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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2415345 No.2415345 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else disappointed at the lack of family members with /sci/ related professions? I have an aunt and uncle what went to school for computer science and that's about it.

Or maybe you have a very science-y family? Tell us about it.

>> No.2415367

First in my family to attend university...

>> No.2415362
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>mfw half my family are computer engineers and teachers
I'm okay with this.

>> No.2415368

I envy you. What did you end up doing?

>> No.2415372

OP here. Both my mom and dad were college drop-outs. I'm in my 3rd year of school so far.

>> No.2415373
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I will soon go to university for astrophysics and aerospace engineering. Double major. Six years. Final destination.

>> No.2415405

so you're a highschool fag?

>> No.2415424

How can you not know Inurdaes backstory.

>> No.2415430

Step dad has a CS major. I'll probably be studying CS of astrophysics; possibly an engineering major (inb4 faggot). But yeah, pretty much everyone in my family is an idiot except for an older cousin studying law at a university somewhere.

>> No.2415431


>> No.2415433

Something like that. Not underageb& though.

>> No.2415436
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No just the good ones.

>> No.2415439
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Inurdaes is a delusional basement dwelling ausfag underage b&. He owns several hydrogen powered vehicles and is planning to start his very own technocratic society on Commonwealth land.

The End

>> No.2415441

See it's not that difficult.

>> No.2415443

OP here, no tripfag drama please.

>> No.2415449

If you didn't want drama why did you post on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.2415450
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>dad has BS in materials engineering
>mfw he prefers to work blue collar jobs

>> No.2415457

>basement dwelling
Right now I'm on my back porch with a laptop soaking up rays
>underage b&
See above, nope.
>He owns several hydrogen powered vehicles
Holy shit you're still butthurt about that thread? That was months ago.
>and is planning to start his very own technocratic society on Commonwealth land.
As I've stated many times I require very specific technological advances and a relatively stable political climate to achieve this. Not to mention I need continued/growing support from members in the educated community. Tasmania is the preferred settlement, but I'm already looking at Victoria Island, Canada and so forth.

But you oh so mad

>> No.2415459

My father is a nuclear engineer, my step father is a physicist, my uncle designs weapons for the military, my grandfather used to be a math professor, my cousins are primarily engineers.

Feel bad for you bro, oh wait, no I don't. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.2415472
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>> No.2415493

>found technocracy
>100 years of prosperity
>the greed and power lust of human nature takes over
>becomes plutocracy

>> No.2415499

Got an uncle that works with nuclear reactors.

Had various relatives that worked on parts of the atomic bombs and their testing.

Other relatives that worked on the early PCs.

>> No.2415515
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>human nature

>> No.2415521
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This keeps me awake at night. I do not want for the TRS to become anything like the modern day US.

>> No.2415532

>mum got a Ph.D and now draws flowcharts for a living
>dad works in computer science and is better with technology than anyone I know

meh, sort-of related. This could definitely be worse.

>> No.2415535

>Tasmania is the preferred settlement,

Was talking to a different Ausfag and he says that place gets pretty dam cold...

So why there?

>> No.2415539
File: 478 KB, 1664x918, technocraticrepublicofsciphotos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ausfag and he says that place gets pretty dam cold...
There is your answer. I have never experienced temperatures lower than 1'C. The place where the capital will most likely be built has a climate analogous to New York.

>> No.2415546

I'm happy with my family's backrounds.

The last generation was all working class but this ones full of doctors, researchers and IT specialist. I'd much rather talk with them anyway.

>> No.2415564

So long as it doesn't end up buried in snow 5 months out of the year like New York I suppose that would be alright.

>> No.2415571

I saw one picture (Google Earth, Panoramio, Bond Bay) where the snow only covered the ground a few inches. I don't think it's that serious.

>> No.2415572

Then you need to remove the human element entirely, or just realize society get's better each time around.

>> No.2415574

I have 2 degrees in Biology, published about evolution of diversity, genetics, etc.

Parents are staunch creationists. My dad has an MBa and my mom is a church secretary.

But one of my uncles (dad's side) is a professor of fluid dynamics - does jet fuel research and contributed to the 2007 IPCC and got recognition from the Nobel committee.

>> No.2415580

won't tasmania be pretty susceptible to rising sea levels?

>> No.2415605

Depends how normal that is for the region and the methods of transportation you'd implement.

Rather you need a flexible system that can readily adapt to change. A system where people are less dependent on each other for their essentials is also less corruptible.

A system where they instead actively collaborate on related interests without monopolizing the benefits of that collaboration should also do much to prevent corruption if Inurades intends to go that far.

>> No.2415615

parents both have PHD's in chemistry. I study <span class="math"> \mathbf{engineering} [/spoiler]

>> No.2415631

<span class="math"> \mathbf{electrical~engineering} [/spoiler]

>> No.2415639 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415655

I study molecular Biology. I am the first one in my family doing something science related.
though my grandpa is a medical doctor, my dad studied economy, my mum is a therapist.
they both went to university.
I am okay with it.

>> No.2415658
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Uncle is PH.D in Physics. Building rockets and shit. More like guidance systems for them.
Going to get hooked up with an internship after I get bachelor degree in engineering.

U jelly?

Would Be cooler if my dad was the PH.D though

It's still tight like a tiger though.

>> No.2415661
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>> No.2415663

Not one person in my ENTIRE family has any jobs even kind of sciency, or above high school level. I'm the only person in my family even half way smart. It makes me doubt my true lineage.

>> No.2415674

Maybe the milkman or courier guy or handyman was sciencey

>> No.2415810
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Actually I used this site to show what would happen to the coast of the TRS with a 14 meter sea level rise, barely anything got flooded. Hilly shit, bro

>> No.2415842

yeah my family are a bunch of dumb cunts

>> No.2415850

>musician dad, doing psychology ph d
>lawyer mom

well i don't have a problem with that though

no. nobody in my family does anything related to what i do (math/cs). i've always felt like i was appropriated to be alienated by the subject, by the way my parents still treat it. everyone else in my program has like, programmer parents, engineer parents... eh