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2427543 No.2427543 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know how can I make some LSD?

Also it's a base why does everyone call it "Acid"?

>> No.2427550

Also, I'm no chemfag, but I'm assuming it's fucking complicated.

>> No.2427546

acid is a base, you retard. both ar PH <7

>> No.2427559


>> No.2427556

Troll thread

LSD is a complicated process to synthesize

LySergic >acid< Diethylamide

>> No.2427564

>acid is a base, you retard. both ar PH <7

Get. The fuck. Off of /sci/. Right now.

Also, it's because druggies are fucking stupid

>> No.2427571


I sincerely hope you're trolling.

It's an acid; it has dissociative hydrogens.

>> No.2427582
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>> No.2427583

One thing I don't get is why people say you need to be an O-chem major to be able to do it.

I mean really, just follow some directions written online (granted, I don't think there are many teks like there are for meth and DMT, which are significantly easier to produce). Why do you need intimate knowledge of how the reactions work and the significance of what you are doing?

>> No.2427585

What man I'm taking Chem 4 acid is what gives H+ and base is those things that take them.
Fuck off.

>> No.2427591


>> No.2427592

Query: If acid is an...acid... then why is it produced as a solid?

>> No.2427594

I tried Google. It doesn't direct you to pages which teach you making drugs.

>> No.2427613


Then you have failed. I can EASILY find some teks to make, for example, meth. As I said, not many (if any) are available for acid, but if one producer were to simply document his process I don't see why others couldn't begin producing it themselves. (In small quantities, of course, as the precursors are regulated as far as I know.)

>> No.2427627

An acid is an acid only in solution, a solid 'acid' will be it's salt. Probably sodium.

>> No.2427635
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Here ya go OP. GL getting your hands on lysergamide!

>> No.2427645

all acids are liquids, actually.

>> No.2427669


That's what 'solution' means. Olive oil is a liquid, but you can't have an acid 'dissolved' in it...

>> No.2427694

Wow thanks.

>> No.2427709

God you guys are retarded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzoic_acid

>> No.2427710


Common sources? Am I correct in assuming this is what the ergot is for?

>> No.2427733

"Benzoic acid, C7H6O2 (or C6H5COOH), is a colorless liquid and the simplest aromatic carboxylic acid. The name derived from gum benzoin, which was for a long time the only source for benzoic acid. Its salts are used as a food preservative and benzoic acid is an important precursor for the synthesis of many other organic substances."
yeh, so what?
that is a liquid.
and like i said, all acids are liquids. you just proved my pint, you fucking retard.

>> No.2427745
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Sure, just give us, i mean me your address..
the boys & I will be right over...

>> No.2427751

Fail troll. Sorry for proving you guys to be dipshits with overconfidence in their high school chemistry knowledge.

>> No.2427758

the salts of acid are called acidic salts. they become acids when they are dissolved in water

>> No.2427772
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Fucking enjoy

>> No.2427778


Couldn't you just extract it from morning glory/hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, which are perfectly legal to buy?

>> No.2427789

God damn how many retards do I have to teach about acids today. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid
>As these three examples show, acids can be solutions, liquids, or solids
Ctrl-F that

>> No.2427800

but all acids are liquids
even that example you posted was a liquid. that guy here just proved you wrong.

>> No.2427807

google "hydergine", this stuff works much better than acid for cognitive enhancement without the possible insanity side-effects. take that for awhile then use a bunch of DMT, its way safer, healthier and stronger trip than acid.

>> No.2427808

Yeah I know, I messed up. I realized almost as soon as I hit submit

>> No.2427811

I smell you samefag >>2427733

>> No.2427824
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actually, i was the one who posted this.
wiki clearly disagrees with you, so fuck off, troll.

>> No.2427836


And, before I google it, how does one obtain it?

Also, insanity from acid only comes to those who are teetering on the edge of sanity anyway. The only problem is that many of these teeterers typically seek escape through drugs, thus a large amount of crazies are produced from acid.

>> No.2427841

Lol read the wiki article, not his self written green text. I've handled benzoic acid, as a solid, so it was the first thing that came to mind. If I remember right it's a common bomb calorimetry standard. Anyway, see my other post >>2427789

>> No.2427848


>Smart drug

This isn't why people use acid.

Dmt, however, is spot on. But it is TOO much for some people, so acid is best.

>> No.2427854

>"Benzoic acid, C7H6O2 (or C6H5COOH), is a colorless liquid and the simplest aromatic carboxylic acid.
>is a colorless liquid
are you retarded?

>> No.2427872

Oh also go read about acidic zeolites used as catalysts. They're not even soluble.

>> No.2427874


when you google it you will see it is readily available from UK pharmacies, or other places in the EU.

people of perfectly normal psyche can be made insane with lsd, this is a real and very possible side-effect, if anyone told you otherwise they are liars.

if you take hydergine for a week or so before using dmt, or even acid for that matter, it makes the trip much stronger.

>> No.2427885

>citation needed

I have no less than ten friends who have done/still do acid and none of them are bonkers.

I also do acid from time to time, and aside from a month of feeling like everything wasn't real after I did a gram of DXM, I am no less sane than when I started.

>> No.2427902

that shit fucks wit your mind, yo.

>> No.2427913


Do you understand the concept of "possible"? and "side-effect"? Acid doesn't make everyone insane, but it can make some people insane. Do you think drug companies formulate lists of side-effects by observing ten people? don't go all tard-fag on me here.

>> No.2427917


I would say that an incident rate for psychosis of 0.8 per thousand for acid in volunteers suggests a low probability of going insane after ingesting LSD. (http://www.maps.org/w3pb/new/1960/1960_cohen_1848_1.pdf))

>> No.2427936

None the less.
>citation needed

Besides, most of the research done on psychedelics has been corrupted by Leary, Strassman, and co.'s bullshit spiritualism and the overwhelmingly large amount of researchers who already didn't like it because it was being used for recreational purposes. I hold the same opinion of pot.

Not that these things are completely harmless 100% of the time because they are psychedelics and like awesome maaan, but I think any dangers are VASTLY exaggerated.

>> No.2427939


it doesn't make anyone "insane"

it simply uncovers latent schizophrenia. i had a friend in highschool whose latent schizophrenia was triggered by taking A LOT of acid.

it didn't make him schizophrenic, it just sped along his latent schizophrenia that would have popped out at some point anyway.

>> No.2427947

I, >>2427885 concur.

>> No.2427954


Bullshit! It is very rare for someone who has no history of mental illness (especially psychotic disorders) to become insane because of LSD.

>> No.2427965


thats one perspective, but its infinitely higher than non psychosis inducing substances, like food and beverages that people come in contact with everyday, for instance.
LSD can induce psychosis in normal individuals...and don't forget it.

and just for the fun of it, why don't you compare it to DMT, which if I'm correct, there is more evidence of it curing mental problems than there is of it causing ANY.

>> No.2427975


No one is saying DMT is worse, merely that it is too much for some people to handle.

>> No.2427979

its acid because its lysergic acid diethylamide

>> No.2427996


Wtf is your point?

If you're implying that the literature puts LSD in a bad light, you are mistaken. In fact the general consensus among drug researchers is that LSD has no long lasting effect on any organ in the human body including the brain.

>> No.2428008

i had a "bad" trip, although after the fact it wasn't that bad, actually, and i think i actually learned some things about myself.

otherwise, what you consider psychosis has nothing to do with actual schizophrenia. and again, it doesn't cause schizophrenia, just uncovers the symptoms of a latent schizophrenic.

>> No.2428017



There is plenty of research into psychootherapeutic applications of MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin, but I do not believe your claim that DMT has ever cured a damned thing.

>> No.2428024


My point is that you need to cite yourself, as I haven't really heard anything about sane people going insane other than urban legends and media bullshit, and that I am hesitant, but not entirely unwilling, to trust all scientific studies relating to drugs.

The only thing that is simply unquestionable is a lack of change, as you can't just take mental shifts away with our current medical devices.

>> No.2428028
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Seriously faggot where's the fucking evidence????????

>> No.2428029

Ugh. This is what people who don't do drugs or do research on drugs think.

>> No.2428030

and you can say this confidently, because you mister anon have discovered the basis of schizophrenia and psychosis, even though the whole of psychiatry and psychology have failed to do so.

and pray tell, how is someone supposed to know if they have "latent" schizophrenia?

>> No.2428036

>and pray tell, how is someone supposed to know if they have "latent" schizophrenia?

take a lot of LSD lol

>> No.2428056


Haven't read many studies on DMT so I cannot comment on whether or not it is "worse" than LSD. And to your other point: sure it is safer to not take LSD than taking it, in the same way it is safer not to get in a car, go snowboarding etc. Each person must themselves evaluate the risks involved in whatever they chose to do. (I realize that I might have wrongly inferred that you judge people who do psychedelics).

>> No.2428049

Use an amide coupler like someone who has decent knowledge of chemistry.

>> No.2428057


Time out, you have accused me of being someone I am not.


Now, what I meant about DMT was that some people simply do not want to lose control like you do on DMT (At least I lost control when I did it, but I don't mind that kind of thing), and that because of this loss of control that isn't present in acid, it is not a good substitute.

>> No.2428064

So what about the flash back you can get even years later?

>> No.2428072

lets see.

family history.

previous symptoms.

also, i never said i understand the basis of schizophrenia. you said i did.

possible mis-link. sorry.

>> No.2428078

Not speaking from any real knowledge here but isn't that kinda idea being it is kept in your fat and years later you burn fat and trip bawls etc? Well that's not an organ, so you didn't really get him on anything

>> No.2428086

>Snowboarding is dangerous because you could have flashbacks of snowboarding while driving or operating heavy machinery and hurt yourself.

>> No.2428091

has this actually been documented? i did quite a bit of acid when i was younger. never had a flashback.

i do often wish i had a button i could press to turn on an acid trip, and press it to turn it back off. in case you were wondering.

>> No.2428095


The psychological reasons for an LSD flashback are similar to the reasons for a PTSD flashback.

You are confusing properties of THC and LSD. THC is stored in fat and can be released when that fat is metabolized.

>> No.2428103


Not fat soluble.

Also flashes aren't ANYTHING like a real trip in my experience. They are typically light trails coming from nowhere or things like that.

>> No.2428102

DMT as therapeutic:

this is one of many, do the work yourself, understand the sigma opioid receptor and get back to me

>> No.2428099

Well that's the idea, but it's wrong. LSD isn't fat soluble nor do fat soluble substances remain in fat cells for years, nor does LSD remain unmetabolized throughout the body.

>> No.2428101

I'm not confusing any properties, I'm just spewing random stuff I recall hearing over the years, I fully admitted it may be bullshit. THC doesn't make you trip so I'm sure I wasn't mixing up the story.

>> No.2428109

>You are confusing properties of THC and LSD. THC is stored in fat and can be released when that fat is metabolized.
Nah, it's THC-OH if i remember correctly, or some other non-active metabolite.

>> No.2428110

THC does stay in adipose tissue (years? not sure) and is released when the fat in the tissue is metabolized. I will find the study if you insist.

>> No.2428118


You can't know for sure if you have latent schizophrenia, but you can look for family history of psychotic illnesses, early signs of schizophrenia etc.

>> No.2428120

It's a decently straightforward synthesis from LSA... but you're going to need a LOT of morning glory seeds.

>> No.2428128
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Cool Story Bros

>> No.2428132

>sigma opioid receptor
What the fuck are you smoking?
DMT actions at 5-HT receptor sites modulate dopamine transmission in the cortex, relieving anxiety and psychotic symptoms. This is only in standard physiological doses, mind you.

>> No.2428134
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You have proven me wrong and I thank you, sir.

>9000 internets to you and your progeny.

>> No.2428145

Don't know about documentation, I'm talking about expérience
One day I was in a party, and I've been on LSD while I haven't done anything for it (just drinking and smoking pot), fortunately it was in the middle of a party but when you're on acid without taking acid you really fear because it could arrive when you're driving or working (I'm some kind of fireman, imagine if I start to hallucinate in the middle of an operation)
Anyway for this reason I wouldn't recommend to anyone to try acid, even if the other effects aren't a problem

>> No.2428147


Or about 1/10th the amount if you get Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.

>> No.2428153

Fuck me, I'm wrong. It's therapeutic actions are modulated by actions at the TA receptor, which LSD binds to also. Again, this is only in standar physiological doses, which is about 1-3% of a usually hallucinogenic dose.

>> No.2428168
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I have a glass pipe full of DMT in my desk drawer and this thread is really tempting me to bust it out and blow my mind for 10 minutes...

>> No.2428176


You can "flash back" to any experience in your life. Since psychedelics produce very strong experiences people tend to "flash back" to these more often than the experience of eating corn flakes cereal for breakfast Thursday morning. Flashbacks are quite rare though, with about 70 % of LSD users claiming to never having flashed back (from wiki). Another example of how something can have a long lasting effect without causing organ-toxicity is PTSD. A traumatic event (getting gang-raped by a gaggle of silverback apes, for example) can cause mental problems years after.

>> No.2428177

wtf are you trying to say?

>> No.2428182


you clearly have zero understanding of what dosage actually means. the physiological doses of dmt occur at fairly low levels during the day, in young healthy people, but at vastly higher amounts than what is needed for hallucinations at night just prior to rem. this chemical mediates the normal physiological functions of sleep paralysis and sleep amnesia. yes thats correct healthy people should not remember their dreams.

>> No.2428189


>Not speaking from any real knowledge here

No shit! It is an urban legend that LSD is stored in your spine/fat deposits/testicles etc. LSD and it's metabolites are fully excreted within a couple of days.

>> No.2428199

Me in party
Don't take LSD
Get LSD effects
Fear about this happening when me not in party

>> No.2428209

So much envy...

>> No.2428211

No, just fucking no. Cite something or get the fuck out, cause everything you just stated was three flavors of WRONG.

>> No.2428217

Oh okay, I didn't knew that
I had many flashback of traumatic events but only in my dreams, never when I'm awake

>> No.2428220
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inb4 "DMT the spirit molecule bro"

>> No.2428231
