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2447100 No.2447100 [Reply] [Original]

More riddles like this:

You've died and wake up in an empty room with 2 doors and a guardian at each door. One door leads to heaven and the other to hell (you don't know which is which). One guardian always speaks the truth and the other always lies.

Your task is to find the door to heaven. You can ask only ONE question to only ONE of the two guards.

What do you ask?

It is not necessary that the liar is guarding the door to hell and the truthful guy is guarding heaven. We are not being idealistic here.

>> No.2447119

I'd ask either of em to lead me to hell, heaven is an eternal paradise without hardships, and what is fun without a hardship? Hell seems like a more entertaining alternative.

>> No.2447123

hey hey

I watch Ricky Gervais, too.

>> No.2447130

Ask one, 'if you were to lie to me about where your door leads to, what would you say?'.

Take the opposite door.


>> No.2447134

I would ask: why haven't you walked through the door?

>> No.2447135

Well that would give you a 50/50 shot at achieving your goal.

>> No.2447136

>It is not necessary that the liar is guarding the door to hell and the truthful guy is guarding heaven. We are not being idealistic here.

Do I know which is which? If so, "Am I talking to you right now?"

>> No.2447138

What would the other guy say is the correct door to walk through?

>> No.2447140

Your task is to find the door to heaven.

>> No.2447147 [DELETED] 

ask to any guard "what would the other guard say is the door to heaven?"

then take the opposite of that he says

>> No.2447149


>> No.2447153

"What door would the other guard say is heaven". No matter which guard you get they both would point tohell.

>> No.2447179
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>> No.2447180

>"What door would the other guard say is heaven"

I don't know. The other guy is an asshole. HA!

>> No.2447200


Made me think too hard.
Assume the liar is guarding heaven, they would answer 'heaven' and you'd be fucked.

>> No.2447218

Actually, opposite of what i said here.
Whoopsi Goldberg

>> No.2447233

You know that a woman has two children. You know that one of them is a girl. What are the odds that both children are girls?

>> No.2447247

1 : 4?

>> No.2447261
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>> No.2447264


>> No.2447274


>the guardians know what door they guard

>> No.2447276
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Do hermaphrodite count?

>> No.2447278



>> No.2447286


>> No.2447288

If you were the other guard, what direction would you give me to heaven?

>> No.2447306

If you know that the set of children has at least one girl in it, then the possible sets are girl/boy, boy/girl, or girl/girl. Each one has equal probability of being true, so 1 in 3.

>> No.2447326


girl/boy, boy/girl are not unique sets

>> No.2447346

Orly? So you think that the odds of a totally random two-child family having one boy and one girl are 1 in 3?

>> No.2447354

If you have a population of 1000 mothers with two children, they will be approximately:
250 women with two boys
250 women with two girls
500 women with a boy and a girl
Ruling out the women with two boys, you are left with 750 women, 250 of which have two girls, or 1/3

That being said, this is a poorly formed question.

>> No.2447357


You don't?

>> No.2447358

Oh yeah, this is like the 'pick a door' game.

There are 3 doors. One has a prize behind it, the other two have nothing.
You pick one.
I then take away one of the other two doors and tell you, "I have just taken away a door that had nothing behind it. Would you like to keep your choice or switch doors?"

What decision gives you the best chance of winning?

>> No.2447362

ha me too.

I was thinking some type of factual question? Because the liar angel would have to be wrong? Vague rules.

>> No.2447373

switching door is the best choice, probability-wise.

>> No.2447383

this was on labyrinth, OP is a faggot.

>> No.2447392

║ ■   ■ ║
║ ■   ■ ║

>> No.2447412

Gotta think outside the box, maaaans