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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 320x480, university-of-toronto-mobile-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2438569 No.2438569 [Reply] [Original]

Post the uni/program u attend.

University of Toronto, Engineering Science

>> No.2438578

we're close, UW bio

>> No.2438603

hey, another uoftfriend here.

I hope you're enjoying your program op,

>> No.2438611

UW here too, this:

>> No.2438620
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I'm at UTM, in humanities.

>> No.2438646

Going to Waterloo next year for mathematics, cool.

>> No.2438656

University of Cape Town, computer science.

>> No.2438658

yeah.. the program's pretty challenging. But that's not really the thing that bothers me.

Im not asian and the program is literally like 98% asian. I feel like a total outsider.

>> No.2438662

Going to Waterloo next year for mechatronics, cool.

>> No.2438663

Went to U of T for a year in architecture, then transfered to engineering at Queen's.

>> No.2438664


/also UT eng sci > Waterlosers

>> No.2438666

engineering science? then you can be an engineer AND a scientist? my mind just reached critical mass

>> No.2438668

Do they exclude you from everything? Or is it just an internal conflict?

>> No.2438672

Lots of Canadafags in this thread, eh?

>> No.2438683

hurr hurr amerifags can't do science?

>> No.2438684

UOIT engineering here.

feels bad man :(

>> No.2438694
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Aerospace engineering

>> No.2438695

U of Waterloo Chemical Engineering represent.

>> No.2438697

UTM (University of Toronto Mississagua Campus like >>2438620)

Majoring in Physics

>University of Toronto
>Engineering Science

>> No.2438712

highschool fag here

anyone want to write my UT Eng Sci Essay?

What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the University of Toronto?
What skills have you developed through your extra-curricular experiences that will support your future success as both a student and an engineer?

>> No.2438715

I don't understand the reason behind taking engineering science as a major. Prestige/challenge?

>> No.2438724


pretty much everything. THere's no social aspect to the program unless you're asian

>> No.2438725

im doing it solely for the ring

>> No.2438731


I wanna go to MIT for grad... it's a really good "bridge" program

>> No.2438737

American state-school knuckle-dragger here.

>> No.2438744

I thought all engineers get a ring?

That sounds like a good idea, good luck.

>> No.2438746

>>2438731 I wanna go to MIT for grad... it's a really good "bridge" program

I think bridges are in civil engineering

>> No.2438747

MIT undergrad in mathematics

>> No.2438755

Glasgow University, Aerospace Engineering post-grad.

>> No.2438757
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>> No.2438758

>im doing it solely for the ring

You get that if you complete any professional engineering program from any certified Canadian university.

>pretty much everything. THere's no social aspect to the program unless you're asian

Brown people (like Indians) or east asians?

>> No.2438759
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Emory University, Neuroscience

>> No.2438768


>Implying you're a genius janitor

oh you.

>> No.2438774



>> No.2438775

finally something interesting, how are you liking it?

>> No.2438779

He's Bourne's identity

>> No.2438788
File: 90 KB, 600x413, Queens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen's university, dont hate on me

Mining Engineering

>> No.2438795

>>2438646 here

Is anyone in the computational math program? I'm deliberating whether or not to go into that program or regular math.

>> No.2438796

Pretty much. I answer math questions here

>> No.2438805
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Picture very related.

>> No.2438821

NC State University, Pure Mathematics with a focus in CS

>> No.2438824
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Hmm... my prof recommended queens for post-graduate economics study.

Know anything about it?

>> No.2438828


More like queer university. Don't try to hide it, we know the only shafts you're interested in are other men's.

>> No.2438830

It's been good (graduating this May) although I didn't like how I was virtually the only person I met planning on ever getting a PhD. Everyone else in the program (and really the university) was pre-med.

>> No.2438832


Queen's commerce is tha shiz

>> No.2438841

UWaterloo; third year CS undergrad. I feel boring and unoriginal.

Oh, and I was working towards a physics minor, but now I'm thinking of doing a pure math minor instead. Is this a good idea?

>> No.2438845
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Trinity College, Cambridge.


Best in the world.

Suck it, fags.

>> No.2438850

don't know much about it, but the MBA is rated 1 outside of the states. Im sure theres a pretty decent grad program for econ

right, and where do you go? stop being a butthurt dipshit

>> No.2438851


MIT = 1

>> No.2438858

Caltech, MIT, that other one.

>> No.2438861



/sci/ always seems to say it's MIT, when every list I've looked at places them 5th or worse.

>> No.2438862

UCSD, Mathematics
>this thread
>feel like shit.

>> No.2438867


So you're still in high school? When you first apply you just choose math and then you can choose a specialisation after first year. Switching isn't difficult, so just take a few CM courses and see how you feel about them.

But C&O is way cooler than CM. Just FYI.

>> No.2438870


maybe overall. but when it comes to eng, math, and cs. its #1

>> No.2438878


No, I meant for Mathematics.

It's the best for Computer Science and Engineering etc, but you can't beat Cambridge when it comes to the Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

>> No.2438887


CalTech only has the name. They don't even make it into the top 10 on all lists.

>> No.2438902

Yes I would agree re: mathematics. I would say the top schools in mathematics:

1. Cambridge
2. Harvard
3. Chicago
4. Berkeley

Then perhaps you could throw in a Stanford, Cornell, MIT in there as well.

>> No.2438908

Oberlin College, DM in Music & Chemistry. Plan on attending Duke for Chem Ph.D after graduation next May.

>> No.2438909

Highschool fag here, any advice looking back at highschool?

>> No.2438920

That actually depends on what specialization of mathematics. Schools like Notre Dame, and Wisconsin would make that list if you were considering Math Logic.

>> No.2438926

University of Copenhagen, Pharmaceutical Science

>> No.2438929

Keep your fucking ego in check. I know way too many ugly annoying fucks in computer science who have still deluded themselves into thinking they're God's gift to mankind.

>> No.2438931
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École de technologie supérieure, Montréal
Software engineering

>> No.2438932

University of Alberta, Biochemistry

>> No.2438934

who the fuck still does math logic. It's like saying you do real analysis. the only good things to come out of math logic recently are
1. Forcing
2. Model Theory

>> No.2438935


We're talking overall. But yes, you have a point.

>> No.2438939


Yeah I am, but the only reason i ask is because computational math is a different program you have to apply to. I didn't know it easy was so easy to jump between programs. Though, if i were to go into mathematics, I'd probably go for MF or CO.

>> No.2438949

Virginia Commonwealth University.

Fucked around in highschool up 'till end of Junior year / Senior year, so glad I ended up here, I love it.

>> No.2438951

Take hella APs (or the international equivelent)
You are not as good as the top students.
You have to prove yourself over and over and over.

>> No.2438963



>> No.2438970


Oh, sorry, I didn't know that. I'm in CS, and I thought it was the only one that was separated from the other math programs like that. But yeah, the required first year courses are the same for everyone in the math faculty, so switching is just a matter of talking to an advisor and filling out a form.

>> No.2438971

To answer your question, Recursion Theory (i.e. Computability Theory). This has applications to CS

>> No.2438983

oh you meant "math" logic in terms of CS. Well I don't count that as mathematics anyway and just because you put the word "theory" at the end doesn't make it mathematics.

>> No.2438984

Also to answer your question plenty of people study math logic (specifically recursion theory) at Notre Dame, Berkeley, Chicago, Wisconsin some at Penn State, Ohio State, and some at George Washington University.

>> No.2438990

Recursion theory IS mathematics not CS.
You are very ignorant. It is the study of computable and non-computable functions. It also includes stuff like Reserve Mathematics.

>> No.2438991


I'd like a real peer reviewed list from a credible source for this bullshit you're spouting.

>> No.2438995

Toronto for Com Sci.

>> No.2439003


hey, uoftfriend here again,

Yeah, Koreans are dicks. Fuck 'em.
>go into class every day dressed like you're going to a club
Thankfully the uoft math program isn't entirely asian, surprisingly, but I know how you feel.

>> No.2439013


TimesQS List 2010. Look under Natural Sciences including Mathematics.

>> No.2439020

Reverse Mathematics*, an area of recursion theory

>> No.2439023

Harvard over MIT? Bullshit. Harvard is for liberal arts. MIT is for technical subjects.

>> No.2439033


You're saying your opinion is better than the most peer-reviewed list in the world?

>> No.2439042


Alright, thanks. Would you happen to know the difference between CM and CO, generally of course?

>> No.2439063

University of South Alabama, geology.

>> No.2439074


What the hell is that?


>> No.2439081

yeah because stuff like Computability, Enumerability, Unsolvability is just a ~theory~ even though there are rigorous proofs that revolve around them.

>> No.2439084

Imperial College, Mathematics.

Yeah, its pretty much god tier.

>> No.2439087

oh yes, of course. How could I forget princeton math. That must contend for #1 spot...

>> No.2439100

Ryerson Civil Eng up in this. U of T, when are you going to get sick of our constant expansion and buy us out so my degree becomes more valuable?

>> No.2439107
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Appalachian State, Biology


>> No.2439116


>implying they aren't just a th- nvm i wont derail.

>> No.2439122

University of Tennessee - Nuclear Engineering

>> No.2439145
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Zuckerberg went to Harvard.

Are you denying the power of fasbuk? Half a billion action users!

>> No.2439156


So does that faggot kid know how scientific theories work or is he just retarded?

>> No.2439161

>rutgers, 27

umm.... so my grad school isn't useless? HOORAY!

>> No.2439162
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Mechanical Engineering

>> No.2439165

Hey OP, I know it's not in line with the thread, but what do you think about engsci? Is it as hard as they say it is?

>> No.2439167

Evolution is just a THEORY guise! I go 2 da britfag college so i no

>> No.2439184


They both fit into the general arena of "doing math with computers". CM is closely related to applied math, and involves a lot of mathematical modeling of real-world situations. It's basically a mathematical approach to scientific computation.

C&O is more theoretical. It examines mathematical problems that are less about modeling the real world; they tend to be more mathematically interesting than readily applicable. However, it has applications in fields like cryptography and quantum computation.

If you haven't seen it already, the UW undergraduate calendar is great for looking at different programs and the courses they include:

>> No.2439201

Purdue Chem-E

>> No.2439202

Master EE

>> No.2439222

I'm considering Mathematics at Waterloo next year as well. It's pretty much a toss up between that, science (first year is general) at McGill, or Engineering Science at U of T.

>> No.2439242


Ah, i see. Thanks for the help and for that course calendar, i was looking for something like that. I look forward to going there.

>> No.2439791


Because that doesn't have a massive US bias.

Get real - that thing takes into account endowments - it's just the rich waving their dicks about, and has little to do with quality.

>> No.2439806


What the fuck are you on? Darwin was British and went to Cambridge, you absolute fuckwit.

>> No.2439813

What was last years admission averages for Waterloo mathematics and software engineering?

>> No.2439830

University of Alberta, Eng Phys Nanoelectronics, 4th year

>> No.2439840

That's fucking retarded. There are more European universities in there than other shit lists posted.

>> No.2439848
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University of Sheffield, aerospace engineering

>> No.2439853

University of Technology, Sydney

Bachelor of Engineering/Diploma Engineering practice, ICT major, Software submajor.

Enrolling tomorrow.

>> No.2439860

City College of New York-Civil Engineering

>> No.2439878


By massive US bias I mean things such as taking into account reputation and endowments. Those should not be criteria for judging how good a university is.
I know that more money usually equals better quality, but judge it on its actual quality rather than its potential.

Criticising the TimesQS list for not including those is like criticising it for being too fair.

>> No.2439880

ITT a bunch of high school kids that havent even applied to UofT or any other Canadian/British university.

You want us to believe that you actually go to those colleges and go on 4chan?

>> No.2439890

nigga u trollin, mathfag from u of t scarborough reporting in, just lurking the thread tho

>> No.2439886


I can most definitely assert that I am studying Mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge. Believe what you like, but I'm the one getting the degree.

>> No.2439892

Loyola University Chicago: Computer Science and Biology.

>> No.2439895

That's where Turing desperately wanted to go! Jeeelllllllyyyyy

>> No.2439906


>> No.2439909


No man, I really am a Waterloo student. I'm barely passing, but I'm still here!

>> No.2439913


I was amazed I got in, to be honest. The competition is fierce, to say the least.

>> No.2439917

U of T isn't ridiculously hard to get into it.

>> No.2439960

University of Birmingham, physics

>> No.2439962

Every once in a great while, a man's extraordinary talents will get him a pass on fagotry. Turing is one of those man. Think about it. If it wasn't for Turing, you wouldn't be here, 4chan wouldn't be here, the world would be so much different.

captcha: furovs Husserl's

>> No.2439981

first year Life Science
not premed, but everyone else in life sci is...;_;

>> No.2440005

University of Tennessee - Mathematics

Also, to you asshats bickering about the best school: anyone anywhere can read the same fucking textbooks you are and learn the same shit. Shut up.

>> No.2440020

Read any book you want, but if you weren't at yale, you weren't getting lectured by Benoit Mandelbrot 3 times a week. There's value there.

>> No.2440038



>> No.2440054


And you don't get quotes like these (they're pretty common):


>> No.2440056


I'm a math/econ double specialist at U of T.
I have a ton of free time, cause I only have class a few hours a day for four days of the week, and I already have all the answers to all the problem sets and past exams.

Come meet me at Gerstein 3 below, bro.

>> No.2440065




There is value there, but I'd rather not pay for it. :/

Also, I have no idea if Mandlebrot is even a good lecturer. He might be a total asshat and a shitty speaker for all I know.

>> No.2440074

You took 157 and 240?

>> No.2440075

you sir, are just jelly. I do nearly anything below sucking dick to get into Berkeley.

>> No.2440082


How are you liking the newly Ares building?

>> No.2440096


It's pretty nice. Plenty of board space for lectures, air conditioning, and couple of areas for students to sit and work in. Only real issue is that the boards aren't chalkboards, but glassboards. The glare is awful if you don't close the blinds.

>> No.2440098

Nope. 137 and 223/224 is all you need for math/econ specialist. I can still take 257 next year though, if I appeal it, since I heard 257>237 in teaching quality.

>> No.2440101


I suppose I am jelly. I just don't really see myself being much more far ahead than I am now if I had gone to another school. I like it here well enough. Maybe I'll have my head blown and be horribly angry about where I am if I go somewhere tip-top for grad school.

>> No.2440105

im having a good time

>> No.2440114
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>> No.2440117

Cornell University
Astronomy & Biology

>> No.2440126

that's a weird combo. You gonna study astrobiology?

>> No.2440132

"What peaked my interest in engineering the most is the ability to change and improve society in a real, tangible way.
Through <insert extra curricular activity>, I have gained experience in a leadership role by <make something out> and have gained experience working as a team with my peers>
Its srsly easy.
FSU, civil engineer (yeah yeah go ahead and lol)

>> No.2440151


Too bad there's no life in space! Teehee!

>> No.2440161

test? cannot post for some reason. Disregard this if it succeeds.

>> No.2440179


Awesome, hopefully my dept will get funding for a new building soon.

>> No.2440241

So whats the Waterloo campus/residence like?

>> No.2440288

University of Connecticut
Physiology & Neurobiology

>> No.2440295

I go to MIT for Physics. It's good but just as good as almost any other decent school.

>> No.2440365

Princeton, grad school, mech & aero engineering.

>> No.2440379

What kind of faggoty childish thing to say is this? Do you even have 1 degree?

Goddam I hate children that read US News and somehow think they're qualified to spew out ratings of major programs. It's fucking stupid, and you're fucking stupid. Do you know anyone at any of those universities? Do you know any professors? Are you familiar with any current research projects at ANY of those universities?

STFU, moron. I'm disgusted by your types I see at university. They make those same retarded claims that there's some kind of 1-dimensional scale on which you can rate entire fucking academic departments. You suck.

>> No.2440390


Butthurt you didn't get in?

>> No.2440439

Not him, but he has a point. People who look at schools and degrees like trading cards are the type of people that aren't truly ready for a quality education.

They are more like the pre-meds that cram and regurgitate facts as a means to an end. Do you think the greats - Herschel, Cavendish, Tesla, Einstein, Newton, etc. - would have wasted thought on these matters?

I have a BSc and MSc from two different schools, the MSc being from a "prestigious" one. I didn't really see any difference in the educational value, aside for the fact that I was in contact with renowned researchers who were mainly egotistical administrators.

I know lots of people on /sci/ are highschoolers who place a lot of merit on schools, but you guys have to realize it is mostly about your maturity, open-minded nature, and discipline.

>> No.2440445

York University - Honours Kinesiology BSc
you mad about my GPA?

>> No.2440470


>> No.2440472

University of Western Australia
Majoring in Physics

>> No.2440476

lol cool man, future gym teacher ahh

>> No.2440479
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Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

Getting my B.S. is Applied Physics

>> No.2440489

Tufts bio

>> No.2440491

>you jelly
>you wish you could be a gym teacher because it's highly selective

>> No.2440494

Coimbra University, Economics. hehe

>> No.2440506

didn't get in? no. my current university that i'm ranting about is one of those ones you'll randomly rank in a top 5 list. many in my grad program are from those same types of elite undergrad institutions.

the only people that spew out ranks like that are fucking idiots. either high school morons with overbearing parents that think they have a clue and can somehow actually rank these places, or undergrad morons with overbearing parents that think they can rank universities without actually knowing anyone or anything about them.

>I have a BSc and MSc from two different schools, the MSc being from a "prestigious" one. I didn't really see any difference in the educational value, aside for the fact that I was in contact with renowned researchers who were mainly egotistical administrators.

word, the voice of experience. my BS/MS are from what dumbasses like the previous poster would call a mid-tier state school, and i'm currently a phd student at one of those prestigious ones. i see many differences in the educational approaches between the places... some for better, some for worse (and definitely far worse ego problems combined with inability to actually apply their work from profs at the prestigious institution) but the biggest thing i've noticed is that i'm better off for having the diversity of academic experience.

oh and not a single professor here would ever fucking dream of being so stupid as to makes a numbered list of university rankings and then defend it like it was worth something.

>> No.2440511

it's me:
we would be friends.

>> No.2440524
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U mad.

>> No.2440534

well yeah, i mean, i think i said that i'm mad. as someone that's been an academic researcher at two schools for the past 5 years, yes, seeing a virgin high schooler suggest that one school's mathematics department is 3rd best, and another school's is 2nd best, does make me mad.

>> No.2440544


Oh, now you're just making assumptions and lying through your teeth. Go home, faggot.

>> No.2440548

>mfw all these Canadians and nobody goes to UWO
>forever alone

>> No.2440554

if you even go to a college, go to any professor in your department, and ask him who he thinks the top 5 universities in your field are, and tell him to rank them. insist that he rank them. then come back here and post his response.

i'll wait.

>> No.2440563
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Too stupid to troll.

>> No.2440623

University of North Carolina(Chapel Hill), Mathematics
>>2438821 lolstate

>> No.2440833

Tufts University
International Relations
Oldest international relations program in the US, fuck yeah

>> No.2440841

Enjoy getting taken hostage by the muslims when your working.

>> No.2440849

I'm studying with a focus on spanish and Latin American culture, so it'll most likely be cartels. But hey, terrorists are all the same.

>> No.2440896

northeastern, pharmacy

>> No.2440902

University of Barcelona; Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology