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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 400x374, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2458602 No.2458602 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I have midterms coming up in about a week and a half but CANNOT bring myself to study. I keep procrastinating and every time I try to study, i get really bored.

I'm a good student and a good kid, but how would I go about getting myself some adderall to help me study? Who could I talk to to get me some? Any of you guys take adderall to study before?

>> No.2458633


val/val ???

>> No.2458620

ooohh that must suck to be a val/val faggot like yourself.

>> No.2458638

is that the dad from family ties? you bastard, he would never give thumbs up to adderalll! yea i'm mad!

>> No.2458649

if you dont have adhd taking adderall will fuck you up like cocaine. Meaning you will be able to study LESS.

>> No.2458671

adderall would help tbh, but you still need to actually focus and just study the shit out of whatever you need to study.

>> No.2458674
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>Meaning you will be able to study LESS.

>> No.2458678


no man. uni and college students use it all the time to study. Maybe it can fuck you up if you use it every day for prolonged periods, but if your just taking a few while studying for exams, it makes you concentrate and will increase the benefits of studying exponentially

>> No.2458697


But it's a mild form of cocaine, it will keep you up for days, and for some people it doesn't work. Some people say they cant remember what they study in the long term while using it.

>> No.2458708


this is wrong, completely, many pilots were given amphetamines in every major war for the last 75 years....

get some time release adderall and you will study your ass of guaranteed...get the regular stuff and you have a 50/50 shot of partying and doing bullshit

>> No.2458720

OK guys, can we please stay on topic?

should I try to look for a tweeker at school, or should I look for kids that look like they have ADHD?

do I just walk up to them and say "hey, you got any adderall or ritalin?"


>> No.2458727

>But it's a mild form of cocaine
no its not, lol. what the fuck?

>> No.2458734
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>he thinks stimulants make you hyper

>> No.2458739

if you want adderal go to a doctor, fake adhd. Its not that hard, say you cant focus shit, you have troubles at your uni because of it, idk reaserch the stuff.

>> No.2458749

Protip: Before Adderall college students did cocaine to help them study.

You are completely right about it keeping one up though.

>> No.2458755


dude ritalin is shit, that will just make you stupid, molecularly its mild cocaine, but this is not how it actually behaves in your body, seriously its shit, adderall is the only scrip to study on

>> No.2458765


yea this works, but only if you have a whole group of people studying...if your by yourself, you will get bad results

>> No.2458768

>implying they don't

>> No.2458770

yes but how to get it without lying to a doctor?

>> No.2458775


>> No.2458776

>he thinks stimulants make you hyper

>he's trying to imply that they don't

Troll harder.

>> No.2458779

buy it from some dealer, but be warn!
mostly those fuckers are not trust-worthy.

>> No.2458782

You don't have to lie, just present the truth in a manner that favors your goals.

>> No.2458787

well they dont always make you hyper.
amphetamine calms me down for one.
Caffeine makes me hyper thou.

>> No.2458792



I said I have midterms in 1 and a half weeks. That's not enough time for go to doctor, convince him to give me adderall, and study.

>> No.2458804

Doctor can be done in one day.

>> No.2458812

it took me like 15 minutes to convice the doctor to prescribe me Tramadol.
but he did look at me like im a drug addict...

>> No.2458824
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>molecularly its mild cocaine

>> No.2458827

Instead of taking adderal to help you focus, you could just take something like provigil to make you stay awake for days at a time to study, then get a good nights sleep before your exam and ace it.

Its a narcolepsy drug that goes by Nuvigil, Vigicer and Alertec as well. If you can find something with modafinil as the active ingredient it will accomplish the same thing with little to no side affects even though its not prescribed to you. assuming you only take it once

>> No.2458848

>I have no self determination or self discipline, how can I pass anyways?

>> No.2458849

goddam google chrome autofilled my name to OP. Not actually him. You could also always take speed to keep yourself awake. might be easier to get

>> No.2458854

moleculary water is mild hydrogen.

>> No.2458864


yeah I know the doctor part would be fast, but what you don't understand is that I live with my strict, old school, foreign parents who don't believe in pills.

you can imagine the difficulty of getting a doctors prescription without them knowing. Especially since I'm on their medical plan

You can imagine how difficult it would

>> No.2458871

OP here.

I talked to some ADHD faggot on facebook and he says he has "concerta"...

is that good for studying?

>> No.2458876

concerta is another tradename for ritalin i think.
so yes.

>> No.2458885


bumping this question for more answers before I ask the guy if I can buy some

>> No.2458897

moleculary monkey is mild human

>> No.2458917
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guys please answer this... this is how I got the guys attention too

>> No.2458926

concerta = ritalin.
It could help you, but you'll still have to make the effort of actually opening the books and study them, you fagget!

>> No.2458934


>> No.2458936

Long release ritalin.
Each capsule lasts for 8 hours or more.
That's probably exactly what you want

>> No.2458943

just break it and snort; 'tis the only way.

>> No.2458950


alright, but how do you think I should ask him? That's always my biggest fear, asking.

And how much should I take

>> No.2458951

if you had some supplies you could chemicaly convert pseudoephedrine (sudafed) to amphetamine (aderall) using a modified birch reduction if you REALLY need/want it

>> No.2458954


>> No.2458960


are you telling me to make crystal meth???

>> No.2458974

You could try, but it's not that simple.
The stuff on the inside isn't a powder, and there's also a coating of the stuff on the outside.
If you wanted to snort it you'd have to remove the outer coating (else let it go to waste), then cut the capsule open, then either scrape out the insides or cut off the plastic, then you would need to grind it up with a mortar and pestle

>> No.2458980


reducing phenyalanine is easier than this shit tard

>> No.2458981

not quite. aderall chemicly is methamphetimine without the methly group, aka amphetimine. hench modified birch reduction.

>> No.2458988

OP here... going to ask him now.

stay tuned

>> No.2458995

The difference between slow-release ritalin and Concerta is in the release rate curve. They both last around 8-10 hours.

Ritalin has a large initial spike followed by a tapering off release curve. Concerta is more or less even across the whole time.

PS - if you are seriously considering drugs to help you pass a course you are neither a good student nor a good kid. Just sayin'.

>> No.2459005

i would say its still worth the trouble.
snorting vs slow release capsule, isnt really a debate.

>> No.2459010


I'm not considering it to pass a course. It's just a pic I found on google. As my post reads, I am a good student, but 3 midterms on one day can be a bit overwhelming.

>> No.2459027 [DELETED] 

Get the generic Adderall, not the time-release overpriced stuff. I get a 90 day supply for like 90 dollars.

Plus the generic stuff is just labeled AMPHETAMINE TABLETS which is pretty fucking awesome. I take 15mg twice a day and it helps keep me focused, awake, and motivated. I actually have ADHD though (went to a shrink for close to 4 years and refused to get meds for most of that time). I don't take it on weekends or over the summer, and I understand I'm on a relatively mild dose so I don't think I'm any worse off than people who drink two cups of coffee every day.

>> No.2459015

Indeed. But atleast he isn't considering cheating.

>> No.2459021

yeah but you need a fuckload more of reagents which are not eaisy to find.

>> No.2459024

dont listin to that guys moral-talk.
just think what paul erdos would do?

>> No.2459032

Get the generic Adderall, not the time-release overpriced stuff. I get a 90 day supply for like 10 dollars.

Plus the generic stuff is just labeled AMPHETAMINE TABLETS which is pretty fucking awesome. I take 15mg twice a day and it helps keep me focused, awake, and motivated. I actually have ADHD though (went to a shrink for close to 4 years and refused to get meds for most of that time). I don't take it on weekends or over the summer, and I understand I'm on a relatively mild dose so I don't think I'm any worse off than people who drink two cups of coffee every day.

>> No.2459037

from a traper in person or online?

>> No.2459038

you have one and a half weeks. Get your ass in gear and lose the drugs. You have enough time if you work at it.

>> No.2459052

fuck that, psuedoephedrine works as a strong stimulant by itself. i got 120 mg time release sudafed for a cold one time and it kept me up all night. it has to be sudafed though, not sudafed pe, which is shit.

>> No.2459113
File: 363 KB, 518x710, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here is the convo. do you think he will do it? he is generally really stupid.

>> No.2459125


op, this is your last warning, ritalin/concerta totally sux...don't say anon didn't tell you

>> No.2459131


why does it suck? other people in this thread are saying its good

>> No.2459144

it sucked major for me too. I only took it a for a couple weeks, and it made me really depressed and paranoid, for me there was a major crash afterwards.

this is for ritalin, while concerta might be somewhat different since it is time-release.

>> No.2459167

fuck yeah erdos

>> No.2459177

just when I need the most help, the thread starts dying.

>> No.2459196

i can say from experience amphetamines never did me any good when studying was involved.
but to be honest, it vary from person to person, some people can't study without atleast some mild stimulats.

>> No.2459237

What's wrong with ritalin? I'm being evaluated for ADHD in a week and dderall is illegal to prescribe in my country.

>> No.2459251


where you live?

>> No.2459263

you need the time release shit dude, this works 100%

>> No.2459269

nothings wrong with it, if it works for you, and you use it in moderation, then go for it.

>> No.2459272

alright guys, I found a guy who knows a guy.

thanks for the help :)

>> No.2459282

maybe, never tried time-realese. I just had some good quality street amphetamines.

>> No.2459283


first of all, i was talking to a healthy person, second no one with adhd or add needs either ritalin or adderall, these disorders are entirely caused by nutritional deficits extended over numerous years, often pre-natal as well.....
what you need is calcium magnesium vit D b-complex and high EPA fish oil...check with a nutritionist to get the right dosages and quality forms of the supplements

>> No.2459289

hey man, just be careful, those guy maybe trying to scam you on cash.

>> No.2459295

New Zealand

>> No.2459307


no I dont think they're gong to scam me. I knew this kid for a long long time (10 years?) and we just sort of drifted apart. He's a cool guy, he wouldnt scam me.

But just in case, should I look for some kind of marking on the pills? like something engraved or written on them?

>> No.2459312

I can take it, sit down, and read two weeks worth of material for all my classes in one sitting.


OP, if you want adderall, Just ask a friend that has a little brother in middle school/high school and he can probably get you some.

>> No.2459313

You know I'm getting pretty tired of assholes who think they know more about the brain than people who went to med school and then specialized in order to become psychiatrists

>> No.2459323

yea because the problem with three olds who act out is not enough amphetamine.....all that education was a spoon feeding by the pharmaceutical companies, sorry...deal with it

>> No.2459351

Wow way to grab a legitimate disorder and turn into ridiculous exaggeration you sensationalist piece of crap

>> No.2459352

not sure never seen a ritalin pill, but look it up on google images or something. If you say the guys a cool guy then maybe you've nothing to worry bout, my experience is with street amphetamine only, hence the whole scene is filled with people trying to scam *newfags* - so to speak - whenever they get the chance. Im just paranoid i guess.

>> No.2459358


Sure is tinfoil hat in here since /new/ went down. But I'm sure you're right. The ramblings of some disgruntled, under qualified blogger surely trump decades of research and empirical evidence conducted by numerous researchers. They must all have their hands in the pockets of the mighty pharmaceutical companies!

Rejoice and open your eyes to the truth, sheeple!

>> No.2459380

Maybe you faggots just need to stop taking your stupid pills, take the dildo out of your vagina, and study like a normal person.

>> No.2459387

the guy is kinda right you know, amphetamines are no cure for ADHD, they just help them cope in 'n be productive.

>> No.2459392


suck it psycher-tard


their is a bunch of evidence for the things i said...you provide one logic based argument for why kids need amphetamines

>> No.2459404


yea because, where is a university study showing kids need amphetamines? anyone and i will shut the fuck up

>> No.2459490

not samefag, but if i would be given a choince between some healthy suplement stuff and amphetamies.
i would go for the second, just because i like the rush!
rush rush gimme yeyo!

>> No.2459637


No one is saying treatment is the same as curing. Unfortunately, it is some what difficult to amend certain deficits in neurotransmitter activity within the brain without providing them. While providing methenphenidates or mixed-amphetamines to very young children may not be advisable due to the malleable nature of the brain during this stage in development, the assertion that these drugs are unnecessary or serve no purpose for teens or adults with ADD/ADHD is not only ludicrous, but completely unsupported by mountains of empirical data.

>> No.2459665


theres plenty of studies that show nutrtion working as well or better....why would any free thinking person choose amphetamines over nutrition when they work at the same rates?(drug addict anon above notwithstanding)

the answer is psychiatrists are programmed by drug companies to ignore the evidence for nutrition

>> No.2459666


The same can be said of medication for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or diabetes.

>> No.2459736


[citation needed]

>> No.2459823

its not an addiction, if you enjoy it!
also, although i agree with you, drugs are a very complex thing to wrestle with, in some cases amphetamines would work way better then nutritions. Some people just like it rough, they need that hammer to function properly, or atleast the way they feel is good.
would philip k. dick wrote all those great novels without amphetamines? i doubt it.
also, Erdos.
"After 1971 he also took amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking the drug for a month.[11] Erdős won the bet, but complained that during his abstinence mathematics had been set back by a month: "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper." After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine use."

also, drug companies FUCK YEAH!

>> No.2460166

You're in /sci/ so I'm guessing you hang out with nerdier kids. I've never bought addies except for finals but you can usually pick out a few.

-stay awake for forever and don't need a lot of sleep
-talk about how they can do something monotonous for a really long time

They are less taboo than cannabis IMO so you won't get weird looks for mentioning it offhand. I've only taken addies a couple of times but some advisory warning: you still have to buckle down and study. You'll be able to focus like crazy but it's a two way street. You could focus on surfing the web or talking with your friends.

I'm just happy that my roommate has a script and if I do want some I know where to ask.

>> No.2460204

You've got the definition of addiction wrong bro. You've got an addiction if you have a physical or psychological dependence on the drug. If your day is completely ruined without it you're addicted.

For example I'm addicted to weed. It's not a physical addiction but a mental one just like my 4chan addiction. I think about it way more than I should throughout the day and don't mind spending a large part of my income on it. Adderall and booze I couldn't give a fuck about but given the circumstance I could be hooked. I can go an entire day without thinking "Man I sure wish I had a beer/IR addies".

>> No.2460348

ugh, not sure about addreall, but last time I used ritalin, I ended up fucking with margins, line / paragraph spacing in MS Word for half an hour instead of actually writing an assignment.

>> No.2460356

however, you can get dexamphetamine here :)