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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2432424 No.2432424 [Reply] [Original]

Why are their no women in hard science?

>> No.2432431

No science in the kitchen

>> No.2432438

because having pussy is awesome.

>> No.2432440

Because the women scientists do engineering or medicine and have more successful careers.

>> No.2432441

Women as a whole( i know generalizations are bad) don't like a challenge. They need their coursework to hold their hand as much as possible.

>> No.2432485

Define hard science.

There's a shitload of women in biology and earth science.

>> No.2432489

>implying engineering is a scince

>> No.2432494


Better question:
Why are there so few males in "soft science"?

>> No.2432498


>Zoology major requires Organic chemistry
>implying organic chemistry holds your hand and doesn't bend you over and fuck your brains.

>> No.2432504
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cause we are awsome unlike females...

>> No.2432505
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Because we're not faggots.

>> No.2432508
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>> No.2432509

Women care about their reputation and how others perceive them. Being interested in nerdy stuff automatically means they will be excluded from the ultimate female dream - being a pretty bimbo with shallow friends.

>> No.2432511

y'all retards need to leave the basement for a change and go visit a lab.

there are plenty of women in hard sciences

>> No.2432516

My wife is a biochemist. Currently using NMR to determine protein structures.

>> No.2432515
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He's never taken differential equations and quantum physics.

>> No.2432513

Because interest in science is abnormal, and there are more abnormal men than women. For more info read this:

>> No.2432518
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Well, but they do know how to make me hard.

>> No.2432519

They're inarguably the minority. I noticed a reasonable number of chicks in chemistry, but that was about it. My graduating class of ChemE was like 34 people with a total of like 4 chicks. That's pretty common.

>> No.2432524

Organic chemistry in my opinion was harder than both of those. Now I haven't had senior undergraduate physics kind of quantum physics, but that's not really comparable anyway.

>> No.2432538

My experience:
Biomedical sciences: 75% woman in the first year, later on drops to about 50/50. The same in the lab. Neuroscience, same story. Fuck, I even know a bunch of girls in computer science and physics. Maybe it's different in the US, but here in Europe (the Netherlands at least) men are sometimes even in the minority.

>> No.2432540


Actually, as far as biology goes, women outnumber men. (around 60%)
And other science majors have women at 40% or so.
Math majors have the fewest, but even then, the ratio is still about 25%, if I remember correctly.
Trying to find the link from the last time I posted in a thread like this.

>> No.2432541

Because you don't get to study/work with good-looking guys.

>> No.2432577



And here's something else i stumbled across while looking for it. It's got some interesting graphs, regardless of the fact that they're outdated.

Still looking for that other web page.

>> No.2432590


>> No.2432594


I am not still looking for any other web page.
I initially had that post, but I mistyped the verification, so it didn't go through. I saw that when I found the link I was actually searching for, and just threw in that bit at the top.