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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2446604 No.2446604 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm helping my little girl with her homework the other night. Just Simple stuff like 134 - 117

So I set it up as shown. But she looks at me and says "No daddy, we learned it differently at school." and sets the fucker up with some weird base 8 type arithmetic and continues without incident or any more intervening from me.

I can't help my 7 year old daughter do her arithmetic homework but it wasn't but two years ago I finished Calculus IV.

What the fuck /sci/ ?

>> No.2446621

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.2446628

Well how did she work it out? I'm mildly interested, but not sure what to google that'll yield anything relevant.

>> No.2446641


>> No.2446654

New Math

>> No.2446661

She left her bookbag at school for the weekend or I'd take a picture of her notes.

>> No.2446672


Post pictures of her

>> No.2446682

What the fuck? Is this how they really teach kids now-a-days?
What the fuck is wrong with OPs style?

>> No.2446696

Hell no.

>> No.2446698

go back to /b/. please

>> No.2446710

If you look closely it teaches more-so the concepts of number theory (basic base-10 and its properties) versus what OP is doing by methods we used to mindlessly use.

>> No.2446711


Fuck that

>> No.2446728

grouping seems alot simpler and easier for kids to expand to polynomial multiplication, something that alot of kids find arbitrary how it works.

chunking is retarded

>> No.2446736
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>> No.2446743

This is how I learned math when I was a kid.... I don't see a difference.

>> No.2446758

>base 8
... can you draw out how she did it and post pics?

>> No.2446765

Holy fuck...

>> No.2446781

their new method helps them grasp the values of numbers visually instead of just mindlessly subtracting single digits at a time

>> No.2446782

me too, were you born in Canada?

Also, the other day my dad showed me this way of checking answers for long-multiplication using some fucked up base-9 system. My dad doesn't even know about different bases and only understands addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. He went to school in Portugal and thats somehow the way he learned it.

>> No.2446788

Which country are you from OP?

>> No.2446796

canadians unite
this is how i learnt it 13 years ago... is it really that new?

>> No.2446817

I enjoy Bo Burnham's version of New Math.

>> No.2446836


that shit just blew my fucking mind.

i am also just a couple of years out of school. Electrical Engineer here. inb4 fag.

>> No.2446849

I am so fucking mindfucked right now.

>> No.2446867

If my kid comes home and asks me how to do math and she pulls that Base 8 thing on me, I will tell her, "No", and teach her to do math properly.

I swear I'm not bad at math, /sci/, I'm taking Calculus but I haven't had to deal with a large digit number in ages. My professor says to use a calculator and not waste time.

>> No.2446933

Anyone else notice that the 2nd equation came out differently by 20?

>> No.2446960

They're fucking children. They have to have learn the fundamentals.

>> No.2446971

canadian here did it in base 10 less than 13 years ago (ON)

and i dont understand how this helps at all. theyre doing the exact same thing but in base 8, the only new concept theyre learning IS base 8

>> No.2447001

ok i understand how base 10 works, after all that's how most of math is passed off of... but what the fuck is base 8? how does it help?

>> No.2447012


why is this fucking with other peoples minds? It's just changing things to base 8, nothing mind blowing about it

>> No.2447020

This is base 8:


>> No.2447019

Somehow I doubt she was doing base 8 arithmetic.

>> No.2447030
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That is the most unique troll attempt i have ever seen.
I honestly don't understand how this is suppose to troll people but it is obviously a fake story.

>> No.2447031

This is retarded. They don't know WHY it works, they just know how to get the answer. Learn how and why, and THEN learn shortcuts.

>> No.2447037


oh I see, you just skip all the numbers after 8, 18, ect. When the hell would this ever be useful?

>> No.2447045

>I'm not bad at math, /sci/, I'm taking Calculus
>not bad at math


>> No.2447046

Why the hell would you teach the fundamentals in full retard, when the base 10 is simpler?

>> No.2447049

face it guys, the reason they arent learning it the traditional method is because math is not a big deal anymore for students, they dont need to know math. Algebra doesnt help anyone, its about time schools finally realize that its unneccesary for most people, as they will never use it and it doesn't impact them at all. just teach them the quick and easy way to do things and its all good

>> No.2447054

Useful maybe if you're a computer. It's a bit more complicated than excluding certain numbers. It's the same principal as binary, but instead of powers of 2, it's powers of 8.

Captcha- torldefu pukelime

>> No.2447057

If you were a programmer in like 1973 maybe it would be useful.

>> No.2447059

its not that you 'skip' the numbers, its that any one digit only goes up to 7, just like base 10 digits go up to 9, or base 2 digits go up to 1

>> No.2447064


Because this is just fucking stupid.

>> No.2447065

First of all you don't skip them.

the number 10 in basae 10 2 numbers, a 1 and a 0. In base 10 the number 1 signals there is 1 value of 10 and the 0 signifies zero value of ones. 10+0 = 10.
in base 8, you count to 7, but there is no number 8 or 9. so you have a 1 saying oyu have 1 value of 8 and 0 for the value of ones. 8+0 = 8.

if you had 11 you would have 1 value of 8 and 1 value of 1 adding up to 9.

The base of your numbering system is essentially worthless. It only denotes how many names you have for the ones digit.

>> No.2447070

We use base 10 for everything (minus computers), so they decide to teach in base 8. Um, what?

>> No.2447078

So what the fuck happens to the numbers?

>> No.2447080

You make me rage so much.
Good job.

>> No.2447082

I learned it the way OP set it up.
I'm only a year out of high school.
USA by the way.

>> No.2447090

Computers are the future? I dunno, it's not like the whole world is going to suddenly "catch on" to it.

It would be more valuable if they were teaching hex, not octal... But still, interesting.

>> No.2447093


They don't exist.

Imagine if we had no name for the number eight or nine. Then we would use base 8 all the time because we can only count to 7 without going to the next digit.

>> No.2447142

Oh crap. I just realized that your right. I know how to do subtraction like in OP's pic, but I don't know how it works. Or maybe I do... not really sure.

>> No.2447171

8>88>888 ?
8>11>17>18>21 ?

Is that because we are hardcoded to think in 10 that it seem counter-intuitive?

I prefer 0...9>a...f, make more sense. Maybe because there's a 0.

>> No.2447255
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>mfw I came up with this methods like this on my own in 3rd grade despite being taught the old method in school

>> No.2447297

why base 8? (Beside the fact that octal calculators don't exist anymore)

10's complement (or 9's if you're a faggot) in base 10 make subtraction easy, base 2 make multiplication and division stupid easy, base 16 make big numbers smaller.

>> No.2447348

>They have to have learn the fundamentals.

Tell me more about these fundamentals.


>> No.2447352

yeah, me too.
how did the oldfags learn it?
They keep complaining about "new math", but now, they wont explain how the old system even works.

>> No.2447378


a type of math education that isn't used in USA, China or GErmany(world leaders in math, science and engineering), but it is used in Canadumbass and Britardian?

smells like nwo brainwashing pretending to make kids smarter

>> No.2447422

It's pretty simple. You line them up and subtract each column. In the OP's example, that'd give you 0, 2, and -3. You'd need to get rid of the negative, so you'd take 1 from the 2, which gives you 10 to add back to the -3, which gives 7. Thus, the end result is 17.