the chinese students/profs at my campus).

>> No.2459779

Jokes on them since they'll never learn Chinese well enough for it to be useful and we will laugh at them 10 years from now the same way we laugh at weeaboos today.

>> No.2459782
File: 28 KB, 200x280, facepalmhayekyoufaileconomicsforever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only made 11% in an 18% year
>and he's been paying for a subscription
>and he thinks it's been serving him well

How fucking embarrassing.

>> No.2459792


because an /econ/ would have a ton of purchasing power, right?

>> No.2459795

>>he only made 11% in an 18% year
The $27,500 wasn't invested up front in a lump sum. It was done in $2,500 chunks as I acquired them.

>> No.2459805



Just by the way I am superwhite, and in my second semester of intro Chinese. My school is pretty much much like Chinatown, soooo I get to practice reading comprehension a lot.

They talk about exam, and getting together to do homework, which is pretty much against the rules. Those are the hot topics of conversation around campus.

I'm in an upper level econ class where intermediate micro isn't aloud. There's only about 7 or 8 white compared to about 40 chinese people including the chinese instructor in the class.

She was asking if anybody does not know indifference curves. Of course nobody raises their hands but after a pause one chinese guy said 我不知道 which means "i don't know" and all the chinese people turned around and started laughing and the instructor too. She felt the need to tell us what he said, but I already knew. I'm thinking about joining in on a conversation just to fuck with them.

>> No.2459803

Maybe /econ/ could harbor our very own Jonathan Lebed

>> No.2459812

Oh ok, I thought you Made it gradually over a year, instead of Invested it gradually over a year.

>> No.2459826


>> No.2459833
File: 131 KB, 1158x866, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like economics :3

>> No.2459835

The economy is on its way out anyway, it's no longer relevant.

>> No.2459837

FUCK YES OP, I actually sent an email to moot suggesting it when he was asking for board suggestions a few weeks ago.

That's really cruel of your instructor. Admitting what you don't know is one of the most important steps of learning. (That said Indifference Curves are pretty basic, right? I'm just learning em now in my second semester of Microecon)

>> No.2459850

Yeah. Although as I'm fairly new to investing, I made a couple poor choices on when to double-down on stocks that were down. Problem is they went even lower, lol. Things are good now though.

I'm mainly using the subscription to give vetted stock picks. Once in a while I'll put more money in the ones that have gone lower without any change in the stock's rating at the site. The recommendation is basically some assurance that the stock isn't going to totally tank and go out of business.

>> No.2459869
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yeah they easy. This is for a class where we use indifference curves but for some reason intermediate micro 1 is not a formal pre-req. so she just wanted to warn people that they are going to be used so you should learn them.

anyways yeah intermediate micro is kind of boring as fuck.

do indifference curves. new topic: isoquants. mfw they are absolutely 10000% the exact same thing with a different name.

>> No.2459866

For being a supposedly communist country China sure is capitalist as fuck.

>> No.2459865

One of the very first things I'd learned was to never invest more than 3-4% of your capital into one market.

That way, even if said market tanks, and you lose everything, it doesn't ultimately ruin you.

>> No.2459892

Yep. Political communism doesn't mean the economy is too, whatever "communist economy" means.

>> No.2459899

one... market?
Educate me. What do you mean by a "market"?

>> No.2459896

That's kind of a misnomer, they are, in fact, mercantilists, economics is a weapon of foreign policy for the PRC.

>> No.2459901


You're better off putting it mostly into ETFs as opposed to individual stocks with only 30k.

>> No.2459912

Well, I do already have another $30k in a mutual fund.

>> No.2459917

If only we had a board to discuss current events, politics, and the effects of current events and politics on economics...

>> No.2459922

Well with the assistance of conscience dreaming, we can achieve our own currency

>> No.2459951

Get off of 4chan, Jared.

>> No.2460026

Heh, I'm taking intermediate Micro and my professor (who is retiring after this semester) even admits that its pretty boring so he tends to go off into real world examples a little too much. Its an OK class, but I would like a bit more math. We don't use calculus at all in it because most of the people who take Econ here are minors/business majors. There are only a few Econ majors (and one inexplicable theoretical Math major, I can't help but feel a little bad for her).

>> No.2460370

bump and such

>> No.2460522


I'm an eco major and at my school, there's calc in every class. Nothing insane but I'm surprised there isn't a heavy emphasis on math at your college. Not that my faculty is impressive, barely any speak English well.

>> No.2460527


I'm guessing he means sectors.

>> No.2460542
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>> No.2460564

>implying economics is a science

>> No.2460578


I go to an upper-tier school and my program is like that. it's universal.

First year micro - derp
Second year micro - no calculus required. you're prof may show u some calculus stuff but you won't get tested on it
IN SECOND YEAR - you should be doing an econometrics preliminary course. This is where people misunderstand economics. This class is relatively math intensive, not super difficult, but it's all multivariable calc, including taylor series expansions and of course lagrange functions. learn some economic tools like present value forumla and it's extension to infinite geometric series. and then go straight into stats and do some algebraic statistical stuff like "finding out of the beta2 perameter estimate is unbiased" as well as learning how to work with SHAZAM. (the computer program that you will use if you make it past third year)

So yeah. Also in that econometrics preliminary course, a question on the final was pretty much the fundamental theorem in intrermediate microtheory 1, about indifference curves, in which the question itself was based off of absract variables as opposed to numbers. harder than anything in the microtheory course. (however still easy, got an A, who would have guessed?)


yeah trust me there is no lack of math in economics; the fourth year econometrics (undergraduate) course, which I would bet is universal, makes people slit their wrists and cry. Just a tip, it's not about the calculus or stats-->students usually have problems with the extensive use of matrix algebra.

>> No.2460589

How do I become an evil capitalist and make a lot of moneys?

>> No.2460650

1. Have evil capitalist parents.
2. Parents pay for top level ejumacashun.
3. Wait for parents to die and leave you their wealth.
4. ?????
5. PROFIT! (Literally in this case)

>> No.2460849


1. Find a need.
2. Fill it.
3. Satisfy customers, either through acceptable prices or exceptional service.
4. Beat competition.
5. Beat government regulation and taxes eating into your profit margin.
6. Roll in your money.

>> No.2461731



>> No.2461747

Why do keynesians and monetarists keep getting in each others faces? This is what I don't get. Monetarism deals with the money supply and Keynesianism deals with government spending. Why can't you use both?

>> No.2461751
File: 80 KB, 375x300, 789_CoolFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a PPE board

Philosophy, Politics and Economics board

Pic related. It will have 100 times more trolling than (insert deleted board here)

>> No.2461756


1. Find a need.
2. Fill it through personal wealth or a hefty loan
3. Satisfy customers, either through acceptable prices or exceptional service.
4. No-one cares because you don't have enough money to advertise on the same level as the dominant cartel in the industry
5. They beat government regulation and are able to cement their control over the industry through cutting costs with minimum-wage labour
6. Enjoy bankruptcy

Perfect competition does not exist. The free market does not exist in reality. And most businesses, even run by intelligence and energy, fail miserably.

>> No.2461780


Seems like a failure on the part of the entrepreneur.

>> No.2461793


90% of new businesses fail in their first year, right?

Do you think 90% of prospective entrepreneurs are going to make some big mistake?

The game is rigged towards those companies with piles of cash. That's the long and short of it. It is much easier to join a large corporation than to start a small one.

>> No.2461809


1) Yup
2) Yup
3) Yup

and? If a new company cant survive, evidently there isnt a place for them in the market.

>> No.2461827


So an oligopoly that raises barriers to entry, forms a cartel to raise prices and gives their labour force and consumers shitty conditions is the right way to do things?

Might makes right after all. I mean, if they're succeeding, they must be doing it right.

>> No.2461848


If an individual tries to enter a market with an oligopoly and fails, is it the oligopoly's fault?

In the case of a cartel, yeah, that would be illegal. Yet, the failed startups arent failing because of cartels.

You can bring up special cases with horrible mean bad corporations, but in general if a startup fails its because it couldnt maintain cash flow.

>> No.2461860


What if the only way to become competitive is to shift jobs to india or thailand, where you can abuse the fuck out of your labour force, pay them dogshit, and call in a bunch of armed goons when they try to strike?

What if you don't have enough money for advertisement to compete?

>> No.2461883


It's the only way this will get done

>> No.2461889

The first 3 would be nice for information, the fourth one would be a septic tank like /new/ or /r9k/ or /soc/. Also, why did moot take out our septic tanks? Doesn't he know that that just causes backup and overflow?

>> No.2461893


then you need to find something better to do with your time. Are people entitled to compete in whatever market they so choose? If I make a startup in semiconductors, can I bitch at Intel and AMD for putting me out of business? By definition, an oligopic market has high startup costs. This is why you only see a few major airline companies--the startup costs are insanely high for an individual

If you dont have the capital to enter a particular market, you dont belong in it. Quite simple, really.

You keep bringing up shitty labor conditions and a lack of money to advertise. Why? Why cant the entrepreneur startup in another market? Maybe he should start a bakery in his house,selling pastries to nearby shops. Maybe he should get a plow for a truck and start plowing people's driveways throughout winter. If he tries to take on industry giants he will fail, and rightfully so.

>> No.2461903
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You're right. You could just give up in the face of competition from major companies, and slave away at work for the rest of your life. Maybe you'll even have enough for a miserable life at a retirement home after all of it.

>> No.2461906

>doesn't he know that causes backup and overflow?
he'd have to create and then ask /plumb/

>> No.2461913

First, it's 50%, second, have you talked to most start-up entrepreneurs? A lot of them have no clue whatsoever about how to run a business. They mire themselves in bizarre marketing strategies based around social media and viral marketing and think that they'll be able to 'beat the system' by being unconventional, and then fold after about a year because they spent, spent and spent, without establishing or maintaining a cash flow.

>> No.2461916

Some people take "you gotta spend money to make money" too literally. They don't realize that you actually have to have a plan for how it's going to grow and come back to you.