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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2415675 No.2415675 [Reply] [Original]

Hopeful future janitor reporting in here, fellow /sci/entists. What kind of content would you guys see most fitting to be purged?

So far on this list is.

1. RELIGION VS. SCIENCE THREADS. God I fucking hate them.

2. Do-my-homework-for-me-threads. Just screams underage b& of imminent college dropout.

Any more you'd like to see purged?

>> No.2415678

Enforce the SFW rules so I can safely browse /sci/ while at work.

>> No.2415680

3. hopeful future janitor threads

>> No.2415687

troll science threads

>> No.2415688

4. tripfag bullshitters insta-b&

>> No.2415690

Yeah, yeah. Well all people who applied to be the janitor of the board should participate in and read this thread...I would like this board to be less shitty than it is right now with all the trolls and shit that post on here.

Excellent idea.

>> No.2415696

"Engineers are gay" is a tired, boring meme.

I'm not even mad, I'm bored.

>> No.2415700

Janitors can't ban, they can only REQUEST bans. But they can delete threads.

Why? They seem to promote legitimate scientific discussion, although the premise is correcting the OP

>> No.2415701

janitors enforce the official rules only, did you even read the page before applying?

>> No.2415703



Blatant religious threads that have nothing to do with science and/or are obviously created to get a rise out of people.

Also stupid people from other boards asking for help on their shit-tier homework.

>> No.2415706

Delete EVERYTHING about philosophy as well. Philosophy IS NOT science. Unless it has something to do with scientific theory, Popper and Kuhn and shit like that, it has to go.

All "does free will exist herp derp" should be purged.


This. So much this.

>> No.2415709


the only acceptable troll science thread is if someone is for some reason dumping troll science pics into a single thread for some reason, since I assume some people like troll science since it is basically scis only meme.

>> No.2415712

How about reading the fucking rules first.
I really hope someone as dumb as you isn't janitor.

>> No.2415713

Pretty sure moot would like it if the janitors helped to make /sci/ less shitty, and that includes removing shitty threads which don't pertain to the board at all, which is what everyone here is posting.

>> No.2415731

im just gonna put this out there, THESE ARE THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE THREADS:

>links to some cool websites (i.e. free books, good lectures, science articles, videos, music, software, games), OP should contribute something that improves peoples lives, not be a faggot.
>Interesting discussions about science THAT IS WITHIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE, no threads about string theory ect, unless its a link to a credible source

theres other acceptable ones, but im too lazy right now and the keyboard im using is shit.


>> No.2415740

ban all engineering threads

>> No.2415747

ban all science threads

>> No.2415751

>Interesting discussions about science THAT IS WITHIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE, no threads about string theory ect, unless its a link to a credible source

especially news about recent discoveries which are not very well known, and counter-intuitive concepts in your area of expertise that people outside the area probably don't know.

>> No.2415756

OP, just keep it simple and delete religion and othere clearly ANTI-scientific threads.

And don't take requests. If you start to delete threads for not being "scientific ENOUGH" it's gonna go downhill from there.

>> No.2415761

>Any more you'd like to see purged?

This fucking this >>2415752

>> No.2415764

OP: i agree on #2 for the most part, but sometimes legitimate discussion bounces off from some higher level university homework. so don't just delete just because it seems like homework, make a good judgment.

>> No.2415772

aslong as they don't ask you to solve anything i guess it's godd

>> No.2415782

I actually like homework threads despite them being against the rules because they're usually high school/early college level stuff that I can actually do and it makes a good refresher for me.

I should be tutoring and make some side scratch.

>> No.2415798

Yes, you're the cancer.
pls die

>> No.2415805

>2. Do-my-homework-for-me-threads. Just screams underage b& of imminent college dropout.

My issue with this relates to people who want to learn math.

Which you can't do here, because inevitably, if you ask "how do I do long division" You'll be told to get the fuck off /sci/ and do your own homework.

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing for /sci/ to be this way.

Anyways, generally speaking I would leave popular threads alone. Janitor's really ought to just clean up the crap - obvious trolls, spam, etc.

You have to be insane/wanting to be fired to browse 4chan while at work - regardless of whether or not it is moderated. All it takes is some troll to post CP on a blue board while you're browsing, and POOF, there goes your job.

People looking for that kind of moderation are in the WRONG PLACE. If you want SFW content, go to one of the billions of message boards out there where simply swearing will get your ass banned.

>> No.2415818
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I applied, what OP said is pretty much the extent of my thread deleting.

>> No.2415823

religion vs science threads (pic related)

Evolution threads. There may be some discussion value, but most of it is highschool level stuff anyway. And they always turn into religion vs science.

Pop sci threads. Not enough actual science or math.

IQ threads.

Online quiz threads.

>> No.2415827
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(pic related)

>> No.2415834


Go suck a bag of dick you pretentious hipster wannabe

>> No.2415857


>> No.2415860

I could do without meta threads.

As a janitor you would purge threads violating the rules as written. What posters tell you they want purged is irrelevant.

>> No.2415863

really, and who's monitoring the janitors?

also, the first rule is that this is for science and math, and you can interperate that rule in a range of ways.

>> No.2415866

why do you think you will be a janitor?
what qualificatons do you have?

>> No.2415879 [DELETED] 

Could you guys go to the thread to settle a question for everyone?


>> No.2415887

Science existed before Popper. Newton never even heard of the idea of falsification. The Aristotelian definition of science is basically all systematic knowledge, which includes a lot of philosophy.

>> No.2415890 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415893

LOL, you're going to delete threads without proper citations? That's retarded. You'd last 2 seconds as a janitor.

>> No.2415895

..WTF! Get that out here.

>> No.2415897

And that should include atheism threads and anti-religion threads as well.

>> No.2415898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415904


Perhaps you missed the long list of explanations and rules right above the application form. Janitors are monitored by the moderation staff and the rules are not open to interpretation. By creatively "interpreting" the first rule you would get yourself dismissed in short order.

>> No.2415908

The mods monitor the janitors. The janitor application said explicitly that the job of janitor is NOT to interpret.

>> No.2415909
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>> No.2415914

I agree, problems arising from homework are the most interesting threads on /sci/. Definitely better than free will / immortality / i can't wait to live underwater / singularity threads.

>> No.2415919

this is /sci/ dont post that shit on here u sick cunt

>> No.2415928 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415933

sage. i hope you die slowly and painfully.

>> No.2415936 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415957 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415955
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>mfw you all get v& because threads don't 404 as fast as on /b/, and moot fowards the ip's onto the police.

inb4 7 proxies

>> No.2415961

lol some little bitch posted on /b/, requesting mods.

This inclined me to tell the pedo thread about this one, furthering the lulz.

>> No.2415960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415965 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415973
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>> No.2415975

Get that nepio shit outta here

>> No.2415977
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>> No.2415981

lol, wtf is this shit? new mods, and nothing improves?

>> No.2415982

Why do you /sci/fags always have cp on hand to 404 threads you don't like?

>> No.2415984
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>> No.2415987
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>> No.2415988


/new/ refugees.

>> No.2415991

Less modfaggotry than on /b/

>> No.2415993
File: 45 KB, 1024x768, Agent_Smith_Shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Atheists who post CP, desperate attempts at suppressing any God discussion,

Kill thyself

>> No.2416002 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2416003

Good thing the rapture is coming 2012, all the faggot Christians will be gone, leaving the human race to evolve past childish beliefs of a higher power.

>> No.2416008 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2416007

99.9% of religion threads

Space elevator/space ladder

Majors/careers tier lists

Simple homework problems


pi=4 (all other troll physics are tolerable)

Those basic order of operations math problems meant to troll the retards

TOO DEEP FOR YOU philosophy threads which end up being two or three people circle jerking.

Transhumanism. These could be interesting but they quickly devolve into "what kind of furry would I like to be"

Carl sagan threads. 1% of these threads are about him and the rest usually devolves into drug discussion

>> No.2416009

REPORT THE CP! Five reports and it gets deleted. THERE ARE NO JANITORS AROUND to do it for you. If the captcha and the delay between reports is in the way, install 4watch so you can queue them all up. But please, report every one of them.

>> No.2416013 [DELETED] 

Go to hell, fucking scum.

>> No.2416014

Bit draconian there.

>> No.2416015

on it, all the time

>> No.2416016

this is exactly what i was thinkin........ too much draco.... my thoughts exactly

>> No.2416018

>only a sticky proclaiming these rules remains of /sci/

>> No.2416019

The rapture is coming in 2060. This is /sci/. Learn 2 Newton.

>> No.2416023

>implying the Government doesn't exist

>> No.2416026

in 2060 it'll be 2101, I was just trying to piss him off.

>> No.2416031 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2416030


>> No.2416046


>> No.2416052

>implying Newton could be wrong

>> No.2416054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2416059


>> No.2416064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2416071
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>> No.2416085
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Мне нужен врач

>> No.2416087

oh. it's been a while since the last time.

>> No.2416095
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>> No.2416096

where Are mods!?!!!
sci is tainted!

>> No.2416102

inb4 404

>> No.2416107
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Elly is always good; your're right.

>> No.2416115

This thread in now officially god tier. Come at me moralfags

>> No.2416121

sick fucks!

>> No.2416127

I have no moral arguement against pedophelia. But if you had tried that shit on me when I was a kid I garuntee you would live chained up in my basement losing 1 cubic centimeter of flesh a day. Starting at the feet. Of course this would be after severing your major tendons and gouging your eyes.

>> No.2416132

You're....saging a thread in hopes it will be gone? You do know the less it's on the front page, the longer mods don't see it...right?

>> No.2416133
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>> No.2416136

Janitors don't get discretion in what they cull. You stick to the letter of the law or get your privilege revoked.

>> No.2416139


>> No.2416140
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>> No.2416141

Nah your to ugly for me

>> No.2416143
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>> No.2416144

protip: sci has no janitors/mods...

>> No.2416148

>You've already reported enough posts

>> No.2416149

Dude posting cp trying posting 4chon's website that might work

>> No.2416151
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>Implying I keep bannning myself.

>> No.2416154

It does stay up for several hours. But no one visits it anyway.

>> No.2416156

>implying they'd leave the cp up this long and continue to ban.

>> No.2416159
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>> No.2416162

This seems like a record for the longest cp thread 1hr and counting.

>> No.2416163


>> No.2416166

if you ignore the 3 hour thread on /b/

>> No.2416177
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>> No.2416178
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>> No.2416182

come, there´s NOBODY administratig /sci/??
dude, cp. right here, do something
fucking moot

>> No.2416184

Mods are fapping.

>> No.2416186

Moot is doing something he's jacking off before thread 404's

>> No.2416188

i know!! its fucked up.
i made a b thread linking to here to get some reports and some atention from mods. got very lil interest.
mods asleep

>> No.2416192

what the FUCK at the gif

Click the checkbox and report it. That is the only thing you(we) can do

>> No.2416193


I saw it. haha

>> No.2416195

Weird because moot suffers from premature ejaculation.

>> No.2416196
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>> No.2416199

I didn't post the baby shit. Try to get it removed anyway.

>> No.2416200

those retards, you cant leave 4chan without mods, this is like the shithole of internet thanks to /b/

>> No.2416201

Stop posting here without using 'sage' in the email field. You are just bumping it up like a dumbass

>> No.2416202

>post on /b/ for help
LOL you expected /b/ to fix /sci/?

>> No.2416208

Uh yeah and maybe he also likes boys. Dumbass.

>> No.2416209

Oh, and I suppose saging it is helping...
HURRRRRR the more attention it gets, the faster something will be done, dipshit.

>> No.2416211

This thread needs to be bumped for the lulz

>> No.2416212

Thanks for all the sexy kiddie pics, so sexy!

>> No.2416214

My ass isn't dumb it speaks all the time. Sure it's not intelligent but who cares

>> No.2416215 [DELETED] 


>> No.2416216


ahg, dude, there are women like megan fox out there, and you fap to this shit.

>> No.2416223

I don't sexy kid pics that's what onionb is for

>> No.2416227

what was the .gif

>> No.2416228
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>> No.2416231

whas onionb?

>> No.2416238

some baby hurtcore crap