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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 789x680, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2442230 No.2442230 [Reply] [Original]

If intellect is attractive, why are most of us left untouched and ignored? :(

>> No.2442234

Because being on 4chan is unattractive.

>> No.2442249

How many times are you going to make this thread? Considering reporting for flooding.

>> No.2442256

Because you have to be cute or attractive for that matter.

If you are still smart and ugly, then your last and final resort will be getting rich
With money,
you can get bitches
all day
erry day

>> No.2442257

It's /sci/, they're usually like this.

>> No.2442262

Because most people on /sci/ are unintelligent.

>> No.2442263

>We will never have a relationship with women.

>> No.2442270

>If intellect is attractive
>Women are attracted to intelligence.

>get a group of intelligent people and see if women are attracted to them
>most of us left untouched and ignored
either women are not attracted to intelligence, or you are not intelligent

plase, don't bump this shit, its been posted like 800 times and the basic premises and reasoning of OP is retarded.

>> No.2442274

because /sci/ is not as intelligant as it thinks

>> No.2442276

Combine intelligence with something else like a bit of swagger, and it works great.

Intelligence is like an attraction catalyst: By itself, it's useless. Combined with something else good, and it enhances it. For example, intelligence can boost one's wit by allowing one to use more intricate or elaborate jokes.

>> No.2442277


>> No.2442279

Because women are not attracted to intelligence, they are attracted to money.

Also, hot studs with large cocks.

>> No.2442280

/sci/ducks generally refuse to accept any inferiorities and lower qualities they might have, and like to default to some notion of "intelligence" in order to allude to the idea they're of some worth through this idea, see >>2442270

>> No.2442281

If you think you're intelligent, why do you keep making this thread again and again?

>> No.2442287

Oh look. It's this thread.

Woman are not attracted to intelligence. At least, woman are attracted to a complex series of things in a man, and intelligence does not rate highly among the qualities.

in during shit thread.

>> No.2442301

my god. why are you still on? its like 5 hours straight man. wtf?

>> No.2442309
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>> No.2442310
File: 12 KB, 320x296, 2chart-ratingsys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the breakdown looks like:

Money and Power: 50%

Attraction: 40%

Things Women Say They Care About But Do Not: 10%
(this includes intelligence, sense of humor, honesty, sensitivity etc. )

Another thing to watch out for is the code words women use. Here is a translation guide for dealing with women.

Says: I want a man who is motivated and has goals.
Means: I want a rich man

Says: I want a man who knows how to treat a woman.
Means: I want a rich man

Says: He's from a really good family.
Means: He's from a really rich family.

I'm sure you get the point. Let's move on

>> No.2442311

I have no life. Was thinking of playing Halo: Reach.

26 male never been kissed for a reason.

>> No.2442320

so do i [virgin at 20 at least]
but i been kissed already

shit bro
get your act together.

>> No.2442324
File: 4 KB, 251x205, 1293045605641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you're joking.


>> No.2442333

What's wrong with never having been kissed at 26, man?

>> No.2442347
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>> No.2442348

Well, I'm lonely, and I want to be loved and cuddle, so that's something wrong with it. Unfortunately women aren't attracted to the nice guy, the honest guy, the nerdy guy, so I'm fucked, and I won't be arsed enough to change.

>> No.2442355

since when?
stop whining and victimising yourself, it really isn't that hard

>> No.2442356
File: 14 KB, 298x321, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is made to often

>> No.2442357

You dont have to
You can be nice and an asshole.

When you talk to a girl.
Don't let her walk over you.
Meaning that, don't take shit from her.

That is basically the secret to getting one.
Act nice around her but don't woo or die over her

sage cause this thread is still up here

>> No.2442362

Many... Many... Many... Many things...

>> No.2442367

You people don't belong on 4chan.

>> No.2442368

We ought to take this to /adv/ or something if this goes on for much longer though.

>When you talk to a girl.
That implies I talk to girls. I don't anymore. I've stopped trying.

>> No.2442370

>this thread is made to often
1). too*
2). It's because a good chunk of /sci/ is full of neckbeards virgin failures and egotistical morons with a touch of Asperger's.

>> No.2442372
File: 14 KB, 310x310, 1288503054119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution, instinct, etc.

Women want alphas. Alphas are good providers. Okay, wolves and saber toothed tigers aren't coming into your cave at night anymore, but being able to provide financially (roof over your heads, food on the table), mentally (not be a psycho, know how to get shit done, worldly) and pysically (stand up for her and/or the kids, be useful around the dwelling) are all things that ARE still relevant.

Reciting Pi to the 1000th digit is none of the above, although it may well be "intelligent" (yeah yeah, knowledge is not intelligence but you get my drift).

Imagine a spider and each leg represents something women are attracted to. Intelligence is one of the legs. A one legged spider is pretty fucked.

>> No.2442374

fucking pathetic, OP I for one give up on you. enjoy being forever alone. I know I won't

>> No.2442378

then that would mean you are a spineless with a lack of sexdrive faggot

>> No.2442380


>> No.2442383

Note that I'm not the faggot OP. I generally post under this trip, and the OP doesn't have it. I have better things to do than shit up /sci/.

>> No.2442385

What a load of bullshit

Stop being butthurt cos women wont date your faggot ass.

Maybe women arent the problem, maybe you are just a shit prospect, just because they dont want to date you doesnt mean they like shit things, you are trying to tell us you are perfect and they should all date you.
I can tell from your post why women dont want you.
Inb4 some lies about women youve dated loser.

>> No.2442386
File: 105 KB, 1000x400, 1259292761797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously doubt you're as nice as you think you are.

>> No.2442388

Spineless faggot? Yes. Lack of sex drive? No. Fap like 2-3 times a day.

Also, sage or make a new thread on /adv/ or /soc/ and link to it, please.

>> No.2442389

> this trip


>> No.2442390
File: 1 KB, 184x172, 1292986998521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better things to do than shit up /sci/

like not get laid? ever?

>i still enjoy debating you, sad consolation as that is for you

>> No.2442392

there is no formula for woman, losers

>> No.2442395

name, sorry. This is me not caring.

>> No.2442400

>I seriously doubt you're as nice as you think you are.
That's nice.

>> No.2442407

Whats so special about you that women should date you?

What makes you better then the other men.

>> No.2442413

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that I ever said I deserve a date, or that I would make a good boy friend. I have never claimed that in this thread.

I'm a very boring guy with interests that almost no one shares, especially women.

>> No.2442415

new thread made in /adv/


>> No.2442426

cause you sure don't know how to love

>> No.2442425

Then dont moan that women pick more succesfull guys

Of course they are going to. Why the fuck wouldnt you.

>> No.2442420


> I want to be loved and cuddle

>> No.2442418


>> No.2442423

"Science is for faggots".
Lol nice. I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.2442431

Much like with women, it comes down to:

1.) Sane.
2.) Pretty.
3.) Sexy.
4.) Intelligent.

Pick two.

What? You want three?

Too bad.

Be single.

>> No.2442435

Posting all replies to
Come if you care.

>> No.2442438
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 1269664345366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you tried to convince us you're a nice guy who just can't find a woman to love and cuddle as though it was the most illogical and strange occurance.

Now you show your true colours as a bitter, whiny, unappealing cunt.

>> No.2442443

And then he wonders why he cant get them and thinks he is all deservering of women.

>> No.2442446

you realize you sound much the same, laughinggirls.jpg notwithstanding.

>> No.2442460

please guys.

>> No.2442465
File: 150 KB, 800x533, 1272525295671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I have 3 regular fuckbuddies at the moment, but we do dates/dinner/movies/drinks as well socially. I'm social, confident, can hold a conversation, and people seem to find me very attractive (that's for them to judge). I don't whine, I don't think the world owes me anything, I don't let myself get fat, I don't sit inside all day, I hold eye contact, I smile, I get sex and cuddles and all that jazz. I can afford to be picky with who I date and fuck.

u jelly?

>> No.2442468

>bragging on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.2442470

Shut up we're fine here.

>> No.2442475

Replying to a post on an imageboard, actually. Bragging would be if I blurted it out of nowhere. But please, let's argue semantics to distract us from how bitter and lonely you are.

>> No.2442476

Well you won't get any replies here, because it's off topic, and we've taken it to /adv/.

>> No.2442479

Like the reply you just posted?

>> No.2442482

wow dude, /adv/ is more brutal that we are.

>> No.2442599

Because I'm smart that I'm selective.

>> No.2442611

Take this shit to /soc/ already.

Or fap in your sock. Just end this.

>> No.2442615

women are more interested in being dominated. They like money/cars. And importantly looks.

Don't get me wrong some are not like this BUT MAJROITY are. Sad to speak the truth imo of course .