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2446891 No.2446891 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the year 2012.

I think many people could use a little education on what will and will not happen.

I'll start.

The biggest threat to humanity regarding 2012 and the surrounding years is a supermassive solar storm ready to explode with the next solar maximum which has the potential to wipe out the electrical grid for up to 10 years.

Now, i'm not asking for a gigantic thread of conspiracy theorists and trolls, let's keep >>>/b/ out of >>>/sci/

>> No.2446901

the world is already ended when the Y2K computer virus started infecting humans. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

>> No.2446908

The mayas probably linked 2012 to Betelgeuse.

If that's true, id fucking laugh

>> No.2446916

nothing will happen, just like y2k.

/x/ is that way >>>>>

>> No.2446918

mayans ran out of space on their rock calendar, so what?

>> No.2446928

there's no reason to believe anything special is going to happen in 2012.

>> No.2446959


Not op, but


You don't think that the end of hundreds of ancient culture's circular calenders is at all important?

Its clear that they had a better, less polluted grasp on the truths of our world.

Why are you so quick to dismiss them?


Y2K was a technologically inspired conspiracy. I shouldn't need to go on.

>> No.2446997


it isn't true, and any notion otherwise is completely idiotic.

It was not until extremely recently that Betelgeuse was declared to be preparing for supernova, and even then, the date has an error margin of up to 1,000,000 years.

>> No.2447004

It's just a gross, wild guess to suppose that if the mayans stopped their calendar at 2012, the world will end at 2012. We have no means to predict that, how could they?

>Its clear that they had a better, less polluted grasp on the truths of our world.
Is it? We're talking about a civilization that believed that the moon was a female deity.

>> No.2447014


Are you implying that the Maya calender was of a linear base?

Please don't make claims like this if you don't know what you're talking about.

The Maya, along with many other cultures of their time were not bound by the idea of linear thought; (Point A -> Point B / Beginning -> End). Their calender is cyclical.

I am in no way suggesting this implies the "End of the world"; but your logic is completely flawed

>> No.2447025


However, we're also talking about a culture who mapped out every major cosmological event with nothing more than two sticks formed into a right angle.

I'd rather not get into some of the more esoteric nature behind their cultures, but they, as well as the Anasazi, and many other south american cultures, claimed to be ruled by priests and kings of otherworldly descent with white hair and pale skin.

Who exactly are you to say that the world was not a very different place back then?

>> No.2447048

is there any hard proof that it was?

>> No.2447056

mayans were dirty beaners your argument is invalid

>> No.2447083

If you want to talk about what civilizations believe, what about that one that believes in a big hairy dude chilling up on a cloud. and he fucks shit up, yo

>> No.2447098
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>what about that one that believes in a big hairy dude chilling up on a cloud

you just described a hundred different religions.

>> No.2447102


You are horrendously ignorant, and do not belong on /sci/.

Please leave, and then kill yourself

>> No.2447207

GUYS GUYS, WE ARE GOING TO ALL DIE AT THE [insert arbitrary date here] !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never understood why people cared.
Maybe because they are bored.
Same as gossips, i guess.

>> No.2447214

The price of crack will spike, and a surge of 'hurrdurr end is nigh' benders will ensue, leading to increased crime and the world's biggest collective regret the next day.

>> No.2447221

2000 all over again.

>> No.2447272

Seriously, this.

The Mayans did NOT imply the world ended in 2012. They simply made a calender up until the year 2012 and then decided to stop.

>> No.2447309


This and this

Also, the Mayans could predict the end of the world but not conquistador assrape...

>> No.2447344

Its believed, because of the world rotation has been slowing since sometime in the 1800s, that the worlds rotation will stop in 2012 and the atmosphere will still be in motion causing the surface to be destroyed by the pressure.

>> No.2447994


>> No.2448016


>> No.2448020

Fuck off OP, this is unworthy of discussion.

Where are the janitors Moot was supposed to hire?


>> No.2448017


[citation fucking needed]

The day is not going to expand to infinite hours in 1 year.

>> No.2448068

>>wipe out the electrical grid for up to 10 year

On the positive side, we would finally have a break from reality TV.

>> Fuck off OP, this is unworthy of discussion.

If you don't unclench soon your sphincter is going to produce a gravitational singularity.

>> No.2448095

Uh, why would the grid be wiped out for 10 years?

>> No.2448107

yeh, reality TV kills relationships.
watching fat people exercise - TV
watching skinny people exercise - pervert

sadly, nothing will happen 2012. would like something to happen. beats this life

>> No.2448111


Because OP is a retard who plucked a number from his arse.
At the very most, the electrical grid will take a year to get back to normal, mostly due to custom parts and custom made transformers.

>> No.2448117

capcha: earth indistress

>> No.2448131


I love how pissed off people are after my 3 hour bump.

>> No.2448136

This. The world ended in 2000 with the end of the Gregorian calendar.

>> No.2449061

>We're talking about a civilization that believed that the moon was a female deity.
>implying this isn't the case in modern era
>implying we did not waste lots of moneys to throw phallic spaceships on it
>implying Armstrong did not say "MANkind" instead of "humanity"
Archetypes are bitches, anon...

>> No.2449080

the solar storm was confirmed, and then ruled out as they discovered it would not fuck everything up

>> No.2449112


Exactly. The most that will happen is maybe aurorae down near Mexico.

>> No.2449143
File: 150 KB, 325x317, 1273911097737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's discuss the year 2012.

No, let's not.

You'll feed the imaginations of stupid people and NASA will have to create another of these:


>> No.2449148
File: 573 KB, 900x583, burningmonkpaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will happen in 2012. At least, nothing that the various doomsday theorists believe will happen.

There will likely, however, be a self-fulfilling prophecy among people determined to MAKE something happen in 2012. This will likely be relegated to minor rioting, 'prophets' setting themselves on fire, possibly a couple of cult mass suicides, and just general self-inflicted human asshattery. Nothing on a cosmic or even local scale will likely occur as has been predicted time and time again by any variety of nutjob, but chances are that will not stop people from attempting to create their own apocalypse.

>> No.2449160

Retard, the mayans (REAL MAYANS, the one that made the calenders and pyramids) dissappeared hundreds of years before the conquistadors made it, whatever happened remains a mistery, however, the language and buildings stood in the area nearby, but was divided into a lose confederacy.

>> No.2449175


This is what annoys me the most about 2012. Something minor (relative to predicted events) will happen and people will be saying 'I told you so', even though nothing out of the ordinary happened.

>> No.2449185

A far on star will compleat is orbit aroun the earth/moon, thus signaling the end of the old calender and the begining of a new one.

Just like all cultures, only this calander was longer.

>> No.2449186

Religion may be retarded, but it can lead to some really badass retards, like in OP's pic

>> No.2451004


it's obvious you've never had any success with "hey girl, blow me for christ"...

at the right time, works like a charm!

>> No.2451090

if a solar storm wipes out the power grid, we can use the decade to perfect solar, wind and hydro power

people will look to profit from this

>> No.2451182
File: 53 KB, 266x380, dancing-skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel fine
