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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 184 KB, 500x500, ancient_greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2443429 No.2443429 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/, thought experiment for you:

You have been transported back in time to Ancient Greece, about the year 400BCE, near a large city. The only things you have with you are the clothes you are wearing and what is in your pockets at the moment. Assuming you can understand Ancient Greek, and can speak, but not read or write it (if you can't read it now).

What do you do?

>> No.2443431

Show them calculus.

>> No.2443432

Go to library of Alexandria.
Read and write ery day.
Don't let anything catch fire.

>> No.2443434
File: 49 KB, 573x435, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me. I'm just looking for an honest man.

>> No.2443437

Create religion, then destroy all religion forever.

>> No.2443440

>wat do?

I'd probably be a plague-rat to them. I'd sneeze, and Humanity would be wiped out.

>> No.2443444

Bathing is evil.

>> No.2443448


I can read and write Ancient Greek now, so I'd be on easy street.

I'd tell them to commit genocide against certain monotheistic tribes in the Middle East. Not for ethnic cleansing reasons, obviously, but to prevent the rise of Christianity and Islam.

I'd also teach them about guns, which would allow for a democratic superpower in which academia is valued and religion was starting to wane.

>> No.2443456


>> No.2443457

It didn't exist yet.

>> No.2443462

I would do nothing to advance society.

Using my knowledge I would make as much money as possible and become part of the grecian elite.

Then, orgies, orgies all day errday.

>> No.2443463

Can someone post the old philosophical painting of the two dudes pointing to the sky, looking at each other as if to say "this is where it's at,"

>> No.2443464

how much variance from 400BCE? thats a bit too early for alexandria

>> No.2443470

Show them as much math as I can.

>> No.2443481

I would write prophesies about Jesus and hide them in jars in various places.

>> No.2443484
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>> No.2443487
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Do you mean "school of Athens"? I find it worrying that you don't know who those "dudes" are.

>> No.2443489

I would join the Pythagorean school and learn the shit out of the universe.

>> No.2443493

god & jesus

>> No.2443494

figure out what the fuck greek fire is

>> No.2443501

>Assuming you can understand Ancient Greek, and can speak, but not read or write it (if you can't read it now).
Hey that's cheating!

Why can't I have an advantage over the rest of the /sci/entists?

>> No.2443511
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Thanks. I don't know who they are, but I the painting says quite a lot, especially to my cubic intelligence.

>> No.2443514

democratic slave society

>> No.2443516

>I'd probably be a plague-rat to them

Unless you have AIDS most diseazes were pretty much the same back then.

Pretty much the same livestock species with today and you are probably vaccinated against most shit.

>> No.2443517

immediately board a ship heading to Alexandria so I can go to the Library

>> No.2443518

Teach them some science and mathematics. write everything down, hide it somewhere so that it would be found ~20th century

>> No.2443521

First things first. I don't want to end up a slave like most the Greeks, so I must aquire large sums of money. The only way I can think to do that, is by selling gun powder. But I have no money to buy the ingredients, so I might be fucked.

>> No.2443523

It's like "Now we've achieved stability (they're all pleased) we can get on with the important work." Anyone else see that in the >>2443487 painting?

>> No.2443524



OP's post implied that if you can already read and write Greek, you wouldn't lose any knowledge. Only those who don't already know the written language would be illiterate (and it wouldn't be much of an obstacle, seeing as philologists are generally agreed that written Greek was very similar to spoken Greek and becoming literate would therefore be very easy).

Of course, you'd have some difficulties arising from the fact that you know the modern language, but the slow pace of change in the Greek language means that you'd still be able to get by.

>> No.2443526

ignoring the obvious trying to not get killed and starve to death part which would likely be hard to avoid, i would share stuff about sanitation, I would build a microscope and telescope, write down what I remembered, like basic math, physics, chemistry, about fertilizers, steam engine, some economic concepts, like credit

>> No.2443527

>has never heard of the plague or smallpox

>> No.2443530

There's no library there, and you don't have any money, anyway.

>> No.2443531

>I can read and write Ancient Greek now, so I'd be on easy street.

How can you tell in ancient Greek "don't mind me being a barbarian, in the far future Greece is a shithole and a big penis is widely considered an advantage"?

>> No.2443534

Which begs the question, "Why lies?"

>> No.2443536


I'm pretty sure that most other sexually transmitted diseases would be alien to ancient Greeks as well. Practically everyone went to brothels back then, even slaves, so if there were any dangerous STDs around, everyone would be fucked.

>> No.2443537

true dat

>> No.2443538

You don't just walk into a school and start teaching the professors. No one would believe you about the science, and they probably wouldn't listen to you long enough for you to do mathematical proofs, even if you understood their way of communicating math.

>> No.2443540

I think syphilis existed back then and so must have herpes. What else are you diagnosed with?

>> No.2443542

>I would build a microscope and telescope
without glass? sure you would

>> No.2443548

yeah that really hard to do right?
why do you assume I don't know how to do that?

>> No.2443550

>The history of creating glass can be traced back to 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia.

derp and herp

>> No.2443554

>OP's post implied that if you can already read and write Greek, you wouldn't lose any knowledge.
oh okey

Can't write these but I can surely understand classical attic and also a bit of Arcado-cypriot . I always had trouble with those Doric bitches.

I hope I would not land on Sparta (especially since I am from Messinia).

>> No.2443559


Lye, fire and sand makes cheap soda-glass.

>> No.2443568

It wasn't that widespread since most ceramics were based on clay at that time. But if he could convince someone important that he could make such a trinket I bet he would be provided with whatever materials he needed. Local despots used to fund philosophers and inventors quite a lot back then.

>> No.2443572


I've forgotten quite a lot of it, so this will be incredibly unidiomatic and probably wrong, but you might want to say something like:

ἐγω μεν βαρβαρος ὠν οὐ καταφρονετε, ἐν δε τῷ ἐπειτα ἡ Ἑλλας κακη ἐσται ὁ και δε και μεγας ποες ὠφελησει

Yeah, I kind of exaggerated my knowledge

>> No.2443579

Around 400BCE is an interesting time because the rise of Alexander the Great might be within my lifetime. If it is I might want to disturb history as little as possible to not distract the coming great unification of nations by Alexander. Then I would help him with what I remember from History and Science to stop the conquest at one point and turn it towards scientific advancement of society.

I would concentrate on things like telegraph system and printing press to maximize the potential of existing great minds.

>> No.2443584


*βαρβαρον ὀντα

There's probably lots of other shit that's wrong

>> No.2443590


If you could speak the language and read it, then you could write it as well

>> No.2443599

>και μεγας ποες ὠφελησει
>και μεγα πέος ὠφελειν

quite impressed!

I don't even have a font for ancient.

CAPTCHA: ionewsu eastern (rofl)

>> No.2443613

>then you could write it as well
Since high-school I am kinda rusty with using multiple tones and less than the original characters of the alphabet. It would be a bit wtfamireading in the beginning but I am confident I would be able to understand context to the detail.

I would surely not be able to speak it without sounding derpy for the first few months/years and my writing would be crude at best unless I had some serious guidance.

>> No.2443615


I used ὠφελησει as the future tense "will be advantageous". ὠφελειν would be an infinitive "to be advantageous".

>> No.2443624


Written ancient Greek didn't have any tones. In fact, it was just a string of upper case letters with no punctuation and no spacing.

>> No.2443637

The greeks didn't have glass moron. The closest thing they had was crystals.

>> No.2443639

Please explain how you would construct a microscope without glass.

>> No.2443649

be a slave.

not be able to vote.

get stabbed by a punk noble kid during his coming-of-age ceremony.

Ancient Greece sucks for most dudes and all women.


>> No.2443653

I see. I am kinda confused with the use of participles in other than present use since modern Greek don't use it. If its used as a verb makes the sentaince to be a bit undescriptive. (ωφελήσει in what subject?)...

>> No.2443665

Just use your futuristic knowledge and do something impressive to gain their attention.

This guy >>2443434 was sold as a slave by pirates at some point.

Some filthy-rich Corinthian show-off immediatelly bought him to make him a teacher for his kids, without knowing who he is, just because he was a witty smartass.

>> No.2443667



ποες is the subject of ὠφελησει, as in "penis will be an advantage; it's being used as an intransitive verb, so there's no object. As I said, it's probably still unidiomatic. My tutor always use to tell us about how rarely Greeks used indicative verbs and how we should use participles when there's more than one word in a sentence.

>> No.2443675
File: 17 KB, 283x283, leeuwenhoek microscope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anotherfag here, you can make a microscope with water.
Some of Leeuwenhoek's did.

Also, having made glass at home I can say that it's not that difficult.

The hardest part is making clear glass, but that's not an insurmountable problem either.

>> No.2443677


Forgot to reply to


A well-educated foreigner usually wouldn't be a slave in most Greek states; in Athens there were "metics" who didn't have citizen rights but could own businesses and have quite a lot of power.

Some women, namely courtesans, had quite a decent life in Athens.




>> No.2443686

Archimedes used lens.

Seriously making glass out of calcium-rich sand in Greece is not that hard for a /sci/borg. Greece has more sandy beaches than any European country (I think its only second to Norway in terms of coastline but even in that case, Norway is mainly cliffs and fjords) and most of its rocks is sedimantary limestone.

>> No.2443700

The only things I know that much about are astronomy and Aerospace engineering

needless to day I could advance there understanding of astronomy and physics

>> No.2443703

>My tutor always use to tell us about how rarely Greeks used indicative verbs and how we should use participles when there's more than one word in a sentence
Seems the dude knew his shit. One of my literature teachers used to mention that a lot. And she was an ultranerd on the subject... and hawt.... and she turned me down because I was 16 and she was married... ;_;

>> No.2443710

Yeah, if you're a businessman. You're going there dirt poor, unless you happen to have gold and silver in your pockets. You're gonna be a slave.

>> No.2443721

>Archimedes used lens
No he didn't. If his heat-ray thing was real, it would have had to be a polished reflector, precisely because there were no lenses or glass then.

Yes, making glass might not be to difficult, so glass itself might be something you could trade in, if you had the capital to get glass production going, but again you're going there without capital.

>> No.2443725


Since you post in /sci/ I guess you have some "special talents".

Even if you were to remain a slave you would probably be a very prestigious one.

>> No.2443727

I think someone tried to introduce heliocentrism to them once, and they didn't take too kindly to it. I don't know why everyone assume the greeks would be anxious to learn modern stuff.

>> No.2443730


I see. My tutor was a very overweight Oxford don in his late fifties, so I'm glad he didn't want to fuck me.

>> No.2443735

I would become a playwright, and stage productions of Die Hard, Apocalypse Now, and Jesus Christ Superstar.

>> No.2443738


*more than one verb in a sentence

Shit. I really should proofread my posts

>> No.2443742

>if you had the capital to get glass production going
Just show a local artisan with a furnace for clay-pottery or even better metallurgy how to make glass out of sand.

>> No.2443749

got the point don't worry

>> No.2443755

>I'm pretty sure that most other sexually transmitted diseases would be alien to ancient Greeks

Are we talking about the same thing? Because the ancient Greece I know of was like IRL rule34...

>> No.2443756

Sure, I have lots of talents. I don't think any of them would translate well to ancient greece. Almost all slaves worked in the fields. I guess I could tell my coworkers about the benefits of object oriented programming, or how to build a filtering amplifier out of op amps, or that all the stars are actually other suns, but I kind of doubt they'll be amused.

>> No.2443766

After you show him how to make glass, he wouldn't exactly need you any more. They didn't have patents back then, only trade secrets.

>> No.2443775
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>My tutor was a very overweight Oxford don in his late fifties

>> No.2443790
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Then make a death-ray weapon and disintegrate his ungrateful ass.

>> No.2443801

Well... I guess I could build steam-engines for local kings for a living ? The metallurgy of that time would have been up to the task, probably. ( I am a mechanical engineer, so I should be able to knock something together ). Take lots of apprentices, to spread the technology as far as possible before I died.
Also, I guess basic sanitation was something the greeks knew a little about, at least - but maybe you could teach them to make soap ? If they didn't have it already.

Anything electrical might be hard to create... You need some kind of magnets to get it up, and I wouldn't have any frickin idea where to find magnets, naturally.

Didn't mythbusters have an episode with the "Ancient batteries" ? I should have paid more attention.

If I ever got to a position of power: Invent crossbows and standing, professional armies ( Like the Marian Reforms in Rome )
= Unbeatable Military Technocracy with much less disease than anyone else.

>> No.2443802

You are so fucken lynched, anon. :(

I think chemists and mechanical engineers would have the best luck in OP's scenario. (especially engineers: lots of geometry, taking credit for "innovations" and lots of gay sex)

>> No.2443805


>> No.2443815

I become a peasant field labourer since thats probably all I can achieve as somebody not born into a Greek family of stature.

I lol at the "I'll teach Greeks about advance science and math and become rich and bang whores all day". You're a nobody, whos talking about stuff that makes no sense to the people of the time.

>> No.2443820

Crossbows were already invented, though not used much, and the phalanx was professional and unbeatable.

>> No.2443830

Invest in Goldman Sacs

>> No.2443835

Heh. Why would it make no sense ? You think the ability to understand that steam occupy more space than water and can be used to move things just appeared magically in the 18th century ?

>> No.2443837

I'd teach them that homosex is disgusting and wrong.

>> No.2443842

I think the Greeks had their own simple (proto)steam-engines, actually. Or at least made use of steam in different contexts ( Like the romans had houses with heated floors because of steamworks in the basements ).
I just imagine that hardly anyone knew how to make them, so it might be a lucrative position.

Also, you have at least the advantage of being a dude with a completely foreign look, wearing weird clothes, and speaking ( for me ) 3 different foreign laguages. You might be able to convince them you are some sage from a foreign land.

>> No.2443847

I think they were invented at the end of Alexandrine era, not as back as 400BC.

They were called βαλλίστρες (plural), I think. And yes, they were useless against phallanges and legionnaires with tower shields .

>> No.2443855

>I think the Greeks had their own simple (proto)steam-engines, actually.
They did not advance the concept any further since slave labour was much more cost-effective.

>> No.2443858

this isn't a thought experiment, it's just a "lol what if"

>> No.2443861
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>> No.2443869
File: 13 KB, 230x234, willemdafoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal a boat and sail to an island in the Aegean sea,
Use my Minecraft knowledge to build gigantic monuments.

>> No.2443874
File: 204 KB, 481x366, george_costanza_eatin_onions (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why crossbows? Surely you could teach them about gunpowder and cannons

>> No.2443877

worse case scenario:

you could always be an etera-trap

>> No.2443881

>implying the greeks weren't xenophobes.

>> No.2443884

I had no idea the crossbow dated back so far.

I wasn't trying to imply that the armies of that day weren't good. I meant professional in the sense of " My job is being a soldier for my country ".
The armies of Ancient Greece were made up of the nobility and their men-at-arms, and raised when they were needed.
It just doesn't compare in efficiency and ability to having dudes that are full-time soldiers and fighters.
Which was one of the reasons the Romans kicked so much ass up and down the mediterranean, I guess.

>> No.2443888

because gunpowder needs saltpetre

oh... wait... Turks and Greeks did make gunpowder out of local minerals! You may proceed...

>> No.2443906

>Implying they were
They had no problem with getting stuff from outside. They just thought they were superior.

>> No.2443908

Not with visitors.

Wipe your feet and leave your million-men armies to the door before you enter.

Sages from foreign lands were of high regard at that time, especially middle Easterners and Egyptians (because astronomy and shit).

Even savages, like Galatians, were occationally admired for their courage or martial achievements.

>> No.2443911
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1. Share knowledge of aerodynamics to local greek scholar,
2. Local scholar murders me and steals my knowledge,
3. Ancient Greeks now have airplanes.

>> No.2443913


Yes, and the fact that they had a life-expectancy that wasn't matched until the 20th century and didn't go around covered in rashes and spots suggests that there weren't any serious STDs going around. If there were, then everyone would have them.

>> No.2443931

I was always shit at chemistry, to be honest. So I figure trying to make black gunpowder might most likely just get me killed.

I have a hard time believing that a crossbow would be unable to penetrate the bronze & leather armors of ancient greece. It was outlawed and deemed heretical by the pope in medieval europe, because it could shoot through the ( infinitely better ) steel armors worn by mounted knights in those days.

Maybe the crossbows of ancient greece were just shitty. I'd make awesome ones. With winching-systems and slow reload, but amazing penetration.
Actually, the whole idea I had with crossbows was based on the logic that phalanxes with huge spears and great shields would have to move slow, and as such be perfect victims of Marksmanship

>> No.2443942

Except AIDS and maybe the serious version of syphillis, all STDs were already there.
They probably just knew that one shouldn't have sex with someone with genital warts etc.

>> No.2443945
File: 20 KB, 350x259, 769774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring the heads of conquered kings to MY doorstep?!

>> No.2443965

Well... The amazingly long travel times of the day, and the fact that 90% of the population were probably piss-poor farmers, farming the same land their fathers had farmed for 15 generations might mean that STDs weren't as widely spread.

>> No.2443970

Isn't bronze harder than steel ?revgb
And it was outlawed only because peasants could use them.

>captcha : στοργη Rescursw
Too bad I can't read greek

>> No.2443982

I think the main difference was that the hand-wielded ballista of classical era shot normal arrows or something similar.

Medieval crossbows shot FMJ-bolts.

Yet no matter how effective it might had been against a knight's armor (tight on his body) I don't think the projectile would be able to keep it's momentum after impact with a shield ever if it pierced through it.

>> No.2443988

anal sex

>> No.2443994

Chill dude... I only asked for earth and water.

>> No.2444003

στοργή = kindness, caress

>> No.2444010


AFAIK there aren't any references to things like warts in Greek literature, even in medical books and Aristophanes' plays (I could be wrong). There also doesn't seem to be any references to prostitutes being any more disease ridden than normal people or having a shorter life expectancy.

When you say that STDs were already there, do you mean in Greece? Or in the world generally?

>> No.2444014

Depending on the time period I would make sure to adhere to the world view of the day, at least at first. If platonic I would have to use more philosophical arguments if I was to attempt to introduce western arguments. I would hope to be in the Aristotelian period where I could use experiment to teach them physics. If it is pre-socratic.... herp derp it and fucking bang some lolis.

Most importantly I would destroy Christianity, the only driving force for an organized and rule obeying universe.

>> No.2444016
File: 354 KB, 1275x825, 135_realsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth and water? You'll find plenty of both down there.

>> No.2444039

I meant in europe.

>> No.2444041


You're being transported to around the time Socrates was executed; too early for Aristotle but later than the Pre-Socratics. There are still lolis, however.

>> No.2444048

Funny thing to mention.

Crabs (pubic lice) probably did not exist in ancient Greece. I think all references to φθειρες (lice) were about head-lice.

>> No.2444065

I'd suit up into my Assassin's robes, strap on my hidden blade and prepare to take down the Borgia by infiltrating the Vaticam, lol

>> No.2444079
File: 42 KB, 510x247, this_is_madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... this is plasphemy....


>> No.2444083
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>> No.2444090

>more anachronistic than Xena

>> No.2444123


>> No.2444219


το πρόσωπο μου όταν έλληνες στο /sci/

>> No.2444254

Το πρόσωπο μου όταν και άλλοι Έλληνες στο /sci/.

>> No.2444265


από Ελλάδα και εσύ; Αθήνα;

>> No.2444316


>> No.2444328


κουλ μαν, εγώ Ηράκλειο. αν θες ανταλάσσουμε ΙΜ

>> No.2444349


>> No.2444359
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>> No.2444435

Becoming me an itinerant king fu teacher and found a troupe of traveling kung fu acrobats.

>> No.2444462


Α' Λυκείου.


yfw most of your language is based on german and greek.


>> No.2444488

Well, theoretically I would live a very long time due to pathogens being oh so primitive compared to my immune system. I would take out my iphone with an app that translates languages for me. Become a philosopher king. Space race by 900 AD.

>> No.2444514

Or maybe you'd be completely fucked by a pathogen that existed then but had since been wiped out. And you probably aren't used to living in such dirty conditions.

>> No.2444522

Didn't the ancient greeks write all their mathematical results as sentances rather than with equations?

>> No.2444527

Καλή συνέχεια στις σπουδές σου ντουντ.

>> No.2444604


Isn't an equation basically a sentence?

>> No.2444608

It doesn't say Athens. What if you were in Thebes or Sparta?

>> No.2444635


Ask them to take me to Athens.

Greeks took hospitality very seriously, so I imagine I'd get some help.

>> No.2444642

I'd teach them about the laws of motion and thermodynamics.

>> No.2444652

Except that those places normally hated Athens, unless they were at war with Persians. Sparta would probably enslave you.

>> No.2444689


Inter-city rivalries didn't really work that way, even when they were at war. I doubt they'd prevent a foreign traveller from getting where he wanted to go.

They also didn't enslave all random foreigners, at least in cities. Sometimes people would be kidnapped by pirates or bandits, but that wasn't how they got most slaves.

>> No.2444790

Surely most /sci/entists could draw a half decent map of the world? It would be enough to get you in the door with the big wigs anyway.

>> No.2444791

Find democritus

>> No.2444807

I would kill Plato.

>> No.2444821

get a fucking tunika

>> No.2444855

The one guy in greece who wouldn't believe your map of a spherical earth.

>> No.2444876

i would de the first sci-fi storyteller

>> No.2444891

I would doubt my sanity and believe maybe my previous life was an illusion

>> No.2444932


>mfw iphone battery life

>> No.2444954


Pretty much this, I can't see anything else that I could really improve except stressing upon them the importance of disallowing this religious faggotry to come to "power."

>> No.2445074

I'd invent the only two things I know how to build, a steam engine and a hang-glider. Sell the engine to a mine owner after showing how super-effective it is at keeping the mine unflooded, then accidentally kill myself while testing my glider.

>> No.2445132

Or use slaves you bought with with money from the mine owner to test the glider

>> No.2445432

1. Make glass and get some startup cash, start writing down things that I know as a modern man
2. Distill alcohol commercially in large batches for drinking, lamps and sanitizing
3. Open a tavern to serve my spirits in, start navigating the social circles and understanding the political realities. Obtain literacy.
4. Host a commodities and futures exchange in my tavern, take a cut and make mad coin
5. Attract an entourage of sophists and tough guys to start influencing politicians, build up a group of trustworthy and smart managers to handle my affairs. More of all of them as I get richer and more powerful.
6. Improve ship design and sponsor several voyages, risk pooled with all my stock broker bros.
7. Import exotic things; coffee, tea, silk, drugs, gems, skilled eastern craftsmen. Explore and colonize Eurasia, Africa and the Americas.
8. Starting in metallurgy and farm tools, build up a massive, vertically integrated, publicly traded greek megacorporation, absorbing competitors in raw material production and manufacturing and creating service sector (entertainment) and technical research institutions one piece at a time with private security, transportation and information infrastructure. Create mechanisms by which the corporation can run itself by shareholder directions.
9. Establish a large university campus in Greece and invite learned men from around the world to exchange ideas including a copy of the Library of Alexandria and my personal writings and to research the physical world (reduce classical emphasis on philosophy) as well as the best sculptors, playwrights and humanities and business thinkers. Emphasize permanent storage of the science and art in several languages as my Opus.
10. Live out my days at the university. Yes, Alexander the Great will probably attend, fuck maintaining our timeline. Work on railroads and electricity.

>> No.2446369

Let's see, what do I have in my pockets.

A (probably fake) silvered pocket watch.
Some tinfoil.
Some coins
My wallet
A ball-point pen

I could probably get a good bit of coin, off of selling the watch to some merchant.
Buy clothing, and other things I might need to blend in with the crowd.

Like most other people in this thread said, the fastest way to make money would probably be making glass. Open up the smartphone, try to scour whatever information about glassmaking I can get to in the in-built encyclopedia.
Write it down, preferably in English, since that's a language nobody understands (yet).
Also, draw a picture of a world map.

Take apprenticeship at a smith, then wait until you can either:

A) Take over his shop
B) Start up your own

Then turn it into a glassblower's workshop.
Rich noblemen and other wealthy people would probably pay well for glass trinkets and other useful things like cups and chalices.

Once I've got influence (Either through friendships, or through money), travel to the countryside and start up my own town. My town, my rules.

Start posting out rules for (by todays standards) basic sanitation, such as boiling water before using it to clean wounds, or how to create soap.

Healthy people, and good sanitation will mean that my city will probably have one of the best military hospitals of it's time, and as such it will be an important strategic location if war breaks out. And thus I, with the help of Alexander the Great, shall conquer the world.

>> No.2448211

>start up my own town
Hahaha, good fucking luck.
Though everything else is decently-planned.