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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2432526 No.2432526 [Reply] [Original]

Science/math humor thread.

OC here

>> No.2432534


>> No.2432547


>> No.2432563
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>> No.2432572


psychology is a dying concept, neuroscience is the future

>> No.2432592
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for your overthought humor needs

>> No.2432616

"I can testify that she is a great mathematician, but that she is a woman, I cannot swear."
E.Landeu, on E. Noether

>> No.2432638
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>> No.2432646
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>> No.2432649

Gregory Perlman is basically the embodiment of the assburger scientist stereotype. A true hero.

>> No.2432687

I trully respect and have the highest estime for this man. Fucking badass.. Nothing else to say

>> No.2432701

he is kinda right though, mathematics is starting to become a show, aka people are fighting over having their names put into papers instead of just worrying about the problems. I think the chinese competition is a result of this, they always try to show that their students are the best by making them do high level math a young age and going "hah see how your students are at such a low level compared to ours, we get all the medals in olympiads!"

Math isn't about competing, a mathematician spends his whole life working on math problems so there's no point in pushing students so much at a early age. Also experience comes with age, this is something that is forgotten in school curiculum.

Also the media kinda got in his face and that's insanely annoying to a mathematician; we are used to working in calm environments and being undisturbed for hours, and he probably got so many phone calls from journalists it must have pissed him off a lot.

>> No.2432717

He is what every mathematician should strive to be. Ethical, has integrity, and just wants to improve mankind by solving problems, not to be famous, not to get a medal, just because it's an honorable occupation

>> No.2432844

Everyone should be ethical.and
>and just wants to improve mankind by solving problems, not to be famous, not to get a medal, just because it's an honorable occupation
Means the only thing mathematicians should want is to do mathematics.You think of it as some kind of priesthood.

Mathematicians want a good life as everyone else.Being famous and getting some money helps.
Another thing is that giving projection to mathematicians may increase the amount of enthusiasts, and that would be great.

>> No.2432862

I'm sorry but if you chose to dedicate your life to maths, it's for a greater purpose than "bitches and money". You don't do maths for money, you do it for the beauty of maths. Otherwise, do finance or econ if you want to mix both.

>> No.2432870
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>> No.2432921

>On 22 December 2006, the journal Science recognized Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture as the scientific "Breakthrough of the Year," the first such recognition in the area of mathematics.[2] He has since ceased working on mathematics.

>> No.2432943
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We don't want math for money.But we don't want only math.Finance and econ are not the same as math.Do you get it, second-grader? okiedokie?

>> No.2432946


I say that being smart and having bitches and money is the way to go, if you want to live a giving life you act like an animal at times, party, fuck, drugs, cash and cars is the most animalistic shit a person in modern society can pursue and i say that enjoying being an animal is the best way to get the best out of life.

But apparently mister Perelman doesnt seem to have it in himself to do these things cause hes autistic as fuck..

>> No.2432965

When I said what I said in my earlier post, I meant for a mathematician of his talent, not for some random guys who get their master in maths and will end up teaching in school or whatever. When you are this gifted, you put your talents to use only for the betterment of mankind, not to party hard as a lambda math grad would. This is where you missed my point. He's annoyed that he's being made a superstar where he did it only for the passion and needs no more recognition, fuck money, fuck the Fields.

>> No.2433083
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I didn't miss your point because you never had it.
>you put your talents to use only for the betterment of mankind
Great mathematicians, like Hardy, were actually proud of the fact that their mathematics had no application.
Other great mathematicians, like terry tao and tim gowers, enjoyed the prize and enjoy the fame.Look for wiles vids on youtube to see how happy he is(he didn't get the prize, but also solved a famous problem).
And have a good life doesn't necessarily means party hard(but there is nothing wrong with it too).Thats what YOU think its a good life.
I'm not believing I wrote this much in response to such an obnoxious person.You're likely a high schooler who never encountered a real mathematician/physicist in person and has the stereotype about hermit genius who doesn't bath.

>> No.2433162


I met a university teacher that teaches mathematical economics once and he was a pretty laid back dude, he was foreign as shit and asked me randomly what school i went to etc, he asked me if i went to some party place near by and stuff, chill dude.. I guess im pretty proud of myself for some reason because such an intelligent guy engaged me in a conversation, it was a bus stop and i noticed he took a picture with his cellphone off the bus sign in the bus stop that said when the bus arrives at all times, i swear i thought it was smart as shit of him, i never figured out to do it xD

>> No.2433277

I keep reading and rereading your post and I still don't understand what you're trying to say. And why do you keep implying I'm a high-schooler? I get the feeling that you calling me obnoxious is more of a projection of your faults on someone else than a true statement of how you feel about me. I didn't say perelman should be a hermit, I said I respect his wish (and he insisted on this fact) to not be made a figure of maths because he feels the field is not ethical and prone to corruption and plagiarism. His vision of maths is the purest one, and truly the one every mathematician should aspire to. You keep quoting names, but do you really think guys like Gauss, Poisson, Poincarré etc. solve these problems for fame and glory? Those you mentioned did it for the intellectual challenge, the passion that embodies them. And that's what makes them happy, not the fact that someone gave them a medal or 1mio$.
>Great mathematicians, like Hardy, were actually proud of the fact that their mathematics had no application.
This is a rebutal to what?
>Thats what YOU think its a good life.
can you quote me on that please?

>> No.2433308
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>> No.2433311

dude is awesome

"He had previously turned down a prestigious prize from the European Mathematical Society,[26] allegedly saying that he felt the prize committee was unqualified to assess his work, even positively."

even positively, lulz

he has a point tho; otherwise one of them would have solved poincaire or however you spell it

I like this quote too, so fucking true:

"Perelman is quoted in an article in The New Yorker saying that he is disappointed with the ethical standards of the field of mathematics. The article implies that Perelman refers particularly to the efforts of Fields medalist Shing-Tung Yau to downplay Perelman's role in the proof and play up the work of Cao and Zhu. Perelman added, "I can't say I'm outraged. Other people do worse. Of course, there are many mathematicians who are more or less honest. But almost all of them are conformists. They are more or less honest, but they tolerate those who are not honest."

>> No.2433317

Yeah I really liked him since I've read this thing about the committee. The guy also scored a perfect score at the Math Olympiads.. I mean come on.. This is insanely kickass

>> No.2433319


here's assange:

"This perception etched into me when I attended an Australian
Institute of Physics conference at ANU with 900 career physicists,
the body of which were snivelling fearful conformists of woefully,
woefully inferior character. For every Feynman or Lorentz, 100 pen
pushing wretches scratching each others eyes out in academic
committees or building better bombs for the DSTO (Defence Science &
Technology Organisation), who had provided everyone with a bag,
embossed with their logo, which most physicists pathetically lugged
about with pride and ignorance.

A year before, also at ANU, I represented my university at the
Australian National Physics Competition. At the prize ceremony, the
head of ANU physics, motioned to us and said, 'You are the cream of
Australian physics'. I looked around, and thought, 'Christ Almighty,
I hope he's wrong'."

>> No.2433321


Most mathematicians peak by the time they hit 30. That, coupled with the fact that there's thousands of years of history in the field, creates the need to start young and advance rapidly in order to make significant process in the field.

>> No.2433334


on the other hand, if mathematicians could make money with math wouldn't they?

if you could take what you've learned and apply it in the stock market you would, admit it.

wiki jim simons

>> No.2433585

complete bullshit, the older the mathematician the better he is. Unless you have the memory capacity of terence tao it's going to be impossible for you to read and understand the huge amount of material needed for doing math research. You need to know the "basics" of: geometry, advanced calculus, real analysis, complex analysis, set theory and basic logic, topology, matrix algebra, dynamical systems, measure theory, abstract algebra, group theory, galois theory, odes, pdes, probability, statistics, combinatorics and discrete mathematics, algorithms.

All those fields have subfields, and your research will involve a small part of that subfield. It's almost impossible to be expert on all those domains before you are 30. Even professional mathematicians in their 40s and 50s are experts in only one or two of those domains, there is always room for improvement and the older you are the more connections you see between the different domains.

>> No.2433614

Mathematics is a young man's game.

>> No.2433624

keep telling yourself that, all those little problems you see in amc olympiads are childsplay compared to the real research that's being done by old bearded mathematicians in their 60s