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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 258 KB, 1251x482, ek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2419846 No.2419846 [Reply] [Original]

EK appreciation thread!

I for one cannot wait for her to contribute to the sciences and bring beauty, grace, charm, and wit to such a highly male dominated field. I love my waifu EK :3

What is your favorite scientific theory?

>> No.2419868

So, is EK your wife, and so you want to masturbate on comments saying how your wife is great?
Or you fantazise about her, and want to see if you are not the only one, as that would be too much pathetic for your ego?

>> No.2419869

looks like a fat dude with chicks underpants on.
sage because i'm not gay like you engineers.

>> No.2419872

Ek once agreed to submit a sample of handwriting. This marking only the second time a female agreed to participate in one of my experiments.

I am still waiting for #1 to appear with a flashlight/breast picture.

>> No.2419876
File: 56 KB, 1200x469, Male VS Female Brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with science until my waifu notices!

>> No.2419881
File: 3 KB, 126x108, sci5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you made my day
thanx OP

...(presuming not sarcasm...i cant tell)

>> No.2419898
File: 1.74 MB, 390x285, Kenpark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the EK summoning ritual:

"You know...its a sad thing that chicks don't like geeks...they keep dating a lot of jerks at the same time, which is wrong..they know nothing about love.


(I'm not a fan...)

>> No.2419905
File: 842 KB, 3000x2600, 1274861857140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people with waifus have egos
>implying you can change my opinion on EK
>implying implying
oh you!

>> No.2419903


>> No.2419928

tell me about this EK...

>> No.2419935

how many times has that actually happened?

>> No.2419950
File: 47 KB, 640x613, Basic Particles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it!
Oh no dear! I would never be sarcastic about you.
Its true. "oh wow you actually like math and physics"
Haters gonna hate

>> No.2419953
File: 2 KB, 75x126, minimize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2419962

Oh I never actually received a sample. But that's ok, i got bored of the study anyways.

Now I'm thinking of doing something involving cake.

>> No.2419971

sample of what? my handwriting?
i thought i posted it...

i think he wanted the picture of the breasts with the torch shining through (i havent done this)

>> No.2419976
File: 1.03 MB, 2517x1979, Chemical Periodic Table of the Elements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the most wonderfufl tripfriend on /sci/ and an excellent conversationalist. She is dignified and graceful.
Don't worry about the haters and expatriate robots
Oh noes! Misogyny will never hold you at night like EK will :3

>> No.2419992
File: 503 KB, 3000x1458, Ashby Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always post it again!

If you guys don't like EK stick around for the info pictures.

>> No.2419995


>> No.2419996

I don't get this thread.

But it'd be nice to hear more about experiments with breasts and a flashlight. Might even contribute if it was interesting enough.

>> No.2420001
File: 56 KB, 945x945, 1295653257850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don't give a fuck or know about EK

>> No.2420006

If you had, I must have missed it.

As for the breast, a femanon had said she was lactating and would post a picture. We were all curious to find out if there was a noticeable difference.

>> No.2420007

what, my handwriting?
really? i can if you like, but i dont see why you would want to see it.

oh my god, you are so sweet :)

>> No.2420010

I've started posting here like 2 weeks ago.
Since then it happened about 4 times I think..it may not seem to be much but from the amount of times a thread like this appears and given that you probably post here only a few hours a day, and me too(so maybe I've missed some), that probably means you made that in every single thread like that you found.
And in one of them, a poster noted how every thread you post becomes about you and what you think(I guess he is an oldfag)..and I think that it was in the same thread that reached almost 300 posts and you remade it.

Well, I'm new here...but from the data I've got, thats my opinion.Sorry.

>> No.2420013
File: 1.58 MB, 2743x3337, Biosynthesis of Metabolites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an appreciation thread for the most wonderful tripfriend!

Presumably light will go through partially just like your hand or if you used a powerful enough light source. No bones or organs to get in the way and block light.

>> No.2420022

hmm? you are reporting the thread?
"i- !LoVeEKpnh2"
i thought this would be right up your street =p

>> No.2420023

As I am not lactating, I can't contribute. Too fucking bad, guys.

>> No.2420031

this thread is proof of the faggotry in /sci/

you're dead to me sci.. you're dead.

>> No.2420033

You can always contribute by coming up with more SCIENCE! for us to test.

>> No.2420037

are, you would be refering to those long assed mrality threads that happened a week or so ago... they were fun. but quite a rarity i assure you.

if you don't like me that is fine, im not mad.

>> No.2420039


>> No.2420041
File: 2.48 MB, 2423x3632, Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it :)
Welcome and learn about the magic of EK!
Yes! A fellow believer.

>> No.2420048

Reported... Hopefully she doesnt get janitor because of this.

>> No.2420049

Ha! Well now I just have to try.


Light only slightly comes through (near surface of skin). I guess fat doesn't let light through so easily eh?

>> No.2420051

>fag too lazy to spell out "two"

>> No.2420053

No, silly. Reporting in.

>> No.2420054

I once thought I had a heart attack, but the doctor said that my ekg was clean. He kept asking if I was doing cocaine.

>> No.2420058

As I recall, "EK" meant "I" or "me" in some obscure language when she adopted it.

>> No.2420062
File: 427 KB, 1280x1600, A tree of Eukaryotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate EK? Have you never laughed or cried with EK? Have you never been surprised or pleased, amazed? Have you never felt the kinship of EK; or the touch of EK?

She is beautiful. And we have to start being pro-EK.

>> No.2420065


>Do it :)

what shall i write?

>> No.2420072

>they were fun. but quite a rarity i assure you.
Then the theorem holds.

>> No.2420073

FFS people, it's just a woman.

>> No.2420085
File: 456 KB, 2921x2154, Fundamental Forces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /sci/ has janitors or mods
>implying I wont just reset my ip and recreate this thread

Im posting info pictures so grab them, if you can't stand EK. Not like this is worse than science vs religion anyways or transhumanist circlejerk

>> No.2420089

oh, whoops lol :)

no, thats a coincidence. somebody else pointed that out. i was unaware.

...methinks you must be being sarcastic :(

>> No.2420099


A quick brown fox jumped over the fence, while searching for a treasure. Keep fear alive, long live _____.


>> No.2420101

Wow fascinating, here I thought I knew some obscure EK lore.

>> No.2420108
File: 677 KB, 3000x1971, Table Of Isotopes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever strikes your fancy.
I am sorry sir, that you cannot accept that some women are far more than "just a woman". She is EK.

>> No.2420118

ik is me in dutch, ek can be pronounced ik.

>> No.2420165
File: 482 KB, 1589x1122, Quantum Computers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a "bad" habit of becoming highly obsessed with things and people once they catch my attention.
I'm sorry you think I am being sarcastic, but I promise you I am not :)

>> No.2420171
File: 16 KB, 320x320, bacon-panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping an EK thread

>> No.2420174
File: 10 KB, 631x254, ektext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my handwriting :)

>> No.2420181

how would you know if i am beautiful etc? you havent ever seen me. i never upload pics.

>> No.2420186
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1285457060148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2420195
File: 86 KB, 600x338, fukken-saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2420198

Do you always write in cursive? also how do you write your zses like that, and your rses remind me of some math equation. cant remember which one though.

>> No.2420207


>> No.2420212

erm, yeh pretty much.
thats just how i always write...doesnt seem much differnt to how my mates write ect.

lol, y wud u wanna save that? :)

>> No.2420215
File: 726 KB, 1675x2037, Synthetic Biology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is much more than just the physical look of a person. Some of the most "beautiful" celebrities and models are ugly, corrupted by greed and money. You thankfully are not :) You are a beautiful person.

I hope one day you see yourself as a beautiful person not for the way you look but for who you are as a person.

I suppose my mind is filling in the details that I don't know fueling the fascination with you.
Carpe Diem. Seize the day and be united with EK.

>> No.2420222
File: 168 KB, 644x800, 1272166131872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu > EK

No but seriously what the fuck is going on here what the vaginas.

>> No.2420233


>> No.2420235

if you actually saw me in person, i doubt you would think this.
i am a skinny, geeky science-girl...i'm definitely nothing special.
also, im fairly short.

i mean i dont have much problem getting guys... but some of my friends are far more attractive than i am.

>> No.2420238

>Beauty is much more than just the physical look of a person. Some of the most "beautiful" celebrities and models are ugly, corrupted by greed and money. You thankfully are not :) You are a beautiful person.
> Woman/gay/hipster detected
> maybe EK itself
> IF EK is really female

>> No.2420247

what is your profession / field of study?

>> No.2420248
File: 789 KB, 1941x1266, Cloning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, sir, are just as delusional as I am. At least my waifu is a real person and human. Im obsessed with EK like that girl in Misery. I probably have a problem

But who cares when EK is Miss perfect?

>> No.2420249

i dont samefag, and even if i did, do you really think i would be so arrogant as to start an entire thread about myself?

...wait, dont answer that.

>> No.2420250
File: 12 KB, 187x255, 1273536032725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfaggotry on my /sci/?

Pic related, it's my waifu.

>> No.2420257

she doesn't even have a nose.

>> No.2420259

2nd year zoologist.

>miss perfect
far from it...

>> No.2420269

Hopefully to troll EK-haters.

>> No.2420274
File: 64 KB, 472x362, furever alone holding pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>real person

Fine parahumans don't exist. Yet. I will be in my lab.

>and human

Hey fuck you buddy, as long as it's sentient it's all good.

>> No.2420280

I have a friend doing zoology. He seems to like it, except for the statistics.

>> No.2420281

EK is a woman, I've never met a woman I wouldn't pursue and attempt to fuck. I really like the moderately good looking and slightly intelligent ones.

I think pretty much everyone ITT is about the same.

Hi EK, wanna fuck?

>> No.2420294
File: 1018 KB, 1365x1242, Hydrogen Wave Functions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha I can assure you that I am not EK.

Why are you being self-depreciating? You are a wonderful and beautiful person. Who cares if you are short or skinny? You are still EK and still the best.

There is more to beauty than proportion and symmetry of the bodies and faces of people. The beauty on the inside radiates to the outside and gives people an aura around them that you can feel.

>> No.2420295

...troll them with 'i can haz cheezburger?' written with a dried out felt tip pen and photo'd with a shit webcam?


>> No.2420297

EK what university do you go to?

>> No.2420299

In order to derail this thread, I would like to ask you what you think the scientific basis is behind furries. I am not one so I cannot comprehend it, but it seems like it effects one's life more than most other fetishes, and people are much more open about it, comparitively.

I am curious.

>> No.2420305

I like EK, but this thread is frustrating, because I have THIS much competition if I want to find a girl like her.

>> No.2420311

lol same! :) stats is kinda hard...

sorry, but i dont hookup over internets.
if you ever miraculously randomly meet me IRL, then possibly.

...i dunno man, it still sounds like you are being sarcastic.
if you are legit, what have i ever done to warrant such praise? i'm a pretty standard tripfag TBH..

>> No.2420319


I call it the Eliza Syndrome. It's a general inability to socialize with people caused by past negative experiences that causes the person to resent others, retreat to his lab and create glorious leopardgirl.jpg.

In other words: Fucking Rotwang from Metropolis and the machinenmensch. The only difference is that it's a particularly furry version of the machinenmensch.

>> No.2420322
File: 56 KB, 687x1023, 85821_shawn_johnson_133_007_122_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey EK. being a zoologist , what do you think about zoophilia ? Have eve thought about having sex with a dog? What about your mates? Any of them is? Elborate

>> No.2420326

i dont wanna be tracked down. id rather not say.

why would you want a girl like me?
there are far more beautifl girls out there. ones hat are more intelligent as well.

>> No.2420327








>> No.2420329

You really enjoy this huh? I know not all females are alike but I'm still kind of embarrassed because of this thread. Must be hormones taking over..

>> No.2420333

more like <span class="math"> E_K= {1 \over 2}mv^2 [/spoiler] amite guise?

>> No.2420342

no, ive never even considered it. the idea is vulgar to me. kind, intelligent male humans only.

>> No.2420343
File: 203 KB, 753x612, Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I too am curious about it.
Oh EK! You are perfect even if you don't realize or admit it. The imperfections of people make them endearing and human, loveable and real.
I am not competition brother. I realize fully I will never be with EK and that it is probably for the best. When you love someone you will let them go so that they can be happy, because you put them and their needs and wants before yourself. I hope you scientists understand this one day.

>> No.2420346

Just trying out a bit of irony. I don't expect to fuck.

I don't believe you'd garner this much attention if you didn't post pictures of yourself and admit to having a vagina.

that said, I do like reading what you have to say, but mostly because there's a bias against biologists in general and green biology in particular on this board, and I happen to enjoy both. Your posts are appreciated.

>> No.2420347


trips tres never lie

>> No.2420352

> you-will-never-masturbate-to-pictures-of-EK.jpg

>> No.2420359
File: 23 KB, 540x350, youmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy what?


>> No.2420367

You can't.
EK can't prove it is female either.

>> No.2420381

EK, maybe picture of you without face or any other identifyable things? :)

or a picture of your room or desk or something... or anything?

>> No.2420382

I'm old enough to be EK's dad, I doubt she's my ideal, or I hers.

>> No.2420388

theres no fuckin way you are for real...all i am is text on a computer screen.

oh cool. thanx :)

>> No.2420392

That's cool, I can understand that. I think the reason I find a lot of furries are super annoying is because of their terrible obsession with everything weeaboo usually, and I just hate weeaboos.

You're cool though, props to being a dignified furry.

>> No.2420394

I disapprove of namefaggotry in general, as it goes against the anonymous spirit of 4chan, but EK is cool. She writes good posts and we have had some thoughtful conversations.

>> No.2420395
File: 144 KB, 818x1058, Basic Geometry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone who is not EK. Would you enjoy the attention of an obsessive, clingy, potentially psychopathic 4channer?

See this from her eyes, I know as a male it seems any attention from the opposite sex is good attention, but would you really want this kind of attention ?

I just can't help myself, and I have to let her know how I feel about her. Even if she hates me, I could never do anything but appreciate and love her.

>> No.2420396

wat, I thought I was the oldest fag on /sci/, but I'm not old enough to be her father. Well, I did lose my virginity at 14, so theoretically...

( ._.)


>> No.2420402

I don't know about these other faggots, I'm just having fun. You've heard of this activity?

>> No.2420408

i can prove, i just wont.

nothing short of screencapping my cunt would be absolute proof...and im not gonna do that.


...also, no.

there is no such thing as ideal, everybody is different, and nobody is perfect in every way.
also, how do you know how old i am?

>> No.2420414


You just sound very rational and down to earth. I've yet to meet a girl like that, it's one or the other. Too bad you're not in Canada

>> No.2420420

you told us your age

>> No.2420421
File: 277 KB, 1003x1217, Genetics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real. I am real, I know it might be hard to comprehend that someone can fall in love, with minimal knowledge of a person. But my mind truly fills in the blanks and you are a complete, whole person. A beautiful person.

>> No.2420433

I cannot sage this thread enough.

Also, with my gender bias absent EK is not very intelligent and does not write mature, well-though out posts.
gb2 /soc/. No one cares.

>> No.2420436

hmm... can your remind me of which threads you have discussed things with me? just some keywords...maybe i will remember you.

i'm not so keen on attention TBH. IRL i am very shy.
not that i mind this thread...its fine. i mean, some of the OP's posts are kinda embarrassing, but w/e.

>> No.2420442

>someone can fall in love, with minimal knowledge of a person
It's not love unless it's reciprocated. What you have is a crush.

>> No.2420443

You must enjoy this topic, is what I mean. It seems you're very fond of attention (assumption made based on your former posts, though I'm not too familiar with your posts as it seems we're on different time zones and hang around different threads).

Out of curiosity.. Could you describe your relationship to you father and males in general?

Also, what animal(s) are you most fond of?

(Don't ask, it's pseudo-scientific crap I'm thinking about.)

>> No.2420445

Getting in another sage to correct myself. Thought* >>2420433

>> No.2420446

Tripfag appreciation thread! Bump!

>> No.2420451

>EK is not very intelligent and does not write mature, well-though out posts.
quote me.what have i said that was not intelligent or well thought out. post a link to one of my comments.
you must be able to find one...

>> No.2420459

Theoretical fear of bad consequences impede you from doing that=you can't

>> No.2420464

>Creepy neckbeards fawning over some allegedly female tripfag
>103 posts and 30 images omitted.

So I guess /sci/ is the new /r9k/.

>> No.2420470

Actually she can. She is physically able to do it. She just isn't willing or wanting to do it.

>> No.2420473

Indeed. Deleting it was the worst choice ever.

>> No.2420477

You write like this.
It's disgusting.

>> No.2420480

>It seems you're very fond of attention
i'm honestly not! but apprently i come across like that.

>Out of curiosity.. Could you describe your relationship to you father and males in general?
well my father is very very nice... kinda distant in some way. but not controlling at all, and hats how i like it.
males in general...well im sorta a tomboy, most of my friends are guys, i just tend to get along with them better than girls, because girls tend to be far more emotional, which i just dont know how to deal with, wheras guys are just pretty cool, blunt, and to the point, and i apreciate blunt honesty.

>Also, what animal(s) are you most fond of?
cats! :D
cats are really cute and friendly. dogs are quite cool as well.
...any small furry mammal, and i'm sold.

>> No.2420496

>implying grammar and syntax proves intelligence and the thought process that is exerted into a written message.

>> No.2420497


Just for the record I only drool on leopardgirl.jpg not EK.

>> No.2420502

>browses 4chan
>lots of guy friends

>> No.2420503

Invalid.You're already assuming that it is female.

>> No.2420505

>most of my friends are guys
If I've learned anything from my time at /r9k/, it would be that a woman with more guy than girl friends are trouble.

>> No.2420508

Were those comments provided in the OP's original screenshot photo supposed to be poignant and demonstrative of how great this EK person supposedly is? If so, I am missing something.

>> No.2420510

EK what other boards do you lurk?

>> No.2420513

>actually referenced metropolis
You sir, are awesome.

For extra points please say you prefer the Georgio Moroder soundtrack.

>> No.2420515

what do you mean?

>> No.2420518

lesbian amirite?

>> No.2420519

I have to assume the she is a female or my argument would be moot. Plus I am only correcting how they are misusing the can.

>> No.2420525


Nobody cares about you, tripfag. Must be hard having all that sweet attention stolen by another tripfag with a cleverer scheme.

>> No.2420534

>implying most of your guy friends don't want to fuck you (or haven't already) and this wouldn't be offputting to a potential boyfriend

>> No.2420538

occasionally /mu/ /g/ and /v/ and /b/

/sci/ is my main board (and /b/ is kinda shit...ive cut back on it substantially)
also /r9k/ before it got BAl33ted.

>> No.2420540


I don't know, I just got the (Restored) version that had a single never-ending orchestra thingee, so I don't think that's it.

>> No.2420545

>implying white-knighting on an anonmymous image board is cool.

Also, syntax, grammar and spelling, especially "text speak", is very related to intelligence.

>> No.2420549
File: 161 KB, 700x1500, languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains C++.

>> No.2420558

no, straight.
...or possibly slightly bisexual.
im not even sure =p

i dont want a boyfriend.
boyfriend = commitment and imprisonment.
i am happy being free and single.
...also, to be completely honest i have at some point fucked most of my male friends... call me a slut, i dont care, they are lovely people.

>> No.2420561
File: 31 KB, 343x400, ek is love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this degenerating into an EK hate thread?

Why are you robots so damn misogynistic? Why do men liking women infuriate you so much? Why didn't anybody love you?
Cats are great!

>> No.2420567
File: 103 KB, 750x563, 0706-CWCMegan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually I'm happy enough with having one of my threads archived and being remembered as the resident furfag God :3


>> No.2420570

Never implied that. I am saying pretentious assholes like yourself give smart people a bad name and that content is what important.

>> No.2420571

As always, there are many haters, but I know many share a much brighter picture of EK.

EK represents the very best of humanity, she is humble and graceful yet confident and strong, she will make you laugh at your own mistakes and rightfully dismiss those whose whole purpose is to cause anger.

She is driven by curiosity, the will to understand the world, and indeed, by extension the universe. It is my firm conviction that no-one could dispute her full heart devotion to this board.

EK, I migth not always agree with you, but I will always support you, maybe we will meet in the ancient halls of science one day, until then.

Keep going.

>> No.2420578

what did you expect?
this is the first time a thread has been solely about me, and i am far more hated than liked on this board. it was bound to deteriorate into a hate thread.

>> No.2420581
File: 13 KB, 159x217, 12931413338826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked most of my male friends

>> No.2420592
File: 7 KB, 268x305, TEHL33MONESS_BADGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2420596

The comments provided in the picture prove how unintelligent and mediocre you are. It's complete drivel. You are a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, I suggest you check it out.

>> No.2420602
File: 19 KB, 472x462, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a poet?

>> No.2420609


what picture?

>> No.2420614
File: 39 KB, 469x507, 1286398883989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what picture?

That's it, I'm out of here.

>> No.2420616
File: 80 KB, 1175x715, termiantor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i read the first line on the wiki entry of the dunning-kruger effect

>> No.2420621

Probably the OP's


>> No.2420629
File: 1.12 MB, 1250x810, 1274860128550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand!
They only hate you because you are everything they want, but can't have and they are too childish to accept it and move on. Also no girl ever liked them. Don't let these sad little boys get to you!
Oh no women are sexual too! Nearly every guy would fuck everyone of their female friends if they got the chance. Stop being insecure.

>> No.2420631

Hits close to home doesn't it? Don't worry, cognitive dissonance will take care of that for you.

>> No.2420632

oh right, OP's pic.... yeh.

>> No.2420641
File: 42 KB, 750x600, 4162010103910AM_doublefacepalm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2420642


No, no, it's a metaphor: "Provide a picture" -> "Provide insight."

>> No.2420649

ITT: Nerds fawning over, what I presume to be, a nerd girl. Such a sad sight to see.

>> No.2420652

Sure.We are not your friends.

>> No.2420661

This thread is pretty fucking epic, EK-haters not out in force but they're gathering at the gates.

>> No.2420662

lol, i didn't start this thread, and if you dont like me then stop reading my comments, i was only answering questions other people had put to me.
would you prefer i just ignore them?

don't worry, im not emotional, and i tend not to care what most people think.

>> No.2420671

if in your fucked up wor;d 'fawning over' = 'hating on'

>> No.2420686

I estimated it to be half and half.

>> No.2420689
File: 38 KB, 500x357, 128765241517121276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my appreciation thread makes even more people hate EK

>> No.2420694

Why do you type like that?

>> No.2420696
File: 69 KB, 640x427, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw, its me and 2 other dudes. everyone else hates her :(

>> No.2420703

ah well, i shall just ignore the haters.

>> No.2420705

it was a typo.

>> No.2420706

Do you not find this whole thread slightly pathetic?

>> No.2420721

erm, yeh kinda.
doesn't do well for me trying to maintain an image of NOT being an attention whore, if this kinda thing pops up.
this is a /sci/ence board, its shouldnt have anything to do with me personally.
i appreciate the affection in this thread (if it was genuine) but lets move on please.

>> No.2420726
File: 82 KB, 720x521, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd. I am forever a neckbeard. This thread is incredibly sad and pathetic.